REST __next endpoint /w Duplicate ListItems

Using REST connection with $top=20&$orderby=year
The problem occurs when the next 20 is fetched using the json.d.__next endpoint.
Some of the ListItems are sent again by SharePoint, resulting in duplicate ListItems, and confirmed using Fiddler.
I can only assume something is wrong on the SQL Server, no idea how to fix this.

Just confirmed that this is a problem in SharePoint Online as well, but with different results.
Creating the RESTful URL return the first 10 ListItems as expected:'57d26Aeb-7ab3-45c3-a96b-a6c8ed2aea58')/Items?top=10&$select=Title,Year,Quarter&orderby=Year,Quarter
Now using the __next URL returned for the REST query above:'57d26Aeb-7ab3-45c3-a96b-a6c8ed2aea58')/Items?%24skiptoken=Paged%3dTRUE%26p_ID%3d10&%24top=10&%24select=Title%2cYear%2cQuarter&orderby=Year%2cQuarter
This returns more than 10 more items and with more fields than specified in the '$select' and also includes duplicates from the first query, so actually SharePoint Online is a worse result then the SharePoint on-premise; which returns specified fields and
length just with duplicate ListItems.
To Repro create a custom list:
and many more, and execute REST query then use the __next URL returned, and bad thing happen.
Sickening SharePoint still doesn't work after all these years.

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    Please use the REST URI below:
    More information for your reference:
    How to get User Details and User Group Details in SharePoint 2013 REST API with Knockout for SharePoint Js (KoSpJs)
    How to Get Login Name and Display Name using SharePoint 2013 REST API
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    Can you clarify what you mean by "establish a different Windows identity"?  Usually passing identity to a web site or service means adding something to the request's HTTP headers.  This could be a cookie in the case of .NET forms authentication or the "Authorization" header in the case of basic authentication.
    The SOAP web service invocation code you posted does use basic authentication, according to the CF docs "ColdFusion inserts the user name/password string in the authorization request header as a base64 binary encoded string, with a colon separating the user name and password. This method of passing the user name/password is compatible with the HTTP basic authentication mechanism used by web servers." -7fe0.html
    If you need to mimic the SOAP techinque you should have basic authentication enabled for your REST service endpoints.
    If your authentication method is different then CF developers will need to add the appropriate HTTP headers to their service calls.  Note that calling a REST service from CF would probably be accomplished using the CFHTTP tag if the service is designed to be consumed by the CF server.

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    <part  name="code">
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    I'm trying to invoke a HTTP Binding with POST where the endpoint is a RESTFUL webservice that takes in an XML message and sends an email.
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    <part  name="summary">
    <summary>oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: Unable to invoke endpoint URI "http://xxxxxxxxx/xxxx/xxxx/sendEmail" successfully due to: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 415 Unsupported Media Type from url http://xxxxxxxxx/xxxx/xxxx/sendEmail</summary> 
    <part  name="detail">
    <detail>Unable to invoke endpoint URI "http://xxxxxxxxx/xxxx/xxxx/sendEmail" successfully due to: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Bad response: 415 Unsupported Media Type from url http://xxxxxxxxx/xxxx/xxxx/sendEmail</detail> 
    <part  name="code">
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    Did you check this post?

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    Below is the set of question:
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    According to your description, you want to delete a group in Yammer using the REST API endpoint of Yammer.
    As it is more relate to Yammer development, it would be more appropriate to ask for help in the corresponding forum, you will get more help and confirmed answers there:
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Hi Reshma,
    According to your description, you want to get items from three different lists in one request using REST API.
    Within the exposed REST API endpoints, there seems no such API can support to retrieve data from different lists in one request currently.
    If it is an on premises environment, a workaround I can provide is that you can create custom WCF web service in the server side to gather data from the three lists,
    then call this service in your code to fetch the data you need, in this way, you will need only one request to the server.
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    extra list using workflow, then access this extra list using REST API, it will reduce the number of the requests from the client side.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    In Office 365 (aka SharePoint Online), you can simply consume the SharePoint data through REST API or WS call,but cannot create your own endpoint.
    By default you can get the JSON response from the Office 365 REST API,its upto you to use the JSONP on your client compatibility not on SharePoint online REST API.
    Sometime before I tried, It didn't work for me.
    If you develop the AppModel, SPRequestor.js does the same job(overcome the Cross domain restriction) the what JSONP does.
    Murugesa Pandian| MCPD | MCTS |SharePoint 2010

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    Thanks in advance.
    Subhash S.

