RG23C postings for Inventorized conditions

I am new to SAP. Could please anyone clear my doubt regarding inventorized conditions;
If I use inventorized conditions in my PO, that means the excise values will get added to the material cost.
So in that case, does the entire payment get done in the invoice ? Will the RG23C part II register not be updated ? Will there be any excise invoice generated ?

Geetanjali Kaur wrote:
> I am new to SAP. Could please anyone clear my doubt regarding inventorized conditions;
> If I use inventorized conditions in my PO, that means the excise values will get added to the material cost.
> So in that case, does the entire payment get done in the invoice ? Will the RG23C part II register not be updated ? Will there be any excise invoice generated ?
When you use inventorized conditions, the concept is that the values against those conditions will be debited to the inventory upon GR. Hence the excise values will get added to the material cost, just as any delivery cost (like freight).
The IR and payment will be done for the complete value. The excise component will feature in the 'taxes' field.
Part 2 register comes into picture when you take the input credit and not when the excise is inventoried. hence the part 2 register will not get updated. Excise invoice 'generation' takes place when you are sending materials outside and not when you are receiving them.
Hope this clears.

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    If you have product ID or key in the cost data set, then you can follow the method in this post to display data:

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    Hi Saplearner's
    Is there any body who will focus on this issue
    I have maintained all this accordingly, but the problem lies over here
    Pb00-- 100 
    ra01---  2   discount
    net--  98
    jexc(16%)--15.68 ( MANUAL EXCISE)
    net amount including tax-- 113.68
    freight(2%)-- 1.96
    Actual-- 115.68.
    BASB-- 115.68  ( It should be 100)
    In short i have given summary above, now let me explain
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    when i am giving 100 as gross price, discount 2 and if i give JEXC  , then BASB is  picking as 115.68.
    Problem is here when we give  JEXC  manual excise.
    Edited by: shrikant kamat on Feb 16, 2009 2:09 AM
    Edited by: shrikant kamat on Feb 16, 2009 2:09 AM
    Edited by: shrikant kamat on Feb 16, 2009 2:10 AM
    Edited by: shrikant kamat on Feb 16, 2009 11:57 PM

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    thanks in advance

    Sometimes the the MIGO creator might have reversed the same. In such cases the reversal document may be with different number in the same series and both posted & reversed documents will not appear in MIRO. Since you might checking with posted document number, you are seeing the blank in MIRO. In such cases, just enter the PO number in MIRO, give date & reference number press Show PO structure button in the left corner. You will find the following screen
    Expand the required once. The following screen appears. In this both positive & negative numbers with same reference & document type appearing are the reversed documents.
    Hope this is clear

