Result may contain single string or comma separated need to split into rows

Hi, All... I've searched through the forums and found plenty on splitting comma separated into rows; though I'm struggling applying it to my situation. I have data that looks like the below where I need to split a value into multiple rows if it should be but the same field in the table may also contain a string that should not be separated (indicated by the "Array" field being 0 or 1)...
(SELECT 1 as array, '"Banana", "Apple", "Pear"' as str FROM dual union all
SELECT 0, 'Fruit is delicious' FROM dual union all
SELECT 0, 'So are vegetables' FROM dual union all
SELECT 1, '"Bean", "Carrot", "Broccoli"' FROM dual union all
SELECT 1, '"Apple", "Banana"' FROM dual)I've looked through many of the connect_by posts on the forum and I haven't come across one that splits a field if it should be but doesn't if it should not be... may have missed it because there are plenty of these requests on the forum!
If you're feeling even more ambitious - the ultimate goal is to count the number of times a particular answer appears in an array - so notice the last portion of the data contains "Apple", "Banana"... the result would show:
Banana             2
Apple              2
Pear               1
Bean               1
Carrot             1
Broccoli           1
Fruit is delicious
So are vegetablesI can always sort them later based on other fields in the table - but the result above would be my ultimate goal!
Any help is always appreciated. Thanks! 11g

The examples you found should work for you. Just use a CASE expression to determine if str needs to be split or not, by looking at array.
Here's one way:
WITH     got_part_cnt     AS
     SELECT     array, str
     ,     CASE
              WHEN  array = 0
              THEN  1
--              ELSE  1 + REGEXP_COUNT (str, '", "')     -- See note below
              ELSE  1 + ( ( LENGTH (str)
                              - LENGTH (REPLACE (str, '", "'))
                     / 4
          END          AS part_cnt
     FROM    t
,     cntr     AS
     SELECT  LEVEL     AS n
     FROM     (
              SELECT  MAX (part_cnt)     AS max_part_cnt
              FROM    got_part_cnt
     CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= max_part_cnt
,     got_sub_str          AS
     SELECT     CASE
              WHEN  p.array = 0
              THEN  p.str
              ELSE  REGEXP_SUBSTR ( p.str
                               , '[^"]+'
                         , 1
                         , (2 * c.n) - 1
          END     AS sub_str
     FROM     got_part_cnt  p
     JOIN     cntr           c  ON  c.n <= p.part_cnt
SELECT       sub_str
,       COUNT (*)     AS cnt
FROM       got_sub_str
GROUP BY  sub_str
ORDER BY  cnt          DESC
,            sub_str
The only database at hand right now is Oracle 10.2, which doesn't have REGEXP_COUNT.  I had to use a complicated way of counting how many times '", "' occurs in str in order to test this in Oracle 10.  Since you have Oracle 11, you can un-comment the line that uses REGEXP_COUNT in the first CASE expression, and remove the alternate ELSE clause (that is, the next 5 lines, up to END).
To make sure that this query is really paying attention to array, I added this row to the sample data:
SELECT 0, '"Bean", "Carrot", "Broccoli"' FROM dual union all
Even though str looks just like a delimited list, array=0 tells the query not to split it, so it produces these results:
SUB_STR                               CNT
Apple                                   2
Banana                                  2
"Bean", "Carrot", "Broccoli"            1
Bean                                    1
Broccoli                                1
Carrot                                  1
Fruit is delicious                      1
Pear                                    1
So are vegetables                       1

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    You can use CEIL
    Sample code
        LTRIM(MAX(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(val,',')) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY curr),',') AS concat_val
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nt ORDER BY val)    AS curr,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nt ORDER BY val) -1 AS prev
                        level                          AS val,
                        ceil(rownum/3)  as nt /* Grouped in batches of 3 */
                        CONNECT BY level <= 10
        CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr
    AND nt              = PRIOR nt
        START WITH curr = 1;
            NT CONCAT_VAL
             1 1,2,3
             2 4,5,6
             3 7,8,9
             4 10Your code
        LTRIM(MAX(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(title_id,',')) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY curr),',') AS concat_val
                ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITion BY nt ORDER BY title_id)   AS curr,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nt ORDER BY title_id) -1 AS prev
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        CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr
    AND nt              = PRIOR nt
        START WITH curr = 1;

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    LIST A:
    Cust ID
    I want to insert the above comma separated values in the below format(different Row)
    LIST B:

    Here is a codeplex solution can meet your reference:
    Plumsail String Workflow Actions for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online
    We can use Split string workflow action to split the CustName value, then insert it to ListB.
    More information:
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    <Description>Communication Memo Description.</Description>
    <Description>Visit 4</Description>
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    Take a look at this:
    You could do this (ofcourse, you will need to add extra logic to ensure that there is no comma added after the last name..)
    <?for-each@inlines:Name?><?.?><?', '?><?end for-each?>

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    02 Test2
    03 Test3
    04 Test4

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    MODEL    PO No   RR No  RR Date,     PartNo           Part Description,              Qty Received   Lot No             DR No.    DR Date     
    QB3-DLX  150     100455  3/16/2011   657712S400   ROD HOOD SUPPORT       72                  252-36,253-36 2345       3/15/2011
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    QB3-DLX  150      100455   3/16/2011  657712S400  ROD HOOD SUPPORT       36                   252-36           2345      3/15/2011
    QB3-DLX  150      100455   3/16/2011  657712S400  ROD HOOD SUPPORT       36                   253-36           2345      3/15/2011
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    You may do the opposite: i.e. from 2 lines to one. It will be extremely difficult or not possible to meet your above need.

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    We have Replace function in Answers which would replace all occurunces of a particular character with another. To achieve your requirement, you will need to split your string and apply replace function on each part and finally concatenate again.
    For e.g. your string is 'A_B_C_D'
    You need to split into, below
    Apply Replace function to first three parts and then finally concatenate.
    Replace('A_','_','E=') || Replace('B_','_','F=') || Replace('C_','_','G=') || 'D'
    To split the string into parts you may have to use substring and locate functions.
    Refer the below thread too.
    Re: extract a part of a string in a full  string

  • Remove Duplicates From Comma Separated String

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    Customer ID
    I wrote this:
    select REGEXP_REPLACE('5,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,6,7,4,1,2,1,4,7,2', '(^|,)([^,]*)(,\2)+','\1\2') from dual;
    But it eliminates only continuous elements.
    I want out put like:
    Please help.
    Edited by: 987565 on Feb 12, 2013 4:02 AM

    Thanks Purvesh,
    While testing with real data, it is ignoring some values. I didn't understand why it happening.
    with data as
    select '5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5668,5716,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5714,5668,5716' col from dual
    select ltrim(max(sys_connect_by_path(col, ',')) keep (dense_rank last order by rn - 1), ',') col
    from (
    select col, row_number() over (order by 1) rn
    from (
    select distinct regexp_substr(col, '[^,]+', 1, level) col
    from data
    connect by level <= length(col) - length(replace(col, ','))
    start with rn = 1
    connect by prior rn = rn - 1;
    Result I got is:
    My Real Query is like that:
    cursor c1 is
    select id
    from order o;
    v_char varchar2(200) := '';
    for a1 in c1 loop
    with data as
    select o.cust_id as col into v_char
    from order o
    where =
    select ltrim(max(sys_connect_by_path(col, ',')) keep (dense_rank last order by rn - 1), ',') col
    from (
    select col, row_number() over (order by 1) rn
    from (
    select distinct regexp_substr(col, '[^,]+', 1, level) col
    from data
    connect by level <= length(col) - length(replace(col, ','))
    start with rn = 1
    connect by prior rn = rn - 1;
    end loop;
    Later, i will update same cust_id with v_char.

  • Get Comma separated result from SQL Query

    Hey Everyone
    I have a requirement where i need to get comma separated result of names because there is one to many relationship i.e for every protocol there are mutiple people associated to it , and i created PL/SQL function for that and everything was fine and when it is in production multiple number of cursors were opened because of the logic and leading to RAC fail over and for that we were manually clearing the cursors every weekend and i am looking to create a Materialized view for this logic but i was unable to code the logic using Connect by clause
    Result is like and i want comma separated names for every protocol
    P06065     TESTER13 TESTER13
    P02095     ANNE MUIR
    P02095     ROBERT HARLOW
    P02095     JANICE ALBERT
    P02095     Jacqueline van Dalen
    P02095     GUENTER HENNIG DR.
    P05209     Olga Xenaki
    P05553     Birgit Limbach-Angele
    P05553     Anja Schulz Dr.
    here is the function which i wrote, i need to get the same logic through SQL Statement .. thanks for your help
    cursor c_GSCR is
    select T565804.FST_NAME||' '||T565804.LAST_NAME
    S_PT_POS_HST_LS T544105 /* S_PT_POS_HST_LS_Protocol_Team */ ,
    S_CONTACT T565804 /* S_CONTACT_Protocol_Team */,
    S_CL_PTCL_LS T541903 /* S_CL_PTCL_LS_Protocol */
    where ( T541903.ROW_ID = T544105.CL_PTCL_ID and
    T544105.POSTN_ID = T565804.PR_HELD_POSTN_ID and
    T544105.ROLE_CD = 'Lead Project Manager' AND
    T541903.ROW_ID = v_PTCL_ID and
    T541903.PAR_PTCL_ID is null and T544105.END_DT is null );
    l_row_num := 0;
    l_role := '';
    l_role_list := '';
    v_PTCL_ID := PTCL_ID;
    if C_GSCR%isopen THEN
    FETCH C_GSCR INTO l_role;
    exit when C_GSCR%notfound;
    IF l_role_list IS NULL THEN
    l_role_list:=l_role_list||', '||l_role;
    END IF;
    end if;

