Retrieve LROs?

I have Essbase ( connection with Smart view & Excel Add-in.
In excel add-in I connected to Essbase and If i create LRO's in excel and then will these LROs pushed back to Essbase database?
And then again if I create a report in Financial reporting by connecting Essbase database ,Can I pull the LROs into the FR report?
I want the same scenario with the Planning connection in Smart view and create the cell text and wanted to retrieve the cell texts in the FR report?
Please gimme ur thoughts..

LRO's are supported in Smart View or newer. This requires Essbase and APS or newer. LRO's are not supported in planning.

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  • Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: Retrieving all Values from a Tiled View

    Let me try to explain you this time. I have a text field in a TiledViewBean.
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    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[1].tbFieldName" value=""
    maxlength=9 size=13>
    <input type=text name="PageDetail.rDetail[2].tbFieldName" value=""
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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Todd Fast <toddwork@c...>
    Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 3:52 AM
    Subject: Re: [iPlanet-JATO] Re: Retrieving all Values from a Tiled View
    I wanted to know how the getValues() method works the reason being,
    when the tiled view is NOT bound to a model, it populates all the
    fields with the same name as some thing likeI'm afraid I don't understand your point--can you please clarify? Do you
    mean "value" instead of "name"?
    What are you trying to do? What behavior are you expecting but notseeing?
    Without further clarification, I can say that the setValues() methodsNEVER
    populates data on multiple rows of a (dataset) model, nor does it affect
    multiple fields on the same row. Perhaps what you are seeing is theeffect
    of default values. Model that derive from DefaulModel have the ability to
    carry forward the values set on the first row to other rows in lieu ofdata
    in those other rows. This behavior is for pure convenience and can be
    turned off, and it is turned off for the SQL-based models.
    [email protected]

    I wanted to know how the getValues() method works the reason being,
    when the tiled view is NOT bound to a model, it populates all the
    fields with the same name as some thing like
    in which case, the getValues() method works fine.
    But in case where the tiled view is bound to a model, it populates
    with different field names such as,
    in this case, the getValues() doesn't work. Any soultion to this?
    We are using Moko 1.1.1.
    thanks in advance,
    --- In iPlanet-JATO@y..., "Todd Fast" <toddwork@c...> wrote:
    Does anyone know of is there a single method to get all values of a
    field in a tiled view without having to iterate through all the
    values ie
    resetTileIndex() / nextTile() approach.
    ie Something that returns an Object[] or Vector just like ND returned a
    CspVector. I tried using the getValues() methods but that allways returns
    single element array containing the first element.
    (I think now, that method is used for multi selecteable ListBoxes)Actually, no. We can add this in the next patch, but for now, I'd recommend
    creating a simple utility method to do the iteration on an arbitrary model
    and build the list for you.

  • Retrieving ALL values from a single restricted user property

    How can I retrieve ALL values of a single restricted user property from within
    a .jpf file?
    I want to display a dropdown list within a form in a JSP which should contain
    all the locations listed in the property 'locations'. I ever get just the default
    value when I access the property via
    ProfileWrapper pw = userprofile.getProfileForUser(user);
    Object prop = pw.getProperty("ClockSetup", "Locations");

