It is possible to use correlation with asynchronous or the only way to get the return message is use synchronous RFC?

Hi Fatih,
You will use a correlation if two fields in the source message are in some way related to each other...but if you want to get a <b>response from the target system</b> then you will have to go for synchronous interfaces..
For an example of correlation..here's a blog:-

Similar Messages

  • File to RFC synchronous scenario stopped Picking the files

    Hi Experts,
    We have a File to RFC synchronous scenario. Till yesterday night it is working fine.
    But suddenly it is stooped working.In moni, i can see the failed messages with the Mapping error " Can not create target element, values missing in the queue context "
    No Payload in moni / communication channel monitoring / Message monitoring. I've noticed that, wrong files placed in the To-be- processed files and the adapter picked those files and failed in mapping.
    I tried by stop and start the communication channel / did some dummy changes in the communication channel and activated. cleared the cache.
    But still the communication channel is not working.when i stop and start the communication channel it will try to process the wrong files and failed.
    Give me your valuable inputs to resolve this issue.
    Bhargava krishna

    Hi Bharghav,
    Please go through the below,
    FTP Adapter is being used in the business scenario for message processing.
    During file processing it is noticed, that the FTP sender channel stops
    polling. There is no error in the channel monitor or the trace/log files
    and the polling jobs are correctly displayed in the AFW scheduler table.
    The issue is observed after a network connection issue with the FTP server.
    In order to remove the hanging locks from the FTP Adapter, the parameter
    'ftp.timeout' setting is required to be set, which releases the lock once
    the timeout value is expired. But in the above situation, the value for the
    'ftp.timeout' is not taken properly while establishing the data connection
    by File Adapter.
    Other terms
    FTP Adapter, sender, FTP, adapter, timeout, stalled, network, hang, polling
    Reason and Prerequisites
    Program error
    The hanging situation has now been improved by code changes. Please see
    section "SP Patch Level" of this note for a list of updated software
    To get this correction available in your Support Package you need to apply
    the patch matching to your Support Package version as per the instructions
    in the NetWeaver Support Package Stack guide which can be found on the SAP
    Service Marketplace as described in SAP Note 952402.
    Thanks & Regards

  • HTTP to RFC synchronous scenario Issue

    Hi Folks,
        Currently I'm working on a HTTP to RFC synchronous scenario.  Everything went well till i triggered the message. While triggering the message i'M GETTING IS AS BELOW
    http-Status:  500 Internal Server Error
    <SAP:Stack>java.lang.NullPointerException thrown during application mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_Comcode_: </SAP:Stack>
    I also tried executting the message testing tool to see the trace and the below result I got
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
    - <Top>
      <Trace level="1" type="B">CL_MAPPING_XMS_PLSRV3-ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
      <Trace level="2" type="T">......attachment XI_Context not found</Trace>
      <Trace level="3" type="T">Mapping is determined</Trace>
      <Trace level="1" type="T">Interface Mapping http://www.http-rfc.com IM_Comdet</Trace>
      <Trace level="3" type="T">Object ID of Interface Mapping CA9DBC0BCB27311FBAA3C4CE387CEC3B</Trace>
      <Trace level="3" type="T">Version ID of Interface Mapping 226C2EB123A711DFC0F4FAEBC0A80020</Trace>
      <Trace level="3" type="T">Mapping Steps 1 JAVA com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_Comcode_</Trace>
      <Trace level="3" type="T">Dynamic Configuration Is Empty</Trace>
      <Trace level="2" type="T">Mode 3</Trace>
      <Trace level="3" type="T">Creating Java mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_Comcode_.</Trace>
      <Trace level="2" type="T">Call method execute of the application Java mapping com.sap.xi.tf._MM_Comcode_</Trace>
      <Trace level="2" type="T">Java mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_Comcode_ completed. (executeStep() of com.sap.xi.tf._MM_Comcode_</Trace>
      <Trace level="3" type="T">Dynamic Configuration Is Empty</Trace>
      <Trace level="1" type="E">CL_MAPPING_XMS_PLSRV3-ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
    But still I'm not able resolve this issue kindly help.

