Rotate a lifelike image

Hi All,
This is the first time I have looked into java 3d. I have a friend that has a need to rotate an image for his company. They make light fixtures and for the website he wants to develop a 3d virtual representation of the product. You should be able to rotate, zoom and
pan the picture.
Is this something that can be done in java 3d ? I have seen wire frame examples of all kinds of objects but this needs to be photo realistic.

In terms of displaying the product with reasonably high performance once you have the representation as an .obj file, Java3D is more than adequate.
In terms of creating a finely detailed mesh to represent the object, you need something like lightwave, maya, or 3DS max though - unless you have the patience of a saint and a natural ability to see complex objects as triangle meshes. Java3D isn't a modelling environment, nor is it intended to be used as one.

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    This is easily achieved in the Motion tab on the Viewer window.... simply add a key frame at your start point, move the playhead forward to however many seconds the clip last, then enter a value of X x 360 (where X is the number of seconds the clip last, divided by 2), and a key frame will add automatically.
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    <style type="text/css">
    /* Remove margins from the 'html' and 'body' tags, and ensure the page takes up full screen height */
    html, body {height:100%; margin:0; padding:0;}
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    <!--[if IE 6]>
    <style type="text/css">
    html {overflow-y:hidden;}
    body {overflow-y:auto;}
    #page-background {position:absolute; z-index:-1;}
    #content {position:static;padding:10px;}
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    <div id="navbar">
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    Ben wrote:
    Rather than deal with the tedious work of masking around the circle I suggest you place a decoration with a transparent center region over the rotated image and just let the region of interest show through.
    It's not very tedious.  Simply check for the radius and substitute the background color if a pixel is outside the circle.
    Here's a very rough draft modification of my old VI. Modify as needed.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 06-03-2008 06:45 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    rotateCircularMask.png ‏150 KB

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    Don't multi post! One thread is enough! Locked. I'll delete this later.

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    private Image rotateImage(boolean rotateRight)
    Image img = imageHolder.getInUseImageIcon().getImage();
    Image rot = null;
    int imageWidth = imageHolder.getInUseImageIcon().getIconWidth();
    int imageHeight = imageHolder.getInUseImageIcon().getIconHeight();
    int buffer[] = new int[imageWidth * imageHeight];
    int rotate[] = new int[imageWidth * imageHeight];
    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker (this);
    tracker.addImage (img, 0);
    PixelGrabber grabber = new PixelGrabber(img, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, buffer, 0, imageWidth);
    try {
    catch(InterruptedException e) {
    for(int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++)
    for(int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++)
    rotate[(x*imageHeight)+y] = buffer[((imageHeight-y-1)*imageWidth)+x];
    for(int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++)
    for(int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++)
    buffer[(y*imageWidth)+x] = rotate[((imageWidth-x-1)*imageHeight)+y];
    for(int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++)
    for(int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++)
    rotate[((imageWidth-x-1)*imageHeight)+y] = buffer[(y*imageWidth)+x];
    rot = createImage(new MemoryImageSource(imageHeight, imageWidth, rotate, 0, imageHeight));
    catch (Exception e)
    return rot;
    this is the code i use to scaled the image.
    Image scaled = originalImage.getImage().getScaledInstance(
    (int)(currentWidth * 1.5),
    (int)(currentHeight * 1.5),
    I tried this method, it works and does what i want but the scrolling and loading is too slow.
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2D.rotate(Math.PI/2, (int)dimension.getWidth()/2, (int)dimension.getHeight()/2);
    g2D.drawImage(image, 0,0,(int)dimension.getWidth(), (int)dimension.getHeight(), this);
    Help plss.

