Rotate Image Created with createImage() ?

I've been looking around online for a way to do this, but so far the only things I have found are 50+ lines of code. Surely there is a simple way to rotate an image created with the createImage() function?
Here's some example code with all the tedious stuff already written. Can someone show me a simple way to rotate my image?
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class RotImg extends JApplet implements MouseListener {
          URL base;
          MediaTracker mt;
          Image myimg;
     public void init() {
          try{ mt = new MediaTracker(this);
               base = getCodeBase(); }
          catch(Exception ex){}
          myimg = getImage(base, "myimg.gif");
          mt.addImage(myimg, 1);
          try{ mt.waitForAll(); }
          catch(Exception ex){}
     public void paint(Graphics g){
          Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
          g2.drawImage(myimg, 20, 20, this);
     public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
          //***** SOME CODE HERE *****//
          // Rotate myimg by 5 degrees
          //******** END CODE ********//
     public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){}
     public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){}
     public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){}
}Thanks very much for your help!

//  <applet code="RotationApplet" width="400" height="400"></applet>
//  use: >appletviewer
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.swing.*;
public class RotationApplet extends JApplet {
    RotationAppletPanel rotationPanel;
    public void init() {
        Image image = loadImage();
        rotationPanel = new RotationAppletPanel(image);
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    private Image loadImage() {
        String path = "images/cougar.jpg";
        Image image = getImage(getCodeBase(), path);
        MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this);
        mt.addImage(image, 0);
        try {
        } catch(InterruptedException e) {
            System.out.println("loading interrupted");
        return image;
class RotationAppletPanel extends JPanel {
    BufferedImage image;
    double theta = 0;
    final double thetaInc = Math.toRadians(5.0);
    public RotationAppletPanel(Image img) {
        image = convert(img);
    public void rotate() {
        theta += thetaInc;
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        double x = (getWidth() - image.getWidth())/2;
        double y = (getHeight() - image.getHeight())/2;
        AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x,y);
        at.rotate(theta, image.getWidth()/2, image.getHeight()/2);
        g2.drawRenderedImage(image, at);
    private BufferedImage convert(Image src) {
        int w = src.getWidth(this);
        int h = src.getHeight(this);
        int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB; // options
        BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage(w,h,type);
        Graphics2D g2 = dest.createGraphics();
        return dest;
    private MouseListener ml = new MouseAdapter() {
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {

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    You saved the file in PNG format. The default PNGImagReader in core java has a habit of occasionally returning TYPE_CUSTOM buffered images. Photoshop 8 probably saves the png file in such a way that TYPE_CUSTOM pops up more.
    And when you draw a TYPE_CUSTOM buffered image onto a graphics context it almost always takes an unbearably long time.
    So a quick fix would be to load the file with the Toolkit instead, and then scale that image.
    Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(/*the file*/);
    new ImageIcon(img);
    //send off image to be scaled A more elaborate fix involves specifying your own type of BufferedImage you want the PNGImageReader to use
    ImageInputStream in = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(/*file*/);
    ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReaders(in).next();
    ImageTypeSpecifier sourceImageType = reader.getImageTypes(0).next();
    ImageReadParam readParam = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
    //to implement
    configureReadParam(sourceImageType, readParam);
    BufferedImage img =,readParam);
    //clean up
    in.close(); The thing that needs to be implemented is the method I called configureReadParam. In this method you would check the color space, color model, and BufferedImage type of the supplied ImageTypeSpecifier and set a new ImageTypeSpecifier if need be. The method would essentially boil down to a series of if statements
    1) If the image type specifier already uses a non-custom BufferedImage, then all is well and we don't need to do anything to the readParam
    2) If the ColorSpace is gray then we create a new ImageTypeSpecifier based on a TYPE_BYTE_GRAY BufferedImage.
    3) If the ColorSpace is gray, but the color model includes alpha, then we need to do the above and also call seSourceBands on the readParam to discard the alpha channel.
    3) If the ColorSpace is RGB and the color model includes alpha, then we create a new ImageTypeSpecifier based on an ARGB BufferedImage.
    4) If the ColorSpace if RGB and the color model doesn't include alpha, then we create a new ImageTypeSpecifier based on TYPE_3BYTE_BGR
    5) If the ColorSpace is not Gray or RGB, then we do nothing to the readParam and ColorConvertOp the resulting image to an RGB image.
    If this looks absolutely daunting to you, then go with the Toolkit approach mentioned first.

