Restfull Web Services

Everything is great about netbeans once you can start with it, I dont even remember how many days it has been that I am trying to deploy this hello world restfull web service with NB6.0.
I am constantly getting the following error while building
E:\JavaIDEs\NetBeans\Projects\OneThingThatWorks\nbproject\build-impl.xml:313: taskdef class cannot be found
Please someone tell me, what library is missing that is producing this error.
Thanks in advance

Hi ,
I just tried the HelloWorld RESTful webservice. It worked fine for me. Could you please check if you have installed the RESTful web services module.
Use the Plugin Manager under the Tools menu to install the RESTful Web Services module, which will also install the RESTful Web Service Libraries module and the RESTful Web Service Support module.

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    CLD (2014)
    Go to Solution.

    Allright, I think I've found somthing.
    Among the Web Wervices VIs, there is a VI called Read Request Variable. One of the variables that you can read is Remote Address and I think this will give you the IP Address. To use these VIs you'll have to use the streaming method of getting data instead of reading terminals (as the example does).
    I hope this helps!
    Ben Sisney
    FlexRIO V&V Engineer
    National Instruments

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    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Text;
    // Create the web request
    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest;
    // Get response
    using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    // Get the response stream
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
    // Console application output
    and in the same article an example of a put ...
    // We use the HttpUtility class from the System.Web namespace
    using System.Web;
    Uri address = new Uri("");
    // Create the web request
    HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address) as HttpWebRequest;
    // Set type to POST
    request.Method = "POST";
    request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    // Create the data we want to send
    string appId = "YahooDemo";
    string context = "Italian sculptors and painters of the renaissance"
    + "favored the Virgin Mary for inspiration";
    string query = "madonna";
    StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
    data.Append("appid=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(appId));
    data.Append("&context=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(context));
    data.Append("&query=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(query));
    // Create a byte array of the data we want to send
    byte[] byteData = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data.ToString());
    // Set the content length in the request headers
    request.ContentLength = byteData.Length;
    // Write data
    using (Stream postStream = request.GetRequestStream())
    postStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length);
    // Get response
    using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    // Get the response stream
    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
    // Console application output

    These kinds of operations are commonly found outside the SSIS section of the forum, you just need to "borrow" the code and wrap into the Script Task. And based on what you see you are on the right tracks.
    One thing you need to be aware of: in production such RESTfull call usually lead to a fiasco for the machine residing in some kind of DMZ or Firewall rules prohibiting these methods or you need a proxy account to run the package and you face unbeggable admins
    who resist to relaxing security.
    My suggestion is to go the easy route: write the app up as a console, standalone app - it will be easier to debug and there will be complete examples of them in abundance on the web.

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    Thanks in Advance

    You can simply use "Execute Script" operation in Workbench and make use of Below links should help :
    Hope this helps.

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    You can simply use "Execute Script" operation in Workbench and make use of Below links should help :
    Hope this helps.

  • Error while invoking a WS-Security secured web service from Oracle BPEL..

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    We are facing some error while invoking a WS-Security secured web service from our BPEL Process on the windows platform(SOA
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    “Header [] for ultimate recipient is required but not present in the message”
    Any pointers in this regard will be highly appreciated.

    Hi James,
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    We've tried to call that web service from an HTML designed in Visual Studios with the same username and password and its working fine.
    But on the BPEL console, we are getting the error as mentioned.
    Also if you can tell me how to set the user name and password in the header of the parter link.I could not find how to do it.

  • Not Able To View Data in Web Service Model

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       I m trying to view a table using web service model.
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       The code is: 
             Request_ZMANAGE_MAKT_ZMANAGE_ZMAKT object1 =new Request_ZMANAGE_MAKT_ZMANAGE_ZMAKT();
       object1.setResponse(new Response_ZMANAGE_MAKT_ZMANAGE_ZMAKT());
      CAn anybody plz solve my problem.

