RisPort giving problem

Hi All,
Iam using RsiPort webservice to get the RealTime Information from call manager (CCM 5.0)but i am getting ERROR cam anybody help me out iam sending my request and response here
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<tns:AstHeader id="id1">
<SessionId xsi:type="xsd:string">SessionId</SessionId>
<soap:Body soap:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">
<Class xsi:type=\"tns:DeviceClass\">Phone</Class>
<Model xsi:type=\"xsd:unsignedInt\">255</Model>
Error Response is:
ERROR: Element type "soap:Envelope" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Cli
ent</faultcode><faultstring>Element type "soap:Envelope" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>".</faultstring><detail>
<axl:Error xmlns:axl="http://www.cisco.com/AXL/1.0"><axl:code>5001</axl:code><axl:message>Element type "soap:Envelope" must be followed by either attr
ibute specifications, ">" or "/>".</axl:message><request/></axl:Error></detail></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>************
in request what is href="id1",please any body tell me what this parameter
this is majour issue for me
Thanks in advance

Hi s.monteiro,
Thanks for ur reply,i tried that too its giving "Message sending failed " error ,can u send me sample soap request code to my mail id
[email protected]
i will wait for ur mail
Thanks in Advance

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    Hello Friends,
    I am facing problem with EXPORT MEMORY and IMPORT MEMORY.
    I have developed one program which will EXPORT the internal table and some variables to the memory.This program will call another program via background job. IMPORT memory used in another program to get the first program data.
    This IMPORT command is working perfect in foreground. But  it is not working in background.
    So, I have reviewed couple of forums and I tried both SHARED MEMORY AND DATABASE MEMORY.  But no use. Still background is giving problem.
    When I remove VIA JOB  parameter in the SUBMIT statement it is working. But i need to execute this program in background via background job. Please help me . what should I do?
    pls find the below code of mine.
           TO DATABASE indx(Z1)
                FROM   w_indx
                CLIENT sy-mandt
                ID     'XYZ'.
      TO SHARED MEMORY indx(Z1)
      FROM w_indx
      CLIENT sy-mandt
      ID 'XYZ'.
                      SPOOL PARAMETERS print_parameters
                       WITHOUT SPOOL DYNPRO
          *_VIA JOB name NUMBER number*_
                       AND RETURN.
    Hope every bidy understood the problem.
    my sincere request is ... pls post only relavent answer. do not post dummy answer for points.

    You can not exchange data between your programs using ABAP memory, because this memory is shared between objects within the same internal session.
    When you call your report using VIA JOB, a new session is created.
    Instead of using EXPORT and IMPORT to memory, put both programs into the same Function Group, and use global data objects of the _TOP include to exchange data.
    Another option, is to use SPA/GPA parameters (SET PARAMETER ID / GET PARAMETER ID), because SAP memory it is available between all open sessions. Of course, it depends on wich type of data you want to export.
    Hope it was helpful,
    Kind regards.

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    Hello Srinivasa
    Two years ago I had the very same problem when I added a new field to an already existing and filled customer table. I debugged the maintenance view and saw that the new field contained an undefined value but not the initial value.
    You could try and use the DB utility (<b>SE14</b>) and activate the table again (of course without deleting the table entries).
    Alternatively, you could write a simple ABAP to initialize the field value, e.g.:
      gs_mchb   TYPE mchb,
      gt_mchb    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF mchb.
      SELECT * INTO TABLE gt_mchb.
      gs_mchb-zvbeln_inquiry = ' '. " space
      MODIFY gt_mchb FROM gs_mchb
        TRANSPORTING zvbeln_inquiry
        WHERE ( zvbeln_inquiry ne ' ' ).
      UPDATE mchb FROM TABLE gt_mchb.

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    I am having Macbook Pro, I have recently tried updating my operating system to OS Yosemite, but after that its giving problem in connecting to Wifi. The error is "Connection Time out Occurred". Its getting connected by Ethernet cable.

