Returne between dates in case when

i want to return between dates values on case when clauses on where clauses
when (cc.segment3 NOT like '4%' and cc.segment3 NOT like '5%')
then (between to_date('01/07/2012','dd/mm/rrrr') and to_date('31/07/2012','dd/mm/rrrr'))
when (cc.segment3 like '4%' or cc.segment3 like '5%')
then (between to_date('01/07/2012','dd/mm/rrrr') and to_date('31/07/2012','dd/mm/rrrr'))
end) h.default_effective_date
the problem is in the = operator but i don't know haw to use this
any help??

ok here is the full coad
DECODE(SUBSTR (CC.segment1, 1, 1), 'J', 'OFFSHORE', 'I', 'OFFSHORE','IN COUNTRY')branch_nature,
decode(cc.segment1,'A6260','Head Office','Branches') branch_type,
decode (h.currency_code,'EGP','mahly','agnaby') currency_code ,
when h.currency_code in('EGP') then sum(l.entered_cr)
else 0
end entered_cr,--sum(l.entered_cr) entered_cr,
when h.currency_code in('EGP') then sum(l.entered_dr)
else 0
end entered_dr, --sum(l.entered_dr) entered_dr,
when h.currency_code NOT in('EGP') then sum(l.accounted_cr)
else 0
end accounted_Dr,--0 accounted_Dr,
when h.currency_code NOT in('EGP') then sum(l.accounted_dr)
else 0
end accounted_cr --0 accounted_cr
from apps.gl_je_headers h,
apps.gl_je_lines L,
apps.gl_code_combinations cc,
apps.fnd_flex_values_tl t ,
applsys.fnd_user us,
apps.gl_je_batches b
where h.status = 'P'
and us.user_id = h.Created_by
--and h.currency_code in('EGP')
and l.je_header_id = h.je_header_id
and l.code_combination_id =cc.code_combination_id
and cc.segment3 = t.flex_value_meaning
and cc.segment3 in ('31000020','40505020')
and cc.segment1 in ('A5550','B0010')
-- and (DECODE(SUBSTR (CC.segment1, 1, 1), 'J', 'OFFSHORE', 'I', 'OFFSHORE','IN COUNTRY') =:P_branch_nature OR :P_branch_nature is NULL)
--and (decode(cc.segment1,'A6260','Head Office','Branches') = :P_BRANCH_TYPE OR :P_BRANCH_TYPE is NULL)
and t.description is not null
and t.language ='AR'
and h.je_batch_id = b.je_batch_id
when (cc.segment3 NOT like '4%' and cc.segment3 NOT like '5%')
then (between to_date(:P_Start_date,'dd/mm/rrrr') and to_date(:P_END_date,'dd/mm/rrrr'))
when (cc.segment3 like '4%' or cc.segment3 like '5%')
then (between to_date(:P_Start_date2,'dd/mm/rrrr') and to_date(:P_END_date,'dd/mm/rrrr'))
end) h.default_effective_date
and (case
when (cc.segment3 like '4%' or cc.segment3 like '5%')
then (h.default_effective_date)
end) between to_date('01/07/2012','dd/mm/rrrr') and to_date('31/07/2012','dd/mm/rrrr')*/
group by cc.segment3 , t.description , cc.segment1,h.currency_code;
the part between tages need to modigied

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    I want to display the list of product names owned by a company.If no products found it should return a string like "NO PRODUCTS FOUND'
    The query I wrote working well but when the condition does not satisfy Its not returning  "NO PRODUCTS FOUND''. Can someone help me how can I do this?
    declare @Country varchar(100)='Netherlands'
    SELECT     CASE WHEN count(table4.ProductName) >0 THEN table4.ProductName 
                   ELSE 'NO PRODUCTS FOUND' END AS Product_list
    FROM              table2 INNER JOIN
                          table1 ON table2.AccountID = table1.AccountID INNER JOIN
                          table3 ON table1.[company_ID] = table3.[company_ID] INNER JOIN
                          table4 ON table4.ProductID = table2.ProductID
                         table1.[country] IN (@Country)) AND table4.ProductID IN (24410, 24413, 24418, 24383,                           24384))
    GROUP BY table4.ProductName 