    Looks like there is some mapping problems ,may be the RFC connection is not properly configured .Here is the link to configure the connection between ECC and PI :
    May be there is no value retrieved from the ECC system so it is saying null value.
    For proper configuration check you can refer the following blog:
    I am a beginner so not the full answer is there but may be this would help you.
    Ravi Anand

  • Http to RFC or SOAP to RFC (synchronous)

    I need to connect PHP with RFC via XI/PI
    Request will be send from php developed web pages to R/3 (RFC) to get data back to web page.
    I think to resolve this scenario 1u2019ve two options
    1: SOAP to RFC (synchronous)
    2: HTTP to RFC (synchronous)
    Can you please suggest me the scenario?
    Thanks for you time
    Farrukh Ghani

    Hi Ghani,
    The two options you mentioned we can use,but it depends on how PHP web site going to  send data,if it is going to send webserive then use SOAP adapter,you are expecting response ,the RFC wil work as synchronous.
    If it is not  Web Service other option is HTTP,receiver would be RFC only.
    How to configure SOAP->XI>RFC or HTTP->XI-->RFC scenarios,simple search in sdn will give many blogs,search in sdn,
    if you unable to find right one let me know..

  • Response structure empty for HTTP to RFC synchronous scenario

    Hi experts,
    I have a HTTP to RFC synchronous scenario.
    The request is given to Price List ZBAPI.
    The input to the BAPI is date, material no, customer no and condition type.
    The output I am fetcching from access sequence table into the table FINAL  type structure ZFINAL which is
    then sent back to source as a response.
    But the problem is that I get this table as empty although BAPI returns data

    Dear Mozila,
    How did you check that BAPI returns data? Did you use an exact message sent from PI to the receiver business system? If not, I would suggest to take the message which was sent by PI to the receiver business system and use it when performing BAPI test.
    Are table contents received by RFC adapter on PI side (can you see BAPI execution results in message contents for response message received by RFC adapter)?
    Can you see any errors in RFC communication channel?
    Did you check message monitor in Integration Server for the particular message? Are there any errors?
    Please also check your message mapping - this may also cause the error in case RFC adapter receives correct results, but HTT client receives empty table.
    My regards,

  • Java Proxy - XI - RFC Synchronous Scenario OUTBINDING Problem.

    Java Proxy -> XI -> RFC Synchronous Scenario. Problem
         I'm doing a Java Proxy -> XI -> RFC Syncronous Scenario.
         A Java Server Socket is running as a Demon. When a client make a request to the Java Server Socket, this one call Java Proxy Client and set up the parameters.
         The first time that execute the scenario it works perfectly but no the next one and so on.
         The error when I check the monitor (TCODE: SXMB_MONI) is in PLSRV_OUTBOUND_BINDING.
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_PLSRV_OUTBINDING-ENTER_PLSRV">
      <Trace level="1" type="T">no outbound binding found.</Trace>
      <Trace level="1" type="T">No standard agreement found for , DES210_DEV, , JPX_DEV, urn:servipago:SERVIPAGO_SAP_02, mi_os_t1</Trace>
    <Trace level="1" type="B" name="CL_XMS_MAIN-WRITE_MESSAGE_TO_PERSIST" />
    And it has sense, because my scenario doesn't begin with the execution of FM (RFC).
    A Hint, my services in the first try are:
         <b>Sender Service:</b>          JPX_DEV (Java Proxy Client)
         <b>Receiver Service:</b>     DES210_DEV (R/3 4.6C)
    But the second try and so on the services that I saw in the monitor are:
         <b>Sender Service:</b>          DES210_DEV (R/3 4.6C)
         <b>Receiver Service:</b>     JPX_DEV (Java Proxy Client)
    I can't understand why they swich each other.
    Any idea?

