Return a Value to a Variable

I need to set a return value to a variable. To explain future: I have a translate class based on the AJAX Google Translate (though this is unimportant). I want to know how to call a method, then set result back in the main as3 file. What i have so far returns the previous result. Is there a way to return the current result?
var dict:Translate = new Translate();
defineText.htmlText = dict.results;
package com.ascentify.components.custom
     import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;
     import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
     public class Translate extends EventDispatcher
          private var mResults:String;
          public function Translate()
          // Translate
          public function translateKeyWord(word:String):void
               var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
               service.url = "";
               service.request.v = '1.0';
               service.request.q = word;
               service.request.key = "ABQIAAAAQMOJdDzw75wezt4RVnH6QxSb09gpeLrqxT0Ma2mV_FWvSU4c0hQLGwxJWmiooRjEFOiJojwo8r-J4w";
               service.request.langpair = "en" + "|" +;
               service.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, onLanguageTranslate);
          public function onLanguageTranslate(event:ResultEvent):void
               var json:Object = JSON.decode(event.result as String);
               if (json.responseData != null)
                    var translation:String = json.responseData.translatedText;
                    results = translation;
                    results = "Could not translate between the selected languages.";
               dispatchEvent(new Event("changeResultsValue"));
          public function set results(value:String):void
               mResults = value;
          [Bindable (event="changeResultsValue")]
          public function get results():String
               return mResults;

Hi !
Your Function is stored in the Schema of the User with which you where logged in at compilation-Time.
Perhaps your Odi-Variable in which you are using this function is invoked with another User (which is defined through the topology).
Try to fully qualify the Functionname and don't forget to have the right permissions inside the DB !

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    Thanks and kind regards,

    Sure you can. All you need to do is to store what the function returns in your global variable. It don't need to be returned back to screen field.
           END OF VALUES.
              G_VALUE TYPE SPFLI-CONNID.  "global variable to store what is returned
    "in PAI first populate your table
        FROM  SPFLI
        UP TO 10 ROWS.
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    Brian Comeau

    Hi Brian
    I'm not familiar with Bex queries but have you tried adding using the query with the filter to be the driver for the values of the second query, so in effect you have 3 queriues:
    Query 1 with filter
    Query 2 with sub-query based on filtered query 1

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    public class Waheed {
    public Waheed() {
    public static void main (String args [])
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    // DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    Connection conn =
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("select accid from accbal");
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    System.out.println (s);
    catch(Exception e){
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    s= rset.getString("accid");
    s is string variable
    Plese give me an idea how I can pass accid in s variable.

    See the code sample in the following thread (try using upeercase).
    JDBC  connection

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    Message    The Runtime service is not available.
    StackTrace    coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory$ServiceNotAvailableException: The Runtime service is not available. at coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory.getRuntimeService( at coldfusion.runtime.RequestMonitor.<clinit>( at coldfusion.sql.QueryTable.populate( at coldfusion.sql.QueryTable.populate( at coldfusion.sql.QueryTable.<init>( at com.myCompany.myClass.myFunct( at
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            PreparedStatement pStmt = null;
            ResultSet rs = null;
            QueryTable ret = null;
                Query q = sf.getCurrentSession().getNamedQuery("ListUsers");
                pStmt = sf.getCurrentSession().connection().prepareStatement(q.getQueryString());
                rs = pStmt.executeQuery();// works fine till here
                ret = new QueryTable(rs);  // error line         
            }catch(Exception e){
                throw new RuntimeException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
            return ret;
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    Hi Vinayak,
         you will be having your first program values in internal table or some variables,
        when you are calling the second program you wii use like this,
        SUBMIT <Second Program Name> USING SELECTION-SCREEN '1000'
                           WITH s_emp(second program select-options)   IN t_emp(first program variables)
                           WITH p_chk   EQ t_chk
                           WITH p_r1    EQ t_r1
                           WITH p_month EQ t_month
                           WITH s_cust1 IN t_cust1
                           WITH p_r2    EQ t_r2
                           WITH s_cust2 IN t_cust2
                           WITH s_week  IN t_week
                           AND RETURN.
    you have pas like this to get your first program details.

