
Hi All,
     I need to send mail(using cfmail) with the content created in flex  "RichTextEditor". I have successfully send the mail but the mail content not redering properly.
Any has faced this type of issue earlier with RichTextEditor?

Yes, i have tried with the htmlText property.
when send mail and  the mail body not in the  correct format.

Similar Messages

  • RichTextEditor Bug

    The issue i found with the RTE is when using the HTMLText
    property and saving the contents somewhere, the font tag has the
    size property set to the value you choose in the font size drop
    down. This is Ilegal HTML syntax, and when displaying in a regular
    HTML page, the text is extremly large. The issue is that HTML does
    not recognize any number here higher than a 6, the lowest the
    editer will allow you to choose is an 8.
    This component should be updated!
    instead of using the font "size=N" attribute it should use a
    that way the content of the HTMLText property when saved back
    to a source, can then be viewed in a standard html page.
    Or change the drop down font size list to show valid font
    size values and make the editor display them properly.
    Is there an update to address this?
    if not, can someone Please Fix it?

    Hi Peter,
    Thank you for the reply and helpful insight.
    I followed your advise and submited a bug report.
    Robert Vollmar answered the bug request and sent me the
    "The absolute point sizes used by the Flash Player are not
    the same as the relative font sizes used in standard HTML. In a web
    browser, <FONT SIZE=2> indicates a font size that is one
    point smaller than the browser's default font size. The Flash
    Player would interpret the tag literally as a font that is 2 pixels
    in height."
    It's probably a good idea for us to add this note to the Flex
    documentation. I will file it as such.
    For my purposes we are using flex as a data manager UI. there
    are several DB Fields that hold Ntext data types that are edited
    via an RTE. I have been saving the data directly without
    modification because if you try and fix the font size issue, when
    you reload the data it is not viewable by the RTE. So i came up
    with a CFC format function to fix the issue on the fly when viewing
    it in the browser window.
    This function is probably not the best approach but it works.
    It will find all the font size attribs and values and add in a
    style tag with the font size value as the style value. This needs
    to be done because if you have several font tags all with different
    values you can not just replace them all with the first value
    Anyway I hope this article helps someone else besides me.
    Best Regards
    On the HTML page to display the content:
    -- CFC Function --
    <cffunction access="public" name="formatRTEHTML"
    returntype="string" output="false">
    <cfargument name="rte_text" type="string"
    <cfset var new ="">
    Format function.
    takes the RichTextEditor.HTMLText contents, and formats it
    for viewing in HTML
    <cfloop list="#rte_text#" delimiters=">"
    index="L"><cfset r ="">
    <cfset x = FindNoCase("SIZE=",L)>
    <cfif x gt 0><cfset i = 0>
    <cfloop list="#L#" delimiters=" " index="LL"><cfset
    i = i + 1>
    <cfif LL contains "size=">
    <cfset fsv = ListLast(LL,chr(34))>
    <cfset r = " style='font-size:#fsv#px' ">
    <cfset r = Replace(L," "," #TRIM(r)# ")>
    <cfset r = r & ">">
    <cfset r = L>
    <cfset new = new & r>
    <cfreturn new>

  • RichTextEditor.TextArea backgroundColor broken in Flex 4.*

    I have a simple application which uses a RichTextEditor with a colored background, like so:
    richTextEditor = addChild(new RichTextEditor()) as RichTextEditor;
    richTextEditor.textArea.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xAAAAAA);
    richTextEditor.title = "Edit Text:";
    richTextEditor.htmlText = formattedText;
    This works fine when I compile against Flex 3.5.0, but in Flex 4.0 and 4.5, the background color remains white. I've tried setting it before the text, after the text, before and after it is added to the stage - even every single frame with an EnterFrame handler. Nothing - it just stays white.
    Has anyone else encountered this and does anyone have a workaround? I don't really want to switch to a Spark component if I can help it, and I can't downgrade the whole application to 3.5.
    Any answers much appreciated - as always.

