Resetting preference for external editing software

When I bought Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac, I set the General, Editing preference "In application" for that application. Now I have Elements 8 installed, but cannot figure out how to change the preference selection. iPhoto Help and the Missing Manual for iPhoto do not answer. Any advice would be appreciated.

In exactly the same way.
Where it said 'In Application' it now has the name of the app. Select it again and the window to choose a new app will open.

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    List of supported Nikon cameras. I think you're out of luck for tether-shooting.
      Notes on Nikon cameras   
    If you trigger the shutter with the tether bar capture button, the image must finish downloading before another photo can be captured. Triggering a capture with the shutter release button on the camera does not have this limitation.
    Images do not save to the compact flash card. They are only downloaded to the computer.
    Only one Nikon camera can be attached at a time.
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    I did a little reading on this and this is what I have found so far:
    Deke McClelland in Adobe Photoshop CS2 one-on-one states:
    "TIFF is a wonderful format to use when handing off CMYK files because it enjoys wide support and prints without incident."
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    Classroom In A Book states:
    "TIFF is used to exchange files between applications and computer platforms. TIFF is a flexible format supported by virtually all pain, image-editing, and page-layout applications. Also, virtually all destop scanners can produce TIFF images.
    "PSE is the default file format. Because of the tight integration between Adobe products, other Adobe applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe GoLive can directly import PSD files and preserve many Photoshop features.
    Apple Aperture 1.5 by Mike Cuenca:
    "PSD: The Photoshop proprietary format is widely used by digital imaging professionals because it supports the storage of alpha channels and layers. Aperture will preserve this extra data byt will not display the layers or channels. PSD files are not compressed, and although they are intended for use within Photoshop, they are becoming more widely accepted outside Photoshop."
    "TIFF: The TIFF format is the recommended format for high quality storage of master images. It has a loss-less compression method that can be applied, but more often the images are stored uncompressed. The TIFF format is also the most widely used format for images destined to be printed on a printing press."
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    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    For editing an Image, as you describe, Photoshop Elements would be my choice.
    There is also a very helpful, and active Ps Elements Forum, where you will find easy instructions on doing what you describe, plus much more. Should you go with Ps Elements, that forum is:
    In general, if you have a Grayscale Image (B/W), just change the Color Mode to RGB, create a New Layer, and paint in the color that you want. However, since I do not use Ps Elements, there might be some extra things, that will help you get the desired results, and that Ps Elements Forum will be great at helping you.
    Good luck,

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    What is wrong with the project?
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    Preferences>External Editing tab
    Edit Externally File Naming: section
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    shldr2thewheel wrote:
    I would recommend Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Editor. it is $79.99 from the App store and has all the features of the full version of  Photoshop.
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    CMYK and LAB color modes
    More tools and features that work with high-bit (16-bit and 32-bit) images
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    Recording custom Actions (for batch processing)
    Adjustments: Color Balance, Match Color
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    Hi Jeff,
    I'm assuming that you are using JDev 9.0.3.
    Make sure that your project has the "Oracle JDBC" library selected. This can be done on the Libraries panel of the Project Settings dialog box.
    Are you saying that you get the ClassNotFoundException when you step through your program in debug mode, but when you run you program it works fine?

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    Billieoh wrote:
    That is good to know.  Frankly I don't know what kind of machine I have.  I have a Mac OSX Lion 10.7.3 early 2008.
    If it's the "Templates for Numbers Pro" on the Mac App Store then you need OSX 10.7 or later.  You'll need iWork '09 or later.
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    Yes, archiving means effectively what you wrote. Onna Mac, it's easy to zip the file in place, then delete the application.
    If you do this, you probably won't have to deal with PS matters; but I should add you'd then delete the LR prefs, and reset. Then your PS CS3 should pop into place as the default.
    As to the reinstall, better have a Windows person advise, but again, I'd try the first one first.

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    has anyone an idea to solve this problem?
    Thank you.

    priskaleutenegger wrote:
    no ..
    when I send the RAW Document for external editing (Elements 10) nothing happens at all ... zero :-(
    a friend of mine has the same problem - also updated from LR3 to LR4, external editor: elements 10
    Which process version is the image you're trying to edit externally? 
    You right-click (I'm assuming PC, can't help Macs), there should be a context menu option "Edit in".  You choose that, and there's an option for Elements 10 or not? 
    If so, what happens when you select it?  Do you get any further message?
    If not, you may have to go to Edit menu, preferences, External Editing tab and create a preset for Elements.  In the "Additional External Editor" area, click "Choose" and navigate to wherever Elements is on your machine and you can create a new external editor. 

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