Restricting the user to access only one view in or database

A user wants to create a database link , so that he can view one of our views. We want to restrict permission, so that he can access only that view, and not any of our tables. What is the best way to proceed?
Thanks in advance,

Pl do not post duplicate threads - Restricting the user to access only one view in or database

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    Hi Prasanna,
    The pages can be restricted from the user access by using the ACL permission or you can restrict the page by making invisible in navigation area which you do not want to show to the user . Open the page properties and select navigation category in the drop down and select the Invisible in navigation area property to yes.By default this property is No.Change the property for all pcd pages which want to hide from user access.
    Hope this helps you...
    Rudradev Devulapalli
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    reply ASAP

    Hi Venuthurupalli,
    As valery has said once you select the value to be of type integer,once you perform an action it will be validated and error message that non numeric characters are there will be shown. If you want to set additional constraints like max value, min value etc you can use simple types for it.
    On the project structure on left hand side under local dictionary ->datatypes->simple types create a simple type of type integer
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    Hope this helps you

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    <%@ page import="org.ticker.*"%>
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    String strMessage=msg.sendMsg();
    final static String portalTitle = "K-C Self Help Site";
    final static String portalTitle1 = " ***If you are ITS or use the full client, do not use this portal***";
    final static String resourceBundle = "login";
    final static String login = "Login";
    final static String prompt = "Please enter your user name and password";
    final static String userName = "User name:";
    final static String password = "Password:";
    final static String timeZone = "Timezone:";
    final static String userDefaultTZ = "User Default";
    private String getLocalizedString(HttpServletRequest request, String name, String text)
    com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle bundle = com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle.getBundle(request, name, true);
    return bundle.getString(text);
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    class="" />
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    String message = error_msg.getErrorMsg();
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    out.println("<h2>" message "</h2>");
    <tr >
    <form name="nform" action="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/" onsubmit="return nsubmit()" method="post">
    <td><input type="text" name="J_USERNAME" size="30"/></td></tr>
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    document.write('<\/form><form name="pwform" action="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/" onSubmit="return pwsubmit()" method="post">')
    <input type="hidden" name="J_USERNAME" value="" />
    <td><input type="password" name="J_PASSWORD" size="30"/></td>
    AppTimeZoneInfo tzis[] = TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZones();
    if (tzis != null) {
    <select name="Timezone">
    <option selected="true" value=""><%=userDefaultTZ%></option>
    for (int i = 0; i < tzis.length; i++) {
    AppTimeZoneInfo tzi = (AppTimeZoneInfo) tzis;
    if (tzi.getAdd()) {
    //if (tzi.enabled()) { //588 does no support enabled for timezones
    String timeZoneShortName = tzi.getShortName();
    String timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneUtils.buildTextTimeZone(tzi, false);
    <option value="<%=timeZoneShortName%>"><%=timeZoneInfo%></option>
    <td><input type="submit" value="<%=getLocalizedString(request,resourceBundle,login)%>"/></td>
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    package org.apache.jsp;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
    import org.ticker.*;
    import com.hp.ov.ui.client.common.util.TimeZoneUtils;
    import com.hp.ov.obs.rep.IRepositoryObject;
    import com.hp.ifc.rep.AppTimeZoneInfo;
    public class obs_login_html_jsp extends HttpJspBase {
    final static String portalTitle = "K-C Self-Service HelpDesk";
    final static String portalTitle1 = " ***If it is an URGENT call, please call the Service Desk ***";
    final static String portalTitle2 = " ***If you are ITS or use the full client, do not use this portal ***";
    final static String resourceBundle = "login";
    final static String login = "Login";
    final static String prompt = "Please enter your user name and password";
    final static String userName = "User name:";
    final static String password = "Password:";
    final static String timeZone = "Timezone:";
    final static String userDefaultTZ = "User Default";
    private String getLocalizedString(HttpServletRequest request, String name, String text)
    com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle bundle = com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle.getBundle(request, name, true);
    return bundle.getString(text);
    private static java.util.Vector jspxincludes;
    public java.util.List getIncludes() {
    return jspxincludes;
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    throws, ServletException {
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    HttpSession session = null;
    ServletContext application = null;
    ServletConfig config = null;
    JspWriter out = null;
    Object page = this;
    JspWriter jspxout = null;
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                   null, true, 8192, true);
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    config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
    session = pageContext.getSession();
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    readMsg msg=new readMsg();
    String strMessage=msg.sendMsg();
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    synchronized (session) {
    error_msg = ( pageContext.getAttribute("error_msg", PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);
    if (error_msg == null){
    try {
    error_msg = ( java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "");
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
    throw new InstantiationException(exc.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception exc) {
    throw new ServletException("Cannot create bean of class " + "", exc);
    pageContext.setAttribute("error_msg", error_msg, PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);