    According to your description, you want to delete a group in Yammer using the REST API endpoint of Yammer.
    As it is more relate to Yammer development, it would be more appropriate to ask for help in the corresponding forum, you will get more help and confirmed answers there:
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    In addition to using Workflow Custom Activity to get User Profile properties, you could try using REST API web service. Please refer to Rajkumar's step in the thread below:
    More reference for REST API endpoints:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    There are several ways to accomplish what you want.
    KGCW has talked about the Crop Effect.
    Depending on exactly where the object is, and whether the camera was locked down, it might be possible to duplicate your Clip, place it above your initial Clip, then offset it a bit (Motion>Position), with the Fixed Effect>Motion>Position, and then apply the Garbage Matte to that offset duplicate, effectively Cropping out everything, but a small "patch" from the existing background. Note: if the edges of that Garbage Matte are too hard for you, you could create a soft-edged Track Matte, and use that to hold out the rest of the offset duplicate.
    Another method, and depending on where, and how large the offending item is, would be to go to the Fixed Effect>Motion, and use Motion>Scale to increase the size of the Clip (do not do too much Scale, or quality will suffer). You might also need to do a bit of Motion>Position, to get that red object behind the Video's Frame Size. This will effectively Crop the object.
    Good luck,

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    Date today = (Date)oracle.jbo.domain.Date.getCurrentDate();
    Date published = null;
    int days = currThing.getExpirenumber().intValue();
    expires = currThing.getPublishdate();
    switch (expires.compareTo(today)){
    case -1: return true;
    case 0: return true;
    case 1: return false;
    his code compiles, but when I run it I get an java.sql.SQLException: Unimplemented method called
    What am I doing wrong here ??
    Is there another way to do this ?

    There are several ways to accomplish what you want.
    KGCW has talked about the Crop Effect.
    Depending on exactly where the object is, and whether the camera was locked down, it might be possible to duplicate your Clip, place it above your initial Clip, then offset it a bit (Motion>Position), with the Fixed Effect>Motion>Position, and then apply the Garbage Matte to that offset duplicate, effectively Cropping out everything, but a small "patch" from the existing background. Note: if the edges of that Garbage Matte are too hard for you, you could create a soft-edged Track Matte, and use that to hold out the rest of the offset duplicate.
    Another method, and depending on where, and how large the offending item is, would be to go to the Fixed Effect>Motion, and use Motion>Scale to increase the size of the Clip (do not do too much Scale, or quality will suffer). You might also need to do a bit of Motion>Position, to get that red object behind the Video's Frame Size. This will effectively Crop the object.
    Good luck,

  • Change Color for metal furnitures

    Newbie here....I need some advices. Currently I'm designing a laptop cover that comes with a default black glossy color and I want to change it to red, blue, green, pink, and some other finishes. I want to keep the existing glare and surface lighting. How can I do that in Photoshop CS3?

    Try the following, it will vary greatly with the colour you choose!
    Select the element you want to recolour.
    Image > adjust > desaturate (this layer sits above the rest of the image)
    Duplicate this desaturated layer twice.
    Go to the bottom desaturated layer..
    Choose Layer- New Fill Layer- Solid Colour..
    In the new layer dialog box check - use previous layer to create clipping mask - and set blend mode to Hard Light,
    click OK to access colour picker and choose the colour you want.
    Go to the next (middle) desaturated layer and set its blend mode to Overlay
    Go to top desaturated layer and also set its blend mode to overlay and hide (turn off) this layer and see if you like the results? if not you can then use the top layer at a lower opacity to fine tune the result.
    I get varying results with this and it seems to depend on the shadow/highlight detail.
    Also you can click on the colour adjustment layer colour thumbnail at any time to access the colour picker and change the colour. When I chose a pure red it looked terrible but a more muted red worked!

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    I can see the results on powershell window if I pass -Level with Owner object in below command, but how can i see same results with _api suggest query?
    Get-SPEnterpriseSearchQuerySuggestionCandidates -SearchApplication $searchapp -Owner $owner

    Hi Ramana,
    Based on the list of parameters for the search rest api in the following article, there is no similar/same function as cmdlet used available for rest service endpoint _api/search/suggest, so, we are unable to use it
    via _api suggest query currently.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Yes. Pretty sure. 
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    Azure Blobs
    Azure Files
    LRS, ZRS, GRS (and RA-GRS for higher availability)
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    SMB 2.1 (standard file system APIs) 
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    SMB 2.1 - Within region 
    REST – Worldwide
    Flat namespace however prefix listing can simulate virtual directories
    True directory objects
    Case Sensitivity of Names
    Case sensitive
    Case insensitive, but case preserving
    Up to 500TB containers
    5TB file shares
    Up to 60 MB/s per blob
    Up to 60 MB/s per share
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    Up to 1 TB/file
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    Based on file size

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