    Take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried, until the problem is resolved. Some of these steps are only possible if you have control over the wireless router.
    Step 1
    Turn Wi-Fi off and back on.
    Step 2
    Restart the router and the computer. Many problems are solved that way.
    Step 3
    Change the name of the wireless network, if applicable, to eliminate any characters other than letters and digits. You do that on your router via its web page, if it's not an Apple device, or via AirPort Utility, if it is an Apple device.
    Step 4
    Run the Network Diagnostics assistant.
    Step 5
    In OS X 10.8.4 or later, run Wireless Diagnostics and fix the issues listed in the Summary, if any.
    Step 6
    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Enter the name of your wireless network in the search box. You should have one or more "AirPort network password" items with that name. Make a note of the name and password, then delete all the items. Quit Keychain Access. Turn Wi-Fi off and then back on. Reconnect to the network.
    Step 7
    You may need to change other settings on the router. See the guidelines linked below:
    Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Potential sources of interference
    Step 8
    Make a note of all your settings for Wi-Fi in the Network preference pane, then delete the connection from the connection list and recreate it with the same settings. You do this by clicking the plus-sign icon below the connection list, and selecting Wi-Fi as the interface in the sheet that opens. Select Join other network from the Network Name menu, then select your network. Enter the password when prompted and save it in the keychain.
    Step 9
    Reset the System Management Controller (SMC).

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    This is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need Adobe support to help
    Adobe contact information - http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

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    If I continue nothing happens, if I stop the web-page disapears.
    Should I use another browser ? I'm fond of Firefox but what to do?
    I'm using W 8.1 and the latest Flash (
    Thank you in advance for reacting.
    Jan M Reerink

    You can check for problems with current Shockwave Flash plugin versions and try this:
    *check for updates for your graphics drive drivers<br>https://support.mozilla.org/kb/upgrade-graphics-drivers-use-hardware-acceleration
    *disable protected mode in the Flash plugin (Flash 11.3+ on Windows Vista and later)
    *disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin
    See also:
    You can also try to uninstall and reinstall Flash
    Note that this will remove all installed Flash players.
    You can find the latest Flash player versions for Firefox on this page:

  • "following domains are not available" error - functionally trusted domains but with same NETBIOS dc computernames giving problems.

    For SCOM monitoring and user permissions I am trying to add the Action Account from HQ.local domain to some other domains like DOMAIN1.local, TEST1.local and TEST2.local. 
    (a trust persists between the domains en HQ.local, and DNS Conditional forwarders are configured to correctly resolve the FQDN DNS names).
    Problem is, when adding a user from the HQ.local domain to the Active Directory of the DC's SRVPDC01.DOMAIN1.local or SRVPDC01.TEST1.local domain I get an error:
    "The Active Directory Domain Controllers Required to find the selected objects in the following domains are not available:
    Ensure the Active Directory Domain Controllers are available, and try to select the objects again."
    But when I try to do the same thing, so add user1 from HQ.local to the AD on TESTDC01.TEST2.local…. No error!
    The other way around, like adding users from DOMAIN1.local, TEST1.local or TEST2.local to the DC01.HQ.local Active directory… also no error!
    To make things even more strange, when I validate the trust with HQ.local… and then try to add user1.HQ.local -> No problem, but only for about 1 minute.. After that
    it doesn't recognize user1.HQ.local and only displays some CN=S-1-5... ID of the user. Also when trying to add a new user, I receive the error again.
    My guess is that the problem has something to do with the same NETBIOS names of the DC's (server 3 and 4). because authenticating users from HQ.local and TEST2.local
    doesn't give me errors and all other domains which have same DC names are giving errors. 
    (for testing purposes I set-up TESTDC01.TEST2.local with a different DC servername to see if the error persists, and it didn't).
    Overview of the servers and situation:
    - All server 3, 4 and 5 are on separate Vlan's and have no connectivity among each other. But they do have connectivity to the internet, the HQ.local domain and its servers
    DC01 and DC02.
    - same firewall settings for each vlan
    - even Server 4 and server 5 are on the same Vlan for testing purposes, just to make sure the firewall is not the problem.
    Server no.
    DC FQDN name
    Domain DNS name
    HQ.local (secondary DNS)
    Two-Way Forest Trusts are configured without any problems but here's an overview when the error occurs.
    On SRVPDC01.DOMAIN1.local -> adding user1.HQ.local to the AD =
    On DC01.HQ.local -> adding user1.DOMAIN1.local to the AD = no problem.
    On SRVPDC01.TEST1.local -> adding user1.HQ.local to the AD =
    On DC01.HQ.local -> adding user1.TEST1.local to the AD = no problem.
    On TESTDC01.TEST2.local -> adding user1.HQ.local to the AD = no problem.
    On DC01.HQ.local -> adding user1.TEST2.local to the AD = no problem.
    What are my options to fix this? There must be more possibilities than renaming the DC names.
    And why does the problem only occur when adding users in Foreign domain ->from-> HQ.local and not HQ.local ->from-> Foreign domain. Because that's the only
    thing I really need: users from HQ.local having permissions in groups of the other domains… :(
    Any advise or help would be much appreciated. I've been struggeling with this for a while now and i'm pretty much out of ideas.