    I have no problem with item :P15_EV_LCL this is having a value my probem here is i am using java script to display the value in different color based on the condtion case
    ( (NVL(Z."AEWP",0) - NVL(Z."BEWP_Final",0) ) / DECODE(Z."BEWP_Final",0,NULL,Z."BEWP_Final") ) * 100
    = :P15_EV_LCL
    span style="background-color:lightgreen"
    || TRUNC((
    ( (NVL(Z."AEWP",0) - NVL(Z."BEWP_Final",0) ) / DECODE(Z."BEWP_Final",0,NULL,Z."BEWP_Final") ) * 100
    ),2) || '%' || /span
    span style="background-color:yellow"
    || TRUNC(
    ( (NVL(Z."AEWP",0) - NVL(Z."BEWP_Final",0) ) / DECODE(Z."BEWP_Final",0,NULL,Z."BEWP_Final") ) * 100
    ),2) || '%' || /span
    end "Effort"
    from actuals Z
    If i dont use this <Span style="Background-color:color"> i am able to generate data in excel sheet if i use this color coding i am not able to get data in spread sheet.
    Please suggest
    Edited by: Sudhir_N on Mar 23, 2009 10:00 PM

  • Unable to capture return values in web services api

    At the time of login to web services if my server is down ,
    it returns following error :
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
            at java.lang.String.substring(
            at java.lang.String.substring(
    I want to capture this error so that i can try another server to login. how do i capture this error
    Another place where i want to capture the return Value is when i look for a report on the server
    rh = boBIPlatform.get("path://InfoObjects/Root Folder/"src_folder"/" + reportName +
                               "@SI_SCHEDULEINFO,SI_PROCESSINFO" ,oGetOptions);
    oInfoObjects = rh.getInfoObjects();
    CrystalReport = (CrystalReport)oInfoObjects.getInfoObject(0);
    Here if the report is not there on the server , it returns a null handler exception.
    but if i try catching it by checking my responsehandler is null  like rh == null  it does not catch it.
    Any help will be appreciated
    Rakesh Gupta

    Ted : i have two cases
    1)   server = server_st.nextToken();
        providerURL = "http://"server"/dswsbobje/services";
        sessConnURL = new URL(providerURL + "/session");
       Connection boConnection = new Connection(sessConnURL);
       Session boSession = new Session(boConnection);
      EnterpriseCredential boEnterpriseCredential = new    EnterpriseCredential();
    SessionInfo boSI = boSession.login(boEnterpriseCredential);
    I have got a list of servers running web servcies stored in my tokens. when i pass the first server name say " test:8080" and that server is down , i want to catch somewhere in the code above that it did not get the connection so that i can loop back and try with the second server say test1:8080
    This is for failover purposes.
    at present when i was trying to capture return value of boSI it  breaks giving the error
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    2nd case :
    I am geeting reports from the server and scheduling them:
    i run the following code which works fine if reports is there
    rh = boBIPlatform.get("path://InfoObjects/Root Folder/"src_folder"/" + reportName +
    oInfoObjects = rh.getInfoObjects();
    CrystalReport = (CrystalReport)oInfoObjects.getInfoObject(0);
    Here if  the  report  is not there on the server  then i should be able to catch from the response handle rh that it has got a null value.
    but rh does not return a null value 
    the code ultimately throws a null handle at the following line
    CrystalReport = (CrystalReport)oInfoObjects.getInfoObject(0);
    i am not able to catch the null value there also.
    hope you got my issue.

  • How to allow access to web service running under ApplicationPoolIdentity

    Hi All,
    I have a WCF web service hosted in IIS 7 (or maybe 7.5, whichever comes with Windows server 2008 R2) using DefaultAppPool running under ApplicationPoolIdentity per Microsoft's recommendation. The web service needs to call a stored procedure to insert data
    to a db. The web server is on a different VM than the database server. The db server is running SQL 2008 R2. Both VMs run Windows server 2008 R2.
    When the web service tries to connect to db, it encounters this exception:
    Exception in InsertToDb()System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
       at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
    Here's the connection string in web.config:
    Application Name=somewebservice;Server=somewebserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=somedatabase;Connection Timeout=60"
    How should I configure SQL security to make this work?
    Thanks in advanced.

