Reusing JAXB generated classes for XSDs included in other XSDs

I use xsds with jaxb in a number of related projects. To avoid duplication I've factored out commonly used elements into their own xsd in a separate project. I then include these in the xsds that need them.
I generate classes with jaxb for each project. I'm now trying to get jaxb so far as to reuse the already generated classes for the common elements.
For example: I have a general xsd Person.xsd for which I generate classes in common.xsd. I have another xsd Project.xsd that includes a reference to the Person element. When i let jaxb generate classes for Projects.xsd, it will also generate a project.xsd.PersonType and so on.
Is there any way to tell JAXB to use the existing classes? I've played around with the <jxb:javaType> bindings, but I can't get it to work yet. It gives me a "bindings not used" warning and doesn't compile. Also, if this is in fact the way to go, what do I specify as the parseMethod and printMethod attributes for the javaType element?
Thx for any help

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Thank you!

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    Best Regards,

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  • Wscompile only generates classes for the first wsdl:portType encountered

    compiling a WSDL with port types as follows below;
    classes are generated for port type: AccountsManagement only.
      <portType name="AccountsManagement">
          <operation name="CreateAccount" parameterOrder="Account">
              <input message="tns:CreateAccountReq"/> <!-- name defaults to CreateAccountReqRequest -->
              <output message="tns:CreateAccountReqResponse"/>
          <operation name="CreateAccountForPerson" parameterOrder="Account UniqueId">
              <input message="tns:CreateAccountForPersonReq"/>
              <output message="tns:CreateAccountForPersonReqResponse"/>
      <portType name="PersonsManagement">
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              <input message="tns:AddPersonReq" name="AddPersonReq"/>
              <output message="tns:AddPersonReqResponse" name="AddPersonReqResponse"/>
          <operation name="AddPersonWithAccount" parameterOrder="Person Account">
              <input message="tns:AddPersonWithAccountReq" name="AddPersonWithAccountReq"/>
              <output message="tns:AddPersonWithAccountReqResponse" name="AddPersonWithAccountReqResponse"/>
      <portType name="TellersOperations">
          <operation name="ListAccountsForPerson" parameterOrder="UniqueId">
              <input message="tns:ListAccountsForPersonReq"/>
              <output message="tns:ListAccountsForPersonReqResponse"/>
      </portType>Netbeans output:
    Created dir: C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\build\generated\wsclient
    Created dir: C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\build\generated\wsservice
    Created dir: C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\build\generated\wsbinary
    command line: wscompile "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\jre\bin\java.exe" -classpath "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\lib\tools.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\saaj-impl.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;C:\Program Files\netbeans-4.1\SunAppServer8.1\lib\jaxrpc-impl.jar" -d "C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\build\generated\wsbinary" -features:wsi,strict -import -keep -mapping "C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\web\WEB-INF\TestBankingService-mapping.xml" -nd "C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\build\web\WEB-INF\wsdl" -s "C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\src\java" -verbose -Xprintstacktrace "C:\PROJECTS\WSTest\src\java\bankers\server\TestBankingService-config.xml"
    [ServiceInterfaceGenerator: creating service interface: bankers.server.TestBankingService]
    [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: Account]
    BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)There should be a class for Person as well. If I move port type:
    PersonsManagement to the top no Account class will be generated, but
    instead the Person class will be generated.
    Loading up the WSDL in Netbeans (client) works and shows
    all three Ports with their respective operations.
    Is there a reason for only allowing more than one port type per WSDL?
    Checked the man page for switches to "loop" though all portTypes but noluck.
    A bug?
    WSDL for reference
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <definitions name="BankingService" targetNamespace=""
      <!-- Type definitions -->
        <xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:WS/types">
            <xsd:element name="Person" type="ns1:Person"/>
            <xsd:element name="Account" type="ns1:Account"/>
            <xsd:element name="ListOfAccounts" type="ns1:ListOfAccounts"/>
            <xsd:element name="ResultCode" type="xsd:unsignedInt"/>
            <xsd:element name="AccountNumber" type="xsd:string"/>
            <xsd:element name="UniqueId" type="xsd:string"/>
            <xsd:complexType name="Person">
                    <xsd:element name="DisplayName" type="xsd:string"/>
                    <xsd:element name="UniqueId" type="xsd:string"/>
            <xsd:complexType name="Account">
                    <xsd:element name="Number" type="xsd:string"/>
                    <xsd:element name="Type" type="xsd:token"/>
                    <xsd:element name="Amount" type="xsd:integer"/>
          <xsd:complexType name="ListOfAccounts">
                  <xsd:element name="Account" type="ns1:Account" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <message name="AddPersonReq">
