Restore Address Book/Contacts on Mac Pro - Lion v10.7.3

I have lost my contacts.  I can see them in TM, but they won't restore.
I understand that in Snow Leopard that it is necessary to go to the "Library/Application Support/address book start addressbook" folder in Finder and restore from there in TM.
Unfortunately that folder does not exist in Lion.
Where is the equivalent folder in lion?
Thanks in advance

Quit Address Book. Disable iCloud, if applicable.
In the Finder, select Go ▹ Go to Folder... from the menu bar, copy the text on the line below into the box that opens, and press return:
~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook
With the Finder window open, enter Time Machine and restore. Launch AB and test.

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    some palm devices are supported directly through isync (check somewhere on the apple website to see if yours is one of them.
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    ok, on one side you have a backup of your computer you made some time ago when you had all your contacts on your phone, right?
    On the other side you have your computer as it is now, the MobileSync folder contains a backup of your phone, but you can't use it because it contains the wrong data.
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    Click the desktop to activate Finder.
    Hold the option key down and click the "Go" menu in the menu bar and then select  "Library" from the dropdown.
    Library > Application Support  > AddressBook

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    blacksheepfibers wrote:
    I updated my mac with  os x Lion so that I could accomplish moving my address book from the mac to my new IPad 3G. I also set up an icloud account for this purpose, but I *still* cannot figure out how to move my address book from one computer to the other. When I'm on my mac and try to use bluetooth to export the address book, I'm able to find my ipad but I soon get a message that it does not support the necessary services. I have no idea what's going on and would appreciate any advice. tks in advance, Sarah
    The address book syncs via iCloud, not Bluetooth or iTunes.
    You upgraded to Lion so you could use iCoud.
    On the computer. go to Apple menu > System prefs > iCloud.
    Sign into your iCloud account.
    Tick everything.
    This enalbes the se items syncing to iCloud.
    On the iPad, Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    Create a new iCloud account.
    Sign in with the same AppleID as your computer.
    Settings > iCloud and turn everything on.
    That is all you need to do.
    Your contacts (and all other checked items checked) will sync between computer and iPad.
    No need to use iTunes

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    The auto-complete in Mail addresses comes from two sources: (1) The "Previous Recipients" list, which can be viewed via Mail > Window > Previous Recipients. (2) Your Address Book (now called "Contacts").
    If you did in fact lose your Address Book - are you sure you don't have "Contacts" in your Applications Folder? - It sounds like you are getting addresses from source (1).  If you did in fact lose your  Address Book (now called "Contacts" !!), you will have to restore it from a backup.

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    It sounds like all of your contacts on your Mac running Lion are actually stored up in iCloud. 
    Several users running Mac OS X Lion and now ML (and iCloud) have no longer been able to "sync" contacts over to their older iPods models.
    A work around is to export all of your contacts out of Address Book as vCards and them copy these vCards into your iPod's Contacts folder.  You'll need to have the Enable Disk Use option ticked from under the iPod's Summary tab in order to browse out to the iPod's Contacts folder via the Finder.
    Using your iPod as a storage drive
    That's the only "solution" I have been able to use to get contacts to sync/appear on my 5G iPod Video.

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    Install ClamXav and run a scan with that. It should pick up any trojans.   
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

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