Returning primitives array (i.e. long[]) in java sp, how to 'call spec'?

When I write a java sp returning a long[], how can I write a
call spec in PL/SQL,
is anyone having any ideas?
thanks, first.

Try Changing your namespace for java to ConvertDate2(This class should be in classpath) and replace
<stringdate><xsl:variable name="stringDate" select="java:ConvertDate2.changeDate(ds_start_date)"/>
<stringdate><xsl:variable name="stringDate" select="java:changeDate(ds_start_date)"/>
Make sure your query matches with ds_start_date correctly.

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    [email protected]

    I have a solution write one batch file in that you specify class path and java home.
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    Runtime.exec method...
    Hope will this work

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    I have a split function in plsql that takes 10 times longer a java tokenizer function that i was written. So, i want to use java external function to split my plsql strings into pieces.
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    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    public class JFile {
    public static oracle.sql.ARRAY dirlist (String dir)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection( );
    ArrayDescriptor arraydesc =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor ("DIRLIST_T", conn);
    File myDir = new File (dir);
    String[] filesList = myDir.list( );
    ARRAY dirArray = new ARRAY(arraydesc, conn, filesList);
    return dirArray;
    RETURN dirlist_t
    NAME 'myFile.dirlist(java.lang.String) return oracle.sql.ARRARY';
    I could compile this source file in localhost but not remotehost. There are jar files ( import oracle.sql.*; import oracle.jdbc.*; ) that should be added to remote classpath. ( others have already added java classpath ). But, which classpath i should add? Oracle has own JVM and Classpath, probably i should upload these jar files to oracle classpath. Am i wrong? How can i do? Can you explain in detail? How can i return string array from java external function in Oracle ?
    I am using Oracle on Solaris Sparc Machine.

    What do you mean "compile in remote host"
    Aren't you using the loadjava tool? - that should be enough, the RDBMS already "has" the jars needed.
    [A must read|]

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    You can create new methods in
      //@@begin others
      private ArrayList MyMethod(){
           // ** Put your code here
           return new ArrayList();
    Other option are create a context node with cardinality 0...n with one or more attributes, and in your method create the needed registers into this node. To read this values, you only need to read your context node.
    Best regards
    Edited by: Xavier Aranda on Dec 2, 2010 9:41 AM

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    java code:=
    public String [] viewx(String bid) throws SQLException, Exception {
    String [] values;
    try {
    CallableStatement cstmt = null;
    String SQL = "{?=call vi_dis.v_dis(?)}";
    cstmt = con.prepareCall(SQL);
    cstmt.setString(2, bid);
    Array simpleArray = cstmt.getArray(1);
    values = (String [])simpleArray.getArray();
    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
    error = "SQLException: Could not execute the query.";
    throw new SQLException(error);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    error = "An exception occured while retrieving emp.";
    throw new Exception(error);
    return values;
    pl/sql function
    create or replace package vi_dis
    function v_dis(vbid IN return stuarray ;
    create or replace
    package body vi_dis
    function v_dis(vbid IN return stuarray
    l_stu stUarray :=stuarray();
    cursor c_sel
    AND E.BID=vbid;
    OPEN c_sel;
    FETCH c_sel BULK COLLECT INTO l_stu;
    CLOSE c_sel;
    RETURN l_stu;
    CLOSE c_sel;

    BalusC wrote:
    It is comparing the selected value against the List<SelectItem> returned by getSetoresOrigem() as it is during the apply request values phase of the form submit request.Ok. That's what I supposed JSF was doing.
    BalusC wrote:
    If the selected value isn't in there, then you will get this error.I can understand this, but is this right? As I said, the old value isn't really there because I changed the list values to new ones. But the new value (the value of fSetorOrigem ) corresponds to a value that exist in the new list items, so a valid value. So JSF is not considering that I also changed the list, not just the value. It is comparing the new value with the old list, not the new one. Acting like this JSF is making the page looks like a static HTML page, not a dynamic one. If I can't change the list and the value, what's the point of that? In my point of view I'm not doing anything wrong, I'm not violating any JSF rules.

  • How to return array of String to a java program.! ??