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    out.write("\r\n\r\n ");
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    out.write("</font>\r\n ");
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    out.write("<tr >\r\n ");
    out.write("<td>\r\n\r\n ");
    out.write("<form name=\"nform\" action=\"");
    out.write("/\" onsubmit=\"return nsubmit()\" method=\"post\">\r\n ");
    out.write("<table>\r\n ");
    out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
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    out.write("<!--\r\n document.write('");
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    out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"J_USERNAME\" value=\"\" />\r\n ");
    out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("<input type=\"password\" name=\"J_PASSWORD\" size=\"30\"/>");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
    AppTimeZoneInfo tzis[] = TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZones();
    if (tzis != null) {
    out.write("\r\n ");
    out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("<td>\r\n ");
    out.write("<select name=\"Timezone\">\r\n ");
    out.write("<option selected=\"true\" value=\"\">");
    out.write("</option>\r\n ");
    for (int i = 0; i < tzis.length; i++) {
    AppTimeZoneInfo tzi = (AppTimeZoneInfo) tzis[i];
    if (tzi.getAdd()) {
    //if (tzi.enabled()) { //588 does no support enabled for timezones
    String timeZoneShortName = tzi.getShortName();
    String timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneUtils.buildTextTimeZone(tzi, false);
    out.write("\r\n ");
    out.write("<option value=\"");
    out.write("</option>\r\n ");
    out.write("\r\n ");
    out.write("</select>\r\n ");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
    out.write("\r\n ");
    out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
    out.write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
    out.write("</table>\r\n ");
    out.write("</form>\r\n ");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
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    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("<td class='panelbottom'> ");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("<td class='panelbottomright'>");
    out.write("<img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' width='24' height='17'/>");
    out.write("</td>\r\n ");
    out.write("</table>\r\n\r\n ");
    out.write("<br/>\r\n ");
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    out.write("<NOBR>****Welcome to K-C Self-Service HelpDesk Site****All K-C ITS users are requested to use HP Service Desk 4.5 Desktop Client Application to create / manage tickets****");
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    package org.apache.jsp;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
    import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.DateFormat;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.core.Profile;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.util.NameAndTitle;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.util.Pair;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.util.PortalIDs;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.core.Profile;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.core.AdminBean;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.util.NameAndTitle;
    import com.hp.ov.portal.util.PortalIDs;
    public class portalpage_html_jsp extends HttpJspBase {
    The following imports must be made in any jsp which includes this page
    via: <%@ include file="common.jsp" %>
    final static String portalTitle = "HP OpenView Web Console";
    // The following are for the toolbar buttons
    final static String toolbarOptsLabel = "Options";
    final static String toolbarOptsImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/opt_icon.gif";
    final static String toolbarAdminLabel = "Admin";
    final static String toolbarAdminImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/opt_icon.gif";
    final static String toolbarHomeLabel = "Home";
    final static String toolbarHomeImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/opt_icon.gif";
    final static String toolbarLogoutLabel = "Logout";
    final static String toolbarLogoutImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/logout_icon.gif";
    final static String toolbarHelpLabel = "Help";
    final static String toolbarHelpImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/hlp_icon.gif";
    final static String toolbarOKLabel = "OK";
    final static String toolbarOKImg = null;
    final static String toolbarCancelLabel = "Cancel";
    final static String toolbarCancelImg = null;
    final static String toolbarCloseLabel = "Close";
    final static String toolbarCloseImg = null;
    final static String toolbarApplyLabel = "Apply";
    final static String toolbarApplyImg = null;
    final static String toolbarResetLabel = "Reset";
    final static String toolbarResetImg = null;
    // These are the strings and URLs for the module titlebar area
    final static String moduleEditImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/edit.gif";
    final static String moduleEditTxt = "Edit";
    final static String moduleHelpImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/help.gif";
    final static String moduleHelpTxt = "Help";
    final static String moduleDetachImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/detach.gif";
    final static String moduleDetachTxt = "Detach";
    final static String moduleDeleteImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/x.gif";
    final static String moduleDeleteTxt = "Remove";
    final static String moduleDeleteMsg = "Are you sure you want to remove this module? This can not be undone.";
    final static String moduleRollUpTxt = "Roll Up";
    final static String moduleRollDnTxt = "Roll Down";
    final static String moduleRollUpImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/rolledup.gif";
    final static String moduleRollDnImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/rolleddn.gif";
    private String getLocalizedString(Profile profile, String name, String text)
    HttpServletRequest r

    This is a repeated post, posted twice before.
    Thread 1, Thread 2
    I have the followings suggestions for you:
    1. Please post your requirement in the body of the message and not in the 'subject line'.
    2. Please do not open multiple threads for the same query.
    3. Since you have already posted this on the Job Openings forum, please do not repeat this here. You will definetly get a response to your job post in the other forum.