    Your DDL does not match your query.
    You also supplied no test data.
    You're using INNER JOINS to enforce relationships that may not exist. You're using a WHERE clause to do the same.
    Try this:
    DECLARE @table1 TABLE (accountid int not null, productID varchar(20), company_id int)
    DECLARE @table2 TABLE (accountid int not null, country varchar(20))
    DECLARE @table3 TABLE (company_id int not null, company_name varchar(20))
    DECLARE @table4 TABLE (productID int not null, productname varchar(20))
    INSERT INTO @table2 (accountid, country) VALUES (1, 'Netherlands'),(2, 'Netherlands'),(3, 'Germany')
    INSERT INTO @table1 (accountid, productID, company_id) VALUES (1,24410,1)
    INSERT INTO @table3 (company_id, company_name) VALUES (1,'one company'),(2,'two company'),(3,'three company')
    INSERT INTO @table4 (productID, productname) VALUES (24410,'a product')
    DECLARE @Country varchar(100)='Netherlands'
    SELECT t3.company_name,
    CASE WHEN count(t4.ProductName) > 0 THEN t4.ProductName
    END AS Product_list
    FROM @table2 t2
    INNER JOIN @table3 t3
    ON t2.accountid = t3.company_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN @table1 t1
    ON t2.accountid = t1.accountid
    LEFT OUTER JOIN @table4 t4
    ON t1.productID = t4.productID
    WHERE = @Country
    GROUP BY t3.company_name, t4.productName

  • Case When Statement and ORA:01722 Invalid number error

    Hi folks, I have posted this under another heading as well under E-business suite so apologies if some you have already seen it but I would really appreciate some help on this one. Any suggestions are most welcome.
    We are trying to put together a calculation that returns the number of days absent an individual has had in a given time period. We need to cater for those absences that started before the period and are closed during it, absence that start during the period and end after it, and those that open and close within it.
    The period is always a rolling 6 months from sysdate.
    This is the calc we have come up with so far which works for some people but we get the invalid number error if the absence includes a half day - so 0.5, 1.5,etc.
    This is probably over complicated but we are not techie at all so are learning as we go!
    We are using the HRMS - Administration - Oracle Human Resources (Core) business area in 10G and the Absence Attendance and Person folders.
    SUM(TO_NUMBER(NVL(( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date < TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') THEN ( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" > SYSDATE THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( Absence Attendance.Duration Days ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ),( DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") )),'999999990D00'))

    It could be that this is because you are using SYSDATE which contains the time as a fraction rather than TRUNC(SYSDATE) which just contains the current time. It could be that your working_dates_between raises this error.
    However, your formula is far more complicated than it needs to be.
    Firstly, you want to look at the date window ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6) to TRUNC(SYSDATE). Then you want to look at the portion of the absence that falls in the date window. This is GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6)) to LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE)). You may need to add 1 to the absence end date because this is the last day of their absence rather than the date they return. It depends how you calculate the days between the start and end
    date of the absence. You can create calculations for the start and end date of the absences within the 6 months time window. Create calculation AbsenceStart as
    GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6))
    and AbsenceEnd as
    LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    Then you need to only pick up absence that a part of the absence in your 6 month date window. You can use a condition in the workbook or a condition in a case statement to do this. You then need to calculate the difference between these dates and SUM all the values.
    SUM(CASE WHEN AbsenceEnd >= AbsenceStart THEN WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(AbsenceStart, AbsenceEnd) END)
    That's it. Not so complicated after all.
    Rod West