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    user508774 wrote:
    Thanks for comments and advices. But I didn't get your inputs clearly. Are you saying I don't need to use PL/SQL to achieve this?Correct. Ronel and John showed you the basic approaches. SQL is not a mere I/O language for making read and write calls. It is a very capable, flexible and powerful language. One can solve a problem with a few lines of SQL code, that will take 100's of lines of PL/SQL or Java code.
    So do not underestimate what can be done in SQL.
    v_cmd := 'UPDATE parts_categ_counts SET w1='||v1||', w2='||v2||...||v9||' WHERE seq='||vseq||';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_cmd;This code is also wrong. Besides the fact that there is no need for dynamic SQL, this approach creates a brand new SQL statement each loop iteration.
    SQL is source code. It needs to be parsed (compiled). The end result is an executable program that is called a cursor. This cursor needs to be stored in server memory (the SQL Shared Pool in the SGA).
    The problem with your code is that it is slow and expensive - it generates lots of unique SQL statements that need CPU for parsing and server memory for storage.
    These add up to a very significant performance overhead. That is the wrong approach. The correct approach is the same one that you would use in any other programming language.
    Let's say you need to use Java to process a bunch of CSV files - exact same CSV layout used by each file. A file needs to be read, processed, and a log file created.
    Will you write a Java program that loops through the files, for each file found, write a Java program for processing that file, compile it, then execute it?
    Or would you write a Java program that takes the name of the file as input, and then process that file and writes the log file?
    The 2nd approach provides a program that can process any of those CSV files - one simply needs to pass the filename as an input parameter.
    Your code and approach use the 1st method. Not the 2nd. And that is why it is wrong.
    To create a SQL program with parameters is done by using bind variables. Instead of
    v_cmd := 'UPDATE parts_categ_counts SET w1='||v1||', w2='||v2||...||v9||' WHERE seq='||vseq||';
    The following SQL source code should be created:
    v_cmd := 'UPDATE parts_categ_counts SET w1=:v1, w2=:v2 ..., w9=:v9 WHERE seq= :vseq';
    The tokens with the colon prefix (such as :v1), are bind variables. Think of these as the parameters to the SQL cursor.
    The server parses this SQL into a cursor. You can now execute the same cursor over and over again, using different bind variables. (just like the 2nd approach above that one would use in Java)
    In PL/SQL, this is made even easier as you can code native SQL code with PL/SQL code and use PL/SQL variables in it. The PL/SQL compiler is clever enough to do the SQL parsing, variable binding, and cursor execution for you. So in PL/SQL, you would use:
    UPDATE parts_categ_counts SET w1=v1, w2=v2 ..., w9=v9 WHERE seq= vseq;
    Where v1 and the others are PL/SQL variables.
    That all said - PL/SQL is only used for data crunching, when the processing of data is too complex for the SQL language to deal with. And this is very seldom the case.
    The main reason for using PL/SQL it to provide processing flow control, conditional processing and error handling, for SQL code. As the SQL language does not have these features.

  • How to make repricing for specific conditions at the time of billing?

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    In EU countries, there is recycling fee in sales of electronics or Note PC with batteries....to keep our earth clean.
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    My question is... we want to make repricing for recycling conditions when the billing is created.
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    So this value is just copied from sales order.
    (pricing type in copy control is 'G' which means repricing for tax condition.)
    In this situation, we want to make repricing for those conditions during operating system.
    Is there any easy way to cover this?
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    So I want to put this way to the end of my choice.
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        But transaction data are created now and all open orders will be affected.
    2. To create new conditions are not easy because these conditions are mapped to the CO-PA value field and the values are posted in FI doc.
    3. To change pricing type in copy control is almost impossible because of the impact.
    What can I do this in this situation?
    What I want to do is just to make repricing for specific conditions at the time of billing in case that pricing type of copy control is 'G'.
    Thank you in advance.

    Let me ask agagin to all experts.
    I want to make A condition to be repriced at the time of billing.
    For this, I have to set condition category as 'L' (Generally new when copying).
    But I do not want to do in that way becauuse I am maintaining big operated system now.
    In addition, though I migrate open orders after changing config. as 'L', it is almost impossible for use to migrate because we have more than a thound open orders per a DAY as Globalized system.
    That is why I am asking.
    Simply I can create new condition but as I mentioned, there are various recycling fee so we already created about 10 conditions. And this recycling conditions are linked to REA package of SAP. So creating another 10 more conditions can not be a way for us.
    At last, what I want is not to be shown this condition only in billing doc.
    'A' condition should be displayed in both Sales order and Billing doc.
    And simultaneously, when the billing is created and if user changed 'A' condition master, then new value which is different from sales order have to be reflected in billing doc.
    Thank you in advance.

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    Please help me.
    Rajendra Prasad

    Dear Rajendra,
    There is a manual change for tax classification for material master in va02 initially it was blank now it is changed to ' 0 ' is any way influencing....?
    Definitely material Tax classification will influence to determine the Tax code.
    -->So Make sure that customer and material master having proper tax classification indicator.
    -->Have you Update the price after changing the tax classification in the sales order.by going to item dat -->condition tab then click on Update push button bottom of the conditions screen.
    -->Once again the check the condition record maintanence also for your MWST access sequence.
    I hope this will help you,

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    We have a scheduling agreement, in which certain condition (condition type for freight condition) value have changed several times.
    Where we can find the changes in the value of this condition type?

    Hi Rajan,
    You should be able to see in
    Item -- Statistics -- Changes. You can find that line item wise.

