Restore Deleted Reports?

Someone accidently deleted some reports from a page in APEX. They did not backup the page before doing this, actually they deleted the page and created a new onw with the same page num.
However these is a schema backup of al lthe schemas. I don't know which schema to look in, or even where to look to try to restore the reports.
There are about 30 reports.
I was wondering what is the best way to restore these reports from the database backup of the apex schemas.
If this is possible???

Anyone have an idea on this?

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    Hi Sahu ji,
    you will not be able to get those records.
    Check this : If this issue is in Development than no need to worry.
    If in quality and production , then usually a copy of the system is there , and this can help you.
    Also , check is there any report that exports this data in some other form for backup.
    Hope it help you.

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  • Cannot delete reports, unless I close and open Eclipse/Tomcat

    Please can someone help me.
    I cannot delete reports. I have not worked out all the details yet but this is what I got so far...
    First I thought it was a problem with my tomcat setup, I would deploy my WAR and run the app. After
    viewing the report and closing the browser. I would not beable to delete the rpt file until I close Tomcat.
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    Problems encountered while deleting resources.
      Could not delete 'C:\WorkSpace\Project\WebContent\Report1.rpt'.
        Problems encountered while deleting files.
          Could not delete: C:\WorkSpace\Project\WebContent\Report1.rpt.
    I have tried creating a fresh new project and only one report. And I still get the error.
    If I try delete the whole project perminatly it also gives the same error. (But deletes the default crystal report)
    I have to close Eclipse and then open it again before I can delete the rpt files properly.
    I have not always had this problem. It used to work fine (dont ask what I have done since
    cause I would not beable to tell, sorry)
    Hopefully someone can help me, as this is driving me insane, and having to stop and start Tomcat every
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    Hi Merry,
    Thanks for getting back to me.
    My reports within Eclipse seem to be behaving themselves now and dying gracefully without and hassles,
    so I dont know what fixed that problem as I have not made any changes or done any updates. One of
    those things I guess.
    With regards to TOMCAT still having a handle on the reports, As far as I am aware I am putting the
    report source in session
    Below is my JSP that loads the report
    I store report name in session via a servlet and set all the DB connection details in the servlet also.
    try {
       String reportName = session.getAttribute("Report").toString();
       ReportClientDocument clientDoc = (ReportClientDocument) session.getAttribute(reportName);
       if (clientDoc == null) {
          clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();
          // Open report
, OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);
          // ****** BEGIN LOGON DATASOURCE SNIPPET **************** 
             //Call the process to set all the database detail retrieved from web.xml
             // Custom function to set the connection details
          // ****** END LOGON DATASOURCE SNIPPET ****************           
          // Store the report document in session
          session.setAttribute(reportName, clientDoc);
          // Create the CrystalReportViewer object
          CrystalReportViewer crystalReportPageViewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
          //set the reportsource property of the viewer
          IReportSource reportSource = clientDoc.getReportSource();                    
          // set viewer attributes
          // Process the report
          crystalReportPageViewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, application, null);
       // ****** END CONNECT CRYSTALREPORTPAGEVIEWER SNIPPET ****************          
       } catch (ReportSDKExceptionBase e) {
    So far its very basic.
    How best can I kill and clean up once the web page is closed. I have tried a few options but dont seem to
    know the best way,
    I tried "onbeforeunload" but I dont know if this is the best practice,
    I have a session listener with sessionDestroyed but have not learnt how to envoke this correctly, or atleast when to correctly call it. And then I dont know how to clean out any loaded reports from here.
    I have used 
    at the end of my JSP but that destoys everything everytime a user does anything on the page, (selecting any of the buttons on the report)
    I am still learning everyday, and so I appoligise for questions that I should really know, am being pushed into the deep end here so trying my best :).
    Thanks again.
    Sorry for bumping this back the list, but I am at my wits end as how best to "clean out" the reports
    once they have been closed or timed out.
    Surely there must be a way to release all objects (be it a actaul rpt file or the classes12.jar) once the
    reports have been viewed and closed.
    Even if there is something I can load via another servlet that destroys anything that has to do
    with the main website.
    Thanks and again sorry for moving this back up the list. If i get no replies, ill assume this is impossible
    and that the only way to upload a new version of a report is to shut the whole Tomcat service and
    make the changes.
    Edited by: Darren Jackson on Dec 3, 2008 12:31 PM