    Well, the code you've got will retrieve the single value of the property
    for the current user. You're getting the default value because the
    current user doesn't have Locations property set, so the ProfileWrapper
    returns the default value from the property set.
    I assume you want to get the list of available values that you entered
    into the .usr file in Workshop. If so, I've attached a
    SetColorController.jpf, index.jsp, and GeneralInfo.usr (put in
    META-INF/data/userprofiles) I wrote for an example that does just this.
    It uses the PropertySetManagerControl to retrieve the restricted values
    for a property, and the jsp uses data-binding to create a list from that
    pageflow method.
    For a just-jsps solution, you can also use the
    <ps:getRestrictedPropertyValues/> tag. I've attached a setcolor-tags.jsp
    that does the same thing.
    Dirk wrote:
    How can I retrieve ALL values of a single restricted user property from within
    a .jpf file?
    I want to display a dropdown list within a form in a JSP which should contain
    all the locations listed in the property 'locations'. I ever get just the default
    value when I access the property via
    ProfileWrapper pw = userprofile.getProfileForUser(user);
    Object prop = pw.getProperty("ClockSetup", "Locations");
    package users.setcolor;
    import com.bea.p13n.controls.exceptions.P13nControlException;
    import com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.profile.ProfileWrapper;
    import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.FormData;
    import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.Forward;
    import com.bea.wlw.netui.pageflow.PageFlowController;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * @jpf:controller
    * @jpf:view-properties view-properties::
    * <!-- This data is auto-generated. Hand-editing this section is not recommended. -->
    * <view-properties>
    * <pageflow-object id="pageflow:/users/setcolor/SetColorController.jpf"/>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="80" name="x"/>
    * <property value="100" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="240" name="x"/>
    * <property value="220" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="240,240,240,240" name="elbowsX"/>
    * <property value="144,160,160,176" name="elbowsY"/>
    * <property value="South_1" name="fromPort"/>
    * <property value="North_1" name="toPort"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="page:index.jsp">
    * <property value="240" name="x"/>
    * <property value="100" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="116,160,160,204" name="elbowsX"/>
    * <property value="92,92,92,92" name="elbowsY"/>
    * <property value="East_1" name="fromPort"/>
    * <property value="West_1" name="toPort"/>
    * <property value="success" name="label"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="204,160,160,116" name="elbowsX"/>
    * <property value="201,201,103,103" name="elbowsY"/>
    * <property value="West_0" name="fromPort"/>
    * <property value="East_2" name="toPort"/>
    * <property value="success" name="label"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="">
    * <property value="31" name="x"/>
    * <property value="34" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="control:com.bea.p13n.controls.profile.UserProfileControl#profileControl">
    * <property value="37" name="x"/>
    * <property value="34" name="y"/>
    * </pageflow-object>
    * <pageflow-object id="formbeanprop:users.setcolor.SetColorController.ColorFormBean#color#java.lang.String"/>
    * <pageflow-object id="formbean:users.setcolor.SetColorController.ColorFormBean"/>
    * </view-properties>
    public class SetColorController extends PageFlowController
    * @common:control
    private propSetMgr;
    * @common:control
    private com.bea.p13n.controls.profile.UserProfileControl profileControl;
    /** Cached possible colors from the User Profile Property Set definition.
    private String[] possibleColors = null;
    /** Get the possible colors, based upon the User Profile Property Set.
    public String[] getPossibleColors()
    if (possibleColors != null)
    return possibleColors;
    PropertySet ps = propSetMgr.getPropertySet("USER", "GeneralInfo");
    PropertyDefinition pd = ps.getPropertyDefinition("FavoriteColor");
    Collection l = pd.getRestrictedValues();
    String[] s = new String[l.size()];
    Iterator it = l.iterator();
    for (int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++)
    s[i] =;
    possibleColors = s;
    catch (P13nControlException ex)
    possibleColors = new String[0];
    return possibleColors;
    /** Get the user's favorite color from their profile.
    public String getUsersColor()
    ProfileWrapper profile = profileControl.getProfileFromRequest(getRequest());
    return profileControl.getProperty(profile, "GeneralInfo", "FavoriteColor").toString();
    catch (P13nControlException ex)
    return null;
    // Uncomment this declaration to access
    // protected global.Global globalApp;
    // For an example of page flow exception handling see the example "catch" and "exception-handler"
    // annotations in {project}/WEB-INF/src/global/
    * This method represents the point of entry into the pageflow
    * @jpf:action
    * @jpf:forward name="success" path="index.jsp"
    protected Forward begin()
    return new Forward("success");
    * @jpf:action
    * @jpf:forward name="success" path=""
    protected Forward setColor(ColorFormBean form)
    // set the color in the user's profile
    ProfileWrapper profile = profileControl.getProfileFromRequest(getRequest());
    profileControl.setProperty(profile, "GeneralInfo", "FavoriteColor", form.getColor());
    catch (P13nControlException ex)
    return new Forward("success");
    * FormData get and set methods may be overwritten by the Form Bean editor.
    public static class ColorFormBean extends FormData
    private String color;
    public void setColor(String color)
    this.color = color;
    public String getColor()
    return this.color;

  • Yesterday, as today's deadline for filing tax returns approached, I was paralyzed by the inability to create new IRS PDF forms and to retrieve archived ones from a year ago. My computer went crazy. 24 hours later, I am still paralyzed. Can you help?