  • Case When Statement and ORA:1722 Invalid number error

    Sorry I posted this in the wrong forum - I have the answer now
    We are trying to put together a calculation that returns the number of days absent an individual has had in a given time period. We need to cater for those absences that started before the period and are closed during it, absence that start during the period and end after it, and those that open and close within it.
    The period is always a rolling 6 months from sysdate.
    This is the calc we have come up with so far which works for some people but we get the invalid number error if the absence includes a half day - so 0.5, 1.5,etc.
    This is probably over complicated but we are not Techie at all so are learning as we go! We are using the HRMS - Administration - Oracle Human Resources (Core) business area in 10G and the Absence Attendance and Person folders.
    SUM(TO_NUMBER(NVL(( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date < TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') THEN ( CASE WHEN Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" > SYSDATE THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) END ) END ) END ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY') >= Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(TO_DATE(ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE,-6),'DD-Mon-YYYY'),Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") ) IS NULL THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( CASE WHEN SYSDATE <= Absence Attendance."Actual End Date" THEN ( WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,SYSDATE) ) ELSE ( Absence Attendance.Duration Days ) END ) END ) END ) END ) END ),( DAYS_BETWEEN(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date,Absence Attendance."Actual End Date") )),'999999990D00'))
    Edited by: CPearce on Sep 25, 2008 8:03 AM

    It could be that this is because you are using SYSDATE which contains the time as a fraction rather than TRUNC(SYSDATE) which just contains the current time. It could be that your working_dates_between raises this error.
    However, your formula is far more complicated than it needs to be.
    Firstly, you want to look at the date window ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6) to TRUNC(SYSDATE). Then you want to look at the portion of the absence that falls in the date window. This is GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6)) to LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE)). You may need to add 1 to the absence end date because this is the last day of their absence rather than the date they return. It depends how you calculate the days between the start and end
    date of the absence. You can create calculations for the start and end date of the absences within the 6 months time window. Create calculation AbsenceStart as
    GREATEST(Absence Attendance.Actual Start Date, ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE), -6))
    and AbsenceEnd as
    LEAST(NVL(Absence Attendance."Actual End Date",TRUNC(SYSDATE)), TRUNC(SYSDATE))
    Then you need to only pick up absence that a part of the absence in your 6 month date window. You can use a condition in the workbook or a condition in a case statement to do this. You then need to calculate the difference between these dates and SUM all the values.
    SUM(CASE WHEN AbsenceEnd >= AbsenceStart THEN WORKING_DAYS_BETWEEN(AbsenceStart, AbsenceEnd) END)
    That's it. Not so complicated after all.
    Rod West

  • Using more than one case when statement

    Hi there,
    I have a question on using case when statements.
    Currently I have a table where it shows me mulitple dates.
    Order Saledate TransferDate StartDate Enddate GetDate
    I have created a where statement to show me records against the transferdate dependant if it appears within the date range of the year, or if it appears within the startdate and today's date.
    (lpatran.trandate between targets.startdate
    and (case when targets.enddate < getdate() then targets.enddate else getdate() end))
    However on some of the records the transfer date is null, and so they want to use the saledate as the date to use.
    So I created
    (case when Lpatran.trandate is not null then (Lpatran.trandate between targets.startdate
    and (case when targets.enddate < getdate() then targets.enddate else getdate()))
    else (lpatran.saledate between targets.startdate
    and (case when targets.enddate < getdate() then targets.enddate else getdate())) end )
    However it gives me an incorrect syntax near the word ‘between ‘ 
    Is there a simple fix for this or does sql not allow me to do this?

    I have created a new column called transferdate and done a case when statement
    WHEN lpatran.trandate
    THEN lpatran.saledate
    ELSE lpatran.trandate
    AS Transferdate,
    Then created a temptable and did a select * from temptable.  Created a where statement from transferdate, which does work and gives me the correct data. 
    TransferDate between startdate
    when enddate
    then enddate
    However I wanted to know if there was a way of obtaining the same data without having to use the temptable ?

  • Binocular search for Cost Center is not returning any data

    Hi Gurus,
    When clicking on the SRM-Shooping Cart-Cost Assignment- Account Assignment Overview- Cost center Binocular search icon,  it is not returning any data.  However,  when drilling down in the Account Assignment Overview, you will see another Binocular search icon for Cost Center which is working fine.
    Any idea of how you troubleshoot it.
    Thanks in advace for your help.