    I have an ugly hack fix for this, but I'm still not sure why it's happening. Here's the workaround:
    richTextEditor = addChild(new RichTextEditor()) as RichTextEditor;
    richTextEditor.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xAAAAAA);  /* NOT THE TEXT AREA, THE RTE ITSELF */
    richTextEditor.title = "Edit Text:";
    richTextEditor.htmlText = formattedText;
         protected function hideBackground():void
                //Console.Debug("TextFieldEditor hideBackground");
                if (richTextEditor)
                    if (richTextEditor.textArea)
                        for (var i:int = 0; i < richTextEditor.textArea.numChildren; i++)
                            var object:DisplayObject = richTextEditor.textArea.getChildAt(i);
                            var className:String =  getQualifiedClassName(object);
                             if(className == "mx.skins.spark::BorderSkin") richTextEditor.textArea.getChildAt(i).visible = false;
    - You need to callLater(hideBackground); every time the editor's text or htmlText is updated.
    Hope this helps someone in future. It has to be good enough for me at the moment but I'd still like to know why the setStyle call is failing.

  • HTTPService or mx:RichTextEditor isn't working well - htmlText

    I'm working with  the component <mx:RichTextEditor/>
    I have a big  problem after the HTTPService send the code and stores it in database.
    Every time I  catch the htmlText from RichTextEditor,  he is putting a strange tag. I need to clean these tags.
    I send this HTML  code (htmlText from RichTextEditor) and store in the database.
    In  another moment I want to retrieve this code and throw in a TextArea.- this is the objetives, but  I had a problem with this.
    Look my code:
    <mx:RichTextEditor id="ds_noticia" title="Descrição da notícia"
                            width="80%" htmlText="{dgNotRequest.selectedItem.dsNews}" />
    <mx:Button id="submit" label="{'ADD'}"  click="finish()" />
    private function concluir():void{
    <mx:HTTPService id=" newsService " url=" class/class_news.php"
                resultFormat="object" result="newsHandler(event)" fault="faultHandler(event)" method="POST" >
                <mx:request xmlns="">                   
    Whit firebug I can see the post:
    ds_noticia<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><B>Introdução as tecnicas inter latifundiarias</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Aplicabilidade e manutenbilidade da gestão de requisito de isotopo por molécula astridente:<B></B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><B></B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><B>Números</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">A tecnologia foi adotada pela Cast há mais de dois anos e chegou a ter mais de 200 servidores virtuais. </FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">O projeto de virtualização demorou seis meses para ficar pronto e foram gastos quase R$ 600.000,00 na compra de equipamentos, software, instalação e treinamento.</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Sem a virtualização, a Cast gastaria com renovações e novas aquisições, isso sem considerar o aluguel de espaço físico e custos com energia.</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><B>Resultados</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Desde a implementação da virtualização foi possível reduzir o tempo de atendimento de serviços de dias para horas.</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Essas ações são importantes para a empresa, a sociedade e, principalmente, para o planeta. </FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0"><B>Fonte: </B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><LI><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Gilson Fabio Robles Bernichi - Administrador de Banco Dados</FONT></LI></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><LI><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">James Lima da Silva - Coordenador de Suporte ao Desenvolvimento</FONT></LI></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><LI><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">Leonardo Amorim de Araujo – Coordenador de Infraestrutura e Segurança</FONT></LI></TEXTFORMAT>
    If I could save this code, it would be  perfect!
    BUT the answer, after HTTPService send the content and it is saved into database
    now the HTTPService show other code, this is not the same first code sanded!
    ds_news           = '<TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"><B>Introdução as tecnicas inter latifundiarias</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">Aplicabilidade e manutenbilidade da gestão de requisito de isotopo por molécula astridente:<B></B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"><B></B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"><B>Números</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">A tecnologia foi adotada pela Cast há mais de dois anos e chegou a ter mais de 200 servidores virtuais. </FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">O projeto de virtualização demorou seis meses para ficar pronto e foram gastos quase R$ 600.000,00 na compra de equipamentos, software, instalação e treinamento.</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">Sem a virtualização, a Cast gastaria com renovações e novas aquisições, isso sem considerar o aluguel de espaço físico e custos com energia.</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"><B>Resultados</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">Desde a implementação da virtualização foi possível reduzir o tempo de atendimento de serviços de dias para horas.</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">Essas ações são importantes para a empresa, a sociedade e, principalmente, para o planeta. </FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><P ALIGN=\"LEFT\"><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\"><B>Fonte: </B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><LI><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">Gilson Fabio Robles Bernichi - Administrador de Banco Dados</FONT></LI></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><LI><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">James Lima da Silva - Coordenador de Suporte ao Desenvolvimento</FONT></LI></TEXTFORMAT><TEXTFORMAT LEADING=\"2\"><LI><FONT FACE=\"Verdana\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#0B333C\" LETTERSPACING=\"0\" KERNING=\"0\">Leonardo Amorim de Araujo ? Coordenador de Infraestrutura e Segurança</FONT></LI></TEXTFORMAT>'
    who can help me ?
    Who can imagine what is happened?
    Who can understand why the flex put  a tag (/) always before the sing (“)?
    Thank you for help me

