Restoration of Mailbox to another user

Good afternoon all
Exchange: 2013
Outlook: 2013
I have yet another question relating to the recovery of a mailbox. What I require is the ability to restore a mailbox of a user from a recovery database to a temporary user account without a mailbox.
Basically what has happened, is a user has deleted their mailbox rules and I am trying to recover them by restoring a backup of their mailbox to an RDB and then restoring this mailbox to a newly created temporary user account so I can then export the rules
and get the user to import them. Is this possible or is there a better way?
I do not require assistance with the restore of a mailbox database to a recovery database, I am more than comfortable doing this. It's just when I got to the point of restoring the mailbox from the recovery database I had created I was unsure of how to proceed.
As always, any help and advice I can be given will be greatly appreciated.

Really sorry to keep asking questions, but I get this when I run the command to restore a mailbox from the RDB to another temporary user's mailbox. Is this expected and I should use the '-AllowLegacyDNMismatch' switch?
Source mailbox's legacyExchangeDN '/o=******* ***/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=7a38b514502f4a04abc1b5a370212b23-****** *****' doesn't match the legacyExchangeDN or X500 proxy for target mailbox 'MailboxRecoveryUser1'.
Use the 'AllowLegacyDNMismatch' switch if you want to allow this operation.
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (MailboxRecoveryUser1:MailboxOrMailUserIdParameter) [New-MailboxRestoreRequest], NonMatchingLegacyDNPermanentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=****,RequestId=3a1943ba-6ae0-42ba-858f-05bd1e0f2c1b,TimeStamp=01/04/2014 12:55:00] 5DBF02A8,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RecipientTasks.NewMailboxRestoreRequest
    + PSComputerName        : ****.*******.***

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    I did. I gave me two choices to import the archived mbox file: Import Mail and Import mbox and both said invalid file. I am not at home right now so I don't have the exact error but it basically said "invalid file format".
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    I know that this is long, but I wanted to provide as much information as possible, so that I can resolve this.
    Thanks in Advance

    I spent quite a few hours after this was posted trying to figure it out and I did.
    Select Mailbox > Export Mailbox.  This asks you a location to export the mailboxes to.  It just uploads the exported mailboxes into Dropbox. 
    Then change the User that I want to import the mailboxes into. Select Import and select the location of where you placed the folder in Dropbox. This then imports the mailbox into a folder called Import. You then drag and drop the copied mailboxes from the Import folder to the folder in the structure you have.  If you decide to delete the folders from the import folder list, do this.  You can also delete the copied folders from Dropbox if you wish.
    Took a while, but I got there and I'm happy now....

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    The problem with this is that I am the ONLY user on this computer and have been since I have had it.
    My photos will sync through iPhoto but iTunes is no longer recognizing my iPhone's name or the device. I am not sure what caused this, but any help would be awesome.
    Since the new update I changed the name of my iphone but I do not see why that would be an issue.

    1. You are thread-jacking. Kangdequan has an open question and adding unrelated questions to that, will not help him at all. Kangdequan, please see below.
    2. There have been countless articles in the last few years explaining why some countries have iTunes music stores and others not. The main reason is something called copyright.
    3. There is an Apple app store in the Philippines.
    4. There are many other sources of music.
    Kandequan. It may be that something has become corrupted, but I also see a problem in that the iPhone is only supposed to sync with one computer. Trying to sync with a second one will not work.
    There are a number of things you may need to do now, but first decide which computer is to be the one that you sync with: the master, if you will.
    Whichever one you decide on, you need to make sure that all files point to that and there is a process written up by a user "wjosten".
    You may also need to follow the Apple suggestions for making iTunes recognise your device.

  • How to import a mailbox from one user to another?

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    User 1 has a mailbox with work emails on it.
    User 1 has just left the company.
    I have created a user 2 for the new employee.
    I want to import the User 1 emails over to user 2 so that user 2 can carry on with user 1's work and still have all the emails user 1 sent and received.
    When I use the import mail function of mail I cannot import another users mail.
    How can I do this? Surely this isn't an unusual situation?
    Can anyone help? We are on pop 3
    Message was edited by: BenLeeke

    Assuming you can either login to the computer as user1, or as the admin on that computer, try copying the entire /Users/user1/Library/Mail folder to a USB flash drive, then login as user2, launch Mail and in Mail's menubar, go to File > Import Mailbox and follow the directions to navigate to the desired mail account data stored on the USB flash drive.