    My computer went crazy yesterday on two occasions involving PDF documents. One dealt with attachments to an email from a bona fide corporation. The other dealt with IRS PDF forms & schedules needed for today's submission.
    As both dealt with PDF and had nothing else in common, I suspected my PC had a virus. When I asked a local store technician, he agreed. I turned to Norton, which protects my PC from viruses, and after a few hours of really thorough searching, the computer was found to have no viruses.
    Before describing what I call "crazy" computer behavior, you need to know that I have long had IE8 as my default browser but a few weeks ago switched to Mozilla Firefox because IE8 had beome incompatible with some websites from which I get information.
    When I received the email from AT&T email service and clicked the first of four icons representing attachments, there was figuratively an explosion on my monitor: a series of new tabs, each called New Tab, burst onto the monitor--but no text or picture. The new tabs appeared faster than I coul kill them. I finally decided just to shut down the computer, hoping they would not reappear when I restarted. I was wrong. After 2 repeats, I decided to forget about the attachments and asked the sender to send them to me by regular mail.
    That was no solution for my IRS PDFs. I wanted to complete filling in the various forms and schedules that I had begun months ago so that I could mail them today to the IRS (without having to copy them all in ink). When I tried to open the first one, BOOM. The same thing happened: the blizzard of New Tabs atop blank pages; my IRS form or schedule did not show up. Did the same shutdown/restart routine with the same results.
    When I looked at the list of current forms that had to be completed, I noticed something very strange: the icons that began the listing of the documents' names were replaced one by one by Mozilla icons. When I moused over them, they said Firefox HTML. Why?
    Starting the day today, I had the same experience. What's more, when I started to retrieve 2012 IRS PDFs from a year ago, the same New Tab tabs appeared and had to be killed, and Mozilla icons replaced whatever icon was there before.
    Assuming that the problem arose with Adobe Reader's reading of the PDFs, I contacted Adobe but got no helpful phone number because PDFs are a free service and was directed to use this Forum to get help.
    What do I have to do to (a) read and use PDFs in the normal way and (b) remove the Mozilla icon from those that have appeared on icon documents. If Mozilla is the source of the problem, shall I go back to IE8? (In my 80s, I want eventually to replace my old computer but for the time being I must continue using it. It will not take an IE9. Anther possible default browser would be Google Chrome, but I have unfavorable impressions of it because of its intrusiveness, loading my PC with stuff I do not need.
    Can you help?

    The problem is absolutely not Reader. The problem is that FireFox has stepped in front of Reader and handles all the PDF stuff - wrongly in your case. FireFox is DESIGNED to take over PDF files. But it is not capable of doing IRS forms!
    To start with go back to IE for these forms. When you save them to disk DO NOT DOUBLE CLICK ON THEM until this is fixed. Just open the in the normal way - start Adobe Reader and use Open from the File menu.

  • Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

    Hi there,
    I use visual studio community 2013 to develop app for office. When I create app project using template and directly run it, it shows me this error: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
    Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

    Hi holm0104,
    Did you add custom code into the project? Can you reproduce the issue in a new project without custom code?
    If not, did you have issue when you create a normal web application?
    Regards & Fei
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information" while attempting to open UNIX/Linux monitor

    We have upgraded our System Center to 2012 R2, and we cannot open any of the UNIX/Linux LogFile monitor property or the UNIX/Linux process monitor property for those monitors created prior to the upgrade.  Error we get is below.  Any assitance
    Date: 9/30/2014 10:01:46 PM
    Application: Operations Manager
    Application Version: 7.1.10226.0
    Severity: Error
    System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection,
    Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection,
    Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoadAssemblyName(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly reqAssembly, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection,
    Boolean suppressSecurityChecks)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean forIntrospection)
       at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.InternalLoad(String assemblyString, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, Boolean forIntrospection)
       at System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(String assemblyString)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.Extensibility.TypeContainer.get_ContainedType()
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.Extensibility.MomExtensionsCommon.AddTemplatePages(LaunchTemplateUIData launchData, Form form)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.Extensibility.MomExtensionsCommon.Initialize(Object launchData, Form form)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.Extensibility.MomExtensionsCommon.RunPrivate(Object[] userData)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Internal.UI.Authoring.Extensibility.MomExtensionsCommon.Run(Object[] userData)

    It's possible the upgrade did not update everything properly as it looks like a dll mismatch or a missing file. I'd open a support ticket with MS and have a support engineer look at the upgrade logs. What version of SCOM did you upgrade from?