    Srix wrote:
    Thanks for the Info .. My database in 10g R 2 i started using COLLECT Function
    select T541903.PTCL_NUM ,
    CAST(COLLECT(T565804.FST_NAME||' '||T565804.LAST_NAME) AS varchar2_ntt) , 7) AS LPM_NAME
    S_PT_POS_HST_LS T544105 /* S_PT_POS_HST_LS_Protocol_Team */ ,
    S_CONTACT T565804 /* S_CONTACT_Protocol_Team */,
    S_CL_PTCL_LS T541903 /* S_CL_PTCL_LS_Protocol */
    where T541903.ROW_ID = T544105.CL_PTCL_ID and
    T544105.POSTN_ID = T565804.PR_HELD_POSTN_ID and
    T544105.ROLE_CD = 'Lead Project Manager' AND
    T541903.PAR_PTCL_ID is null and T544105.END_DT is null
    The result i like ...Do you mean "The result *is* like ..."?
    Or do you mean "The result I [would] like [is] ..."?
    The code above has unblanaced parentheses. If you are getting anything other than an error message, then I don't believe you are really running what you posted.
    Whenever you have a problem, post a complete test script that people can use to recreate the problem and test their ideas.
    Please do that. Post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements to crate the sample data, the code you used to create the carachr2_ntt type and the function, and your best attempt at a query (formatted). Simplify as much as possible. For example, do you really need 3 tables to illustrate the problem? For purposes of asking a question on this forum, can't you pretend you have just one table, with 2 columns?
    I suspect the problem has to do with the user-defined type and function, which you didn't post. I can't even see how you called the function in your query. Without the information I mentioned above, there's not much I can do to help you.

  • Comparing 2 comma separated value strings

    I've the following requirement where i need to comapre 2 strings having comma separated values.
    v_Str1 varchar2(100) ;
    v_str2 varchar2(100);
    v_str1 := '123,234,456' ;
    v_str2 := '123,234';
    /*  *I need to write a logic to compare the above 2 strings
    Could you please give me  hint to achieve this*  */Thanks
    Edited by: smile on Mar 13, 2012 8:20 PM

    Try this
    v_Str1 varchar2(100) ;
    v_str2 varchar2(100);
    v_str1 := '123,234,456,4364' ;
    v_str2 := '123,234';
    For cur_rec in (
      select REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_str1, '[^,]+', 1, level) output
      from t
      connect by level <= regexp_count(v_str1,',')+1
      select REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_str2, '[^,]+', 1, level) output
      from t
      connect by level <= regexp_count(v_str2,',')+1) loop
    End loop;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completedAnother format
    v_Str1 varchar2(100) ;
    v_str2 varchar2(100);
    v_Str3 varchar2(100);
    v_Str1 := '600,100,500,200,300,400' ;
    v_Str2 :='100,200';
    For cur_rec in (
      select REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_str1, '[^,]+', 1, level) output
      from t
      connect by level <= regexp_count(v_str1,',')+1
      select REGEXP_SUBSTR (v_str2, '[^,]+', 1, level) output
      from t
      connect by level <= regexp_count(v_str2,',')+1) loop
    End loop;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completedEdited by: Lokanath Giri on १४ मार्च, २०१२ १:३३ अपराह्न

  • How to seach for a particular text in comma separated values

    I have one table for eg. TB_Fruits.
    In that i have one column FruitsName(Varchar)
    In that column i am storing string in comma separated values.
    Select FruitsName from tb_fruits;
    Result: orange,banana,apple
    Now the issue is suppose if i try to insert any of these fruits name again then it should not allow me to insert.
    Suppose now if i try to insert ('grapes,banana')
    the orange,banana,apple can be in any position.
    How to check if any of these names already exist or not in the column fruitsname?
    I cannot use like or INstr function here. because the position is not fixed not even string.
    Appreciate any help.

