Return values and methods repost

Had to repost for clarity. I'm working on a program which not only could I not compile...and have already been adviced on the forum it's well of the mark. Kindly request a few pointers ( !code ) on where i'm going wrong. I'll put the question as put to me and the code I originally thought was close to archieving th task.
Here goes,
The following code fragment is the main method for a simple program. The program reads in the ages of 3 people. Each age is checked for validity. If all ages are valid the program will then calculate the age of the oldest person and the average age(which is to be represented as a double).
The method names highlighted in bold require implementation(note some method calls are duplicated, but this doesn't mean you have to write the method more than once!). The first takes an integer parameter and returns true or false depending on whetherthe age is valid, i.e. between some sensible limits. The remaining methods both take threeparameters, all intergers. oldest displays the highest age value; average returns the average of the ages.
public class Tut11_1{
public static void main(String[] args){
    GUI gui=new GUI();
    int age1=0;
    int age2=0;
    int age3=0;
    double average=0;
    age1=gui.getInt("Enter first age");
    age2=gui.getInt("Enter second age");
    age3=gui.getInt("Enter third age");
         gui.putText("Age 1 is not valid");
    else if(!isValidAge(age1))
         gui.putText("Age 2 is not valid");
    else if(!isValidAge(age1))
         gui.putText("Age 3 is not valid");
         oldest(age1, age2, age3);
         average=averageAge(age1, age2, age3);
         gui.putText("Average age is " + average);
    This is where i've got to....
public class Tut11_1{
public static void main(String[] args){
    GUI gui=new GUI();
    int age1=0;
    int age2=0;
    int age3=0;
    double average=0;
    age1=gui.getInt("Enter first age");
    age2=gui.getInt("Enter second age");
    age3=gui.getInt("Enter third age");
         gui.putText("Age 1 is not valid");
    else if(!isValidAge(age1))
         gui.putText("Age 2 is not valid");
    else if(!isValidAge(age1))
         gui.putText("Age 3 is not valid");
         oldest(age1, age2, age3);
         average=averageAge(age1, age2, age3);
         gui.putText("Average age is " + average);
    //implementing method names
    public static Boolean isValidAge(int oldest, double averageAge, double average)
              return false;
         else if(isValidAge<=100)
              return true;
         else if(isValidAge>100)
              return false;
              oldest(age1, age2, age3);
            return oldest;
            average=averageAge(age1, age2, age3);
            return average;

N_E_W_B_I_E wrote:
That seem to make sense...will give that a go. On the case of boolean would this be right?
public static boolean isValidAge(_DONT I HAVE TO DECLARE ANYTHING HERE_ )To be honest with you I am not seeing alot of hope of you completing this assignment without one on one help.
This is just to give you a push in the right direction. I wouldn't normally do this but it's not all of your assignment and there seems to be a real lack of progress in your two threads thus far....
public static boolean isValidAge(int age){
    return false;
  return age<100;
}So that method is now finished. When you call it you can do this...
int x = 17;//or whatever the user inputs
boolean validAge = isValidAge(x);
}The above can be compressed (because an if is a true/false and boolean is a true false) as
int x = 17;//or whatever the user inputs

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    try {
    catch (Exception e) {
         Throwable t = e.getCause();
         // now what?
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    Why?  and No!
    Why?  Your procedure generates a resultset of some number of rows.  You check the resultset for the presence of rows to determine if "anything is there".  You don't need a separate value to tell you this.  Note that it helps
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    What?!?!?public void f(arg1, ...,
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    If you do not keep a reference it should be garbage collected. At what time is up to the garbage collector.