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    Thank in advance

    Hi Philip
    Thanks for replying me.
    I tried on that way, In my mdx query i am using one slice attribute (i.e [Customer].[Gender].allmembers) in rows so getting error "The  Hierarchy already appears in Axis1".
    {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] } ON 0,
    {[Customer].[Gender].allmembers } ON 1 -- Used
    [Adventure Works]
    ,[Product].[Size Range].[(All)]
    ,[Customer].[Country].[All Customers]
    [Customer].[Gender].[All Customers]
    ,[Product].[Size Range].&[XL]
    ,[Customer].[Country].[All Customers]
    [Customer].[Gender].[All Customers]
    ,[Product].[Size Range].[(All)]
    Can you provide alternate ways to get resolved.
    Thanks in advance

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    In the device sync pages select Photos on the top at the right.
    Un tick Sync Photos

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    Try redownloading it.
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    Sync with "new" computer

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    I created a specefic table.
    i want to add a check when deleting lines from a maintenance view.
    How to retrieve selected data ?

    Hello Sudeesh,
    I think i must use extract table and Field Symbol <XMARK>.
    Can any body give an exemple.

  • Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!Reg retrieving data from a view in the data base

    Hi All,
       My problem is that i need to retrieve some data from V_TTDS which is a VIEW in the ABAP-Dictionary.How can i accomplish this task.

    this is a maintenance view
    so you cannot write the select query
    but you can write the select query on TTDS
    TTDST tables
    as these are the two tables involved in this
    this is the condition maintained to get this view
    TTDS     MANDT     =     TTDST     MANDT
    TTDS     TPLST     =     TTDST     TPLST
    select a~field
    from ttds as a inner join
      ttdst as b on atplst  =  btplst
    into table itab
    where conditions
    then it will work

  • How to retrieve all the data from a BLOB using view-generated accessor

    I am using JDeveveloper 10g v. 10.1.3 and am storing an image in a database as a blob object and need to retrieve all of the data to get the entire image and store it in an ImageIcon. The code I have works partially in that it retrieves the correct data, but only gets a piece of it, leaving me with a partial image.
    AppModuleImpl am;
    ImageVwViewImpl vo;
    am = (AppModuleImpl)panelBinding.getDataControl().getDataProvider();
    vo = (ImageVwViewImpl)am.findViewObject("ImageVwView");
    ImageVwViewRowImpl ivo = (ImageVwViewRowImpl)vo.getCurrentRow();
    ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(ivo.getImage().getBytes(1, (int)ivo.getImage().getBufferSize()));
    jULabel1.setIcon(icon);I either need to know how to use a stream to get the data out (from BlobDomain method getBinaryStream()), or how to get the other chunks of data separately.
    edit: I know the problem is that getBufferSize() returns an int which is too small to hold all the data, but need to know what to use instead. Thanks!

    This is the code I'm using now. Same problem :(
    AppModuleImpl am;
            ImageVwViewImpl vo;
            am = (AppModuleImpl)panelBinding.getDataControl().getDataProvider();
            vo = (ImageVwViewImpl)am.findViewObject("ImageVwView");
            ImageVwViewRowImpl ivo = (ImageVwViewRowImpl)vo.getCurrentRow();  
            ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(ivo.getImage().toByteArray());

  • Error while creating money market transaction - payment details not retrieving from BP master data.

    Hello friends
                      I have error while creating financial transaction. Payment details are not retrieving from BP master data to creating financial transaction screen.
    No payment details entered for transaction
    Message no. FTR0030
    Please advise to set off this.
    Thanks & Regards

    Dear Swami,
    Please select one payment details in Business partner and use assigned tab from top selection parameter from standing instruction to assigned bank details to product type.
    It will open other window like above example for each product of treasury, then assign bank details to product. Once assigned and save.
    System will pick payment details in deal automatically based on business partner.
    Hope this solve your issue.
    Message was edited by: Jain Varghese

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