    Thanks for the link Dan. Maybe I'm the one who cause the confusion :)
    If I understand you(and Erland) correctly, you suggest using a custom, domain account for application pool identity. However, if we do that, our IT will need to maintain those accounts, and they don't  want that. So I'm choosing a built-in account called
    ApplicationPoolIdentity as the application pool identity, but it's not working. Network Service, on the other hand, works, but my boss wants us to follow MS's best practice.
    What's puzzling is that according to this:, both Network Service and ApplicationPoolIdentity uses machine account to access network resource (like db in this case), but in my case, Network Service
    works, but not ApplicationPoolIdentity.
    Hallo Stephen,
    with respect - it seems to me that only idiots are working at your IT ;)... It is absolutely useful to work with "service accounts" created within the domain. That's the only way to manage and control accounts!
    If you want to "pass through" the identity of the web user (SSO) you have to check whether the app pool is set to "allow impersonate". As far as I understand the ApplicationPoolIdentity-function the app pool will create a unique user named as the service.
    I assume that will not work with the connection to the sql server because this user is unknown.
    Local Service will not work because it's restriction is located to the local machine.
    Network Service will work because access to network resources will be available.
    So my recommendation is to use a dedicated service account or impersonation:
    Uwe Ricken
    MCITP Database Administrator 2005
    MCITP Database Administrator 2008
    MCITS Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development
    db Berater GmbH

  • How do I use the Web Services API to query orders?

    The help doc states, "you can retrieve details for purchases including products purchased, payments received, and their status." The only additional info is at the link to eCommerce-Related Web Service, which does not include any information about retrieving "products purchased, payments received, and their status."

    Hey if you read over that again you have two links, the other is this one:

  • Web Service deployed with admin_client is not working

    I'm usung SOA Suite and Eclipse WTP 3.2.2.
    The thing is that I developed a Web Service with Eclipse using the plugin for generating web services. Then I exported my project to a .war file from eclipse as well.
    For deploy my web service in oc4j, I tried from the oc4j console in Applications --> Deploy and Next-Next wizard and using the .war file generated by Eclipse. I got the application deployed and I can check that the wsdl is working in http://localhost:8888/Hello_Web2/services/Hello?wsdl
    But the main problem is when I try to deploy using the admin_client command tool running the command: java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:opmn://localhost/home oc4jadmin welcome1 -deploy -file d:\TEMP\Hello_Web.war -deploymentName Web5 -contextRoot "/". Everything seems right, I can see the application created in the console, but when I try to access to the web service using "http://localhost:8888/Hello_Web2/services/Hello?wsdl" I get and Http 404.
    What is wrong with the command method?
    Many thanks in Advance,

    As the custom web part works well in other browsers, the issue may be related to the IE itself.
    Have you tried the methods below?
    Use compatibility mode to check whether it works.
    Open IE->Tools->Compatibility View Settings
    Add the site into Trusted sites to check whether it works.
    Open the IE->Internet Options->Security->Trusted Sites->add the site into the zone
    What’s more, you can also switch the Document mode to IE 10 or lower to check whether it works.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Questions on using a SOAP web service's data in a Crystal Reports report