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    I can find the multiple version including the most recent version using the Search, however, they show up in the same directory even though Finder only shows a single copy.
    In a OS Extended (HFS) file system there is no way you can have two files with identical names in the same directory.
    Of course who knows what spotlight is thinking of most of the time when it does its stupid searches (get Find any File instead) and lists its results?  Are you sure it is listing the same directory or do you have a backup and it is finding it there and you aren't noticing it is two different volumes?
    You could also try reindixing the volume.  Add it to the Spotlight system preferences Privacy and then remove it.

  • Cannot access another users mailbox via OWA 2013

    I have just migrated a few users from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013.
    If I try and access their mailboxes via OWA 2013 using "open another users mailbox" I receive the following error:
    something went wrong
    Sorry, we can't get that information right now. Please try again later. If the problem continues, contact your helpdesk.
    X-OWA-Error: SDServerErr;Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.AccessDeniedException
    X-OWA-Version: 15.0.995.28
    X-FEServer: EX2013
    Date: 07/11/2014 11:23:46I can still access any mailbox on a 2010 server via the same method.
    Can anyone assist in resolving this issue please?

    Hi Amy,
    Yes Inheritance is enabled.
    Just to clarify this is affecting ALL mailboxes once moved to Exchange 2013, not specific users.
    There are multiple 2013 databases all with mailboxes on. Each databases is displaying the same behaviour.
    Here are the permissions I have checked so far:
    ADSI Edit: CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (<>),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=Company
    ,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=localnet
    The AD group has inherited Full Control on all of the database objects.
    EAC: The AD group has full control on every migrated mailbox
    EMS: The AD group has the following permissions on all mailbox databases:
    Identity User                                           IsInherited   Deny  AccessRights
    MDB01  Company\AD Group                         True         False     {GenericAll}
    I have removed permissions for the group and re-added them, this has made no difference.
    The only way I can access any of the migrated mailboxes is to explicitly grant my account "Full Access" via the Add-MailboxPermission command.

  • Devices no longer sync mailbox for specific user

    I have an Exchange 2010 environment running ActiveSync. We have started to enroll devices using Xenmobile which pushes out a mailbox configuration for the users to connect to their mailbox. Everything is working fine with the exception of one user so far.
    This user's prior iPhone was working fine and then stopped connecting with no apparent reason. He decided to buy a new iPhone 6 thinking that it would work and he would just ignore the issue on the old iPhone. The new iPhone is unable to sync as well. The
    iPhone meets our compliancy checks by Xenmobile and when he is prompted to enter in his password for his Exchange (Windows) account, it appears to accept it just fine. However, mail is never synced. We can see that his device and user credentials are
    connecting to ActiveSync in the IIS logs. We have tried disabling/enabling ActiveSync on his mailbox multiple times. I can see that a device is not showing up under his domain account within the ExchangeActiveSyncDevices container. I tried deleting the
    container altogether and it is not recreated when he tries to connect. We also have verified that another user can enroll with his iPhone and receive mail just fine, so that rules out any issues with the device itself. It really narrows it down to this particular
    user. The permissions on his domain account looked to be the same as everyone else. We are running out of ideas. We do not want to resort to recreating his mailbox since that will take quite a bit of work to backup and restore all of his mail. Any ideas are
    appreciated. Thanks.
    Update: Using the Test-ActiveSyncConnectivity powershell cmdlet, I verified that his account is able to create an ExchangeActiveSyncDevices object for the Test object.
    Update 2: I was told that this particular user is unable to sync his mailbox from another device that was tested from. This seems to point the issue to his mailbox configuration, but we don't know what else to look for other than trying to disabling/enabling
    ActiveSync. I updated the thread title to reflect that it is not just his iPhone.

    So I spoke with the Exchange admin working on the issue. He did not setup a test as I previously requested. He took Xenmobile out of the mix but still had the connection going through a Citrix Netscaler appliance, which everyone is going through.
    They performed a new test by setting up the device to connect directly to the mail server and it worked; mail was able to sync. This tells us that the problem is with something being caught at the Netscaler. In addition to Xenmobile, the Netscaler
    as its own connection policies that permit a device from even getting to Xenmobile. It must be getting dropped by that policy, even though the device worked for another user and no one else has reported any problems.
    At this point, it must be an issue with the Netscaler, so there is no need for further investigation on the Exchange side. Thanks.

  • How do I restore iCloud mailboxes from Time Machine without losing new mail?