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    var sndExplode:explode_sound;
    var sndExplodeChannel:SoundChannel;
    var dragArray:Array = [host1, agent1, physical1, social1, host2, agent2, physical2, social2, host3, agent3, physical3, social3];
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    var startX:Number;
    var startY:Number;
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        dragArray[i].buttonMode = true;
        dragArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, item_onMouseDown);
        matchArray[i].alpha = 0.2;
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        currentClip = MovieClip(event.currentTarget);
        startX = currentClip.x;
        startY = currentClip.y;
        addChild(currentClip); //bring to the front
        stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_onMouseUp);
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        stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stage_onMouseUp);
        var index:int = dragArray.indexOf(currentClip);
        var matchClip:MovieClip = MovieClip(matchArray[index]);
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            //a match was made! position the clip on the matching clip:
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            currentClip.y = matchClip.y;
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        } else {
            //match was not made, so send the clip back where it started:
            currentClip.x = startX;
            currentClip.y = startY;

    Thank you SO muchNed Murphy
    I'm a newbie to AS3 and I was trying to figure it out for past 2 weeks that why did swapChildren or setChildIndex or addChild, all of these made my Target Movieclip remain/duplicate/persist on the stage even after the layer containing the Target Movieclip has blank keyframes. I surfed so many forums and tutorials for the answer but turns out it was my lack of knowledge of basic concepts. I remember checking out this specific forum as well past week but due to it being "Not Answered" I skipped it. This should be marked as a "Correct Answer", The Empty MovieClip did the trick!
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    I created a movieclip on the top layer with the same dimensions as the stage and put it at x=0 y=0 position. Instance name: emptymc
    And deleted the emptymc from the timeline during the Success frame label.
    Here is some code I used,
    1. MovieClip.prototype.bringToFront = function():void {
    2.  function startDragging(event:MouseEvent):void {
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         function displayImage():void
         var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(imageLoader.content);
         imageArea.source = image;
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         function readMediaData():void
         var image:Bitmap = Bitmap(imageLoader.content);
         var imX:int = image.width;
         var imY:int = image.height;
              if (imX>imY)
                  image.rotation = 90;
         imageArea.source = image;
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    Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

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    I'm stumped on this but I'll keep trying things. Thanks for your help and the lead, I appreciate it and it may be part of the problem, but there seems to be a different problem as well.

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    the Acronis/Ghost image and distribut that.
    Even better howerver would be to provide MDT deployment in your other sites. You can utilize DFS Replication to maintain a single point of administration, while still proving a coherent deployment method throughout your network.
    Hope this helps,
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    Mike M.

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    if your target device(s) support [JSR 226 J2ME SVG||specification here] API, then it should be capable to +"...load and render external 2D vector images, stored in the *W3C SVG Tiny* format..."+

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    but without the fade-in fade-out effect it doesn't look very nice. how can i make the images fade-in like in the below website
    i found some help here
    but (as i am not professional user) i dont understand what to do with the scripts shown there. for example on "Step 2" it says
    "Step 2: Then, insert the following sample       HTML for 2 sample Fade In slideshows:"
    insert where?

    free flash tutorials sites list here

  • Can I create a rotating image with sevaral images in  Photoshop?

    I was wondering if I can  create   a rotating image with sevaral images in  Photoshop?    Much like a gif? Would this improve my page load time or would it be the same as loading a slideshow?  Here is an example of what we wanna do vacationsalabama

    Yes you can create a gif in PS to do this but it would be much easier to accomplish with some simple JQuery Image slider.
    Several examples here
    and here
    The benefit is they load faster, have speed options, and switching images out is a breeze. They can also have links asigned to the images as they appear.