    Outbound binding problem is because of Reciever Determination/Agreement is not activated or refreshed correctly.
    Try to recreate or refresh and activate it. Then check it.
    also do the cache refresh in SXI_CACHE.
    Also in go to Integration Builder(XI home page)->Administration->Cache Overview and do all the cache refresh.
    Hope this helps

  • Http-xi-RFC synchronous call - multiple records ?

    Hi Gurus,
    Can we have multiple records processing in RFC synchronous call ? for ex, BAPI_COMPANY_GET_DETAIL. I want to feed multiple company ids and get the responses in browser.
    I have changed cardinality in message mapping and interface mapping as <b>o to unbounded.</b> Tested the same which works fine.
    But, <b>when I activated the interface mapping, I get an error</b> which says I can not use multi mapping in synchronous RFC call.
    what is the alternative ? please help.

    It is better to use the RFC lookup in mapping and get the multiple records , i men each one for one lookup , so that in your mapping use UDF for RFC lookup.
    see the below link
    Lookup - /people/alessandro.guarneri/blog/2006/03/27/sap-xi-lookup-api-the-killer
    Also read thru this to get more idea on lookups - http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/cf/406642ea59c753e10000000a1550b0
    Lookup’s in XI made simpler - /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/08/23/lookup146s-in-xi-made-simpler
    Lookups - /people/morten.wittrock/blog/2006/03/30/wrapping-your-mapping-lookup-api-code-in-easy-to-use-java-classes
    Lookups - /people/alessandro.guarneri/blog/2006/03/27/sap-xi-lookup-api-the-killer
    Lookups with XSLT - https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/8e7daa90-0201-0010-9499-cd347ffbbf72

  • Http RFC Synchronous

    Hi ,
    I have created HTTP RFC Synchronous Scenario .....i am able to send the message to RFC... but i am not able to get back response...
    I have created two communication channels one for RFC call in SAP R/3 and the other one is for sending HTTP respose back to source..
    Where is the receiving http adapter is configured.... ?

    I have created the scenario....but i am not able to get the response.....i am getting the following the response error
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Call Adapter
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:P3>on: Cannot create target element /ns1:MT_FAX_CHG_T</SAP:P3>
      <SAP:P4>ARGET/IVR/TRANTYPE. Values missing in queue conte~</SAP:P4>
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>Runtime exception occurred during application mapping com/sap/xi/tf/_MM_FAXCHG_RFCRESP_; com.sap.aii.mappingtool.tf7.IllegalInstanceException: Cannot create target element /ns1:MT_FAX_CHG_TARGET/IVR/TRANTYPE. Values missing in queue conte~</SAP:Stack>
    Pls advice on this

  • Jdbc-rfc synchronous scenario

    we r plaing to do JDBC-RFC Synchronous Scenario with out BPM,please tell me any settings are required for this scenario.any body is having any links regarding this type of scenario pls share with me...that is helpfull for me...
    thanks in advance,

    Hello Pasi,
    JDBC-RFC Synchronous Scenario with out BPM,
    Go through this links...
    JDBC Sync - RFC Sync Scenario without BPM
    File - RFC - File without a BPM - Possible from SP 19.
    Re: jdbc-rfc synchronous
    JDBC-RFC Scnario mapping problem
    Satya Kumar
    JDBC---RFC will Support Sync?????????

  • Jdbc-rfc synchronous

    we are going to handle  JDBC-RFC Synchronous scenario, how can we proceed, what are the settings are to be required and if u have any example sceanrios pls share with me, it would be very helpfull for me..
    thanks in advance,

