Restore from iMac to Macbook Pro

I have an iMac backing up to Time Machine that I'd like to sell, and purchase a Macbook Pro. I was wondering if I can restore the Macbook Pro from one of my iMac backups?

Use the Migration Assistant when you turn on the MacBook Pro.

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    Dear all:
    I have an iMac, Intel Core 2 Duo, with the latest Leopard version running. I have made a complete backup of my data on an external hard drive using Time Machine (only approx. 90 GB). I will be in New York next week and would like to buy a Macbook Pro. On the Apple website I found the following information regarding Time Machine:
    "Migration with style.
    To make setting up a new Mac even simpler, Time Machine shares its data with other Mac utilities. Use Migration Assistant to copy portions of any Time Machine backup to a new Mac, or select “Restore System from Time Machine” in the Leopard DVD Utilities menu. Choose any date recorded in Time Machine to set up your new Mac exactly as your previous Mac was on that date."
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    Has anyone of you guys done this procedure in the past?
    Suggestions and comments are welcome!

    I've been working through this procedure this week. It's pretty good, and when it works it appears to work quite well, but there's still some bumps in the road:
    (1) Once you've migrated, Time Machine itself seems to be a little confused and future backups may fail. You might have to start again by changing to a new Time Machine disk on your new laptop. You may lose your older backups, it's not yet clear to me.
    (2) You can't restore from a previous backup during the migration, only the most recent one. (You can restore from an older backup using tools on the install CD if you need to.) I suspect this won't be an issue for you.
    (3) Migration Assistant once you've logged in a Migration Assistant while you're starting up a new machine seem to work slightly differently. For example, sometimes the newest copy of the applications in your Applications folder (say, iMovie) is preserved, sometimes it makes an exact restore of the old Applications folder even if it's an older version of the application.
    Overall it's been a pretty good experience, and what you want to do does work, but be prepared for the possibility of some issues. I tried this back in 10.5.0 a few months ago and had a lot of problems, things seem better now under 10.5.2.
    - Ert

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    You will need to de-activate CS5 on the first computer. Then install it on the 2nd using the same installer file (if from a download) or by inserting the dvd into the computer if purchased on disk. You can mount your first computer as a hard drive on the second computer using target mode.

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    Thunderbolt is even better than Firewire.
    Migration Assistant will not overwrite any existing data or existing user account. It will only create a new account and transfer into the new account.
    If you wish to move data from your other computer into an existing user account on the target computer, then you don't want to use Migration Assistant. You would use another type of tool such as a standard backup utility or file/folder synchronization tool. I would suggest using Carbon Copy Cloner. Bear in mind that for this to work correctly the usernames of both the source and target accounts should be the same lest you run into permissions problems after the transfers.
    CCC will let you specify only what you want to transfer or let you clone an entire volume.

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    The iMac's sharing is via AirPort and it has a WEP password. I use my MacBook Pro's AirPort card to connect to the iMac's connection. Unfortunately, after about 20-30 minutes of using the wireless on the MBP, the safari web browser claims that I am not connected to the Internet and the AirPort card gets a "self-assigned" IP address. The solution is to restart the MBP.
    Why is this happening, and is there anything I need to do on either of the computers to fix the problem? Both computers are running 10.5.1 with all security updates installed. It's frustrating having to constantly restart the computer when I'm using the Internet.

    My problem is similar. I'm trying to do internet share from iMac G5 (w/ iSight) to MacBook Pro, both running 10.5.1. The iMac is connected to dsl/router via ethernet, and I'm trying to internet share to MBP via airport. I cannot establish connection, even though airport shows full strength signal. I checked password over and over and over, and that seems fine. But Network preference panel shows airport to have self-assigned IP.
    I tried internet share from iMac to MBP via firewire, but that did not work either.
    On a (un)related? note, I used to be able to share screen, but only in one direction. I could control the iMac from my MBP, but never the other way around despite the fact all the firewall and sharing is set identical. Now, even though in both computers I have the other computer showing up in the sidebar of the Finder, screen share and file share fails. I just don't know what happened!

  • Time Machine backups do not migrate from iMac to MacBook Pro

    I just moved from a iMac G5 to a MacBook Pro. I love Apple's migration tool, but it seems that Time Machine backups do not migrate.
    I checked with support, and did a basic amount of searching, and it seems that I need to erase and reformat the backup drive, losing all of my backups.
    Can this be true? That's a pretty screwy backup solution.
    Is it possible to rename the backup folder from "iMac G5" to "MacBook Pro"?
    Is it possible to add a MacBook Pro backup folder to the one already there?
    Any help is appreciated.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean. It sounds like you successfully migrated, and got everything set up properly on the new Mac.
    Now you want TM to just continue backing-up the new Mac to the old Mac's backups?
    If so, then no, that's not going to work. TM keeps the backups for each Mac completely separate. This is usually an advantage, so you can back up two or Macs to the same drive without any conflicts.
    Plus, the version of OS on your new Intel laptop is very different from the one from your old PPC desktop; a whole different set of drivers, and of course code for Intel vs. PPC.
    So TM on the new Mac cannot treat the old backups as if they were from the new Mac. It must start a whole new "sequence" of backups for the new Mac. If there's room on the disk, you can leave the old backups there until you're sure you don't need them, but that presents another problem: when you want to delete them, you can do it only one at a time, via TM, using the procedure in item #12 of the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip* at the top of this forum. That's rather tedious and time-consuming, so most folks just erase the TM drive and let it start fresh.
    If I've misunderstood, please clarify the situation.

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