    Not sure about the cost assignment drill down, but after we applied SP13 to SRM server 550 the binoculars for cost center stopped working. the following note corrected this.
    Note 1259735 - Search help of generic account does not work
    If it has never worked, then probably need to setup a RFC dialog user for the F4 search help, Multiple threads on here around the dialog user for F4 with details on configuration and use.

  • Func module to return the date

    hi friends..
    is there any fumc module to return the date and month when you give the date..
    for eg..
      if i give 26.07.2007.
    i want day = 26
             month = 07
    can you plz

    Hi Deva,
    Use the function module
    *This function module is available in ECC 5.0
    Message was edited by:
            Velangini Showry Maria Kumar Bandanadham

  • Report returns wrong data when run on server

    I'm runing CRS XI R2 on Windows Server 2003 SP2.  When I refresh a report in the Crystal Reports XI Designer, I'm getting correct data.  But when I schedule the report to run on the server it returns wrong data.  The data is different from what I see when I refresh it from the designer.  In the report I have running totals set up to count customers that meet a certain criteria.  The report is very large.  It take almost 2 hours to refresh.
    I was wondering what is causing the difference in running total data between refreshing it on the designer and running it on the server.  Is it returning wrong data b/c of it not reading all the records?  Should I be making any changes to the server settings?  I saw that under pageserver, there are options for  setting the 'Minutes Before an Idle Report Job is Closed' and 'Database Records To Read When Previewing Or Refreshing a Report".  Do either of those have anything to do with the report returning incorrect data when being scheduled to run on the server?

    Hi Xuandao,
    You would need to Use Cell Binding and Trigger concept to accomplish this.
    Its simple, however, you would have to work on a trial and error basis to understand this concept as implementing the same is subject to your dashboard and WEBI Design.
    Open you LiveOffice.
    Insert your WEBI, Now, go to Object Properties of your WEBI, select the second tab that says Prompt, Here, it lists the prompts that you have for your WEBI. This would also enlist your BEx variables as well. Select this BEx variable and click on the button that says Prompt at the bottom of this window. Here, select choose Excel Data Range and click on the cell select button on the right (small button that lets you choose what cell you want to bind this prompt to), Now select a free cell that would not be even populated later on when you run the dashboard say A1 (remember the value that you select). Click on OK and again OK. The WEBI Refreshes and you can see all the prompt values at the cell A1. These are all the possible values stored for your BEx prompt variables (these values are fetched from BW system dynamically).
    Now, save this LiveOffice, Go to you dashboard. Connect your dashboard to your Live office. Go to Data-> connections-> Now, select the WEBI and in the right hand pane  go to Usage tab, here, Click on Trigger cell button on the right hand side and select A1 in you LiveOffice.
    It should work fine.
    Let me know.
    Sreekul Nair

  • SQL - Select Help - Case When? Return Value from Second Table?

    Hi - next to folks on this board I am probably somewhere between a Beginner and an Intermediate SQL user.
    Ive been using a case when statement in plsql to find "all those who's status in any program was cancelled during a specific time, but have become or are still active in a second program"
    So, Im effectively trying to return a value from a second table in a case when, but its not liking anthing other than a declared text like 'Yes' or 'No'.
    Here is the select statement - is there another way to do this where I can get the results I need?
    case when pp.party_id in (select pp1.party_id  -- Cancelled clients Active in another program
                                       from asa.program_participation          pp1,
                                            asa.curr_prog_participation_status cpps1
                                      where pp1.program_participation_id = cpps1.program_participation_id
                                        and pp1.party_id = pp.party_id
                                        and cpps1.code_value = 'ACT')
                then 'Yes' else 'No' end  as Active_in_Other_Prg
    So - in place of 'Yes' i basically want the program that they are active in or pp1.program_id, else Null
    It is possible that the client can be active in more than one program as well.
    Any assistance is greatly appreciated, i explored with if's and decodes but I cant get anything to work.

