Retrieving a LOB object in OAS

I've got a Servlet that is used to retrieve a
binary file from the database il blob format.
The code works great using JDeveloper's web server but it crashes in OAS with "Internal error" as the only explanation.
This is the code, the last line is the one that causes the problem.
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
ResultSet rset= stmt.executeQuery("select * from scott.scraplob");
if( {
BLOB blobPDF= ((OracleResultSet)rset).getBLOB(2); // this causes an internal error

<c:forEach var="columnName" items="${requestScope.searchResults}">

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    [email protected]

    Before 9i, you will have to first insert empty locators using EMPTY_CLOB() inlined in the SQL and using RETURNING clause to return the locator. Then use OCILobWrite to write to the locators in a streamed fashion.
    From 9i, you can actually bind a long buffer to each lob position without first inserting an empty locator, retrieving it and then writing to it.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CSimms:
    Hi all,
    I have a question about Oracle 8i array DML operations with LOB objects, both CLOB and BLOB. With the following statement in mind:
    where COL1 is a NUMBER and COL2 is a BLOB, I want to use OCIs array DML functionality to insert multiple records with a single statement execution. I have allocated an array of LOB locators, initialized them with OCIDescriptorAlloc(), and bound them to COL2 where mode is set to OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC and dty (IN) is set to SQLT_BLOB. It is after this where I am getting confused.
    To send the LOB data, I have tried using the user-defined callback method, registering the callback function via OCIBindDynamic(). I initialize icbfps arguments as I would if I were dealing with RAW/LONG RAW data. When execution passes from the callback function, I encounter a memory exception within an Oracle dll. Where dvoid **indpp equals 0 and the object is of type RAW/LONG RAW, the function works fine. Is this not a valid methodology for CLOB/BLOB objects?
    Next, I tried performing piecewise INSERTs using OCIStmtGetPieceInfo() and OCIStmtSetPieceInfo(). When using this method, I use OCILobWrite() along with a user-defined callback designed for LOBs to send LOB data to the database. Here everything works fine until I exit the user-defined LOB write callback function where an OCI_INVALID_HANDLE error is encountered. I understand that both OCILobWrite() and OCIStmtExecute() return OCI_NEED_DATA. And it does seem to me that the two statements work separately rather than in conjunction with each other. So I rather doubt this is the proper methodology.
    As you can see, the correct method has evaded me. I have looked through the OCI LOB samples, but have not found any code that helps answer my question. Oracles OCI documentation has not been of much help either. So if anyone could offer some insight I would greatly appreciate it.
    Chris Simms
    [email protected]

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    Sounds like your C2 REF TYP1 attribute may be null. Unfortunately you neglected to say where in your code the NullPointerException occurs.

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    here the doc
    but I guess you are already at the stage of getting a POJO in a first Java Callout and passing the POJO to a second Java Callout, which should then return it to OSB as a XMLObject.
    My recommendation is to write a Java function which returns a XMLObject and uses a XMLCursor to populate it with the values of the POJO.
    An XMLObject returned to the OSB is automatically transformed in a "XML" variable (which in reality is represented as a XMLObject in the Pipeline context)
    Here some code sample:

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    The call to the Java stored procedure:
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    cs3.registerOutParameter( 1, Types.VARCHAR);
    cs3.registerOutParameter( 2, Types.VARCHAR);
    cs3.registerOutParameter( 3, ???????);
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    System.out.println( "Prompt: " + cs3.getString( 2));
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    System.out.println( "Table id: " + attributes.getLogicalTableId());
    System.out.println( "Element id: " + attributes.getElementId());
    The Java stored procedure:
    public static void getQualifiersV3( String ids[], String prompts[],
    AttributeUDT attributes[]) throws SQLException {
    OracleConnection conn = (OracleConnection)new OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    OracleResultSet rs = (OracleResultSet)stmt.executeQuery(
    "SELECT * "
    + "WHERE qualifier_id = 2001");;
    ids[0] = rs.getString( 1);
    prompts[0] = rs.getString( 2);
    attributes[0] = (AttributeUDT)rs.getCustomDatum( 3, AttributeUDT.getFactory());

    Sounds like your C2 REF TYP1 attribute may be null. Unfortunately you neglected to say where in your code the NullPointerException occurs.

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         FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
         if (facesContext == null) {
              //System.out.println("Current context was null...creating one now");
              FacesContextFactory contextFactory =
              LifecycleFactory lifecycleFactory =
              Lifecycle lifecycle = lifecycleFactory.getLifecycle(LifecycleFactory.DEFAULT_LIFECYCLE);
              facesContext =
                   contextFactory.getFacesContext(request.getSession().getServletContext(), request, response, lifecycle);
              //Set using our inner class
              //set a new viewRoot, otherwise context.getViewRoot returns null
              UIViewRoot view = facesContext.getApplication().getViewHandler().createView(facesContext, "ContextName");
         return facesContext;
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    Edited by: Ramesh_Pappala on Nov 8, 2007 9:25 AM

    Ramesh_Pappala wrote:
    Hi Raymond,
    Thank you for the reply and can you please send the code No, I cannot do that.
    what you are talking about to get the bean from session through servelet session map so that I can use that one check whether it is working fine in my application or not.

