Return Receipt on Emails

how do I put a return receipt request on an email that I am sending??????????????

You have to use an email client like Outlook, Thunderbird, Mac Mail etc.  Webmail programs like Comcast don't support the use of "read" reciepts.  And even then, compliance is voluntary on the part of the recipient.

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    There is nothing even remotely reliable.
    If a receipt is important to you, send a letter certified mail.
    I have occasionally received an e-mail that requests a receipt prior to reading it. I do what everyone does, I delete the e-mail unread.

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    Try going to your email folder and click the BB option button select options then email settings. Set confirm read to no.

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    I agree that (1) a return receipt feature would be nice, (2) that receiving email with a "return receipt" demand is annoying, (3) a return receipt that the recipient can decline AND read the email is worthless.
    Thunderbird, which looks like a much smarter free client than Apple Mail, allows you to request a receipt on a case-by-case basis. I agree setting it globally makes one look rather overly anxious. Also, I'm not sure Apple Mail even honors incoming receipt requests!
    I want something that works like old-fashioned certified mail: the recipient can sign for and read or decline and NOT read the message. I get date-stamped notice either way. It might also send you a notice that an email has not been picked up after a certain interval and has presumably been lost. This addresses the lost-mail scenario and is useful in the situation where the recipient pretends not to receive emails and blamed the sender (as you might suppose, a phone call is not a good alternative with such a person). The who-said-what-when can be invaluable, not just in litiagtion contexts but in figuring out where communication broke down so that it doesn't happen again. The log should be created automatically.
    So, no email client can really fix this. (Apple mail should still have the option to request receipt!) The only way I can see for this to work is to go through a 3rd party. Ideas?
    For now, yes, request a reply when it's important!!!!
    One alternative I hate to mention is the "bug" the emails. Services such as didtheyreadit embed invisible images or html tricks in emails and report back every time the message is opened or forwarded, including time, date, IP address, and other details. Maybe this doesn't break the law in that it doesn't reveal private information about the person's computer etc. any more than their picking up the phone does, BUT I dislike it and think the recipient should, as with certified mail, have a chance to decline seeing the message altogether. Perhaps one could bug AND advise the recipient that you do so. At least it is automatic and provides a 3rd-person log that you can point to in a dispute and not be accused of fabricating. Not that I know personally, ahem, but it does work quite well provided the recipient doesn't know how to block it. Admissible in court? I'm not sure.

  • Return Receipt Request

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    still an option? this was never an option in Mail from GUI.
    you can do it from terminal though.
    run the following command in terminal
    defaults write UserHeaders '{"Return-Receipt-To" = "[email protected]"; "Disposition-Notification-To" = "[email protected]"; }'
    and substituting "[email protected]" with your own email address. However, this will cause Mail to send a receipt request EVERY time you send an email.
    also keep in mind that the email clients of your email recipients have to support receipt notification AND it has to be turned on. if they don't support it (Mail doesn't btw) or the feature is turned off this will not work and there is absolutely nothing you can do to get receipt notifications.

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    Imac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Are you talking about the "mail" application?

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    see this [link|].
    this is only possible if the email client of the e-mail receiver supports this feature and it is turned on. if it doesn't support it or it supports it but the feature is turned off there is absolutely nothing you can do.

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    Sorry, but no.  You can only Ask your recipient to respond, confirming he received it.
    Hope this helps

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    in general not a good idea. This may cause loops with Out-of-Office responders and also not a very trustworthy confirmation.
    Options are to use certified email servers as an intermediate (google to find many) or to request explicitly a written reply from the recipient.
    See also this post (there are many more when you search here)

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    No. But there are ways around it:
    How to Request Read Receipts in Mac OS X Mail - About Email
    Generate 'Read Receipts' in - Mac OS X Hints

  • How to avoid return receipt

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    I am using class cl_bcs for email service and it is working fine. But the problem is after the mail is sent to the receipients, there is a Delivery report ( RETURN RECEIPT ) being sent to the sender informing about all the users to whom the mail was sent. I dont need this how can i avoid this mail from being sent.
    Technical details:
    The methods i am using are as listed below:
    cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    Any inputs will be helpful.
    Warm Regards,
    Naveen M

    Check here:
    Sending email via CL_BCS - Supressing read receipt request
    Alternatively you can use FM SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 to send emails.

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    Did you get any solution for this problem .
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    You may be able to configure a rule that checks for the particular header, but I don't know how you would then prevent or delay the return. As it stands Mail does not deal with return receipts and does not have the built-in facility to send similar requests.
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