    After doing search.
    Got to know <= 3 length in word is in stoplist.
    That's why the value ALL it was not searching in index.
    After modifying the index this problem is solved.
    Fruitsname_idx ON tb_fruits (FruitsName)
    indextype is ctxsys.context
    stoplist ctxsys.empty_stoplist');
    But now the issue is suppose i have value with space..
    i inserted one more row with value 'FRUITS YELLOW'
    So in the index it is storing two is for FRUITS and second is for YELLOW.
    select * from tb_fruits t where contains(t.FruitsName,'FRUITS')>0
    I will get record..but actually there should be no record.
    And it should allow me to insert. So i can insert the value FRUITS in more row.
    Any help on how to store the value with space in one row in index??

  • Comma separated data to array

    I am looking for a method to translate a string with comma separated data into an array or vector.

    Hello rolivawdaneel, I hope this help you, this takes the string a returns a vector.
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class stringConverter {
        public static Vector toVector( String s ) {
            Vector result = new Vector();
            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( s, "," );
            while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                String aTokenizedString = st.nextToken();
                result.addElement( aTokenizedString );
            return result;

  • File content conversion: String with commas to CSV

    Hi Experts,
    I have the following structure
    DATA (1..n)
    ...Result (1..1)
    The Result field contains a string like below
    How do I put this into File Content Conversion when I want the receiver to be a CSV file? One cell per letter.
    Thanks in advance.

    Outbound: you could convert your flat file to xml at first. Make the necessary mapping to the destination structur.
    Inbound: Content convernsion from xml to csv.

  • SUM function resulting WRONG values when some cell contains a string

    A very strange problem that can result in wrong financial calculations and big mistakes...
    If we have SUM function for some range of cells and one of them is treated as text string (I mean it's number in fact but Number is sure it's text string). than SUM function calulates ALL cells except this sell silently without errors and results in wrong result.
    For example we have cells and values
    A B
    1| 15 USD
    2| 0 USD
    3| 37 USD
    4| 1 USD
    5| 3 USD
    here the function SUM(B1:B5) should provide the result "56 USD"
    But if cell B5 is treated as text string (it can be still displayed as "3 USD" so we don't know it's treated as text string for some reason) than SUM(B1:B5) swill answer "53 USD".
    The problem is we DON'T know cell B5 is treated as text and we are fully sure that we have the correct sum of all 5 cells, in reality we see sum of 4 cells only....
    I think anybody working with financial or other important data can imagine how dangerous this SUM behaviour is.... I encountered several times that when importing data from Excel or by other ways numbers are imported as text strings. So if I have a lot of cells I'm not sure if all those cells are correctly styled or some of them for some unknown reason is treated as text string.
    In Microsoft Excel there is a very right solution. In MS Excel if any cell in the SUM is wrong format the SUM function simply provides error as a result. But in Numbers SUM doesn't tell us about error, it simply provides us with a wrong result!
    With formal logic the way SUM works in Numbers is total idiotism. If I ask to SUM B1:B5 than I definitely ask to sum ALL 5 cells, not 4, not 3, not 6 but 5 definite cells. If Numbers can't sum those exactly those 5 cells the only answer of the function should be ERROR.
    But Apple Numbers answers me some result of summing those cells that it's able to sum. Apple Numbers SUM function is not confused that I asked for SUM of 5 (not 4 or 3) cells and I expect to have this sum as a result.
    In fact Apple uses the right logic when we use another formula. If we use =B1B2+B3+B4B5 and any cell contains text string that we'll have error result the sam as in Microsoft Excel. So in this example Numbers behaves correctly.
    So why SUM (B1:B5) can provide totally different result as =B1B2+B3+B4B5?