          <part name="Person" element="ns1:Person"/>
      <message name="AddPersonReqResponse">
          <part name="ResultCode" element="ns1:ResultCode"/>
      <message name="AddPersonWithAccountReq">
          <part name="Person" element="ns1:Person"/>
          <part name="Account" element="ns1:Account"/>
      <message name="AddPersonWithAccountReqResponse">
          <part name="AccountNumber" element="ns1:AccountNumber"/>
      <message name="CreateAccountReq">
          <part name="Account" element="ns1:Account"/>
      <message name="CreateAccountReqResponse">
          <part name="AccountNumber" element="ns1:AccountNumber"/>
      <message name="CreateAccountForPersonReq">
          <part name="Account" element="ns1:Account"/>
          <part name="UniqueId" element="ns1:UniqueId"/>
      <message name="CreateAccountForPersonReqResponse">
          <part name="AccountNumber" element="ns1:AccountNumber"/>
      <message name="ListAccountsForPersonReq">
          <part name="UniqueId" element="ns1:UniqueId"/>
      <message name="ListAccountsForPersonReqResponse">
          <part name="Accounts" element="ns1:ListOfAccounts"/>
            NOTE THAT wscompile WILL PICK THE FIRST AND ONLY FIRST portType
      <portType name="AccountsManagement">
          <operation name="CreateAccount" parameterOrder="Account">
              <input message="tns:CreateAccountReq"/> <!-- name defaults to CreateAccountReqRequest -->
              <output message="tns:CreateAccountReqResponse"/>
          <operation name="CreateAccountForPerson" parameterOrder="Account UniqueId">
              <input message="tns:CreateAccountForPersonReq"/>
              <output message="tns:CreateAccountForPersonReqResponse"/>
      <portType name="PersonsManagement">
          <operation name="AddPerson" parameterOrder="Person">
              <input message="tns:AddPersonReq" name="AddPersonReq"/>
              <output message="tns:AddPersonReqResponse" name="AddPersonReqResponse"/>
          <operation name="AddPersonWithAccount" parameterOrder="Person Account">
              <input message="tns:AddPersonWithAccountReq" name="AddPersonWithAccountReq"/>
              <output message="tns:AddPersonWithAccountReqResponse" name="AddPersonWithAccountReqResponse"/>
      <portType name="TellersOperations">
          <operation name="ListAccountsForPerson" parameterOrder="UniqueId">
              <input message="tns:ListAccountsForPersonReq"/>
              <output message="tns:ListAccountsForPersonReqResponse"/>
      <binding name="AccountsManagementBinding" type="tns:AccountsManagement">
          <soap:binding transport="" style="document"/>
          <operation name="CreateAccount">
              <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
              <input name="CreateAccountReq">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <output name="CreateAccountReqResponse">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
          <operation name="CreateAccountForPerson">
              <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
              <input name="CreateAccountForPersonReq">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <output name="CreateAccountForPersonReqResponse">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <binding name="PersonsManagementBinding" type="tns:PersonsManagement">
          <soap:binding transport="" style="document"/>
          <operation name="AddPerson">
              <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
              <input name="AddPersonReq">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <output name="AddPersonReqResponse">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
          <operation name="AddPersonWithAccount">
              <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
              <input name="AddPersonWithAccountReq">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <output name="AddPersonWithAccountReqResponse">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <binding name="TellersOperationsBinding" type="tns:TellersOperations">
          <soap:binding transport="" style="document"/>
          <operation name="ListAccountsForPerson">
              <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
              <input name="ListAccountsForPersonReq">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <output name="ListAccountsForPersonReqResponse">
                  <soap:body use="literal"/>
      <service name="BankingService">
          <port name="AccountsManagementService" binding="tns:AccountsManagementBinding">
              <soap:address location="__URL__"/>
          <port name="PersonsManagementService" binding="tns:PersonsManagementBinding">
              <soap:address location="__URL__"/>
          <port name="TellersOperationsService" binding="tns:TellersOperationsBinding">
              <soap:address location="__URL__"/>

    I saw this post elsewhere:
    JAXRPC specification required support for only subset of schema types. Abstract schema type support was not required. For the schema types that are not supported, the spcification requires that they should be mapped to javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement.
    This is what jaxrpc wscompile tool does. At tool time, the type in the sample code posted is extended frm an abstract type so it should be getting mapped to SOAPElement. SOAPElement extends Node and Element. You may like to see its javadoc.
    This is basically the behavior I am seeing, but I don't see this as being extended from an abstract type. if someone can see that and explain that to me I would appreciate it....if this is even the right path to the answer to my problem.