    Nvm got the answer :)

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    /*axis at the center of image*/
    /*image orientation correction*/   
    /*rotation and flip*/     
    g2D.scale(flipHorizontal,flipVectical); //1 or -1
    /* drawing the image */   
    g2D.drawImage(imageToDraw, centreToX,centreToY, null);
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    i have to rotate, flip & scale an image , but it get misplaced when rotated on 90 and -90 please help me public void putImage_buffer(String s,int x,int y,int width,int height,double rotation,int xScale,int yScale,boolean hFlip,boolean vFlip) {
              int Rwidth=width;
              int Rheight=height;
    ImageInputStream imageInput = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));
                it = ImageIO.getImageReaders(imageInput);
                reader = (ImageReader);
    }catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
              System.out.println("width : height! ratation"+width+" : "+height+"  : "+rotation);
                offscreen.drawImage(objBufimage,0,0, null);      
                             System.out.println("!(vFlip||hFlip) 90");
                        if(rotation==-90 )
                             System.out.println(" -90 !(vFlip||hFlip");
                   if(vFlip )
                             System.out.println("width : height 90 vFlip");
                             rotation = 270;
                             System.out.println("width : height -90 vFlip");
                             System.out.println("width : height 180 vFlip");
                   else if(hFlip )
                             System.out.println("width : height 90 hFlip");
                        {     rotation=270;
                             System.out.println("width : height 180 hFlip");
                   if(vFlip && hFlip)
                             System.out.println("width : height 180 hFlip&&vFlip 90");
                             System.out.println("width : height 180 hFlip&&vFlip -90");
                AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();
                AffineTransform origTransform = offscreen.getTransform();
                   System.out.println("hFlip:vFlip Math.PI "+hFlip+" : "+vFlip);
                   rotation = Math.toRadians( rotation );
                   AffineTransform rotate=AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotation, Rwidth/2d, Rheight/2d);
                   AffineTransform moveToImageCenter=AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(Rwidth/2d, Rheight/2d);
                   moveToImageCenter.concatenate(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(Rwidth/-2d, Rheight/-2d));
                   AffineTransform flip=moveToImageCenter;
                   AffineTransform transformer = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x,y);
                   //offscreen.drawImage(objBufimage.getScaledInstance(width,height,objBufimage.SCALE_DEFAULT),0,0,width,height, null);
                   offscreen.setTransform( origTransform );
         }i get vFlip if hFlip+90or-90 and i get hFlip if vflip +90-90 means if actual flipping is vflip+90/-90 my method parameter gets hFlip +/-90 thats by i'm changing values

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    Using the cross lines in rectangle, I can rotate my ROI, it is OK.
    Run the sample code: C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\CVI\samples\Vision\2. Functions\Geometric Matching, change     imaqShowToolWindow (FALSE);
    to  imaqShowToolWindow (TRUE); 
    on line 93#. Compile then run. Seems I also can't rotate my ROI, don't know why?
    Please show me? Thank you. 

    You cannot perform action on an overlay. In order to achieve what you want to do, I suggest you to use the ROI property in an image property node. Then just pass your ROI coordinates, the ROI will be updated automatically whenever your coordinates changes. You can drag a ROI this is impossible with an overlay.

  • How can I rotate a screen image on a peripheral monitor?

    I have a MacBook that runs OS 10.5.8.  I bought a Samsung monitor for it that rotates 90 degrees so that I could use certain very large files.
    The last time I used the MacBook, I used it with  the image rotated 90 degrees (so that the screen is about 3 times as tall as it is wide), as I planned to. 
    Since then, because of my job, I have been using a Windows OS laptop  exclusively when I've used the Samsung monitor.  It worked fine, and in fact although I wanted to try to use the Samsung with the Dell Windows OS with the rotation, I found that I could not do so, because the Windows OS would not support the rotation.
    I have now returned the Dell laptop after transferring all my files to my MacBook.  Today I connected the MacBook to the Samsung for the first time, and was stunned to see the Mac screen appearing at the 90-degree rotation.  No matter what I do, I can't figure out how to restore it.  So I have this huge monitor and basically it's showing me the same screen size as I have on my laptop.  When I change the resolution, it just gets distorted.  And nowhere can I find out how to rotate the image back to landscape.
    Online, the only instructions I have found refer to a Preferences Panel in the Displays section of the System Preferences which allows you to choose a rotation.  However, I can't locate that panel.  I tried to find it through Spotlight, using the word "rotate," and here's what came up:
    It lists "Displays" as one of the first two hits
    But when I click on that, I get the "Displays" window labeled "Color LCD"
    And that window is obscured by a smaller window that says the following: 
    The Geometry tab of Displays preferences is hidden because this display does not have
    geometry controls.
    Which is insane, since the reason that my display is now set at 90-degrees is that I did the rotation while using this MacBook.
    If anyone can help me get this resolved, I would be very grateful.