  • To restrict the user to create only Standard quotation in PCUI

    Dear All,
    Please help me in this issue.
    We have requirement like below:
    In SAP GUI user is authorized to create 3 kinds of quotation:
    1. Standard quotation
    2. Estimate Quotation
    3. Quotation OCM.
    It is maintained properly in authorization profile for his role.
    Now requirement is that user should able to create only Standard Quotation in PCUI and others should not be visible.
    Pankaj Vispute

              check this MBCF0005.
    BADI being <b>MB_MIGO_BADI.</b>
    <b>Reward points</b>

  • How do i Restrict the users up to the self service pag only in IDM 11g

    Hi all,
    can any one please help me out to restrict the users to self service page only in 11g.
    thanks for your time and support

    Your user will have the Administration page if they have an Authorization Policy configured to allow the user any of the User Management or Role Management Functions. Also, if you login as a user that has those tabs, and logout while on the Administration tab, sometimes i've noticed the new user logging in with the same browser session will be in the Administration tab but with no items available.

  • Restrict the User name / Password Auto complete option for users accessing

    Hi All,
    Can any one know the Restrict the User name / Password Auto complete option for users accessing Portal from within and outside of Portal.

    Are your referring to the browser functionality of remembering the usernames and passwords?

  • Is it possible to restrict the user from creating a sibling and allow him to ONLY create child nodes in DRM?

    When in a hierarchy, a user right clicks on a node to crate a new node, he has two options
    Is it possible to restrict the user from creating a sibling and allow him to ONLY create child nodes?
    Business cases:
    1. different level nodes need to have different prefixes.
    - Thus, the default prefix property definition uses the level number to assign a prefix
    - Also, a validation, to ensure the correct prefix, uses the level number
    But if the user can create a child and a sibling then the default prefix will only be right for a single case and not both.

    If the images are exactly the same size then make sure the layer with the mask
    is the active layer and in the other documents go to Select>Load Selection and choose
    your document with the layer mask under Source document and under channel choose the layer mask.
    After the selection loads press the layer mask icon at the bottom of the layers panel.

  • Restricting the user to view his information

    Hi frnds,
    I have a report which is having the information of Actual sales and Planned sales of all employees.
    If a user i.e the employee login into the portal is able to all employees Actual sales and Planned sales information.
    But here my requirement is the user who ever loged in has to see his Actual sales and Planned sales information only not the others.
    So here how can I restrict the user who ever loged in can see his sales information only?
    I think it is possible through authorizations. Am i correct?
    If yes How can i proceed?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sridhar,
    Check this thread..
    /message/1143264#1143264 [original link is broken]
    Might help u in some way..

  • Restrict the users to view the column, row details

    For example restrict the sales users to view the purchase price, and restrict the purchase users to view the selling price.
    Any inputs highly appreciated

    Restrict the users to view the column can be done through form settings.
    I don't think it is possible to restrict the users to view the particular row details. If user can open the form, no option to hide any rows through authorization.

  • How we can restrict remote user to access same URL?

    We have two remote sites A and B.
    Site-A    ---  Users accessing application by using this URL:
    Site-B    ---  Users accessing application by using this URL:
    We want to restrict the users A and B, to access the login pages vise versa.

    I m not sure how the task would be achieved throughOAS.
    But with the help of developer n DBA,we can restrict the users A and B, to access the login pages vise versa.
    1) Create 2 tables in DB,one table which contains only user A and another only for user B
    2) With the help of Developers,create inital login page(Userrname/Password) for both applications ie Site A and Site B
    3) At Login page validate with the respective table created ie check whether the user is from table A or table B

  • Restricting the user

    Hi Experts ,
    We have restricted the direct login through ssh for some users in solaris server. There is one user called "admin". This user password should know only our team members. But some body other than our team able to know the password and accessing the admin user.
    My question is, the user "admin" should only access by our team members only. How it is possible.
    My advance thanks to your valauble suggestion.
    R. Rajesh Kannan

    Assuming Ive understood the question.
    Set up a separate account for each person and an admin account
    If you a DenyUsers admin line to /etc/sshd_config then you will not be able to ssh in directly as admin.
    You will need to ssh in as your user account then su to admin.
    So even if you know the admin password it doesnt do you any good unless you know a normal user password as well.
    And if someone does use admin inappropriately the logs should show what normal account they came from.

  • How to Restrict the users in oracle applications

    I want to Restrict the users in oracle applications without using database
    can any one please expalin me how to resttrict the users using middletier

    HI srini ,
    my application version 12.0.4 and database is
    and i want to restrict the No of users
    exp i have have 500 users and i want restrict to 100 only
    how can i do that please explain

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