    Sounds like an outer join. See ora doc: Joins
    select p.*
    ,      q.party_id
    ,      q.program_id
    from   table_with_party_id p
    ,    ( select pp1.party_id  -- Cancelled clients Active in another program
           ,      pp1.program_id
           from   asa.program_participation          pp1,
                  asa.curr_prog_participation_status cpps1
           where  pp1.program_participation_id = cpps1.program_participation_id
           and    pp1.party_id = pp.party_id
           and    cpps1.code_value = 'ACT') q
    where p.party_id = q.party_id ( +)
    Note: In the example above there shoudn't be a space between the ( and +), but the forum software automagically converts this to
    The outer join will link show all records from the p table and only records from q if the party_id matches, ie q.party_id and q.program_id  will be null if there is no match.
    edit: added program_id

  • Failed to open the connection, when view returns no data.

    Hi Guys,
    I'm having a minor issue.
    I'm running a report in the crystalreportsviewer in
    The report is retrieving it's data from a view.
    The report also has a subreport with an overview with totals, using the same view and the same parameters as the primary report.
    Now everything is working fine in a filled database.
    But when the view does not return any data, i get the following error:
    Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection. Details:
    [Database Vendor Code: 53 ] Failed to open the connection. Details:
    [Database Vendor Code: 53 ] Failed to open the connection.
    Freight_Charges_By_Branch_By_Period_By_Customer {9D0460D7-5C9E-  4FD5-B190-AFD41693A143}.rpt
    Can anyone please help me with this problem.
    Thanks in advance!
    Regards William

    Lot of important info missing here:
    1) What version of CR?
    2) What CR updates have you applied?
    3) What version of .NET?
    4) Is this on your dev box or after you deploy?
    5) Have you looked up error code 53 for your database? (This is the error code CR engine is simply passing through from the db client)
    6) What is the database?
    7) What connection method are you using?
    8) Depending on the version of CR, can you run this report in the CR designer?
    9) Copy and paste the code used to run the report.
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  • SharePoint Designer 2010 Error occurs when accessing Edit Form: "The server returned a non-specific error when trying to get data from the data source ..." This occurs when using "" in a calculated column in a SharePoint List

    I created a calculated column "Expiration Date" in SharePoint 2010 with formula, =IF([Contingent Hire]=TRUE,(Created+90),(IF([Contingent Hire]=FALSE," ")))
    This works in the SharePoint list but when I go to edit the Edit Form in Designer. I get the error specified in the title of this post. I'm trying to make it so the Expiration Date is blank when another column, "Contingent Hire" (a YES/No
    column) is FALSE.
    The Edit Form is essentially a DataViewWebpart. If I remove the " ", like so, "(IF([Contingent Hire]=FALSE,))" from the calc column, the error goes away; however, the Expiration Date field does not
    remain blank like I want it to.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? (Below is the error generated when I open Designer and then try to open the Edit form for the corresponding list containing the calc column)

    Hi Jack,
    Could you provide a screenshot about this issue?
    As Dimitri suggested, you can install the update for your SharePoint Designer and check again.
    And you can also check if you can display "NA" instead of " " in your calculated column per the following post.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • SUM(CASE WHEN statement is not returning proper result.

    Hi Folks,
    I'm an end-user on OBIEE 11g creating a custom analysis. I'm trying to SUM a particular case statement: SUM(CASE WHEN "MyMeasureColumn.Here" LIKE '%~25~%' OR "MyMeasureColumn.Here" LIKE '%~26~%' OR "MyMeasureColumn.Here" LIKE '%~27~%' OR "MyMeasureColumn.Here" LIKE '%~28~%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    The result should be about 6,700 however I am getting only 1,900. Any ideas?

    Ive done a manual validation of the statement (in excel) and know its near 6700. I think it has something to do with the type of data it is?
    Well there are only three possibilities that I can think of.
    1. The data in Excel is different than the data in Oracle
    2. The 'manual validation' is different than what the query that you are using does
    3. Both #1 and #2
    You are the only one with access to the data.
    You are the only one that has any idea what your 'manual validation' was.
    If necessary you will need to use the brute force 'divide and conquer' method.
    Use a small amount of data and compare your 'manual validation to your query results. If they are not the same figure out why.
    If they are the same then repeat the process with another set of the data.

