Retrieve a deleted document

How to retrieve a document that was deleted in error.

Hello peter
Apple don't deliver a tool allowing us to extract a document from versions if the main document is gone.
This is why I wrote and posted scripts filling the gap in :
At this time this set of three scripts is a "must have" for every Lion user.
I'm too busy to submit an User Tip with them.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 16 septembre 2011 11:20:19
iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
My iDisk is : <>
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    Sorry no. That's how it works.
    Check if you still have an old backup and do a restore otherwise it's gone.

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    First goto transaction
    Solar01 and from the SAP menu Business Blueprint->Find document.
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    Neither do I know. You can refer to some links on this. There are good materials on internet on how to retrieve archived data. Some for your perusal.

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    You mean the Photo Library? You delete pics that were synced to your phone the same way they got there, through the iTunes sync process. Remove the checks next to the albums/folders that were synced to your phone, hit the apply/sync button & they will be removed from your phone. The only pics that can be deleted directly on your phone are pics in your camera roll.
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      Model Identifier: MacBookPro7,1
      Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed: 2,4 GHz
      Number Of Processors: 1
      Total Number Of Cores: 2
      L2 Cache: 3 MB
      Memory: 4 GB
      Bus Speed: 1,07 GHz
      Boot ROM Version: MBP71.0039.B0B
      SMC Version (system): 1.62f7
      Serial Number (system): W80394HFATM
      Hardware UUID: 94647506-C5D0-5D73-BC7F-FC680D238F43
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
      State: Enabled
    <Personsl Information Edited by Host>

    buy an external HD   1TB for $60
    NO notebook is a mass storage device, so dont try to turn it into one, it doesnt work that way.
    Unless youre using it every couple weeks, its static data and should be on an external HD
    In the case of a Macbook Air or Macbook Pro Retina with ‘limited’ storage on the SSD, this distinction becomes more important in that in an ever rapidly increasing file-size world, you keep vital large media files, pics, video, PDF collections, music off your SSD and archived on external storage, for sake of the necessary room for your system to have free space to operate, store future applications and general workspace.  You should never be put in the position of considering “deleting things” on your macbook SSD in order to ‘make space’.
    Professionals who create and import very large amounts of data have almost no change in the available space on their computers internal HD because they are constantly archiving data to arrays of external or networked HD.
    Or in the case of the consumer this means you keep folders for large imported or created data and you ritually offload and archive this data for safekeeping, not only to safeguard the data in case your macbook has a HD crash, or gets stolen, but importantly in keeping the ‘breathing room’ open for your computer to operate, expand, create files, add applications, for your APPS to create temp files, and for general operation.

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    On a mac, when you save docs to icloud, a local copy is also saved.  It's saved at:
    ~/Library/Mobile Documents
    Note that Library in the user's home folder is now hidden, so you'll have to set Finder to view hidden files.
    The Mobile Documents folder has subfolder where copies of the doc/data files are stored.
    If the file(s) are no longer there, then use your Time Machine backups to get copies back to the mac.

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    I've deleted some of documents from oracle content server mistakenly. I am using oracle ucm11g.
    I found that we have a feature called "Trash bin". Trash-bin used for recover the deleted document/folder but unluckily settings for "Trash Bin" is disabled in my UCM folder configuration.
    Is there any other way to recover?
    Please kindly help me on this. It's an urgent production issue, please.
    Thanks for your great support in advance.

    Is there any other way to recover?
    Try to take a look at Repository Manager admin application:
    If you still can see your items there, you could recover the status.
    If not, I'm afraid your documents are gone from UCM. In that case, you might recover them from a back-up. There is also a chance that documents are still present in the Vault directory, so rather than 'recover', you might 're-submit' them.

  • Delete document button in ribbon gives javascript error: g is not a function

    We have a default SharePoint 2010 installation. So an out of the box site template, out of the box document libraries/lists etc, out of the box theme (default one) etc.
    When we check the checkbox next to a document in the shared documents library, the tab in the ribbon automatically switches to the document tab. In this tab there is a button "delete document". When I click that I get a confirmation request, I click OK,
    and then I get a little yellow box in the upper right corner that tells me SharePoint is deleting the document, and then nothing happens.
    The document stays where it is, no refresh of the page as SharePoint should do...
    I have a javascript error, and in FireFox it tells me "g is not a function" on line 2 of the file inplview.js?rev=AohvE9XEf%2FI78tuaw1TGAA
    Line 2 contains like 100 javascript functions on the same line, so it's impossible to find out which function or command throws the error.
    This is not a file created by me, so I guess it comes with SharePoint and that I should not touch it.
    So what do I do now?
    I have another server that we use for SharePoint testing, and there the button works as it should, so it's not SharePoint either...
    Problem is that we use this server to give basic SharePoint trainings to our employees, so it's not a very good start when we have to say the delete button is broken but will work in the actual production environment...

    Hi Stefan,
    In our case the problem was caused because initially we had set the authentication to basic authentication, and then changed the setting to claims based authentication. Somehow this causes SharePoint to give errors.
    I don't know if the same error occurs when you choose claims based authentication from the beginning (so without changing it after creating the web application).
    In our case we had the same behavior, in the ribbon the button didn't work, but in the context menu it did work.
    I don't have any other info, as I said in my previous post, I couldn't find any info on this issue on the net. We figured this one out ourselves. I don't know how to keep the claims based authentication, for us it was just a test to try out that type of
    authentication. Since we were running into problems and we didn't really need it we reverted it back to basic authentication.

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    jon199 wrote:
    Timemachine only opens a finder window even when I'm in iPhoto or mail. I am trying to retrieve a deleted book project from iPhoto. Please help
    If you have iPhoto '09, you cannot browse or restore seleted items from your backups.  See the pink box in #15 of Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions.
    Mail should work, however, per the blue box there. 

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    Look at
    Re: How to store a "word document" on Data Base?
    hope helps

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