Resources stored in SWC are stripped from the SWF

Using Flash Builder Burrito with Hero SDK. I'm compiling a SWC with some [Embed()] resources, and using it with an Air application. When starting the application, the resources are not loadable.
Turns out that the Flex compiler seems to strip the resources from the SWC. The code from the SWC is definitely merged and executes within the Air SWF.
Size of the SWC: 586KB
Size of the SWF: 53KB
Google failed me. Any suggestions?

I appreciate your persistence, harUI. Thanks!
In the hopes of making it easier for you, here's the class code:
package com.chronogears.meteorminer
    public class Assets
        public static const star:Class;
        public static const ship:Class;
        public static const smallOre:Class;
        public static const mediumOre:Class;
        public static const largeOre:Class;
        public static const meteor16:Class;
        public static const meteor32:Class;
        public static const meteor64:Class;
        public static const meteor128:Class;
ere's where I use the asset:
package com.chronogears.meteorminer
    public class Ship extends Sprite
        protected override function init():void
            var image:Bitmap = new Assets.ship;
Here's Catalog.xml from the swc:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding ="utf-8"?>
<swc xmlns="">
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        <dep id="Math" type="e" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.twoD.particles:Particle2D" type="e" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.common.particles:Particle" type="s" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.twoD.particles:Particle2D" type="s" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.common.emitters:Emitter" type="s" />
        <dep id="AS3" type="n" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.common.actions:ActionBase" type="i" />
      <script name="org/flintparticles/threeD/actions/MatchVelocity" mod="1289464578000" signatureChecksum="599582700" >
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        <dep id="org.flintparticles.threeD.geom:Vector3D" type="s" />
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        <dep id="org.flintparticles.threeD.particles:Particle3D" type="s" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.common.emitters:Emitter" type="s" />
        <dep id="AS3" type="n" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.common.actions:ActionBase" type="i" />
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        <dep id="Math" type="e" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.common.emitters:Emitter" type="s" />
        <dep id="AS3" type="n" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.common.counters:Counter" type="i" />
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        <def id="org.flintparticles.threeD.actions:Accelerate" />
        <dep id="org.flintparticles.threeD.geom:Vector3D" typ

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    Hi dones49,
    It sounds like your issue here is that iTunes can not find the files for some of the songs you have brought into it. This happens occasionally even if the songs have not been moved from the location that iTunes places them on import or purchase. When you try to use the song, iTunes prompts you to find the file, as you have seen.
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    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
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    Best advice I can think of is to uninstall and run the Clean Script from here.
    Adobe - Adobe CS4 Clean Script

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    I'm not sure about buying css style sheets. 
    You don't need one for each book; if you want to have a series of books all with the same general format,
    then they should all use the same style sheet on a given device, but maybe different style sheets for different devices.
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    ADE only runs on PCs and Macs.  There are lots of different ereader software apps out there for running on different devices.
    For a dedicated device, you are stuck with the reader the device provides.
    For tablets you can download different ereader apps, for example Bluefire (my favourite, ios, Android), Aldiko (android) and DReader and DL Reader (windows RT).
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    If you care to create a very short non DRM extract (complete with css) and post it somewhere on the web I'll have a quick look.
    If you have inclination to get more involved yourself,
    there is free software called sigil ( that will help you get off the ground and experiment.

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    Post your question on the MS Mac forums as it's their software you're having issues with:

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    Got what you deserved!
    Do not try and rip off or steal from people or companies.
    You have good cousin, there!(sarcasm)

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    Quit all applications. 
    In the Finder, navigate to the Photoshop application folder. 
    Do one of the following: 
    If the Locales folder is not listed within the application folder, then skip to Step 5.
    If the Locales folder is listed within the application folder, then drag the Locales folder to the Trash.
    Choose Finder > Empty Trash. 
    Start the installer for Photoshop or your edition of the Adobe Creative Suite. 
    If you purchased boxed software, then insert the installation DVD-ROM into your computer's DVD drive.
    If you purchased downloadable software from the Adobe Online Store, then double-click the disk image (.dmg) file or files that you downloaded. (If you no longer have the downloaded disk image file or files, then log in to your account at to download the installer.)

  • Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinstall the

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    Renée in the future when removing Photoshop CC please utilize the uninstaller located in the Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers folder.  Please run the uninstaller and then reinstall.  If you continue to face difficulty reinstalling Photoshop CC then please see CC desktop lists applications as "Up to Date" when not installed -

  • When I export an indesign document the graphics are missing from the eps file.

    When I export an indesign document the graphics are missing from the eps file.

    The why it isn't working can be a number of reasons. While I never have exported an EPS out of ID before, I just tried it and it worked fine.
    What "graphics" are missing? I used bitmaps, native drawn ID vector, lines and a placed EPS file. Came into AI as an opened EPS fine.
    Links up to date? For items not hitting the EPS, are they on a layer set to non-printing?
    In the export dialog,General tab, PostScript Level 3? Data format set to ASCII? On the Advanced tab, Send Data set to All? OPI off?

Maybe you are looking for