    This morning when I opened my laptop and checked my email, Apple Mail decided to flag every single email in my three separate Apple-related accounts ([email protected],[email protected], and [email protected])—some 14,500+ emails total. None of the emails in my comcast or yahoo accounts were affected. Of course, each of the three accounts is set to download copies to my laptop as well as keep them on the server, so now all of those emails are flagged across the board—on my iMac, my iPhone, my iPad mini as well as my laptop. Yay. Since some of the emails were actually flagged intentionally by me over time, I don't want to just unflag everything or I'll lose my flags as well as the ones spontaneously generated this morning.
    My questions are:
    1) If I use a Time Machine backup from last night to restore the three affected mailboxes, will iCloud accept them as the de facto most up-to-date versions, or do I still have to go through some complicated process in order to convince the cloud that the 14,500+ unflagged emails don't then need to be "updated" to flagged status?
    2) More importantly, will the cloud still sync properly so that I still get all of the emails that came since last night? I'm fine if the absence of the more recent emails from the "new" (actually older TM) mailboxes is interpreted as though they've been deleted, since my preferences are set to keep deleted email on the server for a month. But it would be a problem if those emails simply disappear into the ether.
    3) Does anyone have any idea what might have caused the random flagging in the first place and/or suggestions for keeping it from happening in the future?
    I remember vaguely that in the early days of Time Machine, restoring iCloud mailboxes was a complicated process in order to trick the cloud into accepting the Time Machine backup as the latest and greatest version. I take it that's no longer such a tricky proposition nowadays, since a search of Apple's knowledge base yielded little information on it. I'd appreciate some confirmation on that, however, so I know what to expect after the restore.
    I'm going to try cross-posting this issue in both the iCloud and Time Machine forums since it's some of both. Apologies in advance if that causes confusion.

    I set up an admin account for myself, logged on to it, and then followed the procedure in the help file to delete his account, saving it as a .dmg file.  Then, when he asked for his old emails, I followed the procedure in the help file to restore a deleted user account and copied the contents of the .dmg into it.
    I'm not entirely confident I got the restoration sequence right, since I find the order of steps in the help file confusing. But everything except the Mail data seems to be recovered.
    Another source of trouble may be the email account settings:  when I opened Mail under his log-on, there were no accounts set up: I recreated them using his email address and password, but Mail may well be treating these as new accounts, rather than re-opened old accounts.
    Thanks, John

  • Iphoto on my macbook pro has stopped working. It comes up with a message saying that the library is either being used by another user or it is unreadable. Any ideas why I should be receiving this message?

    MacBook Pro 2009
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro5,1
    Processor  2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory  4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Software  OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)
    Iphoto '11
    Iphoto on my macbook pro has stopped working. It comes up with a message saying that the library is either being used by another user or it is unreadable. Any ideas why I should be receiving this message?
    "Your photo library is either in use by another application or has become unreadable"
    Offered solution doesn't work:
    Shut down and restart your computer, and then open iPhoto again. If the problem persists, try rebuilding your photo library. To do this, quit iPhoto, and then reopen it while keeping the Option and Command keys pressed. You can also try restoring your photo library from a backup.
    I have already copied my photographs to the a library manager but when I tried to reuse iphoto and import the photos back into iphoto, it would not let me.
    I can't download photographs from my iphone or my digital camera.
    Any ideas on how I can solve this problem?
    There is a possibility that when I went to update applications that I started to install Mavericks which I then interrupted and cancelled. I am not definite that this caused this problem but it was at about the same time as when this problem started.
    Many thanks,

    I have already copied my photographs to the a library manager but when I tried to reuse iphoto and import the photos back into iphoto, it would not let me.
    You can't "copy" your photos to the "library manager", there is just no way to any such thing.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

  • Single Outlook mailbox for multiple users on the same PC

    please now see below.

    Guys, I think I may have figured a very simple work around, which at first glance appears to be working.
    And I can't believe that i'm the only person in the world done this ???
    1. Configure email account/s as normal.
    2. Create a folder in the root of C and name it some thing obvious like "Outlook-Share", and give all PC users full access.
    3. Rename outlooks "Personal Folder", something obvious like "Shared Email", then move the PST file to the "Outlook-Share" folder.
    4. Open outlook and when it moans about not being able to find the .pst, navigate to "Outlook-Share"
    Close Outlook.
    5. Using Office Tools "Save my settings wizzard", save the office settings to the "Outlook-Share" folder.
    6. Log in as the new user, and use the "Save my settings wizzard" to restore office settings to this user profile.
    This PC is not yet on the internet, as I'm on a development domain, but i created a mail in User1 profile which is sitting in the outbox waiting to go.
    I then logged in as User2, and could see the mail waiting in the outbox. I created another email and sent this to the outbox.
    Logged in as User2 and can now see 2 emails in the outbox.