  • Creating a .jpg image from with in the J2ME app

    I want to send a document to the printer over bluetooth to print.
    For that I searched on net, but couldn't find any APIs supported by J2ME to print it. I also found a link where I found that I can send the data by creating an image and then writing data (text or image ) in to it, and then sending that image to print.
    Image img = Image.createImage(816, 40);
    Graphics g = img.getGraphics();
    g.setColor(0, 0, 0);
    g.setFont(Font.getFont(Font.FACE_PROPORTIONAL, Font.STYLE_BOLD,Font.SIZE_LARGE));
    g.drawString("Printing test from "
                             + System.getProperty("microedition.platform") + " on "
                             + new Date(), 10, 10, 0);
    driver.print(img, btAddr);This code is working fine on this printer.
    I am using HP 460cb printer, and I tried the same thing, but am not getting any results. Can any one of you tell me what mistake am I making.
                    Image blankImage = Image.createImage(SpotBilling.MAX_IMG_WIDTH, SpotBilling.MAX_IMG_HEIGHT);
                    Graphics g = blankImage.getGraphics();
                    g.setFont(Font.getFont(Font.FACE_PROPORTIONAL, Font.STYLE_PLAIN, Font.SIZE_SMALL));
                    g.drawString("Printing test on Wednesday - 18th Jan, 2006", 10, 50, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
                    g.drawImage(imgTest, 60, 150, Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.VCENTER);
                    int width = blankImage.getWidth();
                    int height = blankImage.getHeight();
                    int y = 0;
                    for(int i = 1; i<=height; i++){
                             blankImage.getRGB(temp, 0, width, 0, y, width, 1);
                             byte[] pixels = new byte[width];
                             for (int x = 0; x < temp.length; x++) {
                                  pixels[x] = (byte) ((((temp[x] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16)
                                       + ((temp[x] & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) + (temp[x] & 0x000000FF)) / 3);
                             // Transfer Raster Graphics
                             byte[] len = numToDecimal(pixels.length);
                        }I have another query, if I can not do this. Is there any way I can create a .jpg image from with in the J2ME application.
    I have some text and an image that I get by invoking camera from the code and then capturing a picture. I need to combine them both, and then send it to the printer.
    If there is any way, I can convert this blankImage mentioned above (containing both text and Image), please provide me the solution.
    Any document or any source code is appreciated.

    I have succeeded in creating a mutable image that contains text and image (.png), through
                         Image img;
                         img = Image.createImage(50, 60);
         protected void paint(Graphics g){
              g.drawImage(img, getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2, Graphics.HCENTER | Graphics.VCENTER);
              Graphics graph = img.getGraphics();
              graph.setColor(0, 0, 0);
              graph.setFont(Font.getFont(Font.FACE_PROPORTIONAL, Font.STYLE_BOLD,
              graph.drawString("Printing test from "
                                       + System.getProperty("microedition.platform") + " on ", 10, 10, 0);
              graph.drawImage(image, img.getWidth()/2, img.getHeight()/2,Graphics.HCENTER|Graphics.VCENTER);
              graph.fillArc(0,0,10,10,0, 360);
         }Now I want to create a .jpg image of this img image(Mutable image).
    What I am doing is that,
    1. I am converting this image in to int array, using getRGB() method.
    2. Then I am converting int array in to byte array.
    3. And then I am opening a file(extension is .jpg)
    4. Then I am sending this byte array in to the file which is .jpg
    The .jpg file is getting created, but the data in it is very absurd, like yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
    Please help me in this matter.

  • Rotating Image With Reflections

    A few years back I bought a manual for Director 6.0. In the
    back of the manual there was a demo disc showing some samples of
    other people's work. One of the samples was called Big Top. It was
    a totating logo in shinny gold, and as it rotated, you would see
    reflections of objects and light on the surface. At one Time I
    asked how it was done, and was told that an ap called RayDream
    Designer could do it. I was told that in that ap, you could draw a
    3D room, with the four walls, floor and ceiling, and when you
    placed an object in the center of the room and rotated it, you
    would end up with a rotating image with the reflection from the
    walls. I never tried it, and long ago RayDream Designer stopped
    being supported. Recently, I was told that the same thing could be
    done with Photoshop or Flash, but I have not figured out how it is
    done. What I want to do, is create a 3D image of a logo in gold,
    chrome, or somethign reflective, and have it rotate with the
    reflections as it rotates. I have seen similar thing on TV
    commercials, but I think I need a little help on figuring out how
    this is done.

    A few years back I bought a manual for Director 6.0. In the
    back of the manual there was a demo disc showing some samples of
    other people's work. One of the samples was called Big Top. It was
    a totating logo in shinny gold, and as it rotated, you would see
    reflections of objects and light on the surface. At one Time I
    asked how it was done, and was told that an ap called RayDream
    Designer could do it. I was told that in that ap, you could draw a
    3D room, with the four walls, floor and ceiling, and when you
    placed an object in the center of the room and rotated it, you
    would end up with a rotating image with the reflection from the
    walls. I never tried it, and long ago RayDream Designer stopped
    being supported. Recently, I was told that the same thing could be
    done with Photoshop or Flash, but I have not figured out how it is
    done. What I want to do, is create a 3D image of a logo in gold,
    chrome, or somethign reflective, and have it rotate with the
    reflections as it rotates. I have seen similar thing on TV
    commercials, but I think I need a little help on figuring out how
    this is done.

Maybe you are looking for

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