    alexb2 wrote:
    So when I set format for my number as my local currency it's displayed as 123 XXX (XXX is my currency but it's not in latin). I see it's not only displayed but also stored as 123 XXX. That's different from Excel that stores only numbers in cells and shows number with prefix or suffix - Numbers storex number with prefix or suffix.
    No, you get this behavior because the original sheet is displaying values as currencies. I assumes that the import process pass it as a string because he doesn't recognize it as a currency value. As far as I know, Numbers stores the currency entries as a pure number and an indicator of the used currency.
    Here is an example.
    (a) the description of the numerical value (I underlined it: 456)
    <sf:number-cell sf:flags="4" sf:value="456" sf:col="1" sf:row="2">
    <sf:cell-style-ref sfa:IDREF="SFTCellStyle-46"/>
    <sf:content-size sfa:w="58.659881591796875" sfa:h="14"/>
    (b) the description of the format (I underlined the used currency: XAM)
    <sf:cell-style sfa:ID="SFTCellStyle-46" sf:cell-style-default-line-height="12" sf:parent-ident="tabular-Basic-body-cell-style-id">
    <sf:number-format sfa:ID="SFTNumberFormat-23" sf:format-type="1" sf:format-string="#,##0.00 &#xA4;;-#,##0.00 &#xA4;" sf:format-decimal-places="2" sf:format-currency-code="XAM" sf:format-negative-style="0" sf:format-show-thousands-separator="true" sf:format-fraction-accuracy="-3" sf:format-use-accounting-style="false"/>
    <sf:number sfa:number="256" sfa:type="i"/>
    <sf:number sfa:number="257" sfa:type="i"/>
    Of course, if the original currency string is not recognized, it can't be described as such a feature and the value is treated as a simple string.
    So may be at some moment my 123 XXX is treated like string value.
    Yes, find and replace is a nice tool when importing data - thanks for the tip. the last problem is with already Numbers files that were imported not today (or even createde as Numbers file) where some cell becomes string value after some editing.
    Here again, if you edit a currency string and replace it to a not recognized one, the result will be logically a string.
    There is an other way to give this result:
    copy a value from a cell formatted as XAM currency (just an example)
    paste it in a cell whose format is currency Euro (once again it's just an example).
    The result will be a string.
    The culprit is not the program, it's the user.
    I had several times this situation and last time I found error only because I have my budget in 2 programs - in Numbers and in another special budgeting program. As each program has advantages I have in fact 2 instances of the same budget.
    And when I changed some string in Numbers and another program I noticed the sum is different. I was sure it's another program somewhere buggy but noticed than Numbers simply ignores one of the budget strings and sums without it... In fact it was even not the string I changed, I remember I changed the buggy string about a week ago but I haven't compared budgets that time so my budget had a mistake for some time till I noticed it. If I used only Numbers without copy of budget in another program may be even today I won't notice the mistake.
    The same situation happened not once.
    I think that the choice made by Apple for SUM() is correct. You feel that it is wrong. It's useless to debate more, we will not change the behavior of the function.
    I try to give a workaround.
    The neater one is to add columns as I described in my first response.
    The given formula will clearly flag cells which aren't containing numerical values. If you move the SUM from the original range to the new one, the oddities will be flagged automatically.
    Here is an alternate workaround:
    The currency is XAM.
    In B4 I introduced a typo so the value is no longer a numerical one.
    Given that, the sum in the footer doesn't count the 34 (which is the normal behavior).
    In column C1 I entered =1*B
    which flagged the bad cell.
    The alternate is to use an auxiliary table like aux1
    In A1 I entered:
    Exactly the same formula in B1, C1, D1, …
    So, the table will automatically grab the contents of the main table (just take care to insert more columns in aux1 than in main)
    In the footer row of aux1, insert a sum formula for columns where there is required.
    Looking at this footer will flag columns where a value may be "wrong" so, it will be necessary (but easy) to scan the column's content to find the red triangle(s).
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE lundi 13 octobre 2008 13:27:40)

  • [svn] 1751: Bug: BLZ-174 - MessageClient.testMessage() is incorrectly doing a string compare for the subtopic header of an inbound message against the subtopic value (which may contain wildcards) that the Consumer is using.

    Revision: 1751
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-05-15 14:21:43 -0700 (Thu, 15 May 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-174 - MessageClient.testMessage() is incorrectly doing a string compare for the subtopic header of an inbound message against the subtopic value (which may contain wildcards) that the Consumer is using.
    QA: No - customer verified the fix.
    Doc: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    If you create a metadatatype with a single metdata block, and you reference that in your vm/cm cell attribute using a *one* based index, Excel seems to see the link and it honors it when saving the spreadsheet.
    So, I ended up with something like:
    <c ... cm="1"/> (I'm dealing with cell metadata, but the concept is equivalente to value metadata)
    <metadataTypes count="1">
      <metadataType name="MyMetaType" .../>
    <futureMetadata count="1" name="MyMetaType">
    uri="http://example" xmlns:x="http://example"><x:val>87</x:val></ext></extLst>
    <cellMetadata count="1">
    t="1" v="0"/></bk> <!-- this is what gets referenced as cm=1 on the cell -->
    Hope this helps. 

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