I need a solution to restrict the acccess by using only one role....

<%@ page import="org.ticker.*"%>
<%@ page language="java"
contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
readMsg msg=new readMsg();
String strMessage=msg.sendMsg();
final static String portalTitle = "K-C Self Help Site";
final static String portalTitle1 = " ***If you are ITS or use the full client, do not use this portal***";
final static String resourceBundle = "login";
final static String login = "Login";
final static String prompt = "Please enter your user name and password";
final static String userName = "User name:";
final static String password = "Password:";
final static String timeZone = "Timezone:";
final static String userDefaultTZ = "User Default";
private String getLocalizedString(HttpServletRequest request, String name, String text)
com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle bundle = com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle.getBundle(request, name, true);
return bundle.getString(text);
<jsp:useBean id="error_msg" scope="session"
class="com.hp.ov.portal.security.LoginErrorMsg" />
<title><%=getLocalizedString(request,resourceBundle,portalTitle)%> - <%=getLocalizedString(request,resourceBundle,portalTitle)%> - <%=getLocalizedString(request,resourceBundle,login)%></title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/OvSipDocs/Skins/Chrome/Chrome.css' />
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function nsubmit() {
return false;
function pwsubmit() {
document.pwform.J_USERNAME.value = document.nform.J_USERNAME.value;
return true;
<body bgcolor="white" text="black" onload='document.nform.J_USERNAME.focus()'>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<tr bgcolor="darkblue">
     <font color="white">
     <b> <%=getLocalizedString(request,resourceBundle,portalTitle)%></b>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="55%">
<tr bgcolor="white">
     <font color="red" size="4">
     <b> <%=getLocalizedString(request,resourceBundle,portalTitle1)%></b>
<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='paneltable' width='45%'>
<td class='paneltopleftround'><img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' width='24' height='10'/></td>
<td class='paneltopround'><img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' height='10'/></td>
<td class='paneltoprightround'><img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' width='24' height='10'/></td>
<td class='panelleft'> </td>
<td class='panel'>
<tr >
<td nowrap>
<font color='black'>
String message = error_msg.getErrorMsg();
if (message != null) {
out.println("<h2>" message "</h2>");
<tr >
<form name="nform" action="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/" onsubmit="return nsubmit()" method="post">
<td><input type="text" name="J_USERNAME" size="30"/></td></tr>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write('<\/form><form name="pwform" action="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/" onSubmit="return pwsubmit()" method="post">')
<input type="hidden" name="J_USERNAME" value="" />
<td><input type="password" name="J_PASSWORD" size="30"/></td>
AppTimeZoneInfo tzis[] = TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZones();
if (tzis != null) {
<select name="Timezone">
<option selected="true" value=""><%=userDefaultTZ%></option>
for (int i = 0; i < tzis.length; i++) {
AppTimeZoneInfo tzi = (AppTimeZoneInfo) tzis;
if (tzi.getAdd()) {
//if (tzi.enabled()) { //588 does no support enabled for timezones
String timeZoneShortName = tzi.getShortName();
String timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneUtils.buildTextTimeZone(tzi, false);
<option value="<%=timeZoneShortName%>"><%=timeZoneInfo%></option>
<td><input type="submit" value="<%=getLocalizedString(request,resourceBundle,login)%>"/></td>
<td class='panelright'> </td>
<td class='panelbottomleft'><img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' width='24' height='17'/></td>
<td class='panelbottom'> </td>
<td class='panelbottomright'><img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' width='24' height='17'/></td>
<tr bgcolor="darkblue">
     <font color=white face="Verdana">
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
//Specify the marquee's width (in pixels)