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    public class AppErrorException extends Exception
    public interface SB1 extends EJBObject
    public String getMemono(String sysID, String rptKind, String parentMemono)
    throws RemoteException, AppErrorException;
    public class SB1Bean implements SessionBean
    public String getMemono(String sysID, String rptKind, String parentMemono)
    throws RemoteException, AppErrorException
    throw new AppErrorException("Error in getMemono");
    public class SB1TestClient
    memomo= sb1.getMemono(.....);
    catch(AppErrorException ae)
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    When SB1.getMemono() throws the AppErrorException, but SB1TestClient will catch any Exception.
    It is normal.

    getMemono(.......)'s code as follow:
    public String getMemono(String sysID, String rptKind, String parentMemono)
    throws AppErrorException
    log("getMemono("+sysID+", "+rptKind+", "+parentMemono+")");
    Connection connection= null;
    CallableStatement statement = null;
    String memono= "";
    short retCode= -1;
    String retMsg= "";
    String sql= this.CALL_SPGETMEMONO;
    connection = ResourceAssistant.getDBConnectionLocal("awmsDS");
    statement= connection.prepareCall(sql);
    statement.setString(1, sysID.trim());
    statement.setString(2, rptKind.trim());
    statement.setString(3, parentMemono.trim());
    statement.registerOutParameter(4, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    statement.registerOutParameter(5, java.sql.Types.SMALLINT);
    statement.registerOutParameter(6, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    retCode= statement.getShort(5);
    retMsg= statement.getString(6);
    if (retCode==AppConfig.SHORT_SP_RETCODE_FAILED)
    throw new AppErrorException(retMsg);
    memono= statement.getString(4);
    if (rptKind.trim().length()<6)
    throw new AppErrorException("rptKind.trim().length()<6");
    memono= "SS";
    catch (AppErrorException ae)
    log("catch(AppErrorException ae)");
    throw ae;
    //throw new EJBException(ae.getErrMsg());
    catch (Exception e)
    log("catch (Exception e)");
    throw new AppErrorException(IExceptionConst.ERR_MSG_SYSMEMONO_00000, e.toString());
    //throw new EJBException(IExceptionConst.ERR_MSG_SYSMEMONO_00000+", "+e.toString());
    return memono;

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    Second, I get a NullPointerException from the following little slice of code. The Olistitem is a class created by JPub FYO.
    Olistitem[] listItem = new OSyncEnumlistitem[2];
    listItem[0].setNumbervalue( new BigDecimal(1) ); // It's expecting a BigDecimal.
    Any ideas?
    Thankyou for any help.

    For the first one, probably need some source code to
    Are you returning a new Date, or just the original
    object?I'm trying to assign a new date value to the date object passed in and then retrieve the results into an array. Some source code:
    //To call the method.
    Object argsV[] = new Object[argsValue.size()];
    method.invoke(null, argsV);
    // The method itself.
    public static void test(CramerVarchar first, CramerNumber second, java.util.Date third, SyncEnumList fourth) throws ParseException
    first.setValue("Test String Returned");
    second.setValue(new BigDecimal(second.getValue().intValue() + new BigDecimal(1).intValue()));
    String dateFormat = "dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss";
    String theDateString = new String ("15-07-03 10:24:05");
    SimpleDateFormat date = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
    third = date.parse(theDateString);
    catch (SQLException e)
    System.out.println("Error in tester");
    Any clearer as to what I'm getting at?!

  • Standard Report VA05 Adds up Returns Value and Qty :(

    Hi Gurus,
    We have an issue the standard Report VA05 Adds up Qty and Value of Returns Orders/ Credit or Debit Request which gives up a wrong value when you look at the Total.
    I checked up with IDES and it is just the same. Any Help how to overcome the issue

    VA05 being a standard order display report it will give you all the order types.
    There are 2 ways of doing this.
    1. Click on addtional selection criteria button and select the sales document type in your selection. You will only get the order types you want.
    2. Run the full report and then filter out the order types you dont want and save that as a variant.  You can set this as defualt variant so when your run next time the unwanted order types like Debit memos, etc will not come in the report.
    Yatin Thakkar

  • Exporting and returning value question

    What is different between exporting and returning value in method of a class. if created an object inside the method and exporting it, it means I have a reference to that object inside program. If I use returning value, it means I have a copy of object created inside the method, but the object inside method is destroyed after it ends. Do I understand correctly? if so what do u prefer exporting or returning value? thanks!