    Hi All,
    I am new to JNI programming. so trying with simple example. I am having one problem. I have one array of String in my Java program. I want to reverse all the elements in this array and want back this new array in the same form i.e. array of string. So how can I do this ??
    Please guide me.....
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    public native String[] getReverseStringArray(String[] arrString);
    where as my array is like:
    String[] arrStr = {"one", "two", "three", "four", "��������","�c��","�J�^�J�i"};
    and I am calling function in C file like:
    arrStr = employee.getReverseStringArray(arrStr);
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    JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL
    Java_Emp_getReverseStringArray (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobjectArray arr)
    // some code will come here......
    So can anybody tell me how to do this ??
    Thanx in advance...
    [email protected]

    this is quite simple. Here an example function that works like this:
    JNIEXPORT jobjectArray JNICALL Java_cadagent_ugopen_UgAssembly_jni_1getStructure
    (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jstring part)
    jobjectArray retvals = NULL;
    jstring j_val = NULL;
    int child_count = 5;
    /* initialize return array */
    j_val = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "");
    retvals = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, child_count, (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String"), j_val);
    for (i=0;i<child_count;i++)
    j_val = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, "some text");
    (*env)->SetObjectArrayElement(env, retvals,i, j_val);
    return retvals;
    Hope this answers you question.

  • Can i return an Array of Objects from c++ to java ??

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    Can i return an Array of Objects from c++ to java ??
    If so how is it possible ??

    I suggest you look into the JNI, Java Native Interface. The answer is yes.

  • Trouble with primitive arrays and casting, lesson 521

    hi everyone!
    there is a problem i discovered right now - after years with java where was no necessity to do this.....
    and i'm shure this must have been the topic already, but i couldn't find any helpful resource :-/
    right here we go:
    1. an array is a (special) kind of object.
    2. there are "primitive" arrays and such containing references to objects. of course - and i imagine why - they are treated differently by the VM.
    3. then both are - somehow - subclasses of Object. whereas primitive types are not really, primitive-arrays are. this is hidden to the programmer....
    4. any array can be "pointed" at via local Object variable, like this:
    Object xyz = new int[6];
    5. arrays of Objects (with different dimensions) can be casted, like this:
      Object pointer = null;
      Object[]   o  = new SomeClass[42] ;
      Object[][] oo = new OtherClass[23] [2] ;
      Object[][][] ooo = new OtherClass[23] [2] [9] ;
      o = oo = ooo;     // this is save to do,
                                   //because "n-dimensional" object-arrays
                                  // are just arrays of  other arrays, down to simple array
    pointer = o;         // ok, we are referencing o via Object "pointer"6. but, you cannot do this with primitive types:
      int[]  i1 = new int [99] ;
      int[][] i2 = new int [1] [3] ;
      i1 = i2                  // terror: impossible. this is awful, if you ask me.
                                   // ok, one could talk about "special cases" and
                                   // "the way the VM works", but this is not of interest to me as
                                   // a programmer. i'm not happy with that array-mess!
      pointer = i2;       // now this is completely legal. i2, i1 etc is an object!7. after the preparation, let's get into my main trouble (you have the answer, i know!) :
    suppose i have a class, with methods that should process ANY kind of object given. and - i don't know which. i only get it at runtime from an unknown source.
    let's say: public void BlackBox( Object x );
    inside, i know that there might be regular objects or arrays, and for this case i have some special hidden method, just for arrays... now try to find it out:
    public void BlackBox( Object x )
      if ( x == null)
       Class c = x.getClass();
       if ( c.isArray() )
              // call the array method if it's an array.........
              BlackBoxes(     (Object [] )  x );         // wait: this is a cast! and it WILL throw an exception, eventually!
               DoSpecialStuffWith( x );
    }ok ? now, to process any kind of array, the special method you cannot reach from outside:
    private void BlackBoxes( Object[] xs )
       if ( xs != null )
            for ( Object x : xs )
                 BlackBox( x );
    // this will end up in some kind of recursion with more than one array-dimension, or when an Object[] has any other array as element!this approach is perfectly save when processing any (real) Object, array or "multi-dimensional" arrays of Objects.
    but, you cannot use this with primitive type arrays.
    using generics wouldn't help, because internally it is all downcasted to Object.
    BlackBox( new Integer(3) ) ---- does work, using a wrapper class
    BlackBox( new Integer[3] ) ----- yep!
    BlackBox( 3 ) ---- even this!
    BlackBox( new int[42] ) ---- bang! ClassCastException, Object[] != int[]
    i'm stuck. i see no way to do this smoothly. i could write thousands of methods for each primitive array - BlackBox( int[] is ) etc. - but this wouldn't help. because i can't cast an int[][] to int[], i would also have to write countless methods for each dimension. and guess, how much there are?
    suppose, i ultimately wrote thousands of possible primitive-type methods. it would be easy to undergo any of it, writing this:
    BlackBox( (Object) new int[9] [9] );
    the method-signature would again only fit to my first method, so the whole work is useless. i CAN cast an int[] to Object, but there seems no convenient way to get the real array out of Object - in a generic way.
    i wonder, how do you write a serialisation-engine? and NO, i can't rely on "right usage" of my classes, i must assume the worst case...
    any help appreciated!