screenSize = screen.availWidth;
var marqueewidth = screenSize + "px"
//Specify the marquee's height
var marqueeheight="25px"
//Specify the marquee's marquee speed (larger is faster 1-10)
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var marqueespeed=4
//configure background color:
var marqueebgcolor="rgb(0,128,192)"
//Pause marquee onMousever (0=no. 1=yes)?
var pauseit=1
myMesg='<NOBR>****Welcome to K-C Self-Service HelpDesk Site****All K-C ITS users are requested to use HP Service Desk 4.5 Desktop Client Application to create / manage tickets****</NOBR>';
var marqueecontent=myMesg
marqueespeed=(document.all)? marqueespeed : Math.max(1, marqueespeed-1) //slow speed down by 1 for NS
var copyspeed=marqueespeed
var pausespeed=(pauseit==0)? copyspeed: 0
var iedom=document.all||document.getElementById
if (iedom)
document.write('<span id="temp" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:-100px;left:-9000px">'+marqueecontent+'</span>')
var actualwidth=''
var cross_marquee, ns_marquee
function populate(){
if (iedom){
cross_marquee=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("iemarquee") : document.all.iemarquee
actualwidth=document.all? temp.offsetWidth : document.getElementById("temp").offsetWidth
else if (document.layers){
function scrollmarquee(){
if (iedom){
if (parseInt(cross_marquee.style.left)>(actualwidth*(-1)+8))
else if (document.layers){
if (ns_marquee.left>(actualwidth*(-1)+8))
if (iedom||document.layers){
with (document){
document.write('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><td>')
if (iedom){
write('<div style="position:relative;width:'+marqueewidth+';height:'+marqueeheight+';overflow:hidden">')
write('<div style="position:absolute;width:'+marqueewidth+';height:'+marqueeheight+';background-color:'+marqueebgcolor+'" onMouseover="copyspeed=pausespeed" onMouseout="copyspeed=marqueespeed">')
write('<div id="iemarquee" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px"></div>')
else if (document.layers){
write('<ilayer width='+marqueewidth+' height='+marqueeheight+' name="ns_marquee" bgColor='+marqueebgcolor+'>')
write('<layer name="ns_marquee2" left=0 top=0 onMouseover="copyspeed=pausespeed" onMouseout="copyspeed=marqueespeed"></layer>')
package org.apache.jsp;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
import org.ticker.*;
import com.hp.ov.ui.client.common.util.TimeZoneUtils;
import com.hp.ov.obs.rep.IRepositoryObject;
import com.hp.ifc.rep.AppTimeZoneInfo;
public class obs_login_html_jsp extends HttpJspBase {
final static String portalTitle = "K-C Self-Service HelpDesk";
final static String portalTitle1 = " ***If it is an URGENT call, please call the Service Desk ***";
final static String portalTitle2 = " ***If you are ITS or use the full client, do not use this portal ***";
final static String resourceBundle = "login";
final static String login = "Login";
final static String prompt = "Please enter your user name and password";
final static String userName = "User name:";
final static String password = "Password:";
final static String timeZone = "Timezone:";
final static String userDefaultTZ = "User Default";
private String getLocalizedString(HttpServletRequest request, String name, String text)
com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle bundle = com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle.getBundle(request, name, true);
return bundle.getString(text);
private static java.util.Vector jspxincludes;
public java.util.List getIncludes() {
return jspxincludes;
public void _jspService(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws java.io.IOException, ServletException {
JspFactory _jspxFactory = null;
javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext pageContext = null;
HttpSession session = null;
ServletContext application = null;
ServletConfig config = null;
JspWriter out = null;
Object page = this;
JspWriter jspxout = null;
try {
_jspxFactory = JspFactory.getDefaultFactory();
response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
pageContext = _jspxFactory.getPageContext(this, request, response,
               null, true, 8192, true);
application = pageContext.getServletContext();
config = pageContext.getServletConfig();
session = pageContext.getSession();
out = pageContext.getOut();
jspxout = out;