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    Best regards

    gclient                     = sy-mandt   
    gname                       = 'RCTMV'         "Table Name
      GTARG                       = ' '       
      GUNAME                      = SY-UNAME  
      number                      =           
      SUBRC                       =           
        enq                         =  lt_seqg3
       communication_failure       = 1        
       system_failure              = 2        
       OTHERS                      = 3

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  • XML log: Error during temp file creation for LOB Objects

    Hi All,
    I got this exception in the concurrent log file:
    [122010_100220171][][EXCEPTION] !!Error during temp file creation for LOB Objects
    [122010_100220172][][EXCEPTION] null/xdo-dt-lob-1292864540169.tmp (No such file or directory (errno:2))
         at Method)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.LOBList.initLOB(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.LOBList.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.updateMetaData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processSQLDataSource(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeGroup(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeGroup(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processSQLDataSource(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeGroupStructure(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processXML(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeXML(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataProcessor.processDataStructre(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataProcessor.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.DataTemplate.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDODataEngine.runProgram(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(
    I have this query defined in my data template:
    SELECT lt.long_text inv_comment
    FROM apps.fnd_attached_docs_form_vl ad,
    apps.fnd_documents_long_text lt
    WHERE ad.media_id = lt.media_id
    AND ad.category_description = 'Draft Invoice Comments'
    AND ad.pk1_value = :project_id
    AND ad.pk2_value = :draft_invoice_num
    Issue: The inv_comment is not printing on the PDF output.
    I had the temp directory defined under the Admin tab.
    I'm guessing if it's the LONG datatype of the long_text field that's causing the issue.
    Anybody knows how this can be fixed? any help or advice is appreciated.
    Edited by: user12152845 on Dec 20, 2010 11:48 AM

    Hi All,
    I got this exception in the concurrent log file:
    [122010_100220171][][EXCEPTION] !!Error during temp file creation for LOB Objects
    [122010_100220172][][EXCEPTION] null/xdo-dt-lob-1292864540169.tmp (No such file or directory (errno:2))
         at Method)
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.LOBList.initLOB(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.LOBList.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.updateMetaData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processSQLDataSource(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeGroup(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeGroup(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processSQLDataSource(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeGroupStructure(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.processXML(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.XMLPGEN.writeXML(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataProcessor.processDataStructre(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.dataengine.DataProcessor.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.util.DataTemplate.processData(
         at oracle.apps.xdo.oa.cp.JCP4XDODataEngine.runProgram(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.Run.main(
    I have this query defined in my data template:
    SELECT lt.long_text inv_comment
    FROM apps.fnd_attached_docs_form_vl ad,
    apps.fnd_documents_long_text lt
    WHERE ad.media_id = lt.media_id
    AND ad.category_description = 'Draft Invoice Comments'
    AND ad.pk1_value = :project_id
    AND ad.pk2_value = :draft_invoice_num
    Issue: The inv_comment is not printing on the PDF output.
    I had the temp directory defined under the Admin tab.
    I'm guessing if it's the LONG datatype of the long_text field that's causing the issue.
    Anybody knows how this can be fixed? any help or advice is appreciated.
    Edited by: user12152845 on Dec 20, 2010 11:48 AM

  • How to access the LOB objects through databaselinks?

    How to access the LOB objects through databaselinks?

    Abhii wrote:
    How to access the LOB objects through databaselinks?You can refer to this link
    I've found it by simple google-ing...
    Kamran Agayev A. (10g OCP)
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    And you also might want to get a new keyboard, your '?' seems to be stucked....

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    Hope you like it, feedback welcome!!

    Duplicate post.
    Yann C.

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    I am wondering if some one can answer my question about: In Oracle 9i after deleting LOB objects still the size of file remains same and it does not shrink/delete when those LOB objects are deleted.
    Is there any command which can delete or shrink the size of the storage which was used my deleted LOB object?

    Check this link..
    once an extent is allocated to a table -- it will belong to that table until you drop
    the table, truncate the table, or explicitly deallocate the extent (which only works if
    the extent NEVER contained any data whatsoever)
    This is totally expected. the space is there, the space is available, the space is free
    for use but ONLY by this segment. The tablespace will not change in regards to free/used
    space -- the extent belongs to that table and will stay with that table. It is however
    FREE SPACE in the table.
    From Oracle 10g and above, you can use the "Alter table Shrink" command to manually shrink the object.
    Other references:

  • About lob object count on dba_objects view

    Hi Everyone,
    This is my oracle version,
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    "CORE     Production"
    TNS for HPUX: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    I am having a doubt in number of lob object counts between the views dba_objects and dba_lobs., Find below the query output..,
    select count(*) from dba_lobs where owner='ABC';
    select count(*) from dba_objects where owner='ABC' and object_type='LOB';
    Can anyone tell me the cause for this?

    Hm I have a sandbox database I dont have the same issue in any of the schemas.
    SQL> select count(*),owner from dba_lobs group by owner order by 2;
           155 APEX_030200
             2 CTXSYS
             2 EXFSYS
             1 FLOWS_FILES
           214 MDSYS
             2 OLAPSYS
             9 ORDDATA
             1 OUTLN
             2 SBIP_AMAZON_BP
             4 SBIP_BET
             4 SBIP_BET_BP
            10 SBIP_MARKET
            10 SBIP_MARKET_BP
             5 SPORTING_BET
           174 SYS
            75 SYSMAN
            25 SYSTEM
             9 WMSYS
           586 XDB
    19 rows selected.
    SQL> select count(*),owner from dba_objects where object_type='LOB' group by owner order by 2;
           155 APEX_030200
             2 CTXSYS
             2 EXFSYS
             1 FLOWS_FILES
           214 MDSYS
             2 OLAPSYS
             9 ORDDATA
             1 OUTLN
             2 SBIP_AMAZON_BP
             4 SBIP_BET
             4 SBIP_BET_BP
            10 SBIP_MARKET
            10 SBIP_MARKET_BP
             5 SPORTING_BET
           174 SYS
            75 SYSMAN
            25 SYSTEM
             9 WMSYS
           586 XDB
    19 rows selected.Edited by: Zoltan Kecskemethy on Jun 7, 2013 11:28 AM
    my version is Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

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