    Hi Jain,
    For JDBC (Sender/Receiver )Scenario we have to Install the JDBC Drivers on XI Server.
    Use those Driver name and Connection in JDBC Adapter to connect to the Database.
    For RFC Sender Adapter we have to create the Program ID in SAP R/3 side.
    For RFC Receiver no need of any Extra settings.
    step by step RFC to JDBC scenario
    Tips and Tutorial for Sender JDBC Adapter
    Also you can look at this scenario --> File to JDBC:-
    Registered server program name which is maintained in the ABAP should be called in the program ID.
    for more information follow this links
    How to test the RFC to Flat File scenario
    Type 3 ABAP Connection :
    ex 1) If we want to execute any function module from one SAP system in another , we need type 3.
    We define an RFC destination say ECC6CLNT100 with required parameters.
    and to test it go to SE37, select any common sap function module and when you execute that it will ask
    for RFC destination. you provide this destination and the function module will be executed in the target
    ex2) when you create a partner profile, you need to create a port and for creating a port, we need to
    specify an RFC destination. here also we use type 3.
    Type H.
    ex1) when we need to send xml messages from an SAP system to any other system, we need this.
    For example when we send messages using proxy from SAP system to the integration engine of XI, we
    need type H.
    Type T.
    ex1) To we make an RFC call from R/3 to XI , we use sender RFC adapter in XI.
    In R/3 system we need to create an RFC destination of type T.
    Different types of RFC are :-
    Asynchronous RFC - aRFC
    Synchronous RFC - sRFC
    Transactional RFC - tRFC
    Queue RFC - qRFC
    Parallel RFC - pRFC
    Chk this link also:
    Link :http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/6f/1bd5b6a85b11d6b28500508b5d5211/content.htm
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/1685 [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]
    Please go through the following links.
    /people/bhavesh.kantilal/blog/2006/07/03/jdbc-receiver-adapter--synchronous-select-150-step-by-step JDBC Receiver Adapter -- Synchronous Select – Step by Step
    /people/yining.mao/blog/2006/09/13/tips-and-tutorial-for-sender-jdbc-adapter Sender JDBC adapter
    FILE- RFC-FILE Synchronous (Using BPM)
    /people/shabarish.vijayakumar/blog/2008/01/08/troubleshooting--rfc-and-soap-scenarios-updated-on-20042009 Trouble Shooting RFC and SOAP Scenario

  • FILE To RFC Synchronous

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement of FILE TO RFC (BAPI_ABC) synchronous  .Everything is ok with it.
    But Once I have called BAPI_ABC, I need to call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and pass it the hardcoded string u201CXu201D to save the changes made in SAP.
    For this in Target Side of mapping i have called this bapi after BAPI_ABC.  this wont work. 
    because with synchronous intefaces we can't do multimapping(1..2)
    now when will I call this comit bapi,?
    and What will be the probable solution for it.
    Shall I use BPM or Proxy. but my client requirement is "everything should be done in PI side only"
    Kindly reply it with your best.

    I had similar problem and i could resolve this issue with help of SAP Note 1342143 - RFC Adapter: WAIT during call to BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT.
    So all you need it is to set up next:
    In receiver RFC adapter
    Check "Advanced Mode"
    Check "Commit Handling for Single BAPI Calls"
    Add the following Name-Value pair to the table:
    Name: BAPICommitWait
    Value: true

  • SOAP to RFC synchronous scenario with File without BPM

    Hi Folks,
    I have a requirement that has to be done with out BPM!!!
    Soap will trigger the request to SAP(RFC) and SAP sends the response to a file and then after SOAP has to recieve the ACK from PI.
    1) Can we do this by without using BPM
    2)Can we use without BPM module entries for SOAP Sender
    Please suggest and help me out in this
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Vivek,
      Why not have the SOAP interface defined as synchronous?
    You can avoid using BPM that way.
    Best Regards,

  • File to RFC synchronous scenario

    Hello Friends,
    I have a file to RFC scenario.
    Sender is sending file synchronously and based on conditions within file i have to make call to various ECC instances and returning responses.
    I am using BPMmulticastparallel. Implemented conditional receiver determination and the correlation.
    Does anyone have such scenario example.
    Kindly share.
    Edited by: vishal kharat on Aug 5, 2011 2:47 PM

    Hi Mr.
    You can follow this example, regarding BPM implementation:
    For XPath Receiver Determination, follow this links:

  • Payload not visible in cc monitoring for SOAP-RFC synchronous AAE scenario

    Hello consultants,
    I have a synchronous SOAP-RFC scenario over the AAE (Java only). When I test the service in WSNAVIGATOR the response message contains an error that results in the error message:
    "<s:SystemError xmlns:s="http://sap.com/xi/WebService/xi2.0">
    java.io.IOException: Parsing Error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed." the same errror is present in communication channel monitoring for the SOAP adapter.
    The status in message monitoring however is succesful.
    Is it possible to check the payload for the response message of the RFC call. In CC monitoring I cannot access the payload, it is not there. It does not have to be in cc monitoring, anywhere would be fine.
    Since this is an AAE scenario there are no messages in SXMB_MONI.
    All tips are appreciated.
    Peter Jonker

    Please set the "messaging.syncMessageRemover.removeBody" parameter to "false", on the SAP XI AF Messaging Service. Use the help page below for more information.
    Properties Related to the Messaging System:
    Best regards,
    Lucas Santos

  • JDBC to RFC synchronous scenario (Urgent).

    Dear forum,
    My requirement is data is populated in oracle data base.we are fecthing the data from database through XI and sending it to R/3. RFC is sending the response (suceess/failure) to XI. And XI is updating the status message into database.
    For this,I have done the JDBC - RFC - JDBC syncronous scenario using BPM. .I got the successfull message under message monitering.Problem is I cannot able to find the data for RFC and JDBC reciever.
    Please find the following Configuration steps for the above scenario
    3 data types
    JDBC request, JDBC response one dummy structure to capture RFC response messages.
    3 message types for the above data types
    5 message interfaces.
    OB request,
    OB ABS request,
    IB Asyn for dummy,
    Syn ABS (JDBC req and dummy structure),
    IB JDBC response.
    4 message mappings.
    Mapping between JDBC request to JDBC request dummy.
    Mapping between JDBC request dummy to RFC request.
    Mapping between RFC response to JDBC response dummy.
    Mapping between JDBC response dummy to JDBC response.
    3 Interface Mappings.
    JDBC request to JDBC request dummy.
    JDBC request dummy to RFC request and RFC response to JDBC dummy response(Synchronous request and responce) .
    JDBC dummy response to JDBC response.
    Integration Process.
    Used following steps.
    Recieve step asynchronous -> Send synchronous -> Send asynchronous
    I can able to see the payload for sender under communication channel.But the data is not reached to RFC.can any one help me to come out of this problem.
    Points will be awarded for helpfull answers.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Seshagiri,
    We are trying the same scenario with out using BPM.
    Following steps has been done in design(IR).
    2 data types for JDBC request & JDBC response.
    2 message types for the above data types.
    1 outbound synchronous message Interface.
    2 message mappings (JDBC request -> RFC request) and (RFC response -> JDBC  response)
    1 Interface Mapping.
    Could you please let me know how to maintain the collaborative profiles & and agreement details in Configuration(ID).
    Your valuable assistence is required to complete the interface.
    Thanks in advance.
    Kind Regards,

  • Soap- XI- RFC Synchronous question

    This should be simple but for some reason something isn't clicking with me.  I've got a synchronous scenario.  I need to set up a message interface that will be exposed as a web service.  The sender will send the soap message to this message interface.  The message interface will be mapped to an RFC on the R3 end.  The RFC however doesn't receive any data it just returns data back to the application working with the web service.  My question is how do I set up the MI interface for the SOAP message?  If I state synchronous it's going to want both an input and output message types?

    Arvind et al...
    Let me expand, I think I was a little vague initially.  On the back end of this integration is a remote function in R3 lets say called "get_data".  The "get_data" function doesn't have any importing parameters.  It just provides a listing of data back to the caller.  I basically need to expose this RFC as a web service using XI to a .NET application.  The .NET application needs to invoke the web service (without providing any initial data) and the web service will invoke the RFC on the backend and return the data provided by the RFC.
    Since this is basically a synchronous interface I kind of got stuck when I went to create the message interface for the web service side.  As Arvind mentions I need both outbound and inbound message types to create a synchronous message interface.  So I guess my question is whether anyone else has encountered a similar scenario and what they may have done to get around it.

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