    This problem isn't with Adobe Flex. This problema is because PHP configuration at PHP.ini
    When on, all ' (single-quote), " (double quote), \ (backslash) and NULL characters are escaped with a backslash automatically.
    "Quando ligada, qualquer ' (aspas simples), "      (aspas duplas), \ (barra invertida) e NULL      será colocado uma barra-invertida antes (' vira \') automaticamente".
    Is a tecnique of incripiting by PHP but this feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. As my Case.
    LOOK the steps
    1.       Check php.ini into server:
    a.       Acess: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini (In my case, i'm working with Linux-Umbuntu)
    2.       Verify the part that mentioned about eMagic quotes. It need be stay like fallow example:
    ; Magic quotes
    ; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data.
    magic_quotes_gpc = Off
    ; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc.
    magic_quotes_runtime = Off
    ; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \').
    magic_quotes_sybase = Off
    ; Automatically add files before or after any PHP document.
    auto_prepend_file =
    auto_append_file =
    ; As of 4.0b4, PHP always outputs a character encoding by default in
    ; the Content-type: header.  To disable sending of the charset, simply
    ; set it to be empty.
    ; PHP's built-in default is text/html
    default_mimetype = "text/html"
    default_charset = "utf-8"
    ; Always populate the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable.
    ;always_populate_raw_post_data = On
    3.       If necessary and diferent,  disable the magic Quotes in php.ini: Put (OFF) in the place where is (ON)
    We need change this because:
    Inconvenience, if the property is on, it will put in a strange caracter (\) before ("). It is bat when you need to save html code to keep the format of the text.
    it change important datas into database
    This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this  feature is highly discouraged.
    The magic_quotes_gpc directive may only be disabled at the system level, and not at      runtime. In otherwords, use of ini_set() is not      an option.
    thanks again. good luck

  • Problems with the richTextEditor and quotes

    I'm having problems with quote chars and the richText
    control's htmlText. When users enter quotes into the richTextEditor
    control. The quotes breaks the HTML text, meaning it's no longer
    well formatted. Is there an escape char that I need to use. Or do I
    need to force some kind of refresh on the control prior to using
    the htmlText string?

    I have been using RTE in a content management system and
    found a need to replace non-standard quote characters with proper
    UTF-8 character counterparts. Curly quotes in particular are
    problematic. Use a replace function to substitute non-standard for
    standard characters.

  • Inserting image in richtexteditor and text

    HI all,
       I am new to Flex 3. I was creating AIR application. I want to insert image in to richtexteditor and text control. I tried adding <img> tag to html source and added htmlText to richtexteditor and text control, but its not considering img tag.
       So is there way I can include image(animated GIF) in to richtexteditor and text control?

    create a default base block on the table with the BLOB.
    Change the BLOB item to an image item.
    Use the read_image_file built in to load images to the image item. (see online help).
    That should do it.

  • Img tag in RichTextEditor Adobe AIR

    I wanted to insert an image into a RichTextEditor in AIR application. For my surprise I found this code working perfectly if the project was Web application but it doesn't work if I use it into AIR Desktop application. Here's the code
         <mx:RichTextEditor height="100%" width="100%">
                <p>This is an image</p><p><img src='C:\flag.png'></p>
    Could you please help me to figure out why I can insert an image into the RichTextEditor with Web application and not with AIR?
    Many thanks,

    Hi ramyadel,
    I think the problem here is with the path you are assigning to the image tag...Try to get the path of the image on the hard drive correctly relevant to the AIR app..using the Application.resolvePath or Application.usersDirectory ...something like that the AIR docs...
    Bhasker Chari

