RFIDYYWT (Electronic File)

It apears as if SAP has made it to where when running RFIDYYWT in the background, it will not generate a file. I get this from reading the Help entry for the Define Output Groups configuration (DME File) field...
"Save Mode
Using this parameter, you can control whether the data medium exchange file should be stored in the file system of the application server or be downloaded to the front-end client.
Note that you can only download if the report is started in dialog mode."
Can someone confirm that this is truly the case? If I have multiple Company Codes reporting under one Company Code, then this could run a while.
If I am missing something, please let me know.

Thanks for your answer. However. I found that it is possible to run in the background. The setting you are referring to does not exist that I have seen.
There is no pop-up asking for a path, only a path setting on the input screen. My issue turned out to be a wierd security one, to where it would run fine to a specific location when running in the foreground, but not background. I changed the path on the input screen and it downloads fine.
Now I have an issue with memory consumption. It uses all of the allocated memory (8.6GB) and fails. I should mention that we have many Company Codes under one parent and many vendors per Company Code.

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  • How to make my old file info panel from photoshop work in xmp

    Help. Not a photoshop guy but rather a genealogist. Many years ago downloaded a custom file info panel for photoshop which I used to enter meta text about the family photos I scanned. Currently using adobe creative cloud but cant figure out how to use panel or see most of my metatext last few version. Below is information about the panel. All I really want to do is install my panel and get back to genealogy. I apologize but not sure I need to understand the basics of photoshop..
    john weis
    [email protected]
    This is the authors description of the panel:
    Genealogy Photo (Private Collection) Custom File Info Panel 1.0 for Photoshop. 11 FEB 2007
    Developed by Ron Reiger [email protected]
    Please contact me to suggest improvements.
    The Custom File Info Panel is used to capture metadata about a genealogy/family history photo that is privately held (that is, the photo is not in the possession of a library). The metadata property names on the File Info Panel are based on my interpretation of the recommended primary citation for a photograph (private possession) (annotated, with provenance) as described on page 95 of Elizabeth Shown Mill's "Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian" and on my interpretation of recommended primary citation for an Electronic File (Image from Private Files - Annotated), Mills, "Citation!", page 81. I added a few more property names for location and date the photo was taken and keywords (to ID people by number rather than by name), the name of the person who provided the description, a surety for their description, and an informal description. Each field is discussed below.
    Date Scanned: This is the date the photo was scanned. Date is populated by Photoshop and is not editable.
    Provider: The owner of the photo as of the date it was scanned. A researcher in a future generations will know who had the photo at a particular point in time.
    Provenance: Describe as best you can how the photo got from the person in the photo to the Provider.
    Description Provided By: List the person who identified the people and location in the image.
    Description Surety: (This is an open text field. You can use any surety rating system you want.) Describe or rate the quality of the Description of the image's people and location. Note any uncertainties regarding any particular people in the photo.
    Complete Subject Description: List the full name of each individual in the image, in order. You may want to list the location and date of the image even though there are separate property names for that data.
    Informal Subject Description: An optional non-genealogical description of the image, perhaps for using the photo outside of genealogy. Example Informal Subject Description: "Grandpa as a young man."
    Media Description: Describe the paper photo you scanned. Dimensions, border, frame, damage, etc. Your ancestors will have an easier time finding the paper photo later if you describe it well!
    Annotations: Copy any annotations on the front or back of the photo and frame. Transcribe any photographer embossing/imprint; this is a clue for dating/locating photos.
    Special Editing/Alterations: Describe any restoration you performed on the digital image. Did you correct for the lateral reverse of a tintype or daguerreotype?
    City/County: List the City/County where the image was taken.
    State: List the State where the image was taken.
    Country: List the County where the image was taken.
    Photo Date: List the date the image was taken.
    Keywords: This is the standard keyword entry. Commas or semicolons can be used to separate keywords. I type the TMG ID number of each person in the photo here so I can search for all photos of the person without typing their name.
    I have not created a working namespace URI or rdf ala http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/ for this panel. I have not created localization dictionary files for this panel. Data entered into the panel will appear in Adobe Bridge. As you can see below I re-used lots of pre-existing property names and dumped all my new property names into the photoshop namespace. I don't know if this approach has drawbacks.
    Date Scanned:                xmp_path: 'CreateDate'   Pre-existing property name
    Provider:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Credit'    Pre-existing property name
    Provenance:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Provenance'
    Description Provided By:  xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionProvidedBy'  Pre-existing property name
    Description Surety:   xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionSurety'
    Complete Subject Description:   xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Description'   Pre-existing property name
    Informal Subject Description:  xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Caption'   Pre-existing property name
    Media Description:   xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'MediaDescription'
    Annotations:     xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Annotations'
    Special Editing/Alterations:  xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'SpecialEditing'
    City/County:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'City'    Pre-existing property name
    State:     xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'State'    Pre-existing property name
    Country:     xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Country'   Pre-existing property name
    Photo Date:    xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DateCreated'   Pre-existing property name
    Keywords:               xmp_path: 'Keywords'   Pre-existing property name
    I have tested this panel with Photoshop CS2 and Adobe Bridge CS2 only.  It may not work on earlier versions.  FWIW a malformed Custom File Info Panel will fail to load in File Info; it won't crash Photoshop.