readMsg msg=new readMsg();
String strMessage=msg.sendMsg();
com.hp.ov.portal.security.LoginErrorMsg error_msg = null;
synchronized (session) {
error_msg = (com.hp.ov.portal.security.LoginErrorMsg) pageContext.getAttribute("error_msg", PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);
if (error_msg == null){
try {
error_msg = (com.hp.ov.portal.security.LoginErrorMsg) java.beans.Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "com.hp.ov.portal.security.LoginErrorMsg");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException exc) {
throw new InstantiationException(exc.getMessage());
} catch (Exception exc) {
throw new ServletException("Cannot create bean of class " + "com.hp.ov.portal.security.LoginErrorMsg", exc);
pageContext.setAttribute("error_msg", error_msg, PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE);
out.write("<head>\r\n ");
out.write(" - ");
out.write(" -");
out.write("- ");
out.write("</title>\r\n ");
out.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/OvSipDocs/Skins/Chrome/Chrome.css' />\r\n ");
out.write("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n");
out.write("<!--\r\n function nsubmit() {\r\n document.pwform.J_PASSWORD.focus();\r\n return false;\r\n }\r\n\r\n function pwsubmit() {\r\n document.pwform.J_USERNAME.value = document.nform.J_USERNAME.value;\r\n \r\n\t\t return true;\r\n }\r\n//-->\r\n\r\n\r\n ");
out.write("<body bgcolor=\"white\" text=\"black\" onload='document.nform.J_USERNAME.focus()'>\r\n\r\n ");
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out.write("<b> ");
out.write("</b>\r\n\t ");
out.write("</font>\r\n\t ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
out.write("</table>\r\n ");
out.write("<br> \r\n");
out.write("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"55%\">\r\n");
out.write("<tr bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n");
out.write("<td>\r\n\t ");
out.write("<font color=\"red\" size=\"4\">\r\n\t ");
out.write("<b> ");
out.write("</b>\r\n\t ");
out.write("</font>\r\n\t ");
out.write("<br> \r\n");
out.write("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" width=\"55%\">\r\n");
out.write("<tr bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n");
out.write("<td>\r\n\t ");
out.write("<font color=\"red\" size=\"4\">\r\n\t ");
out.write("<b> ");
out.write("</b>\r\n\t ");
out.write("</font>\r\n\t ");
out.write("<br>\r\n ");
out.write("<br>\r\n ");
out.write("<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' class='paneltable' width='45%'>\r\n ");
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out.write("<table>\r\n ");
out.write("<tr >\r\n ");
out.write("<td nowrap>\r\n ");
out.write("<font color='black'>\r\n\r\n ");
String message = error_msg.getErrorMsg();
if (message != null) {
out.println("<h2>" message "</h2>");
out.write("\r\n\r\n ");
out.write("</h2>\r\n ");
out.write("</font>\r\n ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
out.write("<tr >\r\n ");
out.write("<td>\r\n\r\n ");
out.write("<form name=\"nform\" action=\"");
out.write("/\" onsubmit=\"return nsubmit()\" method=\"post\">\r\n ");
out.write("<table>\r\n ");
out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("<input type=\"text\" name=\"J_USERNAME\" size=\"30\"/>");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
out.write("<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n");
out.write("<!--\r\n document.write('");
out.write("<form name=\"pwform\" action=\"");
out.write("/\" onSubmit=\"return pwsubmit()\" method=\"post\">')\r\n//-->\r\n ");
out.write("</script>\r\n ");
out.write("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"J_USERNAME\" value=\"\" />\r\n ");
out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("<input type=\"password\" name=\"J_PASSWORD\" size=\"30\"/>");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
AppTimeZoneInfo tzis[] = TimeZoneUtils.getTimeZones();
if (tzis != null) {
out.write("\r\n ");
out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("<td>\r\n ");
out.write("<select name=\"Timezone\">\r\n ");
out.write("<option selected=\"true\" value=\"\">");
out.write("</option>\r\n ");
for (int i = 0; i < tzis.length; i++) {
AppTimeZoneInfo tzi = (AppTimeZoneInfo) tzis[i];
if (tzi.getAdd()) {
//if (tzi.enabled()) { //588 does no support enabled for timezones