  • Displaying the value of an variable on the stage

    I have managed to display the values contained in string variables on stage, and I am happy with that, however when I wish to display the value of an int and convert it to a string as one is supposed to do the output to the stage just calls it [class int] and does not give its value. any suggestions?
    My rogram contains a stage at frame 1 which displays a word. The user must input a word. Frame 30 then displays the word which was displayed and the word input by the user. That all works fine. But the value of the variable NumberRight, which has been assigned to that variable will only display as [class int] without showing its value. (even though I have converet it to a string using the .to string function you see below).
    My code is as follows;
    trace( "The number correct was" + NumberRight); //This works fine in the output window and shows the value of the variable as NumberRight [class int]1 (showing the value to be 1)
    outputText.appendText("in/"+textAtIN); //this works fine displaying the word presented and word input by user as in/in
    outputText.appendText( NumberRight.toString(     )); //here lies the problem as it just displays [class int] and nothing else.
    Yes I have managed to overcome that problem it was some code on the first frame, please excuse, however, now, is there any way to remove the [class int] bit from the displays, I wish to have the results as a clear copy of the results so that they can be printed out, without [class int] all over the place?

    Hi Ned thanks for that. Yes I had accidently created blank spaces in the String() argument. (wanted to check if there was a subsequent difference in display and forgot to return them to normal ...Sorted )
    Your next suggestion has eliminated the [class int] but I get a value now of 0.
    My code on the first frame for a correct response for example is;
    function keyPressedIN(event:KeyboardEvent):void
              if (event.keyCode == 13)/*Normally,this will move straight on to the next frame-
              recording a correct response and all that that implies in terms of scores etc. But now I have re directed it to Frame 30 to check are the variables working properly*/
                        //insert code for correct responses vowels etc.
                        VowelI = VowelI+1;
                        NumberRight = NumberRight +1;
                        stage.focus = stage;
                        //There is no need to display the text box as this is a correct response.
                        pupilsResponseIN.visible = false;
                        mainText.visible = false;
                        gotoAndPlay(30);//at the moment this takes me to the display frame to check if all is ok
    On the first frame when the user say hits the Return key my code assigns the value of +1 to the variable; eg
    and the value of +1 to the value of VowelI
    At Frame 30 the code is as follows;
    trace( "The number correct was"+ NumberRight);
    outputText.appendText( "\n");
    outputText.appendText("Vowels Correct ="+(int(VowelI).toString()));
    outputText.appendText( "\n");
    //outputText.appendText( VowelI.toString());
    Now what I am getting  is
    Vowels Correct = O
    Total Correct = O
    Yet the trace (output box) records the Number correct as [class int]1 
    many years ago I wrote this same program in Authorware using similar code. I am trying to re write it in FlashCS5 using ActionScript 3 and It take days to solve small problems. I notice also that If for example the user of the program makes an error and I record the error as NumberRight =NumberRight -1 the program records it as Total Correct = NaN .
    I gave up on this a few months back but I am trying again. I think there must be a better way to do this. Variables do not seem to add up or subtract for me at present. no doubt its me thats got it wrong.

  • How to check empty string and null? Assign same value to multiple variables

    How do I check for empty string and null?
    in_value IN VARCHAR2
    2. Also how do I assign same value to multiple variables?
    var_one NUMBER := 0;
    var_two NUMBER := 0;
    var_one := var_two := 0; --- Gives an error

    MichaelS wrote:
    Not always: Beware of CHAR's:
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is NOT null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> alter session set events '10932 trace name context forever, level 16384';
    Session altered.
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str1   char (10) := '';
      3    l_str2   char (10) := null;
      4  begin
      6    if l_str1 is null
      7    then
      8      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is null');
      9    elsif l_str1 is not null
    10    then
    11      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR1 is NOT null');
    12    end if;
    14    if l_str2 is null
    15    then
    16      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is null');
    17    elsif l_str2 is not null
    18    then
    19      dbms_output.put_line ('oh STR2 is NOT null');
    20    end if;
    21  end;
    22  /
    oh STR1 is null
    oh STR2 is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SY.