    thanks, brigand!
    your code looks weird to me g and i think there's at least one false assumption: .length of a multidimensional array returns only the number of "top-level" subarrays. that means, every length of every subarray may vary. ;)
    well i guess i figured it out, in some way:
    an int is no Object;
    int[ ] is an Object
    the ComponentType of int [ ] is int
    so, the ComponentType of an Object int[ ] is no Object, thus it cannot be casted to Object.
    but the ComponentType of int [ ] [ ] IS Object, because it is int [ ] !
    so every method which expects Object[], will work fine with int[ ] [ ] !!
    now, you only need special treatment for 1-dimensional primitive arrays:
    i wrote some code, which prints me everything of everything:
        //this method generates tabs for indentation
        static String Pre( int depth)
             StringBuilder pre = new StringBuilder();
             for ( int i = 0; i < depth; i++)
                  pre.append( "\t" );
             return pre.toString();
        //top-level acces for any Object
        static void Print( Object t)
             Print ( t, 0);
        //the same, but with indentation depth
        static void Print( Object t, int depth)
            if ( t != null )
                 //be shure it is treated exactly as the class it represents, not any downcast
                 t = t.getClass().cast( t );
                if ( t.getClass().isArray() )
                     //special treatment for int[]
                     if ( t instanceof int[])
                          Print( (int[]) t, depth);
                     // everything else can be Object[] !
                          Print( (Object[]) t, depth );
                    System.out.println( Pre(depth) + " [ single object:] " + t.toString() );
                System.out.println( Pre(depth) + "[null!]");
        // now top-level print for any array of Objects
        static void Print( Object [] o)
             Print( o, 0 );
        // the same with indentation
        static void Print( Object [] o, int depth)
            System.out.println( Pre(depth) + "array object " + o.toString() );
            for ( Object so : o )
                    Print( so, depth + 1 );
        //the last 2 methods are only for int[] !
        static void Print( int[] is)
             Print( is, 0 );
        static void Print( int[] is, int depth)
            System.out.println( Pre(depth) + "primitive array object " + is.toString() );
            // use the same one-Object method as every other Object!
            for ( int i : is)
                 Print ( i, depth + 1 );
            System.out.println( "-----------------------------" );
        }now, calling it with
    Print ( (int) 4 );
    Print ( new int[] {1,2,3} );
    Print( new int[][] {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}} );
    Print( new int[][][] {{{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}} , {{7,8,9}, {10,11,12}}, {{13,14,15}, {16,17,18}} } );
    Print( (Object) (new int[][][][] {{{{99}}}} ) );
    produces this fine array-tree:
    [ single object:] 4
    primitive array object [I@9cab16
          [ single object:] 1
          [ single object:] 2
          [ single object:] 3
    array object [[I@1a46e30
         primitive array object [I@3e25a5
               [ single object:] 1
               [ single object:] 2
               [ single object:] 3
         primitive array object [I@19821f
               [ single object:] 4
               [ single object:] 5
               [ single object:] 6
    array object [[[I@addbf1
         array object [[I@42e816
              primitive array object [I@9304b1
                    [ single object:] 1
                    [ single object:] 2
                    [ single object:] 3
              primitive array object [I@190d11
                    [ single object:] 4
                    [ single object:] 5
                    [ single object:] 6
         array object [[I@a90653
              primitive array object [I@de6ced
                    [ single object:] 7
                    [ single object:] 8
                    [ single object:] 9
              primitive array object [I@c17164
                    [ single object:] 10
                    [ single object:] 11
                    [ single object:] 12
         array object [[I@1fb8ee3
              primitive array object [I@61de33
                    [ single object:] 13
                    [ single object:] 14
                    [ single object:] 15
              primitive array object [I@14318bb
                    [ single object:] 16
                    [ single object:] 17
                    [ single object:] 18
    array object [[[[I@ca0b6
         array object [[[I@10b30a7
              array object [[I@1a758cb
                   primitive array object [I@1b67f74
                         [ single object:] 99
    -----------------------------and i'll have to write 8 methods or so for every primitive[ ] type !
    sounds like a manageable effort... ;-)

  • !!! I need to get the return value from a PL/SQL in Java.. How??? !!!

    -- I have a PL/SQL in which it return an array value and I need to get the value using Java.... any idea how?