    Hi aperelli,
    On srvpdc01.DOMAIN1.local
    set type=all
    DNS request timed out.
        timeout was 2 seconds.
    Default Server:  UnKnown
    Address:  ::1
    > set type=all
    > _ldap._TCP.DC._msdcs.HQ.local
    Server:  UnKnown
    Address:  ::1
    Non-authoritative answer:
    _ldap._TCP.DC._msdcs.HQ.local  SRV service location:
              priority       = 0
              weight         = 100
              port           = 389
              svr hostname   = dc01.hq.local
    _ldap._TCP.DC._msdcs.HQ.local  SRV service location:
              priority       = 0
              weight         = 100
              port           = 389
              svr hostname   = dc02.hq.local
    dc01.hq.local  internet address =
    dc02.hq.local  internet address =
    On srvpdc01.TEST1.local
    set type=all
    DNS request timed out.
        timeout was 2 seconds.
    Default Server:  UnKnown
    Address:  ::1
    > set type=all
    > _ldap._TCP.DC._msdcs.HQ.local
    Server:  UnKnown
    Address:  ::1
    Non-authoritative answer:
    _ldap._TCP.DC._msdcs.HQ.local  SRV service location:
              priority       = 0
              weight         = 100
              port           = 389
              svr hostname   = dc01.hq.local
    _ldap._TCP.DC._msdcs.HQ.local  SRV service location:
              priority       = 0
              weight         = 100
              port           = 389
              svr hostname   = dc02.hq.local
    dc01.hq.local  internet address =
    dc02.hq.local  internet address =
    On DC01.HQ.local
    set type=all
    Default Server:  dc01.hq.local
    > set type=all
    > _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domain1.local
    Server:  dc01.hq.local
    Non-authoritative answer:
    _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domain1.local      SRV service location:
              priority       = 0
              weight         = 100
              port           = 389
              svr hostname   = srvpdc01.domain1.local
    srvpdc01.domain1.local     internet address =
    I have tested port 3268 and 3269 with Port Query UI and ports are listening on alle DC servers.

  • Condition in Interface Determination giving problem - URGENT!