  • Tax not calculated in MIRO for the condition type JVCD

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    Please tell me some way why not system calculating in case of JVCD and JVCN for capital case..
    Thanks in Advance,

    We totally agreed with you and already we checked our configuration part is OK.Actually we want to map some process where we captured excise in GR but no need to take credit i.e. to post the excise in J1IEX,so we do not have to post our cenvat/modvat entry in MIRO but we need to calculate VAT whether it is deductible or non deductible.So far this thing is concerned,we made separate tax code which we use at time of MIRO posting and in configuration we did not attached the tax code in logitics-basic excise -assign to company code. Because once we attached here , system asking to make to pass furst RG part2 entry then it allows to post MIRO entry which we do not want .So please understand this scenario is different and we got the success for JVRN/JVRD for VAT but getting issue in case of capital VAT where system does not calculate tax for JVCN/JVCD .....where we want to process MIRO without posting J1IEX..
    Please thing and analyse ..give some helping response..

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    I'm Testing an Inbound ORDRSP using we 19  for Pricing Conditions EDI1. What are the Mandatory Fields for IDOC ORDERS01

    I think it's better to execute VA01 to create a sales order; in that way you should have an idea of mandatory fields.

  • New Tax code Creation for CST(Condition type

    Hi Friends,
    I am facing an issue during creation of new Tax-code for CST; condition type JIN1. After defining the tax percentage; system is picking an automatic G/L account, which is a grey field and can't be editable. We need to change G/L account and need to assign a new one.
    Can you please tell us how can we remove the default assigned and non-editable G/L account.
    Your support is appreciable.
    Rgds, Krishan Raheja.

    Hi Krishnan,
    Use transaction OB40, here double click on the Account Key (you can check this account key assigned to condition type in OBQ3 and also in FTXP screen) that is mapped to condition type JIN1 and enter your chart of accounts. Now change the G/L account you want.
    Chintan Joshi.

  • ABAP code in to JAVA for overwritting condition value for IPC pricing

    Dear experts i am an IPC JAVA developer and i am trying to translate an ABAP Routine in to JAVA code for overwriting condition value in the pricing user exit of IPC
    Here is the ABAPcode segment i am trying to transulate
      DATA: l_kdkg1  LIKE komk-kdkg1,
            l_work TYPE f,
            l_umren LIKE marm-umren,
            l_umrez LIKE marm-umrez.
      SELECT SINGLE peinh FROM mbew INTO mbew-peinh         
      WHERE matnr = komp-matnr
      AND bwkey = komp-werks.
      I need some  help in the following things
      1. I don't know how to transulate the following Line of ABAP code into JAVA
         " AND bwkey = komp-werks."
    Bwkey stands for plant details. I don't know how to get plant details from  Pricing Item.
      2. Someone please tell me weather the following JAVA transulation is correct
      Vector x = prItem.getUserExitConditions();
      db database = pricingEngine.getDatabase();
         // set table name
      String tableStart = "mbew";                                             
         // set query parameters
      sys_query_pair[] queryPair = null;
      //matnr = komp-matnr . Getting the material Number
      String materialNo= prItem.getProduct().toString();
      //bwkey = komp-werks.Getting plant.
      // TODO: werks stands for plant. Not sure how to get it from prItem
       String plant = "";
       queryPair = new sys_query_pair[2];                    
       queryPair[0] = new sys_query_pair("matnr", materialNo);
       queryPair[1] = new sys_query_pair("bwkey", plant);
      // set query columns
       String ZZFIELDStart = "peinh";
       String ZZFIELD_VALUEStart;                   
       String[] projectionStart;
       projectionStart = new String[];
       BigDecimal pricingUnit = null;
          // execute query
          res resultSetStart = database.db_read_table(tableStart, queryPair,projectionStart) ;
          if (!res.db_empty_results_p(resultSetStart))
         ZZFIELD_VALUEStart = resultSetStart.db_get_row_element_string(0);
         pricingUnit = new BigDecimal(ZZFIELD_VALUEStart);
         System.out.println("Coudn't find a value of field peinh in table mbew!");
       catch (exc_database_error e)