    Check out CallableStatement:

  • BPEL build error when invoke an extrenal Web Service that returns an Array

    I built with JDeveloper a web service that returns an Array of Java Bean classes and I try to invoke this web service from a BPEL process. The wsdl file is automatically generated by the JDev. When I built the BPEl project I obtained the following error:
    [bpelc] [Error] :-1:-1: src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component 'SOAP-ENC:Array'. It was detected that 'SOAP-ENC:Array' is in namespace '', but components from this namespace are not referenceable from schema document 'http://malangiu-ro:8988/cde-Project-context-root/CdeFactoryWS?WSDL'. If this is the incorrect namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'SOAP-ENC:Array' needs to be changed. If this is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to 'http://malangiu-ro:8988/cde-Project-context-root/CdeFactoryWS?WSDL'.
    [bpelc] [Error] :-1:-1: src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component 'SOAPENC:Array'. It was detected that 'SOAPENC:Array' is in namespace '', but components from this namespace are not referenceable from schema document 'http://malangiu-ro:8988/cde-Project-context-root/Top300FactoryWS?WSDL'. If this is the incorrect namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'SOAPENC:Array' needs to be changed. If this is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to 'http://malangiu-ro:8988/cde-Project-context-root/Top300FactoryWS?WSDL'.
    [bpelc] [Error] :-1:-1: src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component 'SOAP-ENC:Array'. It was detected that 'SOAP-ENC:Array' is in namespace '', but components from this namespace are not referenceable from schema document 'http://malangiu-ro:8988/cde-Project-context-root/CdeFactoryWS?WSDL'. If this is the incorrect namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'SOAP-ENC:Array' needs to be changed. If this is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to 'http://malangiu-ro:8988/cde-Project-context-root/CdeFactoryWS?WSDL'.
    Any hint? Thanks in advance!

    BPEL and BPEL PM do not have a good support for SOAPENC-Array: it would be very difficult to create such an array in BPEL or to receive it and manipulate it.
    The (unfortunately very intrusive) work around is to change the WSDL of the service to use a XML type defined using XML schema. This is all the more painful that JDev 9.0.4 does not have strong support for complex types.
    In general though, I would highly recommend this best practice:
    1) Start by define the WSDL contract first
    2) Then generate the server side skeleton to implement it
    3) Use BPEL as the client to this contract.
    By starting with the contract first, you make sure that 1) your interfaces are clean and coarse grained.
    2) things like java objects, sessions, etc to not leak through the interface (which would be the worst thing that could happen because it would closely link the client and the server.
    Sorry for not being more helpful. This will get radically cleaner in Oracle AS 10.1.3.

  • How to define method  witch returning an array in View, using method wizard

    Dear experts.
    I would  like to define method  which returning an array in View.
    When View is opened, in "Methods" tab push "new" button, then select "Method" in Method Type window,
    push "Next" but in Method Properties window Array Type checkbox is disabled. So, it is not possible to
    define method with returning array type.
    Please anybody, help me to resolve this problem.

    While creating method, you can see a check box over there as array type just check it that array type check box,
    You can selet java native type as array by selecting "java native type"
    Edited by: Anup Bharti on Oct 15, 2008 8:50 AM
    Edited by: Anup Bharti on Oct 15, 2008 8:51 AM

  • Can we return a Array of varchar2 from a function ?

    i have a sql query that returns some rows. I want to define that query inside a function and want to retrieve the results in an array .Finally i want to retrieve those values in array in my .NET runtime . How can i achieve this ?

    bootstrap wrote:
    CREATE OR REPLACE function f_func(dept varchar2) return (what will be return type here ?)As Tubs said - ref cursor.
    Any other choice is likely very wrong.
    select statement...returning a resultset containing more than one rows..Cursors are not result sets. Cursors are not result sets. Repeat this over and over again.
    A cursor is a program. The results from it is the output of the program. There is no so-called result set created in memory containing the output of that cursor.
    The flaw in your approach is to fetch the output of this program, and storing it in very expensive server memory (called the PGA in Oracle) - for returning data as a primitive non-scalar data structure to the client.
    Returning a ref cursor (aka a pointer to a cursor) means that you give the client direct access to the interface of that cursor program. Allowing the client to directly fetch and consume the output of that program. Enabling the client to deal with the standard SQL (cursor) interface.
    A significantly more performant and scalable method than to create a primitive result set cache in server memory for the output and then shipping that (as a non-standard data structure) to a client.
    A ref cursor interface can returns millions of rows and GBs of data. How many rows do you think this approach of yours will take? How many clients can call that same PL/SQL interface of yours at the same time, before the memory footprint of caching SQL data in the PGA for external clients exceeds free server memory?
    Do you realise what happens next? Swap daemons trashing badly consuming most of the CPU (even starving the kernel itself). If you're lucky, the server will crash quickly. If not, even console access to the server in attempt to fix mess will be something like typing one character every 60 seconds at the console.