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    delete from emp
    where deptno =30;
    now i wont to restore deptno=30 records in other table, let say in emp1 table
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    This is what flashback query is for:
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    orclz> select count(*) from emp;
    orclz> delete from emp where deptno=30;
    6 rows deleted.
    orclz> commit;
    Commit complete.
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    Table created.
    orclz> select count(*) from deleted30;

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    Immediately use the command Edit > Undo Delete.

  • How to purge the config without deleting reports

    Hi all,
    How to quisce the config without deleting reports from reports tab.
    first I quisced and retired and then try to create the sonfig with the same name" it showing that name already exists"
    If I purged the config and created the config with the same name, its creating successfully but all the reports are deleting.
    Out TP is firing on us, if we delete the reports in reports tab.
    Please suggest with new idea.

    Hi ,
    If I am not purging the config, I am getting below exception
    2009.11.09 at 04:16:01:443: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error : Error -: AIP-11435: Cannot switch configuration context when entries exist in Persistency Service dirty list. Transaction must be flushed before switching context.
    Caused by: Error -: AIP-11435: Cannot switch configuration context when entries exist in Persistency Service dirty list. Transaction must be flushed before switching context.
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.checkDirtyList(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.ExecutionContextImpl.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
         ... 4 more
    2009.11.09 at 04:16:01:445: Thread-44: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.11.09 at 04:16:01:450: Thread-44: Repository - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.changeObjectState(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    2009.11.09 at 04:16:01:454: Thread-44: BusinessLogicLayer - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object {0} state {1} to persist
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    2009.11.09 at 04:16:01:457: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    2009.11.09 at 04:16:01:463: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error : Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object {0} state {1} to persist : Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    Caused by: Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object {0} state {1} to persist : Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         ... 4 more
    Caused by: Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.changeObjectState(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         ... 5 more
    2009.11.09 at 04:27:59:850: Thread-44: B2B - (DEBUG) Enter
    2009.11.09 at 04:27:59:851: Thread-44: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Enter
    2009.11.09 at 04:27:59:863: Thread-44: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext beginTransaction: Leave
    2009.11.09 at 04:27:59:865: Thread-44: Repository - (ERROR) CatalogDriver - error switching context
    2009.11.09 at 04:27:59:867: Thread-44: Repository - (ERROR) CacheService dirty list contains 1 entries
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:00:836: Thread-44: Repository - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-11435: Cannot switch configuration context when entries exist in Persistency Service dirty list. Transaction must be flushed before switching context.
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.checkDirtyList(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.ExecutionContextImpl.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:00:839: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:00:842: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error : Error -: AIP-11435: Cannot switch configuration context when entries exist in Persistency Service dirty list. Transaction must be flushed before switching context.
    Caused by: Error -: AIP-11435: Cannot switch configuration context when entries exist in Persistency Service dirty list. Transaction must be flushed before switching context.
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.checkDirtyList(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.ExecutionContextImpl.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
         ... 4 more
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:00:844: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) MsgListener:onMessage Activate DBContext failed with Exception - Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:00:847: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error : Error -: AIP-11435: Cannot switch configuration context when entries exist in Persistency Service dirty list. Transaction must be flushed before switching context.
    Caused by: Error -: AIP-11435: Cannot switch configuration context when entries exist in Persistency Service dirty list. Transaction must be flushed before switching context.
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.checkDirtyList(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogDriver.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.ExecutionContextImpl.setRuntimeActiveandQuiescing(
         ... 4 more
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:00:849: Thread-44: B2B - (DEBUG) DBContext commit: Enter
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:01:838: Thread-44: Repository - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.changeObjectState(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:01:842: Thread-44: BusinessLogicLayer - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object {0} state {1} to persist
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:01:844: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    2009.11.09 at 04:28:01:850: Thread-44: B2B - (ERROR) Error -: AIP-50025: Repository error : Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object {0} state {1} to persist : Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.adapter.b2b.msgproc.DbAccess.doCommit(
    Caused by: Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object {0} state {1} to persist : Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         ... 4 more
    Caused by: Error -: AIP-11059: Invalid object BusinessMessage_C58F state 2 to persist
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.changeObjectState(
         at oracle.tip.repos.core.driver.CatalogTransaction.commit(
         at oracle.tip.buslogic.common.Transaction.commit(
         ... 5 more