    Hello experts,
    In my scenario I have one idoc posted from the SAP R/3 and I need to write max of 3 files in the same receiver file system based on some condition i.e. based on the value of some field in the incoming idoc.
    What I have done is in my interface determination, I have given that condition for all the 3 inbound interface. that is in the condition field in interface determination, for each inbound interface I chose that perticular field in idoc and gave the condition for which that interface should run.
    Now when I am pusing an idoc, if that idoc contains only one condition than my interface is working fine by creating only that file. I have checked this for all 3 files by sending 3 different conditions in 3 idocs. It creates 3 different files for 3 idocs.
    But if I send all 3 conditions in one idoc (since idocs can have multiple segments - in few segments i am giving one condition and in few others the 2nd conditon and in the rest the 3rd condition), I expect all 3 files to be created in my file system with data fulfilluing only that perticular condition. but this is not happening. In interface determination only one of the 3 is getting executed. Rest 2 is ignored and i cannot trace it anywhere (RWB, SXI_MONITOR etc)
    I have tried all possible combinations but this is not working if i send in 1 single idoc?
    Please help me in solveing this as this is a production issue and they cannot send 3 diffent idoc for 3 conditions. Where am i going wrong?
    Waiting for your responses.

    Hi Jakub,
    My scenario is one idoc say IDOC 1 and 3 files says FILE1, FILE2 and FILE3. Now the target message type for these three files are MT_FILE1, MT_FILE2 and MT_FILE3 (3 different message types).
    The only catch point here is i have 2 different interface for creating FILE3 (same message type but different mapping, interface etc). Each interface is based on a condition.
    Now when I send one doc which includes condition for only FILE1 and FILE2, it creates 2 file.
    If I have condition of only FILE3 (one condition of FILE 3 as FILE3 has 2 conditions) and FILE2, it creates both files.
    If I have both condition for FILE3 and FILE2, it creates FILE3 with only one condition and FILE2.
    If i have condition for FILE1, FILE2 and both conditions for FILE3, it creates FILE1 and FILE2 both no FILE3 at all.
    I guess the problem might be that I have same message type for both conditions for FILE3 but I m not sure. Let me try by creating seperate message type for both and see. But is there any other problem?

  • DataScroller Giving problem in tomahowk JSF

    Hi All
    I am generating dynamic datatable content by giving following code
    rows="5" binding="#{populateDataBean.dynamicDataTable}">
    Data content is beign generate by binding attribute ...
    I had attached below data scroller
    <t:dataScroller id="dataScroller"
    paginatorActiveColumnStyle="font-weight:bold;FONT- FAMILY : Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"
    <f:facet name="first">
    <t:graphicImage url="/graphics/arrow-first.gif" border="0"/>
    <f:facet name="last">
    <t:graphicImage url="/graphics/arrow-last.gif" border="0"/>
    <f:facet name="previous">
    <t:graphicImage url="/graphics/arrow-previous.gif" border="0"/>
    <f:facet name="next">
    <t:graphicImage url="/graphics/arrow-next.gif" border="0" />
    <f:facet name="fastforward">
    <t:graphicImage url="/graphics/arrow-ff.gif" border="0"/>
    <f:facet name="fastrewind">
    <t:graphicImage url="/graphics/arrow-fr.gif" border="0"/>
    <f:param value="#{rowsCount}/" />
              <f:param value="#{displayedRowsCount}" />
              <f:param value="#{firstRowIndex}" />
              <f:param value="#{lastRowIndex}" />
              <f:param value="#{pageIndex}" />
              <f:param value="#{pageCount}" />
    Problem Is
    Data is coming with all page index like 1,2,3,4 but once I click on any of them it will give all data vanish ...means data lost ...once I click on any of them .
    With Thanks

    I got the solution I change preserveDataModel="false".
    Now it's working fine .
    Sorry for inconvenient

  • SHOW h:message giving problem

    Hi every body ,
    I am facing one peculiar problem in my App.
    I am validating some textfields , radiobuttons , checkboxes by JSF (I am using JSF 1.1) simple validation (by required "true") and showing message by h:message .But when I am pressing the SUBMIT button it will validation only radiobuttons , it is not validatinf text fields or checkboxes , after I click the radio button & again click the SUBMIT button then only it is validating other fields like text fields / check boxes .
    So suppose I am submitting empty from with out click any thing , then JSF showing only the radio button's message , it is not showing all other fields.When I click only the radio button (with out click check box / filling nothing in the text field )& press the SUBMIT button then it is showing all error message in the view page .
    Could any body explain me why it is happing ?
    ** I am validating all fields in the SUBMIT button click by this way :
    in the required field I am giving :
    required="#{ not empty param['form:submit'] } here SUBMIT button's ID is submit.