    Hello Anthony
    The major difference is that you can have multiple EXPORTING parameters yet only a single RETURNING parameter. In addition, if you have a RETURNING parameter you cannot have EXPORTING parameters simultaneously.
    Defining methods with a single RETURNING parameter is more Java-like than having multiple EXPORTING parameters.
    Whenever possible and sensible I prefer RETURNING parameters over EXPORTING parameters because they allow to use the function method call, e.g.:
    go_msglist = cf_reca_messagelist_create( ).

  • Get method return value

    Hi. We're using bytecode instrumentation in a native jvmti agent to monitor method entry/exit. I'd like to capture method return values and report them upon method exit. I see how to obtain local variables, and am indeed doing this when a method is entered; however, I'm not sure how to get a method's return value.
    Thanks for any advice.
    -- david

    You will need to do two things to make this work:
    1) Change the method that your return instrumentation calls to accept a parameter (the return value).
    2) Modify your bytecode instrumentation to call your new function with the return value.

  • Custom method return value will not pass to form

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    I have no problem displaying the returned value and have no problem populating the form if I hard code a value into the methodAction binding.
    I am trying to determine if this is a timing issue on page load, or some other issue with the returned integer.

    sounds like a lifecycle problem because the method call and execution of the VO iterator happen in the same phase. You can try setting the refresh conditions of the method to prepareModel and the iterator to prepareRender, but I doubt that this will solve the issue.
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  • How to get both, the ResultSet and Output (return value) from Oracle Stored Procedure

    Hi! I am doing a conversion from MSSQL to Oracle with C++ and MFC ODBC. Any comment is appreciated!! I have Oracle 8i and Oracle ODBC 8.1.6 installed.
    My question is how to retrieve the return value AND ALSO the resultSet at the same time by using Oracle function without modifying my souce codes (except puttting mypackage. string infron of my procedure name, see below).
    -- My source code in C++ with MSSQL ....
    sqlStr.Format("{? = call ListOfCustomers(%i)}", nNameID);
    RcOpen = CustomerList.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, sqlStr, CRecordset::readOnly );
    Where CustoemrList is a Crecordset object...
    IN DoFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX) I have ...
    RFX_Long(pFX, T("Name"), mCustoemrName);
    // output parameter
    pFX->SetFieldType( CFieldExchange::outputParam );
    RFX_Int( pFX, T("IndexCount"), mCustomerNumber);
    -- m_CustomerNumber is where i store the return value!!!
    -- In Oracle Version, i have similar codes with ...
    sqlStr.Format("{? = call mypackage.ListOfCustomers(%i)}", nNameID);
    RcOpen = CustomerList.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, sqlStr, CRecordset::readOnly );
    -- I have oracle package/Body codes as following...
    create or replace package mypackage
    type group_rct is ref cursor;
    Function listgroups(
    nameID NUMBER ,
    RC1 IN OUT Mypackage.group_rct ) return int;
    Create or replace package body mypackage
    Function listgroups(
    NameID NUMBER ,
    RC1 IN OUT Mypackage.group_rct )return int
    from Customer
    WHERE ID = NameIDEND ListGroups;
    return 7;
    END listgroups;
    END MyPackage;
    Ive simplified my codes a bit....

    yes, it is exactly what i want to do and I am using Oracle ODBC driver.
    I tried using procedure with 1 OUT var fo numeric value and the other IN OUT ref cursor var instead of function, but error occurs when I called it from the application. It give me a memory ecxception error!!
    sqlStr.Format("{? = call ListOfCustomers(%i)}", nNameID);
    RcOpen = CustomerList.Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, sqlStr, CRecordset::readOnly );
    it seems to me that the ? marker var is making all the trouble... can you please give me any more comment on this?? thanks!

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