    The following was taken from "XMP Custom Panels," Adobe, Oct 2003.
    Each time an Adobe application opens the File Info dialog, it scans all the files in these directories and appends them to the file list. If more than one of the description files has
    the same panel name, the one found in the last file to be loaded is added, and others are ignored.
    Changes to the contents of the directories do not require you to reload an application; changes are automatically reflected in the dialog the next time it is opened.
    The panel description and localization dictionary files must reside in the following locations for use with Adobe Creative Suite applications:
    Mac OS X
    {Root Volume}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels
    {Home Directory}/Library/Application/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels
    \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels
    \Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Adobe\XMP\Custom File Info Panels
    The panel description and localization dictionary files must reside in the following locations for use with Adobe Acrobat 7.0 or 6.0:
    Mac OS X
    {Root Volume}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Custom File Info Panels
    {Home Directory}/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Custom File Info Panels
    \Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\\Custom File Info Panels
    \Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Adobe\Custom File Info Panels
    I actually do not understand how to write a panel but here is the actual panel:
    <?xml version="1.0">
    <!DOCTYPE panel SYSTEM "http://ns.adobe.com/custompanels/1.0">
    <panel title="$$$/CustomPanels/Acro/PanelName=Gen Photo (Private Collection)" version="1" type="custom_panel">
    group(placement: place_column, spacing: gLargeSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top)
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/DateCreated=Date Scanned:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      date_static_text(fbname: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/DateCreated=Date Scanned', name: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/DateCreated=Created', xmp_path: 'CreateDate', horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, truncate: true, locked: true);   
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provider=Provider:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provider=Provider', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Credit', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Credit', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provenance=Provenance:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Provenance=Provenance', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Provenance', container_type: alt_struct, v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Provenance', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionProvidedBy=Description Provided By:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionProvidedBy=Description Provided By', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionProvidedBy', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionProvidedBy', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionSurety=Description Surety:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/DescriptionSurety=Description Surety', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionSurety', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DescriptionSurety', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text(name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Description=Complete Subject Description:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Description=Complete Subject Description', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Description', container_type: alt_struct, v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Description', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Caption=Informal Subject Description:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Caption=Informal Subject Description', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Caption', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Caption', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/MediaDescription=Media Description:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/MediaDescription=Media Description', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'MediaDescription', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'MediaDescription', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Annotations=Annotations:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Annotations=Annotations', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Annotations', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Annotations', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/SpecialEditing=Special Editing/Alterations:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/SpecialEditing=Special Editing/Alterations', horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'SpecialEditing', v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'SpecialEditing', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/City=City/County:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/City=City/County', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'City', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'City', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/State=State:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/State=State', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'State', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'State', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Country=Country:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/Country=Country', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Country', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'Country', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/PhotoDate=Photo Date:', font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      edit_text(fbname: '$$$/CustomPanels/Genealogy/PhotoDate=Photo Date', horizontal: align_fill, font: font_small, xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DateCreated', vertical: align_top);
      mru_popup(xmp_namespace: photoshop, xmp_path: 'DateCreated', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);
    group(placement: place_row, spacing: gSpace, horizontal: align_fill, vertical: align_top, reverse: rtl_aware)
      static_text( name: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/Keywords=Keywords:',font: font_small_bold_right, vertical: align_top);
      cat_container_edit_text(fbname: '$$$/AWS/FileInfoLib/Panels/Description/Keywords=Keywords',horizontal: align_fill, height: gTextViewHeight, xmp_path: 'Keywords', container_type: bag_struct, v_scroller: true);
      mru_popup(xmp_path: 'Keywords', container_type: alt_struct, no_check: true, vertical: align_top);

    You are not going to be able to run your old system from the backup on this old computer as the hardware is incompatible.
    You need to get a new computer or a refurbished one.

