RivaTuner and AGP Aperture

Anyone know if I can use RivaTuner (or some other soft-mod) to change my AGP Aperture size?   I have an OEM board (ASUS A7N8X-LA) which has AMI 3.07 BIOS, but HP reflashed it minimizing (hiding) what end-users can modify via BIOS... currently using RivaTuner 2.0 RC15.4 on a 6800 AGP... successfully mod'd from a 12x1, 5vp to a 16x1, 6vp.. and from stock 350/700 to 370/760  (GPU core clock/ Memory clock)... but need to change my AGP aperture from 64mb to something higher (128 or 256).  Thx.. all  s  welcome   

I don't think it will matter really. I don't know if RivaTuner can. Look in my sticky for the nTune, perhaps there is something that can be done. I doubt it though.
I would try to contact HP and see if there is a way to unhide hidden menus..
Have you tried CTRL F1 or have you looked or asked in other forums like PCper or nfhq? They both have ASUS forums there...

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    (long post warning)
    You've all got a pretty good understanding.
    VGA memory on your card is used as required by the application FIRST (for textures, buffers, code, etc.).  Key point - VGA memory is FAST - remember, in the case of a G4Ti4600AGP it's clocked at ~650MHz(DDR). (and in the case of the GeForce 5600FX, that's now 1GHz DDR II)...
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    256Mb should be more than enough to run todays games at HI settings. From what I understand it only addresses out memory tasks when onboard memory has exceeded its amount. Running down the AGP bus to RAM would be slower than onboard because of the interface (GFX-upto 256Bit DDR3 etc). If the app can run happy with onboard RAM, the amount set for "aperture" is used for system use and is not set a side until the apps needs more than GFX can offer addressed onboard. It does need an amount set even if its the smallest amount. I thinks
    Also please read below pages:

  • Set the AGP Aperture Size (BIOS)

    in my bios of my k7n2 mainboard
    should i set the AGP Aperture Size to 128 if i have a video card of 128 MB??
    bocouse i have a radeon 9800 pro 128MB and the AGP Aperture Size is set to 64MB

    Originally posted by axeluktoo
    Speedcat: System RAM! (there's not many 512mb VGA cards around  )
    iv got 512 mb ram on my mobo
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  • AGP Aperture Size

    Hi Peoples. Somebody educate me and tell me where I should set this in the BIOS for a card with 128 Mb RAM for maximum performance.
    Would I be correct in assuming that this should be set to a value that is equal or less than the RAM on the card ?

    Originally posted by AnonymousOne
    Originally posted by NovJoe
    It is mainly for Graphics card support only. So that means if you are running apps that are eating up more memory than the VGA card can support, the need amount of RAMs capacity will be borrowed from the system's RAM allocated in AGP Aperture Size.
    Thanks for the response, but I think you somewhat misunderstood my question. I understand the purpose of AGP aperture size as you've mentioned. I'll rephrase the question: When the AGP aperture size is set, is this amount of memory inaccessible by other applications if the video card isn't using it? In other words, I have 1024Mb of memory and my aperture size is set to 256Mb. Does that leave only 768Mb of memory for the system to use or can the rest of the 256Mb(aperture size) be used as well for other applications if the video card doesn't use them? Thank you again.
    NO, its a waterfall effect. As memory "spills" (tops out) over the video memory it starts to take over some RAM... the ram is used as video memory as it is needed, it is not taken up from the start.  So if u you decided to set your aperature at 128, the system RAM would stop filling up at 128mb...
    So if your video isnt using it, its not taken up!  

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    I read your manual, and nothing is mentioned about how to change Aperture; the amount of memory allocated for big images. I did read it has AGP speed of 66 MHz, which would be AGP 2X, right.(?) So buying that 6800 would be an awful waste of good money.
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    64 and the most 128, joshpsu could be right.
    The following link could help you on detail just search on AGP apeture,
    Good luck.
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    You need to delete the trial & then reinstall from the boxed DVD or the Mac App Store. The files to delete are the iWork ’09 folder from the main HD > Applications; the iWork ’09 folder in HD > Library > Application Support & the individual iWork application plist files found in HD > Users > (your account) > Library > Preferences for each user.
    Yvan Koenig has written an AppleScript that removes the files. You can find it on his box.com account in for_iWork'09 > other_iWork'09 items > uninstall iWork '09.zip.