  • ITunes message 'the phone " " is in use by another user on this computer'

    I am receiving the following message when I try to sync my iPhone with iTunes:
    'the phone "phone name " is in use by another user on this computer'
    I believe that this happened as a result of the following:
    I forced a restore of this phone. When the phone was restarting itself I closed and reopened iTunes on my iMac. When I reopened iTunes I rec'd a message that the iTunes Library file was locked. Per discussion advice I solved this locked file problem by overwriting with a slightly older iTunes Library file from Time Machine. This solved the locked file problem, but now I can't sync my phone to my iMac any attempt to do so results in the message noted above .
    The phone will sync (restore) with iTunes on another computer.
    I have tried the following to correct the problem, but no success at syncing my iPhone to my iMac:
    1. Forced another restore of the phone to factory settings (on another computer, Mac Air)
    2. Restarted iTunes
    3. Restarted the iMac.
    3. Opened iTunes with a newly created Library
    Any suggestions as to how I might convince my computer that my iPhone is not in use by another user much appreciated.

    1. You are thread-jacking. Kangdequan has an open question and adding unrelated questions to that, will not help him at all. Kangdequan, please see below.
    2. There have been countless articles in the last few years explaining why some countries have iTunes music stores and others not. The main reason is something called copyright.
    3. There is an Apple app store in the Philippines.
    4. There are many other sources of music.
    Kandequan. It may be that something has become corrupted, but I also see a problem in that the iPhone is only supposed to sync with one computer. Trying to sync with a second one will not work.
    There are a number of things you may need to do now, but first decide which computer is to be the one that you sync with: the master, if you will.
    Whichever one you decide on, you need to make sure that all files point to that and there is a process written up by a user "wjosten".
    You may also need to follow the Apple suggestions for making iTunes recognise your device.

  • Problems copying files from another user that originated from Time Machine

    I bought my wife a new MacBook Pro to replace a 6 or 7 year old iMac, and in the course of setting it up tonight, we've run into a little snag.
    She didn't need or want the vast majority of the stuff on the old drive. So I reinstalled the applications she wanted, and copied a few of her documents. MOST of what she wanted was the iTunes and iPhoto databases.
    I attempted to copy these over via the time machine drive that used to be plugged into the iMac. I was told there are insufficient permissions to do so. No problem. I used Migration Assistant to copy from the external drive, and selected just the items that we wanted copied -- Music and Photos.
    This worked great, except it copied over a new user account that matched the old one (she's using a different/married name now, so the user accounts didn't match up). In and of itself, I couldn't care less if it creates another user as I figured I could always go in, copy what I need from the restored user folder to the new user, and then delete the user account we don't need.
    Unfortunately, that's where I've hit the final snaffu. All the files I need are in a user account for "Heather A" (restored from the Time Machine drive via Migration Assistant). I need to copy those files (Music, Photos in particular) to the user account "Heather T" (the new account we setup when we first booted up the new MBP). However, in Finder, there's a little red circle with a line through it over the icon for those folders within "Heather A", and attempting to even open them (much less copy anything), generates the error "The folder 'Music' can't be opened because you don't have permission to see its contents."
    How do I get around this and/or change the permissions?
    I should note that both the "Heather A" and "Heather T" accounts are administrator accounts, so I'm at a loss as to why this is happening and how to fix it.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Sssuming there still in the transferred account, delete the files you copied over to the new account. Log into the old account, drop all those files and iTunes into her new accounts /Public/Drop Box/, log into the new account, and drag to where you want them. That should resolve the permissions issues.

  • Mail not be delived to one user, unless sent as a CC or if another user is also in the TO: Field

    Hello All,
    I have a strange issue that I hope someone has seen before. (Exchange 2003)
    I have one user that does not receive mail to her outlook or OWA box if her address is in the To: field. 
    If her address is in the CC or BCC field she receives the message.
    Additionally, She will receive the e-mail if her address is in the To: field along with another user.  
    Trouble shooting thus far:
    1.) Confirmed that Exchange message tracker is reporting successful delivery.  Yes
    2.) Confirmed that the message is not going to deleted items.  Yes
    3.) Confirmed this is also occurring in OWA. Yes
    4.) Confirmed no white or blacklists.  Yes
    5.) Confirmed Cache mode is enabled. Yes
    6.) Setup the account on new workstation and have the same issue.  Yes
    This is a very strange issue which I have not seen before.  If her name is the ONLY name in the To: field, the message reports successful, but does not show up in Outlook or OWA.  If her name is the ONLY name in the CC ot BCC field the message
    is delivered successfully. 
    If you add a second user to the To: field, the message is successful.
    So to sum this up; If someone addresses a message just to her, it will report successful but will not be delivered.
    If you add a second user to the To field; The message is delivered successfully.  
    Any help would be greatly appreciated on this one.
    Thanks in advance!

    Did you get any NDR message when her name is the only name in the To field? 
    Additionally, I recommend you check if any transport rules are applied to her mailbox.
    If not, you can try to move the mailbox to other database and check if the issue persist.
    Hope this helps!
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

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