  • RichTextEditor

    I left a post earlier about the RichTextEditor when saving text and than retrieving,  extra line feeds are being added. 
    But another issue is -
    The RichTextEditor is a Halo component, and RichText is a spark component so with similar names it seems that RichText would have an easy html method like RichTextEditor (ie RichTextEditor.html = ""), plus RichText would be for display and RichTextEditor would be for creating/editing; maybe it's me and I'm missing something or maybe Adobe should change the names.  But that's a complaint or stupidity on my part. 
    Without using an itemrenderer, for sake of simplicity, is there an easy way of loading RichTextEditor html/rich text into a textarea or textbase?  So far I just load it into another instance of RichTextEditor (I do use itemrenderers to display it in Alerts or DataGrids), but I would like the rich/html text in a component without the user having editing ability but still have cut and paste to another component or good visibility (unlike when the RTE is disabled).  When it is loaded into RichTextEditor for viewing, the controls can be removed, but a user can still edit the text (just not save), and if disabled than they lose the ability to cut and paste to something else from it.  This would all be a moot point if the RTE doesn't use anymore overhead than another component that displays its text.
    Thanks in advance
    (If you've read this far, sorry for the rambling, can you tell it's been a long day of coding?)

    > The RichTextEditor is a Halo component, and RichText is a spark component so with similar names
    The new Spark "text primitives" are SimpleText, RichText, and RichEditableText. This nomenclature may create some confusion with the old Halo RichTextEditor, but after lots of discussions we felt they were the best names to describe what they do, and we wanted the best names going forward. RichTextEditor, like other Halo components, will at some point become obsolete when the Spark component set is complete.
    > it seems that RichText would have an easy html method like RichTextEditor
    The richness that RichText and RichEditableText is that of TLF, the new Text Layout Framework. TLF has a markup language that is similar to XHTML, but in TLF the primary representation of rich text isn't markup. Instead, it's a tree of ActionScript objects such as DivElements, ParagraphElements, and SpanElements. The root of this tree is an object known as a TextFlow.
    Therefore in the latest trunk builds of Gumbo, RichText and RichEditableText expose a 'textFlow' property which you set to a TextFlow. If you have markup as a String or as XML, there is now a utility class called TextFlowUtil for converting the markup to and from a TextFlow. A TextFlow is very powerful because you can access its parts as ActionScript objects and change them at runtime.
    Halo components did not have an object-oriented model of rich text, so they just exposed the htmlText:String property, which is not as powerful when you want to change just part of a long document.
    > is there an easy way of loading RichTextEditor html/rich text into a textarea
    Doesn't myTextArea.htmlText = myRichTextEditor.htmlText do what you want?
    Gordon Smith
    Adobe Flex SDK Team

  • RichTextEditor HTML Bug????

    Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong. I want to set
    the html text value of a RichTextEditor like this:
    planText.htmlText='My text goes here. &lt;br&gt;
    &lt;br&gt; More text goes here.';
    When I do this, it displays in the RichTextEditor as this:
    My text goes here. <br> <br> More text goes here.
    I have some text set in the RichTextEditor control initially,
    and that displays fine, but if I need to change the text to
    something else, I have the problem above.
    If I can't do it this way, can I set it back to the default
    text from the control?

    If the script that's making this assignment is in a CDATA
    section, you should use the literal < and >, not &lt; and
    &gt;, since they're not interpreted in a CDATA section.

  • Displaying RichTextEditor Data in datagrid

    I have a form in which I am using RichTextEditor to collect
    data. In other page I am displaying the same data in the datagrid.
    How do I display the data in the datagrid as htmlText. Do I use the
    label function? If yes then how.

    does anyone have an answer to the question asked in the thread above????
    here is my code -
    <mx:DataGrid width="846" height="292" id="site_contact_eventDG" dataProvider="{siteContactEventData}">
                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="SN" dataField="site_contact_event_id" width="40"/>
                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Date of Event" dataField="date" width="200"/>
                            <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Note" dataField="notes" wordWrap="true" width="200"/>
    The dataprovider is coming from a MySQL database with the dataField "notes" currently Rich Text.  It is populating the datagrid but the Rich Text is being displayed.
    here is an example of the XML being returned.
          <notes><![CDATA[<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">s</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>]]></notes>
    Attached is a sceen shot of the current datagrid.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • HtmlText Text