  • Smaller PDFs? Adobe X - Using TIFF or PNG files to create PDFs

    I received a PDF - 73 pages, black and white - original file size is 2240KB (2MB).  They wanted me to clean it up - so I save as either a TIFF or a PNG at 150 DPI, run each image through a batch process to darken them up (grayscale, soften, adjust curves - using Corel Paintshop Pro - Sorry Adobe), then recombine as a new PDF.  No matter what file type/size I use (TIFF or PNG) or even if I select a smaller output size in the combine PDF it balloons to a 11-12 MB file.  I can optimize it but then I think it takes all the images and JPGs them and they get all blotchy.  Print to PDF was even larger.  The only file that did not balloon up was when I recombine the original TIFFs saved from the original PDF.  Any tips on what to do to make a smaller file size?  Also I will take any other tips on cleaning up PDF quality - the other one we sometimes use is to print and rescan using a setting with higher contrast, but I like manipulating the electronic files better.  Thanks!

    Well, yes, that's a terrible way to do it. If it can be done at all. And it would make no difference if "Adobe Photoshop" appeared instead of "Corel whatsisname".
    PDF files are generally vector. Rasterising it will lose detail, searchability, quality, and much else.
    If they are actually scanned bitmaps you might be able to clean them up using Photoshop as an image editor helper from within Acrobat.
    But really, cleanup should take place before making the PDF.

  • Packaging Multiple Files in Acrobat 9 Pro

    I'm putting together a large report that will have multiple volumes of appendices. The hard copy will be in three-ring binders, with the main report, tables, figures, and appendices separated by tabs. A given appendix may contain many different supporting documents.
    When I've prepared smaller reports, I've simply combined multiple individual PDFs into one large PDF. The largest of these PDFs cause performance problems with my machine and sometimes refuse to open altogether, so I don't think creating one gigantic PDF is a viable option for this current project. Is my best option to create a PDF Portfolio? I want to make sure that the recipients are able to navigate the electronic file(s) easily but are not able to alter them.
    I'm using Acrobat 9 Pro in Windows XP.

    Hello Martha,
    It would be helpful having your native CAD file in order to deeply analyse this issue.
    Might be a problem of display within Acrobat or a problem caused by the exporting process(export to PDF) of SEMulator 3D.
    To be investigated...
    You can email at
    [email protected]
    Best Regards
    William Gallego
    A3D QE Team

  • How to combine typed text from several pdf files into 1 (not comments)

    I have a fillable pdf form that people can type answers to questions into, then save the pdf into an electronic file. Sticky notes are not used, as this pdf was created using Adobe LiveCycle Designer's text field (that is what they type into). I am wondering if there is a way to combine all peoples' answers from the text field all into one pdf document just like you can do to combine all sticky note comments into one single pdf. This is not a LiveCycle Designer type question. Thank you for your help!

    You would have to flatten or print each filled form to a new file and then combine. If you try to combine multiple filled forms directly, you will end up with all of the pages having the same information since all the fields on each form have the same name. Since the form was create in Designer, you may only be able to print in Acrobat. Otherwise, you would probably have to do the changes in Designer. Once you have a file in Designer, you can no longer edit it in Acrobat and that is why the Acrobat route would probably require a print to the Adobe PDF printer for each form.

  • Linking Records to Files on a Server

    I work for an engineering firm and I have a table in my Access 2002 database that holds data regarding engineering drawings (i.e, drawing #, drawing size, project #, etc.).
    I have a .PDF file for each drawing and these .PDF files are located on one of the servers at work. Each record in my table (each drawing) has an associated .PDF fle, or each record could have more than one .PDF file associated with it.
    I need to link each record in my table (each drawing) to its .PDF file, which is on a server. I've added a 'text' column to my table and I also have the full path to where the actual .PDF files are.
    I need help on how I can get the .PDF file name for each record and insert it into my table.
    Can anyone please help????
    Thanks in advance.

    The connection between a record and its file is that each record (each engineering drawing data) has it's associated electronic file in a .PDF format. So for example, if there's a record, let's say drawing number 123, there's a .PDF file for it on the server called 123.PDF.
    When I say I need to grab the file name, I need to actually get the text '123.PDF' and insert it into a column in the table for the record that has 123 as the drawing number.
    So for example, I have a table that has data about all engineering drawings. One of the columns in this table is called 'pathToFile'. I have a folder on a server that has all of the electronic files for each actual drawing in a folder. I need help with syntax and algorithm to write code to loop through each record in my table, get the drawing number and based on the drawing number, go to the folder on the server and get it's .PDF file and insert in into my 'pathToFile' column. So for the example above, if the drawing number is 123, then the entry in my 'pathToFile' column for that record would be '\\server_name\folder_name\123.pdf'.
    I hope this makes sense.