  • Fetches more values into one variable

    Hi, inside a cursor loop I'd like to assign, each fetch, a value to a variable, in order, at the end to have a collection of all the values fetched into the same variable.
    The code is the following:
    v_pino varchar2(64);
    CURSOR tks_opened_range IS
    SELECT incident_number AS YP_TKS_OPENED_WITHIN_RANGE FROM cs.cs_incidents_all_b a, cs_incident_statuses_b b, Cs_Incident_Statuses_Tl c
    WHERE b.incident_status_id = c.incident_status_id
    AND a.incident_status_id = b.incident_status_id
    AND (b.attribute1 <> '3' OR b.attribute1 IS NULL)
    AND c.language = 'EL'
    AND ((sysdate - to_date(incident_attribute_6, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'))*1440) BETWEEN 1 AND 11111111111
    AND incident_attribute_2 IN ('ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ')
    ORDER BY incident_number;
    rec_tks_opened_range tks_opened_range%ROWTYPE;
    FOR rec_tks_opened_range IN tks_opened_range
    v_pino := rec_tks_opened_range.YP_TKS_OPENED_WITHIN_RANGE;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_pino: ' || v_pino);
    end loop;
    end AAA;
    This works with the variable v_pino!....but at the end, the value of the variable v_pino is ONLY the last fetched by the cursor.
    Is there a way to declare a variable (or better a collection) or a new type in order to have all the data fetched into this variable and the end of the fetching ?
    I need to know this trick because, after, I have to assign this variable to a pipelined table function.
    Thanks in advance

    Great Devang !! Thanks a lot ! It works ! Now I am able to retrieve all the values I need and store them into my variable gino
    I searched on the note you mentioned in your mail in order to pass an array as a variable to a table function (PIPE ROW call), but I didn't find nothing about it.
    Now I explain to you my situation.
    I already implemented a table function that works perfectly. I have 2 cursors declared and 2 PIPE ROW calls.
    FUNCTION statistic_report_2_1 (p_resolv_time_ll varchar2, p_resolv_time_ul varchar2, p_ypiresia varchar2)
    RETURN xxi_statistic_rep_2_1_tab PIPELINED
    -- CURSORS FOR THE FIRST SHEET - Tickets opened per group and per duration
    -- Cursor for tickets opened within 1 hour --
    CURSOR tks_opened_1_h IS
    FROM cs.cs_incidents_all_b a, cs_incident_statuses_b b, Cs_Incident_Statuses_Tl c
    WHERE b.incident_status_id = c.incident_status_id
    AND a.incident_status_id = b.incident_status_id
    AND (b.attribute1 <> '3' OR b.attribute1 IS NULL)
    AND c.language = 'EL'
    AND ((sysdate - to_date(incident_attribute_6, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'))*1440) < 60
    AND incident_attribute_2 IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(xxi_szf_discoverer.ypiresia_values(p_ypiresia) AS xxi_ypiresia_list_tab)))
    ORDER BY incident_number;
    rec_tks_opened_1_h tks_opened_1_h%ROWTYPE;
    -- Cursor for tickets opened between 1 hour and 3 hours --
    CURSOR tks_opened_1_3_h IS
    SELECT incident_number AS YP_TKS_OPENED_BE_1_3_HOURS FROM cs.cs_incidents_all_b a, cs_incident_statuses_b b, Cs_Incident_Statuses_Tl c
    WHERE b.incident_status_id = c.incident_status_id
    AND a.incident_status_id = b.incident_status_id
    AND (b.attribute1 <> '3' OR b.attribute1 IS NULL)
    AND c.language = 'EL'
    AND ((sysdate - to_date(incident_attribute_6, 'dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi'))*1440) BETWEEN 60 AND 179
    AND incident_attribute_2 IN (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(xxi_szf_discoverer.ypiresia_values(p_ypiresia) AS xxi_ypiresia_list_tab)))
    ORDER BY incident_number;
    rec_tks_opened_1_3_h tks_opened_1_3_h%ROWTYPE;
    FOR rec_tks_opened_1_h IN tks_opened_1_h
    PIPE ROW(stat_rep_2_1_type(
    FOR rec_tks_opened_1_3_h IN tks_opened_1_3_h
    PIPE ROW(stat_rep_2_1_type(
    END statistic_report_2_1;
    But, in this way and with this syntax, I obtain for each PIPE ROW call only one field filled each time, because I can’t call 2 cursors in a nested loop together (data duplication);
    For example:
    1st PIPE ROW call : only the first field is filled and into the second I have to put ‘’
    2nd PIPE ROW call : only the second field is filled and into the first I have to put ‘’
    ….and I cant’ call with a single PIPE ROW call two cursor variables…..
    Into a Discoverer report this data layout is really bad (you can imagine with thousand
    of records).
    For this reason I thought to use an array variable (gino) to pass to a single PIPE ROW call outside the cursor loop……but it doesn’t work !!!
    Can you suggest me how to resolve this problem….if it possible ?
    Did I have to declare other TYPE or collection ?
    Thanks you so much