  • Data missing in Crosstab report with calculated field via case when

    I use the Oracle 10g discoverer. When I create a crosstab report with a calculate field via function case when and put it as datapoint, some of the data is not showing. I tried to not use the case when function for the calculate field, then all the data show.
    I really do not the reason. Could anybody help me out with many thanks?

    Let me explain more.
    I have the original data below.
    Work order, Team, Hours_worked, date
    800001, S1, 5, 2012/01/01
    800001, S1, 15, 2012/01/10
    800001, S2, 4, 2012/01/04
    800002, S1, 3, 2012/01/15
    There are multipul records for the same work order, team on the same day or different.
    Finally I want to set the start date and end date as the parameter to create a crosstab report format like
    start date>=2012/01/01 and close date<=2012/01/05
    Total hours total hours within the range
    Work order S1 S2 ... S1 S2 ...
    800001 20 4 5 4
    800002 3 0 0 0
    in order to do it, I create two parameters independently start date and close date. Then I create a calculate field hours_worked_withinrange via
    Case when date>=:start date and date<=:end date then Hours_worked else 0 end
    This calculated field is correct in the tabular format report in discoverer desktop. But when I duplicate the list as crosstab. Some data is missing in crosstab data point.
    I checked once I change the calculate field defination not use case when. (For example, C1=hours_worked*2). Then everything runs correct.

  • I get an error when i try to execute a function that returns a date value

    I'm new in ODP.NET, i'm make a package that contains a function that returns a date i.e.
    Package Body General_pkg is
    Function Get_Day Return Date is
    vd_day date;
    select sysdate into vd_day from dual;
    return vd_day;
    end Get_Day;
    End General_pkg;
    i use the next code to execute the function:
    OracleCommand cmdData = new OracleCommand("General_pkg.Get_Day", cnx);
    cmdData.CommandType = Commandtype.StoredProcedure;
    OracleParameter PRM;
    PRM = new OracleParameter();
    PRM.ParameterName = "VDATE";
    PRM.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Date;
    PRM.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
    catch(OracleException e);
    When i execute this code, i have and exception, which say "identifier GENERAL_PKG.Get_Day must be declare..."
    Obviously the package is correctly created in ORACLE i tested first in sql plus and it works but in ODP.NET they don't recognize the package or the function i don't know... please help!!!

    OOOOOPSS.... i forgot that i change the user in my conecction string that's why it didn't work...
    i guess i had to much beer last night.;. :)