String timeZoneShortName = tzi.getShortName();
String timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneUtils.buildTextTimeZone(tzi, false);
out.write("\r\n ");
out.write("<option value=\"");
out.write("</option>\r\n ");
out.write("\r\n ");
out.write("</select>\r\n ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
out.write("\r\n ");
out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
out.write("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
out.write("</table>\r\n ");
out.write("</form>\r\n ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
out.write("</table>\r\n\r\n ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("<td class='panelright'> ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</tr>\r\n\r\n ");
out.write("<tr>\r\n ");
out.write("<td class='panelbottomleft'>");
out.write("<img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' width='24' height='17'/>");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("<td class='panelbottom'> ");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("<td class='panelbottomright'>");
out.write("<img src='/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/clear.gif' width='24' height='17'/>");
out.write("</td>\r\n ");
out.write("</table>\r\n\r\n ");
out.write("<br/>\r\n ");
out.write("<br/>\r\n ");
out.write("<br/>\r\n \r\n\r\n");
out.write("<tr bgcolor=\"darkblue\">\r\n\r\n\t ");
out.write("<font color=white face=\"Verdana\">\r\n\r\n");
out.write("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\r\n//Response.Write(\"hello\")\r\n\r\n");
out.write("<script language=\"JavaScript1.2\">\r\n\r\n\r\n//Specify the marquee's width (in pixels)\r\nscreenSize = screen.availWidth;\r\n\r\nvar marqueewidth = screenSize + \"px\"\r\n//Specify the marquee's height\r\nvar marqueeheight=\"25px\"\r\n//Specify the marquee's marquee speed (larger is faster 1-10)\r\n//var marqueespeed=2\r\nvar marqueespeed=4\r\n//configure background color:\r\nvar marqueebgcolor=\"rgb(0,128,192)\"\r\n//Pause marquee onMousever (0=no. 1=yes)?\r\nvar pauseit=1\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nmyMesg='");
out.write("<NOBR>****Welcome to K-C Self-Service HelpDesk Site****All K-C ITS users are requested to use HP Service Desk 4.5 Desktop Client Application to create / manage tickets****");
out.write("</NOBR>';\r\nvar marqueecontent=myMesg\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nmarqueespeed=(document.all)? marqueespeed : Math.max(1, marqueespeed-1) //slow speed down by 1 for NS\r\n\r\nvar copyspeed=marqueespeed\r\nvar pausespeed=(pauseit==0)? copyspeed: 0\r\nvar iedom=document.all||document.getElementById\r\n\r\nif (iedom)\r\ndocument.write('");
out.write("<span id=\"temp\" style=\"visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:-100px;left:-9000px\">'+marqueecontent+'");
out.write("</span>')\r\n\r\nvar actualwidth=''\r\nvar cross_marquee, ns_marquee\r\n\r\nfunction populate(){\r\n\t\r\nif (iedom){\r\n\t\r\ncross_marquee=document.getElementById? document.getElementById(\"iemarquee\") : document.all.iemarquee\r\ncross_marquee.style.left=parseInt(marqueewidth)+8+\"px\"\r\ncross_marquee.innerHTML=marqueecontent\r\nactualwidth=document.all? temp.offsetWidth : document.getElementById(\"temp\").offsetWidth\r\n}\r\nelse if (document.layers){\r\n\t\r\nns_marquee=document.ns_marquee.document.ns_marquee2\r\nns_marquee.left=parseInt(marqueewidth)+8\r\nns_marquee.document.write(marqueecontent)\r\nns_marquee.document.close()\r\nactualwidth=ns_marquee.document.width\r\n}\r\n\r\nlefttime=setInterval(\"scrollmarquee()\",20)\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\nwindow.onload=populate\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction scrollmarquee(){\r\n\t\r\nif (iedom){\r\n\t\r\nif (parseInt(cross_marquee.style.left)>(actualwidth*(-1)+8))\r\ncross_marquee.style.left=parseInt(cross_marquee.style.left)-copyspeed+\"px\"\r\nelse\r\ncross_marquee.style.left=parseInt(marqueewidth)+8+\"px\"\r\n\r\n}\r\nelse if (document.layers){\r\nif (ns_marquee.left>(actualwidth*(-1)+8))\r\n");
out.write("ns_marquee.left-=copyspeed\r\nelse\r\nns_marquee.left=parseInt(marqueewidth)+8\r\n}\r\n}\r\n\r\nif (iedom||document.layers){\r\n\t\r\nwith (document){\r\n\t\r\ndocument.write('");
out.write("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">");