  • Jcomgen doesn't generate classes for FineReader 7 engine

    currently I'm using njawin 1.1.34 to control FineReader 6 Scripting Edition which works quite well :-)
    Recently we tried to upgrade to FineReader 7 engine which offers several additional features we'd like to use. Unfortunately jcomgen.exe doesn't generate all the necessary classes; only a few are created although there are lots of entries in the ProgID combobox, the TypeLib GUID seems to be corrent, and the typelib module is selected correctly.
    The FineReader engine exports an object called "Block" and one called "BlocksCollection"; the latter is - as the name suggests - a collection of objects of type "Block ". jcomgen only generates a class for the collection.
    Do you have any idea why jcomgen doesn't want to generate all the available classes?

    Do you ever figure this out?
    I'm trying to use FineReader engine too.
    I've tried with 7 to no avail.
    Am stuck at the 2nd step with 6, too, though. How do you create the Engine? I'm creating a FuncPtr, but can't figure out how to invoke things and get the created engine back.
    Would REALLY appreciate your help!

  • Syntax error for automatic generated class for object MAS_AUTH_CUST

    I am configuring the mobile sales scenario. I encountered a weird problem. Basically the automatically generated class  ZDOECL_013_00H_MWSR can not be activated. If you activate it manually it will give you the below error. Looks like the entity structure is too big. So the generated code has a very big loop which causes the dump. I found the issue when try to run the function module CRM_AUTH_CUST_INSERTCDS as suggested in the configuration guide.
    I have tried to regenerate the object. But it still give me the same error.
    Internal error occured during runtime generation of Class ZDOECL_013_00H_MWSR (Dump ID: GEN_BRANCHOFFSET_LIMIT_REACHED)
    Message no. OO053
    An internal error occurred when the system tried to generate the runtime objects of the class. A dump has been created with the given dump ID. It can be analyzed using transaction ST22.
    Our Netweaver version as below. It should contain already the latest patch etc.
    SAP_ABA     711     0006     SAPKA71106
    SAP_BASIS     711     0006     SAPKB71106
    PI_BASIS     711     0006     SAPK-71106INPIBASIS
    ST-PI     2008_1_710     0004     SAPKITLRE4
    SAP_BW     711     0006     SAPKW71106
    CRMSPGWY     110     0004     SAPK-11004INCRMSPGWY
    CRM version.
    SAP_ABA     702     0006     SAPKA70206
    SAP_BASIS     702     0006     SAPKB70206
    PI_BASIS     702     0006     SAPK-70206INPIBASIS
    ST-PI     2008_1_700     0002     SAPKITLRD2
    SAP_BS_FND     702     0004     SAPK-70204INSAPBSFND
    SAP_BW     702     0006     SAPKW70206
    LCAPPS     2005_700     0009     SAPKIBHD09
    SAP_AP     700     0022     SAPKNA7022
    WEBCUIF     701     0003     SAPK-70103INWEBCUIF
    BBPCRM     701     0003     SAPKU70103
    WFMCORE     200     0016     SAPK-20016INWFMCORE
    VIRSANH     530_700     0011     SAPK-53311INVIRSANH
    Any advice is appreciated.
    Hansen Chen

    Gateway1.1 to SAP Netweaver mobile is not supported with EHP1 of SAP Netweaver Mobile 7.10.
    Please  check the release information note: 1539681
    So, i suggest you to install SAP Netweaver Mobile 7.10 with Gateway addon.

  • QR Code/Datamatrix Generator Class for Java

    i want to implement QR Code/Datamatrix in my Application.
    Goolging for around 2 hours couldnt give me any results.
    Is there a class, api, library, that could help me generating Images out of strings?

    "i want to implement QR Code/Datamatrix in my Application."
    Then just pick one of the libraries, I rand across literally a dozen while I was looking for that how to implementation for you to code.
    Please note for future use--implement has specific meaning to programmers--usually having a do it yourself connotation--as in: I want to build my own package to do this.