  • How do I return two values from a stored procedure into an "Execute SQL Task" within SQL Server 2008 R2

    How do I return two values from a
    stored procedure into an "Execute SQL Task" please? Each of these two values need to be populated into an SSIS variable for later processing, e.g. StartDate and EndDate.
    Thinking about stored procedure output parameters for example. Is there anything special I need to bear in mind to ensure that the SSIS variables are populated with the updated stored procedure output parameter values?
    Something like ?
    CREATE PROCEDURE [etl].[ConvertPeriodToStartAndEndDate]
    @intPeriod INT,
    @strPeriod_Length NVARCHAR(1),
    @dtStart NVARCHAR(8) OUTPUT,
    then within the SSIS component; -
    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood

    Below execute statement should work along the parameter mapping which you have provided. Also try specifying the parameter size property as default.
    Exec [etl].[ConvertPeriodToStartAndEndDate] ?,?,? output, ? output
    Add a script task to check ssis variables values using,
    Do not forget to add the property "readOnlyVariables" as strExtractStartDate variable to check for only one variable.
    Regards, RSingh

  • Returning several values from a C native method

    I need to return 3 values from a native methode : an int (the return code), a string of variable length and a double.
    In pure C, my function would be defined as "int f ( char* s, double* d)", and I would "malloc" the string into the calling function, then copy my string to "s" and use "*d" to return the double...
    Is there a way to do that with JNI? I found some examples where the native function returns only one parameterlike: "return(*env)->NewStringUTF(env, buffer);" But I didn't find examples where the native function returns several parameters, including a string.
    Thanks in advance!

    This really has nothing to do with JNI.
    You have a method, and you want to return more than one type of value.
    The following solutions are possible.
    1. Return an array that contains all the values (actual return value.)
    2. Return an object that contains all the values (actual return value.)
    3. Use an array via the parameter list and fill in a value.
    4. Use an object via the parameter list and fill in the values.

  • How can I return some values from an applet invoked by jsp:plugin tag

    My JSP is something like that:
                 <title> . . . </title>
              function getValueFromApplet()
                   var src = document.pinApplet.checkPin();
                   document.myForm.j_username.value = document.pinApplet.tokenizeName(src);
                   document.myForm.j_password.value = document.pinApplet.tokenizePassword(src);
                    <jsp:plugin type="applet"
                         <jsp:fallback> Authentication Form is not supported by the browser </jsp:fallback>
                    <form action=""
                   method="post" onSubmit="return getValueFromApplet()">
                   <td><input type="submit" value="OK" >
                   <td><input type="hidden" id="j_username" name="j_username" value=""></td>
                   <td><input type="hidden" id="j_password" name="j_password" value=""></td>
         </body>checkPin() returns "alice--alice"
    tokenizeName() returns the first token: alice
    tokenizePassword() returns the second token: alice
    When I test the applet in the IDE, it returns the values properly, but not in the JSP invokation.

    evnafets wrote:
    javascript will not be executing on the server. You can rule that one out.
    Is your Applet being initialised correctly?
    Where have you got the classes for it? I think the applet doesn't need any kind of initialization, because it doesn't have any variables and all the process is made in the method called by onsubmit()
    The applet is composed only by one class and I'm totally sure that the class is placed in the correct place.
    evnafets wrote:
    I would say put in a couple more alerts - one before the call to the applet, one after.
    put some logging statements in your applet to see if it gets there.In the javascript, there are two alerts between the three calls to the applet. Where do you advise me to put more alerts?
    I don't understand what do you refer when you say "logging statements"
    I am going to test again the call to the applet in order to find some kind of code that can be invalid or that can make the function to "crash"

  • REP-1401: 'no_daysformula':Fatal PL/SQL error occured. ora-06503: PL/SQL : Functio returned without value. REP-0619: You cannot run without a layout.

    Hi everyone.
    Can anyone tell me what is wrong in this code below?
    function NO_DAYSFormula return Number is
      THEN RETURN (:P_FR_DT-:P_TO_DT+1);
      END IF;
    It gets compiled successfully but when i run the report, i get 2 errors.
    Error 1:
    REP-1401: 'no_daysformula':Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
    ora-06503: PL/SQL : Function returned without value.
    Error 2:
    REP-0619: You cannot run without a layout.
    Should i use only 1 return statement?
    Can i use as many return statements as i want?
    What is the exact mistake? Please let me know.
    Thank You.