out.write("<td>')\r\nif (iedom){\r\nwrite('");
out.write("<div style=\"position:relative;width:'+marqueewidth+';height:'+marqueeheight+';overflow:hidden\">')\r\nwrite('");
out.write("<div style=\"position:absolute;width:'+marqueewidth+';height:'+marqueeheight+';background-color:'+marqueebgcolor+'\" onMouseover=\"copyspeed=pausespeed\" onMouseout=\"copyspeed=marqueespeed\">')\r\nwrite('");
out.write("<div id=\"iemarquee\" style=\"position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px\">");
out.write("</div>')\r\n}\r\nelse if (document.layers){\r\nwrite('");
out.write("<ilayer width='+marqueewidth+' height='+marqueeheight+' name=\"ns_marquee\" bgColor='+marqueebgcolor+'>')\r\nwrite('");
out.write("<layer name=\"ns_marquee2\" left=0 top=0 onMouseover=\"copyspeed=pausespeed\" onMouseout=\"copyspeed=marqueespeed\">");
out.write("</tr>\r\n ");
} catch (Throwable t) {
out = jspxout;
if (out != null && out.getBufferSize() != 0)
if (pageContext != null) pageContext.handlePageException(t);
} finally {
if (_jspxFactory != null) _jspxFactory.releasePageContext(pageContext);
package org.apache.jsp;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import org.apache.jasper.runtime.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import com.hp.ov.portal.core.Profile;
import com.hp.ov.portal.util.NameAndTitle;
import com.hp.ov.portal.util.Pair;
import com.hp.ov.portal.util.PortalIDs;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.hp.ov.portal.util.OVResourceBundle;
import com.hp.ov.portal.core.Profile;
import com.hp.ov.portal.core.AdminBean;
import com.hp.ov.portal.util.NameAndTitle;
import com.hp.ov.portal.util.PortalIDs;
public class portalpage_html_jsp extends HttpJspBase {
The following imports must be made in any jsp which includes this page
via: <%@ include file="common.jsp" %>
final static String portalTitle = "HP OpenView Web Console";
// The following are for the toolbar buttons
final static String toolbarOptsLabel = "Options";
final static String toolbarOptsImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/opt_icon.gif";
final static String toolbarAdminLabel = "Admin";
final static String toolbarAdminImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/opt_icon.gif";
final static String toolbarHomeLabel = "Home";
final static String toolbarHomeImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/opt_icon.gif";
final static String toolbarLogoutLabel = "Logout";
final static String toolbarLogoutImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/logout_icon.gif";
final static String toolbarHelpLabel = "Help";
final static String toolbarHelpImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/hlp_icon.gif";
final static String toolbarOKLabel = "OK";
final static String toolbarOKImg = null;
final static String toolbarCancelLabel = "Cancel";
final static String toolbarCancelImg = null;
final static String toolbarCloseLabel = "Close";
final static String toolbarCloseImg = null;
final static String toolbarApplyLabel = "Apply";
final static String toolbarApplyImg = null;
final static String toolbarResetLabel = "Reset";
final static String toolbarResetImg = null;
// These are the strings and URLs for the module titlebar area
final static String moduleEditImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/edit.gif";
final static String moduleEditTxt = "Edit";
final static String moduleHelpImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/help.gif";
final static String moduleHelpTxt = "Help";
final static String moduleDetachImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/detach.gif";
final static String moduleDetachTxt = "Detach";
final static String moduleDeleteImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/x.gif";
final static String moduleDeleteTxt = "Remove";
final static String moduleDeleteMsg = "Are you sure you want to remove this module? This can not be undone.";
final static String moduleRollUpTxt = "Roll Up";
final static String moduleRollDnTxt = "Roll Down";
final static String moduleRollUpImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/rolledup.gif";
final static String moduleRollDnImg = "/OvSipDocs/C/images/framework/rolleddn.gif";
private String getLocalizedString(Profile profile, String name, String text)
HttpServletRequest r

