Resize movie & keeping original created date

I have a batch of movies, that were taken with my digital camera, and I would like to resize them but keeping the original created date. I've used ViddyUp! to downsize the movies but that has then put the creation date as today and not kept the original creation date. I wondered if anyone else knew how to keep that information on the movie?

Okay, I've not found an easy all-in-one way of doing this but what I've done is use VisualHub to change the size of the movie and then use A Better Finder Attributes to change the creation date. A bit of a faf but it's the only way I could figure out how to do it.

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    JVC released the Quicktime Components update:
    which should take care of TOD files playing in Quicktime, but:
    The answer to your question depends on which model JVC camcorder you have.
    Here are a few basics:
    1. If you have a JVC HD Everio that records in the AVCHD high definition file format (.mts file extension), and you have an Mac with an Intel processor, (sound like you do) running iMovie '08 or '09, then it should  be no problem. Simply connect the camcorder via USB and launch iMovie.
    2. If you have a slightly older JVC HD Everio that records MPEG2 high definition (.tod file format), then it is easiest if you record in the special 1440CBR mode, and transfer your video to your Mac using an i.Link (Firewire Connection) using the "Playlist Dubbing" process which is explained in your owner's manual.
    See also this post from Chris at JVC dated March 4, 2010 at the end of this thread:

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    I know what you mean. Since the modified date is the only picture related date that can be used in explorer (and some other tools) for sorting, it's a very valuable field.
    While to my knowledge it's not possible to conserve the modified date in Bridge, it's at least possible to change it back to its original value after you've tagged your pictures in Bridge. For that, you need the free software EXIF Tool GUI:
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    If your only concern is sorting, I would recommend the following strategy:
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    Best regards
    - spitfire

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    I recently experienced the same problem wth images that had adjusted dates in Aperture. Though I can't offer an explanation as to what went wrong, I did manage to solve it.
    In iTunes deselect any synced photo albums which contain images that are displaying incorrect dates in iOS7 - sync your iOS device (the albums and images will be removed). Now select the photo albums again in iTunes, resync your device - the images will be added again with the correct dates (well that was my experience. Best of luck).

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    Copying files from a backup should not alter the created/modified dates, I just tested that.
    Why don't you try a TM restore on one of the files and see if it works.

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    Hope that helps.

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    Don't tell us, tell them is the place for feature requests and feedback

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    Having 6,000 2 mb files uses no memory whatever, but does take up storage space.
    iPhoto does not take into account the notion that users will want to downgrade their photo collections, in fact it preserves the Original File at pretty much all costs. So the only way to do what you're trying to do is to select the pics in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. In the resulting window you will have the option to resize the pics. Then complete the export to a folder on the desktop.
    Then trash the photos from iPhoto. (Put them in the iPhoto trash, and empty it.)
    Then import the downgraded pics from the desktop.
    Remember that doing this will cost you the ability to revert to original versions of edited pics, and that further editing will result in significantly reduced quality.
    A better option might be to purchase a frewire ot usb2 drive and run your iPhoto library from there.
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library Folder as an entity from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

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    Faraclas wrote:
    > Thanks rolfk, I will do the reading. But just to make sure you don't misunderstand
    > me, everything works beautifully in LabVIEW.
    I gathered that. But reading through the description gave me the
    impression that a few conversions/typecasts may actually be superfluous
    without any change to the actual data.
    > The problem I am having is trying to open up these files in C++. This system has
    > been around for a couple of years now, so I cannot change the data structure in
    > the LabVIEW programs (well I could but I don't want to because it is really a very
    > flexible system that works well).
    Well, it really isn't that difficult, it just won't be a one hour job
    for sure. A few guidelines:
    1) LabVIEW flattened data contains the actual data as is for all fixed
    size elements (scalars and clusters of scalars). Any variable sized data
    (strings, arrays) is prepended with an int32 for each dimension
    containing the number of elements for that dimension.
    2) LabVIEW flattened data is always in Big Endian (Most significant Byte
    first) format. This means for normal C(++) programs developed on an x86
    system you will have to byteswap every single 16 bit and 32 bit integer.
    3) LabVIEW Typecast really is similar to Flattened data but no
    prepending of the number of elements is done for variable sized data.
    And Typecast can't convert any type containing variable sized data, but
    any arbitrary complex datatype only containing fixed size data, or a
    simple array or string can be typecasted.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    thanks in advance

    Hello -
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    The Finder reports File information. The date and time of the photo are in the Photo's Exif metadata. The Finder has no awareness of this. All photos apps on any system do.

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    Any suggestions you can provide are most welcome.

    Hi Gerry,
    try content matrix it gives you free 25 GB and it keeps metadata
    Kind Regards, John Naguib Technical Consultant/Architect MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation

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    When I plugged the new one in, it re-installed everything, including all the movies that my daughter created, just as if it was the first iPad we had.
    Now, my other daughter(#2) just deleted iMovie, and when I re-installed it, it's like a new program, none of the movies daughter #1 created are on there.
    Seems like they must be on my computer if they re-installed on the new iPad after the first was broken.  Should I click "restore"?   Does that bring it back to factory specs or to the last backup?
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    Note:  I've searched for this answer on my own for quite awhile now, through norums and Apple help, with no luck.

    If via iTunes on your computer you restore to the last backup then you will get whatever was stored in that backup back on the iPad - so anything that you've changed on the iPad since the backup was made will be removed from the iPad. You will need all the relevant apps on your computer's iTunes for the restore to work, as a backup contains an app's data and content, but not the actual apps themselves (so for the restore to work iTunes needs access to the apps so that it can install them and therefore their content).
    There is info/help on backups/restores here

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