    Please login to the server where IPC is installed. In the IPC folder u find libs folder  or search for docs in IPC folder. There it is dealt how ABAP routines are mapped to  user exits in java coding

  • Function Module for getting the Sales Price for a condition type

    I am looking for a standard function module to which I can pass my condition type(new customizing) and it will return the sales price. The customer is going to create some new condition type to manitain the sales price. I'll have the necessary information like material/sales org/distribution channel, customer and need the standard function module to read the condition records for that condition type(as configured) and give me the price. PLease help if you know of a standard function module performing this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi malthi ,
    welcome to sdn
    for material sales area u can look for the validations is table MVKE.
    the classification of the conditions is in tables like A901, a902 etc which in my opinion holds the condition types per classification .
    put a A* in se11 and this will give the list of tables per classification .
    u need to get the conditions as per kschl and dmbtr and
    like this ..
    Get Condition Values for Material/Plant combination
      IF NOT i_a916[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT knumh kappl kschl krech
               kbetr konwa kpein kmein
               INTO TABLE i_konp
               FROM konp
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_a916
               WHERE knumh EQ i_a916-knumh AND
                     kappl EQ i_a916-kappl AND
                     kschl EQ i_a916-kschl AND
                     loevm_ko NE 'X'.
    Get Condition Values for Material/Plant/Ordertype/
    Customer combination
      IF NOT i_a925[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT knumh kappl kschl  krech
               kbetr konwa kpein kmein
               APPENDING TABLE i_konp
               FROM konp
               FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_a925
               WHERE knumh EQ i_a925-knumh AND
                     kappl EQ i_a925-kappl AND
                     kschl EQ i_a925-kschl AND
                     loevm_ko NE 'X'.
    just check this Fm if u can apply ur condition over here ..

  • Automatic account postings (for Intercompany Purchase order and Sales order

    Hi all,
    I need some help related to the automatic account postings (for Intercompany Purchase order and Sales order)which i can set for the follwoing scenarios. I have looked on the forms and searched alot but not able to a single solution to solve both the pupose. if one scenario works the other doesnt. Please advise.
    I have created the master data
    Customer receiving--G001
    Sales Org.--GXIN
    Distr. Channel- 01
    Division - 00 
    Company code receiving - G1
    customer supplying- V001
    company code for supplying- V1
    2 different scenarios
    1- Intercompany Purchase order in which a Customer receiving- G001, gets stock replenishment NB purchase order from supplying company V1- GI  and GR of stock is done. Biling document for customer receiving G001 is created. But now I need a way to do the opposite side posting at the supplying customer -V001-- this I do using an Idoc which creates a Invoice receipt for creditor(supplying customer) V001.
    2. Sales order-- A customer X001 of company code G1 buys stock from the company code V1. the customer G001 of company code G1 bills the customer X001, but the intercompany billing doc/ invoice is created for the customer G001 by company code V1.  then now i want an automatic account posting to be created at the supplying customer V001 via idoc.
    Can this be achivable via Idoc with automatic account postings.   
    Please let me know if it doesnt make sense. thanks to all in advance

    Hi all,
    For the Sales order and automatic posting we have created an output type ZR4N- this is creating a batch input session which can be triggered to be processed autmatically.
    For the intercompany Purchase order -from Invoice we are creating a different output RD04 (sap standard) which creates invoice receipt at the vendor side.
    Rest of the settings are defined using SAP standard functionality within transaction OBCA, OBCB, OBCC, OBCD,OBCE
    thanks for viwing the post

  • FM for creating Condition Records

    Is there FM for creating Condition Records for output type like transaction VV11 (Create Output - Condition Records: Sales)

    Hi there,
    FM for condition records? Why do you want to think of a FM for creating conditon records?
    Condition records is a master data that has to be manually created as per the business requirement.
    But what we can do is that if the data ia existing in an external legacy system, we can migrate that into SAP through a BAPI / BDC or LSMW depending on the volume of data.
    But in other cases condition records are manually created in SAP system.
    If at all you have a function module to create condition records, how would you ensure that it feeds correct data into the condition records? What key combination would the system take & what data would you want the FM to upload?
    How will you monitor what data is uploaded,.

Maybe you are looking for

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