  • Is there any way to restore deleted photos on ipad2?

    Is there any way to restore deleted photos on ipad2?

    Easy.  Connect to your computer and use the backup that had been created by iTunes.

  • Bad performance when deleting report column in webi(with "Design – Structure only")

    Hi all,
    One of our customer has recently upgraded from BO XI to BO4.1. In the new BO 4.1, they encountered a bad performance issue when they were deleting a column in Webi(using "Design – Structure only" mode).
    With “Design – Structure only" mode,  it took webi about 10 seconds to complete after the customer right-clicked a report column and clicked the "delete".  The customer said that they only need to wait for less than 1 second when they did the same in BO XI old version.
    The new BO version used is 4.1SP02, installed in Windows Server 2008 R2. (Server with 32 core CPU, 32G memory)
    This bad performance happened in both Webi web and Rich Client. (in Webi Rich Client, the performance is a little bit better. The 'delete column' action takes about 8 seconds to complete).
    Do anyone know how to tune this performance in webi?  Thank you.
    Besides, it seems that each time we are making change in the webi report structure in IE or Rich Client, webi need to interact with Server site to upload the changes. Is there any option to change this behavior?  Say, do not upload change to Server for when 'deleting report column', only trigger the upload after a set of actions(e.g. trigger when click the "Save" button).
    Thank you.

    Hi all,
    Could anyone help me on this?  Thanks!
    What customer concerns now is that when they did the same 'column editing' action in BO XI R2 for the same report, they did not need to wait.  And they need to wait for at least 7-8 second in the BO 4.1SP02 environment for this action to complete.(data already purged, in structure-only mode)
    One more information about the webi report being editing is: there are many sheets in the report(about 6~10 sheets in one report). Customer don't want to separate these sheet into different reports  as it will increase the effort of their end users to locate similar report sheets.

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  • BO 4.0 Audit Universe Deleted Reports/Duplicate Records

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    In case of deleted reports, the report name is prefixed and suffixed with a series of numbers i.e xxxxx_<Report Name>_yyyyy.
    Is there any dimension upon which I can filter these entries out assuming I don't want them in my report even if they were run on that particular date but do not exist in the system now - a dimension that shows the current status of the corresponding report, whether they are available or deleted?
    Another issue is, if the report name has been changed (the CUID remains the same), the resultant data set brings up individual records for each of the report names.
    For eg.,
    March 1
    Drilldown Report
    March 7
    Detailed Report
    March 20
    Detailed Report V1.02
    This is how the result data set brings up. Is it possible to bring them all under one name (the latest) so that, in the above example, only the last record turns up with a total runs of 15?
    Back info: MSSQL is used and I do not have access to the database. I have access to just the universe. Neither do I have access to CMC. However, if anything needs to be done at either of these levels, I can push for the concerned team to get that done. Also, the final medium of reporting will be both a WebI  report and a Dashboard.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks, got it. Is it possible, by any means, to get that information through the Audit schema by adding it but not manually? I mean, is there an alternative to bring that into Audit without manually creating a user master and including it in the schema?

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    RahullikThe post is over a year old.
    Your statement
    Don't worry about that. iPod stuck in recovery mode always happens when you update the iOS on your iPod. There are two ways to solve it.
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    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it, then copy it to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    Quit Safari.
              Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the Finder menu bar. Paste into the text box that opens by pressing command-V, then press return.
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    If you have no backup, it's gone.

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