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    So if my iPhoto library is really too big, and that is what the issue is, my problem is that there is no apparent way to break up my existing iPhoto Library into multiple small iPhoto libraries, without losing all of my keywords, titles, photo edits, event names, album names, folders and projects etc. The last time I tried breaking up my iPhoto library into smaller iPhoto libraries, even though I told iPhoto to export  keywords and titles, it did not. And the Genius did not know if it would work now or not.
    My question is to those of you who have large iPhoto libraries and are using Mac OS X Mavericks and iCloud Photos - how big are your iPhoto libraries? What is too big? Does anyone have an iPhoto library the size of mine that is working fine (who is also using Mac OS X Mavericks and iCloud)? When I talked to Apple online support, they said big iPhoto libraries are 100,000 photos and up. The Genius said anything over 1,000 is big. That's quite a spread. Currently I have 24,000 photos, most of which have been edited in some way or another, and about 1/2 of which have new titles, mulitple keywords assigned, faces and places assigned, etc., since I imported the original master photos. The Genius told me to duplicate my existing iPhoto library, create a new iPhoto library, import all of the folders in the iPhoto database except the Masters folder, and see if iPhoto still hung. If it did, he said it was all the data attached to the photos that is the problem, in which case I would need to create another new iPhoto library and import only the Masters file (images only). I think if I import only the Masters from my existing library, I will lose not only all of my keywords and titles, but also all of my photo edits, event names, album names, folder names, projects etc.
    So I wasted an entire afternoon at the Apple retail store, only to buy a new external hard drive (that I may not even need), was told to buy more memory (that did not solve the problem - I passed on that), and I am no further ahead than I was when I went in. I need to know if there is any way that I can break up my iPhoto library into smaller libraries and retain all of the metadata and photo edits?
    Finally, when I got home, I discovered that my husband with whom I had shared some of my photo streams, still had photos showing in shared photo streams that I had removed from iCloud two days ago. It removed them on my iMac - the place where those streams originated, but apparently left the thumbnails in the shared photo streams of everyone that I had shared the photos with. As soon as I clicked on an actual photo on my husband's iMac, the photo suddenly vanished and all the photo thumbnails in the stream did too. But the empty shared photo stream still remained on my husband's iMac and he had to physically say "Unsubscribe" to get it to go away. So something is not working right with iCloud photos, which is no doubt why iCloud photos is one of the files that keeps not responding.
    Then, when I set up my iMac again this evening, and looked at iCloud on my iMac, all of my photo streams (not just the four that I had removed two days ago) were gone! And when I went into Aperture, the photo streams were all there, but with zero photos in them. Now last night when I boxed up my iMac to take to Apple, those photo streams were all there and they all had photos in them. So where did they go? And why, when you are the originator of a photo stream, and you tell iCloud to remove the photo stream, it says that it does but it leaves remnants of it with the other people you have shared it with? It seems to me that iPhoto, iCloud, and the fact that Apple is not flushing memory when an app closes is the problem with my iMac, not the size of my iPhoto library, or my external hard drive, or the fact that 8Gb of memory is apparently no longer enough memory for decent response with Mavericks (which I thought was designed to help solve some of the memory issues that OS X has).
    I need help and help is apparently nowhere to be found at Apple.
    Is there anyone out there who can help me?

    If you're using iPhoto 5 as you say then, yes, 24k photos is heading close to the Limit of 25k. iPhoto 6 is good for 250,000 images, iPhoto 11 is good for 1,000,000.
    I'm going to guess that's a typo and that you have iPhoto 9.5.
    I've simply never heard of "too many photos" causing the problem you describe. You don't need more memory. You don't need to break up the Library. "Flushing Memory" is a non-isssue. One of the big improvements in 10.9 is in memory management.
    There are a couple of ways to break up a Library while preserving everything. It's dead easy with Aperture - export projects as Library - you can do it with iPhoto simply by duplicating the Library and deleting from the two libraries or use iPhoto Library Manager.
    But, as I say, 24k is a small Library. My main library is more than twice the size of that.
    Are Aperture and iPhoto using the same Library?
    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?
    Post back with the result.

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    I like photoshop elements.
    You can also do something like this:

  • Questions on preview quality and where Aperture uses them

    I have been reading Apple's Aperture articles about preview quality and how Aperture shares images with the outside world. I had always assumed that the full quality image in Aperture was used for printing, exporting and sharing, but it seems that, at least for sharing, it is the preview that Aperture creates that is shared.
    I have just increased the quality of the previews that Aperture generates from 5 to 9 and forced Aperture to re-render all previews. It seems to me that the images on screen and in slide shows and other iLife documents, are now much clearer and brighter (the downside of this is that my Aperture library file has grown by 4 gigabytes).
    This leads me to ask four questions about Aperture and preview use (if I may?).
    Is a jpeg on a high setting (9) visibly better than one on a medium setting (5), or am I being led to see what I expect to see?
    Apart from editing, slideshows and iLife and iWork documents, in what situations does Aperture use previews where high or low quality might make a difference?
    Does Aperture use previews to compile photo books? If so, does the quality of the preview affect the quality of the final printed book?
    Is it possible to set Aperture to produce high quality previews for images above a certain star rating and low quality previews for the rest?
    Thanks for any answers you may have.

    Previews are used within Aperture to quickly show an image in the main viewer before the master has been fully loaded, they are also used to see the referenced masters even if the external location is not available at that moment (not adjustments can be done then, but at least you can see the image)
    Previews are used outside Aperture to share the images with adjustments without exporting every image. It comes in handy that you can drag an image from Aperture's browser to another app or the desktop (what you get there is the preview). iMovie or other iApps use previews, the bigger size and quality the better quality you'll get.
    Once you set up the size and quality of the previews in Aperture's Preferences the previews are created with those settings. I guess you could lower the settings, in the browser select the images you don't need big previews, ctrl+click and 'update preview' to force create low res previews for those. After that you can put the settings back. But if you do any change to those images the previews will be updated. Certainly I don't see the point of having different previews, do some test find the settings that work best for you and keep it like that.
    Turn automatic previews off and create manually the previews you need, I have a smart album with images rated 3 or more stars and I use it to select and create previews manually to those images.

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