  • Unsigned Long in java

    Hi all,
    I have a code in C which i want to convert into java.. Iam facing problem because java does not support
    unsigned long.The code in c look like this:
    WCD.cardno = ( SerBuf[3]* 0x00010000UL+
    SerBuf[4]* 0x00000100UL+
    SerBuf[5]* 0x00000001UL);
    I want to convert this code into java. What i have done is something like this
    cardno = (tempBuffer[3]*0x01000000 + tempBuffer[4]*0x00010000 + tempBuffer[5]*0x00000100 +tempBuffer[6]*0x00000001);
    Can anyone help me out. This program is for serial port implementation.

    kiranJNI wrote:
    Basically how can we achieve unsigned long in java???In your case, this isn't going to be a problem for two reasons.
    AFAIK, there aren't any numbers where multiplying them as unsigned numbers is going to be different from multiplying them as signed numbers and still give a valid result. To make this easier, let's work with signed vs unsigned bytes. Negative numbers are those in the range 0x80 to 0xFF; these are the only numbers where the "value" of the byte differs between signed and unsigned. Now think of those numbers as unsigned numbers. The only unsigned numbers you could multiply them by and still remain within the range of a byte are 0 and 1. If you multiply by 2, the result is 0x100, which is larger than what a byte can represent. If the result will remain within the range of the data type, it don't think there are any numbers where signed and unsigned multiplication return a different bit pattern.
    Furthermore, your example doesn't even need multiplication. You're multiplying by powers of 2, so all you really need is a series of shifts and adds.

  • Returning byte array in JNI

    I am trying to return an array of byte from JNI to java. I read the tutorial but i still find it hard to understand.
    BYTE *encoded is the variable that has the contents to be sent back to java.
    jbytearray jb=encoded;
    ret jb;
    This does not seem to reurn anything!! Please help

    This is the JNI implementation of the method:
    public native byte[] returnArray (int size, byte initialValue).
    JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_Test_returnArray
      (JNIEnv *env, jobject This, jint size, jbyte initialValue) {
           //-- No error handling is being done...
           jbyte* buf = new jbyte[size];
           memset (buf, initialValue, size);
           jbyteArray ret = env->NewByteArray(size);
           env->SetByteArrayRegion (ret, 0, size, buf);
           delete[] buf;
           return ret;
    }A jbyte is a signed char (a signed byte). You can mix signed bytes and unsigned bytes in C++ depending on your needs. This JNI method is the functional equivalent of the 100% Java function:
    public byte[] returnArray (int size, byte initialValue) {
        byte[] ret = new byte[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            ret[i] = initialValue;
        return ret;

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    JustSomeGuy wrote:
    If you went to your teacher and asked them how they felt about [the java forums], and under what circumstances it may be considered cheating, I think you will be suprised by the answer. Most teachers actually want you to learn, big shocker I know.
    compSciUndergrad wrote:
    if you want to tell me your opinions i am all ears, i hope they are not to harsh :SI'm of the opinion that at least 90% of students who are concerned about being seen as cheating are only concerned because they feel that they are cheating. Furthermore atleast 90% of students who "feel" that they are cheating have perfectly valid concerns, because they are in fact cheating.
    In my humble opinion it would be better for all concerned if cheaters did get caught, and sooner rather than later... because when they hit the real-world, where there really is no-one to cheat off, cheaters allways seem to come-a-cropper, big-time... because they also lie about there total lack of progress, in a shortsighted attempt to cover up there total imcompetence... too often taking those who entrusted them to actually do the friggin job down with them.
    Lots of good people getting skinned-alive by a pack of feral know-nothing friggin lawers, all because some moron kid tells a pack of lies, and thinks he's gonna get away with it come crunch time. Ummm... No thanks. Ta.
    So, much better to delineate between the competent and the not-competent programmer at the paedogogical stage. Eh what?
    I wouldn't class posting a bit of code on a forum as lay-down-mazaire proof positive that "He's a cheat". My concern is that you are actively concerned (paranoid even), which is indicative that you have actually cheated in the past; and plan to do so in the future. That's all.
    Cheers. Keith.

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