  • Lockbox Process, Configuration, Lockbox File format

    Hi everybody,
    I need a help on lockbox documents. Pls send.

    Lockbox is a process provided by a bank where the customer remits his payment to a PO Box at your bank, the bank deposits the check in your account and enters the remittance data from the customer. Then the bank sends the data to you electronically for you to import and apply in SAP-AR.
    The structure that the bank uses is usually one of two formats. BAI will provide you the customer information and the check amount but no invoice remittance data. Usually cheaper and works well for a business where customers are paying only one invoice at a time.
    BAI-2 offers remittance data but the bank charges more for the service because they have to enter more info.
    Look at structures FLB** to see the transfer data. 
    When the bank sends the customer payment data you use Treasury function FLB2 to import and then process the payments. This process attempts to determine where to apply the payment and will post directly against an invoice, an account to a customer or if it can't even determine the customer it posts into a clearing account (configured) to be resolved.
    Lockbox is a service offered by American banks in which banks collect and process customer payments to reduce processing time. The system can handle both lockbox file formats offered by banks, namely, BAI and BAI2.
    Process Flow
    A company can create accounts called ‘lockbox’ accounts at its bank (or banks) that act as payment collection accounts for customer payments.  The company then informs their customers that all open item payments for their accounts must be submitted to one of the established bank lockbox accounts.  The bank collects these payments along with the customers’ remittance information that indicates what open items the customer payments intend to clear.  Data entry clerks at the bank manually enter the information into an electronic file for transmission to the company to which the lockbox account belongs. These files are typically transferred nightly to the various lockbox owners (companies).  The files adhere to one of two standard banking industry transmission formats (BAI and BAI2), both of which are supported in the system.
    BAI and BAI2 formats differ in their level of information detail.  BAI does not separate out the incoming check line items by invoice subtotal reference.  Conversely, BAI2 splits the check total into separate invoice references and associated payment amounts. As a result, your ‘hit rate’ percentage of payment-invoice matching from each transmission is likely to be higher when using BAI2 rather than BAI formats.
    for furthur notes

  • Internation ACH & Wire encashmnet File

    My company wants to implement the integrated payables i.e when it sends the files for the ACH & wrires to the bank, it wants to get a encashmnet file back from the back and upload it into the system and also that how to take care of the forex valuation in case of international Paymnets since the exchange rate in SAP will be different than the exchange rate chanregd by the bank.

    I'm answering my own question.. This is what I found after an extended research.
    I'm answering my own question.. This is what I found after an extended research.
    EDI is a form of transmitting the electronic files. The files that are being sent with EDI is processed synchronous(immediate). ACH  vs Wire u2013 ACH is not an immediate payment. It takes about two days. The funds will reach immediately with wire transfer. Both can have their own electronic file formats according to the bank that we are dealing with.
    ACH / Wire transfers payments non edi format: you need to setup a separate payment method for company code and county. RFFOUS_T is a standard classic payment medium program for ACH  . A DME file will be generated based house bank and payment program settings. DME file can also be generated by using DMEE(Data Medium Exchange Engine). You need to create DMEE format  and assign payment medium format to payment method
    EDI Settings:  To send the files in EDI format, use RFFOEDI1 program. Create payment method and create EDI partner in house bank under EDI tab. 
    Thanks Sri

  • Electronic bank reconcilliation

    hi sap consultant
    We had manually updated bank statement in ff67 & it has given properly statment. Now how to do Electronic bank statement.
    please help me it is urgent .
    Wityh regards

    You will have to
    create and assign business transactions to posting rules,
    (ii) create account symbols,
    (iii) assign accounts to account symbols,
    (iv) create keys for posting rules,
    (v) define posting rules,
    (vi) create transaction types,
    (vii) assign external transaction types to posting rules and
    (viii) assign bank accounts to transaction types.
    In posting EBS, you receive an electronic file from bank which consists of external transaction type and you post it in SAP using FF_5.
    Assign points if helpful.