This is a repeated post, posted twice before.
Thread 1, Thread 2
I have the followings suggestions for you:
1. Please post your requirement in the body of the message and not in the 'subject line'.
2. Please do not open multiple threads for the same query.
3. Since you have already posted this on the Job Openings forum, please do not repeat this here. You will definetly get a response to your job post in the other forum.

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    For example,
    i have an input field in that i would like to enter
    only numeric values. no special characters,alphabets .
    reply ASAP

    Hi Venuthurupalli,
    As valery has said once you select the value to be of type integer,once you perform an action it will be validated and error message that non numeric characters are there will be shown. If you want to set additional constraints like max value, min value etc you can use simple types for it.
    On the project structure on left hand side under local dictionary ->datatypes->simple types create a simple type of type integer
    The attribute which you are binding to value property ;make its type as simple type which you made
    Hope this helps you

  • Restrict the users to use the field Unplanned delivery cost at MIRO

    Dear Friends,
    I want to restrict some users to use the unplanned delivery cost at MIRO. It should be displayed as visible to enter for some users and it should be displayed in grey mode not to enter anything for some users. I am asking this to restrict some misutilisation of this field by some users. Can I restrict through profiles?
    Simply, I want to restrict the users to use the field Unplanned delivery cost at MIRO through Profiles of them. Pls help me,, it is impacting our business.
    Venkata Reddy.Mudda

    Check the customization for unplanned cost:
    SPRO -- Materials Management -- Invoice Verification -- Logistics Invoice Verification -- Incoming Invoice -- Configure How Unplanned Delivery Costs Are Posted
    Best Regards

  • I Need help!!! The card I used when I first set up my account I lost it so now I can't download any music cause it's wanting a number of that card I lost... Someone tell me what I can do???

    I Need help!!! The card I used when I first set up my account I lost it so now I can't download any music cause it's wanting a number off that card and I don't have it anymoe... Someone tell me what to do please???

    Add another good card and delete the old one, Yu can also purchase and redeem an iTunes gift card and hthen delee the bad credit card.  Yu need a valid payment method for update as well even purchasing free apps if the account was set up with a credit card.

  • Phone and my husbands iphone ring at the same time when only one of us is being called. How can I stop this from happening?

    Both my iphone and my husbands iphone ring at the same time when only one of us is being called. How can I stop this from happening?

    This post has already been answered. Why are you plugging your own site with an answer that has already been given? Not to mention that the information you are handing out is incorrect. There is no bug, there is no patch, and no one needs to delete any email addresses. If you take the time to read the posts with the correct answers, you will see that the solution is totally different than the erroneous one you have posted.

  • VPLS (ATM-Ethernet) using only one circuit in the main ethernet site

    Hi Everybody
    We are needing to connect the following topology in our MPLS net:
    The main site connects to the net through an Ethernet circuit and the remote sites are connected through ATM circuits. we need to use only one vlan in the main site. It is possible to connect this topoligy using only one vlan in the main site through VLPS? or pseudowires? which other solution can we use to solve this problem?
    thanks a lot.

    I understand your best option will be to run AToM/L2VPN internetworking and have a PVC from a remote locate to be "internetworked" to a sub-interfaces (representing a vlan) at the central site which have an Ethernet connection.
    Take a look at this example:

  • Fbl5n: The printer provides me only one customer items for each page...

    Hi all,
    launching t.code FBL5N, and printing the repost list, the printer provides me only one customer items for each page...
    I'd like obtaining more customer items for each page...
    What to do?

    Hi Umberto..
    Thats how the standard report works..
    To meet your requirement, you would probably need to look at another standard report.
    In case you need further clarification, please feel free to write to me..
    Good Luck!