  • Error: Boot loader didn't return any data when creating VM

    Env: VirtualBox
    Host: Windows 7
    Guest: Linux
    Domain Type: Xen PVM
    Network Boot Path:
    (THis is how I mounted...
    cd /var/www/html
    mkdir aaa
    mount -o ro,loop /var/www/html/Linux6.3V33411-01.iso /var/www/html/aaa )
    When creating a VM, I get the following error. (boot loader didn't return any data)
    Starting operation 'Bridge Configure Operation' on object '0004fb0000200000b15ee1091fd244e1 (network.BondPort (1) in'
    Bridge [] already exists (and should exist) on interface [bond0] on server []; skipping bridge creation
    Completed operation 'Bridge Configure Operation' completed with direction ==> DONE
    Starting operation 'Virtual Machine Start' on object '0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b (first vm)'
    Job Internal Error (Operation) OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: start_vm to server: failed. OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: start_vm 0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c 0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b, Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: exceptions.RuntimeError:Command: ['xm', 'create', '/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg'] failed (1): stderr: Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
    stdout: Using config file "/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg".
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012
    at Source)
    at Source)
    Caused by: OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: start_vm 0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c 0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b, Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: exceptions.RuntimeError:Command: ['xm', 'create', '/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg'] failed (1): stderr: Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
    stdout: Using config file "/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg".
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012
    ... 43 more
    Starting failed operation 'Virtual Machine Start' cleanup on object 'first vm'
    Complete rollback operation 'Virtual Machine Start' completed with direction=first vm
    Executing rollback operation 'Bridge Configure Operation' on object '0004fb0000200000b15ee1091fd244e1 (network.BondPort (1) in'
    Complete rollback operation 'Bridge Configure Operation' completed with direction=DONE
    Executing rollback operation 'Virtual Machine Start' on object '0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b (first vm)'
    Complete rollback operation 'Virtual Machine Start' completed with direction=DONE
    Objects To Be Rolled Back
    Object (IN_USE): [BondPort] 0004fb0000200000b15ee1091fd244e1 (network.BondPort (1) in
    Object (IN_USE): [Vnic] 0004fb000007000010d326921b98ec03 (00:21:f6:00:00:08)
    Object (IN_USE): [VirtualDisk] 0004fb0000120000d8f2f687d3e4c97f.img (VD1)
    Object (IN_USE): [VmDiskMapping] 0004fb0000130000e3b9005a802f903e
    Object (IN_USE): [VirtualMachine] 0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b (first vm)
    Write Methods Invoked
    Class=InternalJobDbImpl vessel_id=2712 method=addTransactionIdentifier accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualMachineDbImpl vessel_id=897 method=start accessLevel=6
    Class=VnicDbImpl vessel_id=787 method=lock accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualDiskDbImpl vessel_id=919 method=lock accessLevel=6
    Class=VnicDbImpl vessel_id=787 method=lock accessLevel=6
    Class=VmDiskMappingDbImpl vessel_id=928 method=lock accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualDiskDbImpl vessel_id=919 method=lock accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualMachineStartingEventDbImpl vessel_id=2721 method=notify accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualMachineStartingEventDbImpl vessel_id=2721 method=setDescription accessLevel=6
    Class=BondPortDbImpl vessel_id=518 method=addJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=InternalJobDbImpl vessel_id=2712 method=setCompletedStep accessLevel=6
    Class=InternalJobDbImpl vessel_id=2712 method=setAssociatedHandles accessLevel=6
    Class=BondPortDbImpl vessel_id=518 method=setCurrentJobOperationComplete accessLevel=6
    Class=BondPortDbImpl vessel_id=518 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualMachineDbImpl vessel_id=897 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=InternalJobDbImpl vessel_id=2712 method=setFailedOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=BondPortDbImpl vessel_id=518 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=VnicDbImpl vessel_id=787 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualDiskDbImpl vessel_id=919 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=VmDiskMappingDbImpl vessel_id=928 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualMachineDbImpl vessel_id=897 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=BondPortDbImpl vessel_id=518 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Class=VirtualMachineDbImpl vessel_id=897 method=nextJobOperation accessLevel=6
    Completed Step: ROLLBACK
    Job failed commit (internal) due to OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: start_vm to server: failed. OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: start_vm 0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c 0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b, Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: exceptions.RuntimeError:Command: ['xm', 'create', '/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg'] failed (1): stderr: Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
    stdout: Using config file "/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg".
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012 OVMAPI_4010E Attempt to send command: start_vm to server: failed. OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: start_vm 0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c 0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b, Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: exceptions.RuntimeError:Command: ['xm', 'create', '/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg'] failed (1): stderr: Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
    stdout: Using config file "/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg".
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by: OVMAPI_4004E Server Failed Command: start_vm 0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c 0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b, Status: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: exceptions.RuntimeError:Command: ['xm', 'create', '/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg'] failed (1): stderr: Error: Boot loader didn't return any data!
    stdout: Using config file "/OVS/Repositories/0004fb000003000091ebba8d298de87c/VirtualMachines/0004fb0000060000bd9fc1468258f53b/vm.cfg".
    Fri Aug 10 02:37:21 HST 2012
    ... 43 more
    End of Job
    Thank you so much...

    I was advised to run PVM on VirtualBox. When running HVM, it complained about the CPU not supporting for Hardware Virtualization even though I'm sure that the CPU and MB support Hardware Virtualization.
    Any thoughts or comments?

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