    I'm attempting to create a report using CR 2008, accessing data from a SOAP web service. I've run into a few problems, and need some advice.
    1) CR doesn't seem to support WSDL files that use relative URI imports (for example, I have a relatively complicated WSDL file that imports other WSDL files and schemas using relative URI locations). To solve this problem, I have downloaded all of the files to my local hard drive, and changed the "location" attributes to point to local files. Is there any other solution to this problem?
    2) CR doesn't seem to support circular references within schema files. To solve this problem, I have removed circular references from my local schema files. Of course, my actual web service will still potentially return data structures with these circular dependencies. Is there any other solution to this problem?
    3) CR doesn't seem to support request documents that allow for arrays of elements. For example, my schema allows the user to specify an array of Instruments that should be returned by the web service. In the meantime, I have changed the schema to only specify single instances of the Instrument element in the request. Is there any other solution to this problem?
    4) CR doesn't seem to support empty values for optional attributes that are specified in the schema. So, when the "Enter Values" parameter form appears, I am required to enter values for these attributes, even though they are listed as optional in the schema. To avoid this problem, I have commented out the optional attribute values in the schema. Is there any other solution to this problem?
    5) When the schema specifies that a value is based on a restricted simple (string) type, the CR parameter form shows a drop list with ellipses (...), but the drop list does not contain the enumerated types specified in my schema. Instead, I must manually enter a value. Do you know of any reason why the drop list is not populated?
    6) The SOAP response document from my web service is relatively complicated. So, in the "Data" page of the Standard Report Creation Wizard, each and every XML element level of the response document listed in the schema is shown as a separate entry. If I choose just the top level element ("fetchInstrumentSetResponse"), then very little data is shown on the next page of the wizard (only the ID attribute). But, if I select each and every element type from the response document, CR prompts me for the request document parameters for each row I have selected (I see the same form 30+ times), even though there really should only be a single SOAP request to the web service to return this response document. It seems to be treating each of these elements as a separate "database table", with a different query string for each. Am I using this feature incorrectly?
    If you can point me to somewhere in the documentation that handles this in more detail, that would be great (all I could find were the step-by-step instructions on how to connect to a web service as a data source).

    Please re-post if this is still an issue or purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with your directly

  • Error in calling a web service

    i am facing a problem in calling a web service.
    following are the steps i followed.
    1. created a client proxy object in transaction se80
    2. called that proxy object in my program
    3. executed the program
    1. an exception 'CX_AI_SYSTEM_FAULT' is caught with error code 'GET_BUSINESS_SYSTEM_ERROR' and error text 'An error occurred when determining the business system (SLD_API_EXCEPTION)'
    some facts abt the system:
    1. we do not have XI server.
    2. i havent created a logical port manually still there exists one entry in table SRT_LP which is as follows-
    ACTIVE - A
    3. i found error messae in transaction 'sldcheck' as 'Summary: Connection to SLD does not work'
    4. i havent created a rfc destination.
    please reply ASAP.
    thanks in advance,

    Got a new file for testing the web service and it executed fine. Closing the thread.

  • Error while scheduling through web service

    We have created Web service through WSDL of OBI Publisher. Also we created a web service proxy client to call the services offered by OBI Publisher. We actually want to  "Automate the Scheduling of Reports" according to our requirement:
    1. We used to schedule the reports manually by giving the parameters(used to populate data in reports) and other fields like select report name, report destination, format of reports ( .pdf, .docx,etc) through Oracle BI Publisher.
    2. As there are thousands of permutations of report input parameters possible, so it is difficult to schedule them manually. 
    3.We also want to schedule report to a particular folder according to some parameter, for the ease of the user visibility.
    Above requirements are not currently available with Oracle BI Publisher.
    We are getting error while scheduling through ScheduleRequest class.
    The is as follows:
    public class ScheduleServiceClient
      private static ScheduleService_Service scheduleService_Service;
      public static void main(String [] args)
        scheduleService_Service = new ScheduleService_Service();
        ScheduleService scheduleService = scheduleService_Service.getScheduleService();
        // Add your code to call the desired methods.
        try {      
                    FTPDeliveryOption ftpdo =new FTPDeliveryOption();
                    List<FTPDeliveryOption> listobj=new ArrayList<FTPDeliveryOption>();
                    ArrayOfFTPDeliveryOption ar =new ArrayOfFTPDeliveryOption(); 
                    DeliveryChannels dc = new DeliveryChannels();
                    ScheduleRequest scheduleRequest = new ScheduleRequest();
                    scheduleRequest.setStartDate("Mar 27, 2015 12:40:00 PM");
                    scheduleRequest.setJobTZ("[GMT+05:30] Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi");
                    String userID = "BI_Publisher_Username";
                    String password = "BI_Publisher_Password";
                } catch(Exception exception) {
    Snapshot of error is attached.
    Kindly suggest the way of getting out of this error.

    Check this thread
    WD Message Manager
    Reward opints if usefull....

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