    Click the gear button on the clip and select Cropping & Rotation.
    There are rotation buttons at the top of the viewer.

  • Jagged Edges after rotating a stroked image

    I've have this problem a lot but I guess I'm just now getting around to ask about it.
    When I have a  photo in cs2-cs3-cs4 etc and I rotate it at an angle I get fine jagged edges all along the sides. It's becomes very pronounced in a stroked image even when I I stroke the image after rotation. The problem is more obvious when the image is not at angles like 45 or 90 degrees but more visible at in between angles.
    Any suggestions?

    ryanroy.roy wrote:
    I've have this problem a lot but I guess I'm just now getting around to ask about it.
    When I have a  photo in cs2-cs3-cs4 etc and I rotate it at an angle I get fine jagged edges all along the sides. It's becomes very pronounced in a stroked image even when I I stroke the image after rotation. The problem is more obvious when the image is not at angles like 45 or 90 degrees but more visible at in between angles.
    Any suggestions?
    What you are seeing is alaising, and it is inherent in raster graphics when the line to be shown is not parallel to the columns or rows of the image.It can be mitigated to some extent by antialaising, which softens the edges of the diagonal lines. When you select all of an image and stroke for a border, antialaising is used. With the polygonal lasso tool, you can turn antialaising on or off. Alaising is less apparent with very high resolution, but it can't be elilminated.
    Here are triangular selections with antialaising turned on and off:

  • Can images placed in a slideshow be zero spaced to appear as a rotating strip of images?

    I'd like to make a slideshow of images without spacing between the images to make a continuously rotating slideshow strip of images. Is that possible with Muse?

    Hi Kenneth,
    Use a basic slideshow with vertical transition. By default it has 0 spacing between the images.
    - Abhishek Maurya

  • Iphoto 9.6 rotation of grayscale images

    If I import grayscale images into iPhoto 9.6 (under Yosemite, in this case) (either Tiff or JPEG, 8- or 16-bit), iPhoto corrupts the images if I rotate them in iPhoto.
    To see it happen, I merely:
         Create a grayscale image (I use vuescan, but it will also happen if I save an image out of Photoshop CS6 as grayscale).
    Import it into iPhoto 9.6
    Rotate it (command-R).
    Now either toggle between thumbnail and full-size view or edit the image (again, I use photoshop here).
    The resulting image will be corrupted (probably either all-black or all-white, but it can show up other ways as well).
    Anyone else have this problem? The workaround is to import RGB files, but of course that's not ideal if your source files

    Thanks, Leonie; these are indeed taken with a photographic camera, but are single-channel. Previous versions of iPhoto have had complete support for grayscale images, and this version attempts to do the rotation but corrupts the image, so I interpret that behavior as a bug, rather than one of no support.
    Have you really been able to work with single channel gray scale images?  I know, that iPhoto and Aperture can work with gray scale images, as long as the gray scale is part of the color profile or an EXIF tag, but at least in Aperture you cannot do much with single-channel images, other then import and export them, or view them. The same goes for PSD files, or any file format with alpha channels and layers. As soon as transparency is involved, it cannot even be displayed correctly. That is even mentioned in the technical specifications.
    Aperture maintains but does not display layer and alpha channel information in PSD files.
    I suspect, that iPhoto has the same limitations, because both applications are sharing code and the unified photo library format.

  • Rotate part of image

    Total newbie here, so apologies for if this is very basic. How do I select and rotate by degrees part of an image and not just the image as a whole? Many thanks in advance. Ciaran

    Hi Ciaran,
    With your image open, you could use any of the selection tools to make a selection and then rotate that selection only.
    1. I chose the Elliptical marquee tool and dragged a circular selection onto my image.
    2. When you have your active selection (with the little marching ants), switch to your Move tool (basic black arrow), be sure that you have Show Transform Controls checked in the top menu. This will show you the small, square handles around your selection so that you can rotate it.
    3. Position your cursor around one of the corner handles until you see bent arrow, click and rotate the selection!

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