    Let me clear you the first thing...
    If you get any fatal errors while running the report (e.g., function returned without value,no value etc.,) the report will show
    REP-0619: You cannot run without a layout.
    So you just correct the function 'no_daysformula' .
    First of all you run the report without that formula column.
    If it works fine then , Check the return value of your formula column (Your formula column properties --> Return value --> value (It will be DATE as i think so).
    As function will always return a single value, Check your formula 'no_daysformula' returns the same.
    declare a return variable say for example..
    --YOUR CODE---
    Last but not least ... use Else condition to return (NULL or any value ) in your code and check..
    If any Problem persists let me know

  • Whats the difference between producing output and returning a value?

    I've just started learning Java. I am having difficulty understanding what it means to "return a value".
    If a method has an argument, then whenever this method is called the variable named will be used for output.
    If you create a method to return a new value rather than display it, you would exchange the 'void' for 'double' e.g. public static double predictRaise(double moneyAmount). My book states that a return statement causes a value to be sent from a called method back to the calling method. Their example is not clear to me. Here is what they show for when only 'output' is produced:
    Public static void predictRaiseUsingRate (double money, double rate)// 2 arguments
              double newAmount;
              newAmount = money * (1 + rate);
              System.out.println (?With raise, new salary is ? + newAmount);
    And their example of a returned value:
    public static double predictRaise(double moneyAmount)
              double newAmount;     
              newAmount = moneyAmount * 1.10;
              return newAmount;
    Their explanation: "This return statement causes a value to be sent from a called method back to the calling method. The value stored in newAmount is      sent back to any method that calls predictRaise() method."
    For some reason this is just not sinking in. Does anyone have a better example/explanation? I could not find anything with a better explanation in archives.
    Are they tring to tell me: "if the original method declares an argument that is declared as 257 in the method call, that when that same method is called again, it will always be 257? But if you do a return statement, any changes in the return statement will now always be used in all methods calling that method?
    Thanks for your help.

    To use an older and possibly more easily understood terminology. Methods can either be "functions" almost in the mathematical sense or they can be "procedures" in the sense of a process.
    A function is a mapping between a "domain", its arguments, and a "range", its result. An example of a function in mathematics is cosine, which takes an argument in degrees or radians and returns a result between -1 and 1. In java functions are just methods that declare a result type. eg. public int foo(int arg).
    A procedure is a program that doesn't return any result, it's not something that fits well into mathematics, but it occurs all the time in real life. For example, walking the dog does not map something from a domain to a range, but it may have some side effects, which is why I always carry a plastic bag with me. Procedures in java are methods that are declared as "void". eg. public void foo(int arg).
    All the well known arithmetic operations are functions, they take one or two arguments in the domain of numbers and return a result in the same set. Eg, x = a + b, the operator + is a function that takes two numbers, calculates the arithmetic sum of them and returns a result. Functions are very handy since you can string them together, eg. z = a+foo(b)*max(c+d). This doesn't work with procedures.
    Procedures are often used for much longer and more involved operations, there is no immediate result, but a lot of things may occur while they run. Data may be printed on a screen or paper, a database or file may get updated and email messages might get send. But no other expession is waiting for a resulting value so it can carry on. Procedures may also happen asynchonously, ie. outside the timeframe of their caller, see threads. Functions cannot do this, or if they do, they turn into procedures by throwing away their result. For example, you can schedule a procedure to send an email to your friends every Friday inviting them to go out for drinks, but you don't wait around for the result.
    In a way functions are a bit like phone calls, you wait for a response, procedures are more like snail mail, you send it off and check on what happened later.
    I hope this helps.

  • How to return multiple values in a single field in oracle 10g reports

    I have written a formula column using cursor for loop which returns 3 values. But whenever i am assigning the formula column as the source of a field which is inside a repeating frame the field in only showing the first value returned from the formula column. The rest two values are not shown. Please help what to do.

    User11238124 (please include your name)
    If I understand your issue, you should set the vertical elasticity of the repeating frame to 'Variable' or 'Expand'. It is likely set to 'Fixed'.
    Hope this helps,

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