  • Entourage files

    My brand-new iMac G5 just arrived. I've managed to load MS Office 2004. I need to copy my old e-mails from Entourage X (from a G4 quicksilver) to the new Entourage 2004. I have a firewire cable and can do it through target disk mode. However, I can't quite figure out where Entourage stores the electronic files. I don't need to copy over the e-mail settings (I've configured the new Entourage), but I would like to copy my old address book. Any ideas where to find these files?

    All of your data (messages, contacts, tasks, notes, etc.) is stored in your Microsoft User Data (MUD) folder. You'll find the MUD folder in your Documents folder. You can copy the whole thing (or at least your Main Identity folder which is inside the MUD) and then paste it into the Documents folder of the new computer.
    Mac Mini 1.5 GHz :   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   : 1Gb RAM : 100Gb HD : Airport : BT : 20" ACD

  • Recovering lost White background on blueprint file

    I was at work today and opened a Ps document that someone else had created. I don't know what I did (I'm a relatively new Ps user) and I don't even know how I ended up saving it. The document is floor plans overlaid on a site plan with logos, text. etc. (so, it's too complicated for my limited time and knowledge to be able to re-import the source document and re-format the entire thing). When I first opened the document, all the floor plans looked normal, but now, one no longer has a white background. The black outlines of the rooms are still there, but there's nothing underneath (I see the gray and white checkerboard background between the black outlines). I need to know how to make that area white again. It seems to me like maybe I deleted a layer... maybe... I don't know...? I can't just use the fill tool to fill white into the background space because (a) the entire shape is not closed, so applying a fill to one area fills the entire document and (b) I know that's not the right way to do it... I'm trying to get it back to the way it's supposed to be, not just make it look right because other people from work might still use the electronic file. Please help!

    Thanks for your reply! Someone else answered (I posted the question twice) and said to make a new layer filled with white. I did that, and then moved my new layer behind the site rendering, and that did the trick!

  • 1099 Questions

    I have the following 2 questions regarding 1099’s.  One has to do with the fact that I read somewhere that after you have added tax number information to a vendor (s), that there is a program that you need to run so that SAP will flag the appropriate previously recorded payment information so that it will be reported on the vendor’s 1099.  Can someone please tell me what the program name is?
    Second question has to do with the Payer’s (company code) name, address, and tax identification number that appears on the 1099..  Where is this entered into the system.  When I print out my 1099’s for 2007, this information is blank (I have the recipient’s information but not the payer’s).  I am sure that there is some configuration type setting or master data that I have failed to enter.  I would appreciate it if someone would tell me where I need to enter this information.
    Thanks in advance for your assistance.
    Greg Brown
    FI/CO consultant

    Hi Greg,
    Below is the sequence of steps to process the 1099 (SAP term Withholding Tax) vendor invoice –
    1.     Enter WT tax type, WT tax code and check mark ‘liable’ box in the vendor master.
    2.     Enter only those relevant tax types and tax codes that are really applicable to that vendor master. Entering additional/non-relevant tax type and code in vendor master do not do any good instead it will increase additional work at the time of recording vendor invoice.
    3.     At the time of recording vendor invoice, WT types and codes information moves from vendor master to the transaction screen and per configuration full invoice value will be assumed subject to 1099 information.
    4.     If the vendor master has multiple lines of WT types and codes then at the time recording vendor invoice go to WT tab and enter $0.00 to those lines that are not applicable. If the full amount invoice is not subject to 1099 information but only part of the invoice amount then enter only that $ amount in the column WT base column. For example vendor invoice is entered for repayment of principle amount + accrued interest then enter only interest amount in appropriate WT line. Repayment of capital amount is not subject to 1099 reporting.
    5.     If the invoice is entered with WT code that requires withhold back tax and pay to IRS the tax amount e.g. tax code D2 that has 31% back tax, then at the time payment of invoice, using t.code F110 or F-58, system will calculate back tax automatically. Invoice will be paid less by back tax. Back tax amount will be recorded in GL.
    6.     Incase vendor invoice is to be paid though manual check or wire transfer (over the telephone and not system generated) and subsequent recording is to be done through t.code F.53 then calculate the WT manually and pay the remainder of the amount. On the open item screen of t.code F.53 payable will show net of back tax and on saving of document it will trigger the automatic entry to GL for back tax.
    7.     Execute program RFWT0020 after step 8 to populate WT information to already posted/paid invoices and verify the correctness.
    8.     Please work with program RFIDYYWT to generate electronic file for yearly IRS reporting. On this please stay with SAP delivered standard WT tax codes and type that will ease in 1099 reporting.
    Important OSS note in this are – 363650 and 649417.
    If this is usefull,please assign points.

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