    Hi guys,
    Does somebody have an idea to convert htmlText to text, it
    means remove the Angle Brackets.
    <FONT ...>Lorem Ipsum</FONT>
    Lorem Ipsum
    I don't know, RegExp, some String Method ? :S

    Nevermind, i resolved it.
    Create a RichTextEditor pass the "htmlText" to it, then
    accessing to is "Text"
    proproety it's
    tag free :D
    <mx:RichTextEditor x="20" y="10" title="Title"
    FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0"
    tudo bem?</FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>
    <mx:TextArea x="491" y="10" width="260" height="300"
    backgroundColor="#0E0E0E" color="#FFFFFF"
    The text in the TextArea are not formated was i wanted :)
    Thanks, anyway

  • Need help with RichTextEditor

    Hello, i`am Daniil from Lithuania.I have this problem and i
    don`t know how to solve it.
    When i send text message thro RichTextEditor to my Database
    it stores there normaly with all HTML tags.But when i want to
    display it in textarea or somewhere else, the text displays without
    any thml tags.. displays like normal text.
    I tried to display text firstly in textarea with all htm tags
    and then send it to DB, but it wont work.After some tryes, i look
    up in to my DB and saw that text are store in it with all HTML
    tags, but still i couldn`t display text ir proparly.
    Can somebody help me to solve this problem ?

    "Daniil T." <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ggjuvd$4fi$[email protected]..
    > Hello, i`am Daniil from Lithuania.I have this problem
    and i don`t know how
    > to
    > solve it.
    > When i send text message thro RichTextEditor to my
    Database it stores
    > there
    > normaly with all HTML tags.But when i want to display it
    in textarea or
    > somewhere else, the text displays without any thml
    tags.. displays like
    > normal
    > text.
    > I tried to display text firstly in textarea with all htm
    tags and then
    > send it
    > to DB, but it wont work.After some tryes, i look up in
    to my DB and saw
    > that
    > text are store in it with all HTML tags, but still i
    couldn`t display text
    > ir
    > proparly.
    > Can somebody help me to solve this problem ?
    Are you setting the htmlText property on the TextArea or
    somewhere else?

  • RichTextEditor - insert character at current cursor position?

    I've been looking everywhere but I can't find a way to insert
    a character in a RichTextEditrs current cursor position. I'm trying
    to create a soft keyboard for spanish special letters and symbols
    for an application.

    There is a property
    selection of the RichTextEditor control. This is a reference
    to a TextRange, which is the current selection or if nothing is
    selected, it's a TextRange of 0 length at the current position of
    the cursor.
    All you need to do to insert a character at the current
    position is:
    your rich text editor].selection.htmlText = "Insert text";

  • Notify RichTextEditor that value has changed

    I'm changing value of RichTextEditor through JavaScript (with commandToolbarButton on custom toolbar inside RTE).
    Now if I want to commit/submit application says that there is no changes.
    As soon I type something (besides using my custom toolbar buttons to change value of RTE) everything is submitted. Obviously there are some triggers based on keyDown or something like that, to notify that value has changed. Now my question is how to notify (from JavaScript) RichTextEditor (or who else) that value is changed?

    After declaring   private RichTextEditor rte1; call the method rte1.isChanged(); the method will return true if there is a change

  • ADF RichTextEditor opening links in new browser - how to do it?

    Hi, If I add a link in ADF RichTextEditor, how do I make it open in a new browser window when clicked on it? Essentially, I want RichTextEditor to insert "target=_blank" attribute in the achor element rendered.
    Of course, I can ask the user to go to source mode and do it themselves, however, I was hoping that in the WYSIWYG mode, RichTextEditor would give me the options for specifying the target.
    Is this possible?
    BTW, I dont want to process the value of the RichTextEditor at the backend and insert the target programmatically.

    The question is: how do I detect if the clientaborts
    the downloading by pressing the stop button on theweb
    browser?Short answere: You dont.It doesn't terminate the socket? How/when does the socket get closed on the client side then?

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