    Ok, that's what happens, but the idea was that the "test" appear at the second line. Think about that, and if the "test" was a label for another textbox? So The label would appear at the first line and its textbox at the second line. We can't configure the panelgrid for 2 columns, because we need a column for the h:message.
    Try out this code:
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1"
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1">
    <af:form id="f1">
    <h:panelGrid columns="3" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3" headerClass="login-heading">
    <h:outputLabel for="userNameInput">
    <h:outputText value="Enter your user name:"/>
    <h:inputText id="userNameInput" size="20" maxlength="30" required="true">
    <f:validateLength minimum="5" maximum="30"/>
    <h:message for="userNameInput"/>
    <h:outputLabel for="passwordInput">
    <h:outputText value="Enter your user password:"/>
    <h:inputText id="passwordInput" size="20" maxlength="30" required="true">
    <f:validateLength minimum="5" maximum="30"/>
    <h:message for="passwordInput"/>

  • Date validation 'validateDateTimeRange ' giving problem

    Hello Guys,
    We are using ADF 11g(
    Here we are trying to validate the date using validateDateTimeRange to validate the date.
    <af:inputDate id="dateLaborIt" required="true"
    *<af:validateDateTimeRange maximum="#{ClaimsBean.currentDate}"*
    Occatinally this validation giving me problem when the min and max dates are equal.
    It is giving the validation error as:
    Error : The date is outside the valid Range
    the date must be between "6/25/2011" and "6/25/2011".
    Can any body help me in resolving this issue.

    This is the code that is being generated. The error is occuring on thie line
    var value = field.value;
    The problem is obvious, since the field does not exist it can't get the value... I would like to avoid having to write my own validateDate method..
    function validateDate(form) {
           var bValid = true;
           var focusField = null;
           var i = 0;
           var fields = new Array();
           var formName = form.getAttributeNode("name");
           oDate = eval('new ' + formName.value + '_DateValidations()');
           for (x in oDate) {
               var field = form[oDate[x][0]];
               var value = field.value;
               var datePattern = oDate[x][2]("datePatternStrict");
               // try loose pattern
               if (datePattern == null)
                   datePattern = oDate[x][2]("datePattern");

  • Barcode 39 giving problems

    Hi Experts
    In One of my requirement I am using the barcode symbology code 39. My problem is when the user scans it. it giving extra character some times, for ex: if I print 2049998 as barcode, but when I read it thorough barcode scanner it is showing 204998E or some other thing.
    We are correctly passing the value to the variables. I would like to request you to give me a solution how to overcome from this issue.

    Please have a look into below thread which described the solution for the same problem
    Barcode problem: scanner reading extra character at the end

  • Nokia lumia 720 8.1 giving problems

    Hi guys when i updated my phone lumia 720 with denim update, the phone is slowed down and crashes something the headphones slot started giving me problems like not detecting the headphones and now even when i plug my headphones it doesn't read them

    Hi, @milad720. Welcome to Microsoft Mobile Community. If the phone crashes randomly, see: Lumia 720 - My phone crashes or freezes at random for workarounds. If the issue occurs when accessing an app, following the troubleshooting steps found here: Lumia 720 - My phone crashes or freezes when using particular apps is what we suggest. Though the links are intended for the UK, the steps provided are still applicable regardless of your location. We look forward to your reply.

Maybe you are looking for