  • Can you have different accounts (meaning different passwords, different countries/store) with the same apple ID (only one e-mail address)?

    can you have different accounts (meaning different passwords, different countries/store) with the same apple ID (only one e-mail address)?

    thank you for your reply, it is not very fair from apple, since for not using your credit card, you need to create a new account and if you do not have multiple e-mail  working , you are stuck! thanks anyway

  • I would need to install Adobe Connect Add-in Test for only one webinar. When I pressed instal button -  it said to me - it cannot be written on hard disc. Could you help me, please. Bretislav

    I would need to install Adobe Connect Add-in Test for only one webinar. When I pressed instal button -  it said to me - it cannot be written on hard disc. Could you help me, please. Bretislav

    After posting my concern/question, especially in regards to the optical drive, I read this on this forum:
    Jul 11, 2011 5:21 AM      
    I would like to update my macbook pro from Tiger to Snow Leopard, but my optical drive is not working. Can I take my macbook pro into the apple store and have them install it via a portable drive?
    MacBook Pro, Optical drive is no longer working
    Another poster replied, "Yes, I believe they will."
    Is this true? Can someone verify this?  Any idea of cost?  I really don't need my optical drive.  Besides, end of year, I'm getting a new Mack Book Pro.

  • Restrict regular users to use only certain ldm command options

    I would like to restrict regular users to use only certain ldm command options, for example only list, bind/unbind, stop/start
    What is the best practice to do it?

    Solution provided by one of my colleagues:
    Installing sudo and configure sudoers file "User privilege specification" section similar to the following example:
    # User privilege specification
    root ALL=(ALL) ALL
    user1 host1 = /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm ls *
    user1 host1 = /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm stop *
    user1 host1 = /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm stop -f *
    user1 host1 = /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm start *
    user1 host1 = /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm bind *
    user1 host1 = /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm unbind *
    **Note*: asterisk should be at the end of each row. They are not displayed in the posted message...*

  • Hi,  If I have 1 license for creative cloud, will it possible to install in 2 computers (1 laptop and 1 desktop)?  When I am in the office I can use desktop and at home I can use laptop? At the same time I will be using only one devise. Will that be possi

    Hi,  If I have 1 license for creative cloud, will it possible to install in 2 computers (1 laptop and 1 desktop)?  When I am in the office I can use desktop and at home I can use laptop? At the same time I will be using only one devise. Will that be possible?  Thanks

    Yes. Yes. Yes.

  • Need to use only one sender and receiver communication channel.

    Hello Experts.
    I have a scenario where in I have to use only one sender and receiver communication channel to push files from different source directories to different receiver directories.
    For Eg;
    D://dir1/file1 --->                  E://dir1/File1
    F://dir2/file2 ---->                 G://dir2/file2
    H://dir3/file3----->                 I://dir3/file3.
    Can this be achieved by using pass through scenario?
    Please let me know if the requirement is not clear.     
    Thanks in advance.
    Advit Ramesh

    Hi Advit,
    I think it is possible. You have to use the Advanced Selection for Source file in the sender channel to define multiple files to be picked up. Also, the Dynamic configuration must also be enabled and used in the mapping so you can manipulate the target directory and target file name based on your source files.
    For Polling from multiple directories:
    Dynamic Configuration:
    Dynamic file name and directory in Receiver File Adapter - summary of possibilities - Process Integration - SCN Wiki

  • I am using only one Apple ID. The problem, since iOS 6,  is the App Store purchased items screen just shows loading screen  it finally crashes or gives the error message 'can not connect to  Apple store'

    I am using only one Apple ID. The problem, since iOS 6,  is the App Store purchased items screen just shows loading screen  it finally crashes or gives the error message 'can not connect to  Apple store'

    I am using only one Apple ID. The problem, since iOS 6,  is the App Store purchased items screen just shows loading screen  it finally crashes or gives the error message 'can not connect to  Apple store'

  • Hello, I use photoshop cc 10 days and I did a lot of files with layers and channels. For two days in two different locations that only happens in some documents when you reopen the job done no more .. Example 6 channels on the facts I see only one .. Than

    Hello, I use photoshop cc 10 days and I did a lot of files with layers and channels.
    For two days in two different locations that only happens in some documents when you reopen the job done no more .. Example 6 channels on the facts I see only one ..
    Thank you for your attention.

    Don't understand what you writing here.  Screen shoots would be most helpful.
    Supply pertinent information for quicker answers
    The more information you supply about your situation, the better equipped other community members will be to answer. Consider including the following in your question:
    Adobe product and version number
    Operating system and version number
    The full text of any error message(s)
    What you were doing when the problem occurred
    Screenshots of the problem
    Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; amount of RAM; etc.

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