  • Ant autotype does not seem to recognize xsd:include

    I am currently using WebLogic 7.0. I was trying to use ant autotype to generate
    java classes based on a schema. I ran into a problem that the autotype does not
    seem to include the other schema files listed with xsd:include. I could only get
    around the problem by literally copy and paste the complex types definition into
    the calling schema file. Below are the two schemas that illustrate the problem.
    x.xsd includes y.xsd but however the EmployeeBean listed in y.xsd results in a
    unresolve type with autotype. Problem only goes away if EmployeeBean definition
    is listed in x.xsd.
    Any help is much appreciated.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:ofx=""
    <xsd:include schemaLocation="y.xsd" />
    <xsd:complexType name="Company">
    <xsd:element name="XYZ" type="ofx:EmployeeBean" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace=""
    <xsd:complexType name="EmployeeBean">
         <xsd:element name="name"
         <xsd:element name="id"

    Actually imports will work in most cases, though some bug fixes have
    been made since and will show up in future releases.
    In article <[email protected]>,
    Bruce Stephens <[email protected]> wrote:
    At the moment, we handle wsdl imports as done by SOAPBuilders Round
    3, but not schema imports. Look for this in the upcoming release;
    Contact Michael Bamford ([email protected]) if you would like
    to be on the Beta.
    Sooleng Lau wrote:
    Thank you for the response and info. What about schema import, is
    it handled by weblogic 7.0 at the moment ? What is the upcoming
    release, is it WebLogic 7.1 ?
    Thank you.
    Soo Leng
    Bruce Stephens <[email protected]> wrote:
    Schema include is a known problem that will be corrected in the upcoming
    The workaround at this point is the cut and paste :-( you described.
    Sooleng Lau wrote:
    I am currently using WebLogic 7.0. I was trying to use ant autotypeto generate
    java classes based on a schema. I ran into a problem that the autotypedoes not
    seem to include the other schema files listed with xsd:include. I couldonly get
    around the problem by literally copy and paste the complex types definitioninto
    the calling schema file. Below are the two schemas that illustratethe problem.
    x.xsd includes y.xsd but however the EmployeeBean listed in y.xsd resultsin a
    unresolve type with autotype. Problem only goes away if EmployeeBeandefinition
    is listed in x.xsd.
    Any help is much appreciated.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <xsd:schema xmlns:ofx=""
    <xsd:include schemaLocation="y.xsd" />
    <xsd:complexType name="Company">
    <xsd:element name="XYZ" type="ofx:EmployeeBean" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace=""
    <xsd:complexType name="EmployeeBean">
    <xsd:element name="name"
    <xsd:element name="id"

  • How to unmarshall list tags/unbounded elements using jax-ws auto generated classes in weblogic 12c

    i have a need wherein i need to create/host jax-ws webservice ( starting from wsdl) and in that service translate the xml using xsl to a different structure and call another webservice hosted to another server ( non-weblogic).
    so my approach is as soon as request comes to the service impl, i marshal the object to a xml then apply the required xsl transformation and then unmarshal the transformed xml to the object which can be used to trigger another webservice.
    This approach works fine for the xmls without list tags/unbounded elements , however it gives marshal exception whenever the xmls has list/unbounded elements.
    i am using jaxb and jax-ws generated class for marshalling and unmarshalling.
    so need some help on how to deal in this scenario?
    any help is appreciated

    i have a need wherein i need to create/host jax-ws webservice ( starting from wsdl) and in that service translate the xml using xsl to a different structure and call another webservice hosted to another server ( non-weblogic).
    so my approach is as soon as request comes to the service impl, i marshal the object to a xml then apply the required xsl transformation and then unmarshal the transformed xml to the object which can be used to trigger another webservice.
    This approach works fine for the xmls without list tags/unbounded elements , however it gives marshal exception whenever the xmls has list/unbounded elements.
    i am using jaxb and jax-ws generated class for marshalling and unmarshalling.
    so need some help on how to deal in this scenario?
    any help is appreciated

  • Help!: ERASED BADI generated class

    Hello, thank you for Reading.
    It seems that I have erased the SAP generated class for a BADI (CL_EX_FI_TAX_BADI_016), all other objects are still right, when verifying the BADI in SE18 message is:  class CL_EX_FI_TAX_BADI_016 does not exist.
    Also in SE80 the class BADI is not present in inside its packet.
    All implementations of the BADI are actives and gives "OK" when verified, it seems that only the main class is erased.
    Don't know what could I have done!!!! :-( , but I did again in quality machine when trying to fix!!!
    Please could anybody help me, to recover or regenerate the class in both machines/environtments?
    Thank you in advance

    Please go through the SAP Note 1109827 - BADI regeneration which can solve your problem by regenerating the BADI.
    steps :
    Regenerate the BAdI to solve the problem.
    1)Execute transaction se18
    2)Enter the BAdI name
    3)Click on the Menu option 'utilities' and in the drop down on the 'regeneration' option.

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