Rotate system.log

I noticed today that launchd is not rotating my system.log since I installed Snow Leopard. This may be due to wrong settings (I previously used Anacron and may not have uninstalled it properly). How could I fix it?

Usually log files turned over @ midnight & you should put your 'puter to sleep rather than shut down. Also, don't let your 'puter sleep but only the display in Energy Saver settings.
Best - KM.

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    I believe the log rotation is ultimately handled by newsyslog, so you could look at /etc/newsyslog.conf to see if there is some difference there. You could also read the manual page for that process to see if the behavior you're seeing isn't expected in certain circumstances. From the command line (via Terminal) you can read this manual by typing "man newsyslog" at the prompt. There is also a manual page describing its configuration file, available by typing "man newsyslog.conf".

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    Eugene Mirgorodskiy wrote:
    Now the system log is removed one week after the creation but I need to store it permanently.
    It's not really "removed". The system log is "rotated" out, at least partly to avoid having it grow too large. The older log information is in a series of files named like "system.log.0.bz2, system.log.1.bz2, etc. A file of type ".bz2" is a particular type of compressed file. Eventually the oldest of those files will be deleted. If you want to keep those forever, I'd copy off the oldest of those files on a regular basis to some other location.

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    Open the terminal application and type:
    sudo -s
    Press return. The prompt will change to password: Enter your admin password and press the return key. The prompt will change to root#
    Copy this command from this post and paste it into the Terminal app.
    touch /var/log/system.log
    Press the return key.
    Enter this command.
    sh /etc/daily
    When the prompt returns type;
    and press the return key to return to your own shell.

  • Silverlight fills up system.log file

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    Feb 22 01:33:28 KR-iMac[593]: * set a breakpoint in mallocerrorbreak to debug
    Feb 22 01:33:28 KR-iMac WebKitPluginHost[1002]: WebKitPluginHost(1002,0xb071b000) malloc: * error for object 0x1980bf94: pointer being freed was not allocated\n* set a breakpoint in mallocerrorbreak to debug
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    Feb 22 01:33:28 KR-iMac WebKitPluginHost[1002]: WebKitPluginHost(1002,0xb071b000) malloc: * error for object 0x1980bf94: pointer being freed was not allocated\n* set a breakpoint in mallocerrorbreak to debug
    Feb 22 01:33:28 KR-iMac WebKitPluginHost[1002]: WebKitPluginHost(1002,0xb071b000) malloc: * error for object 0x5ef8e14: pointer being freed was not allocated\n* set a breakpoint in mallocerrorbreak to debug
    Notice it exceeds over 500 messages a second. Anyway to mute these messages???

    The problem with just deleting the file, is two fold.
    First, the system needs this file to continue to post system messages. If you delete it, or just trash it, the system will just continue to add to the trashed file using the open file pointers, or simply create a new one.
    Second, Silverlight will continue to generate messages, and ultimately still go into the system.log. Deleting the file is not such a good idea while the operating system is still using it.
    I recommend doing the following to clear the file without deleting it:
    You'll need to Enable the root user on your computer if you haven't yet. Search other threads for how to do this on your version of OS-X.
    In Terminal, log in as root.
    username$ sudo -i
    Change to the /var/log folder.
    root# cd /var/log
    Use the truncate function to simply zero out the file.
    root# >system.log
    You'll need to do this everyday, after running Silverlight, hopefully BEFORE the daily log rotating cron scripts try to rotate the logs and perform a bzip compression of the file (which will tax your system for a few hours). You may want to find any log files ending in .bz2 and remove those. You can delete those, as they are just archives of old system log files and are not used any more.

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    4paul3 wrote:
    Thank you Charlie that worked great. One thing I should point out is this has to be done from your Admin account in 10.6 and you have to type:
    sudo edit /etc/newsyslog.conf
    Actually, that sudo shouldn't be necessary: TextWrangler should ask you first if you want to unlock the file to make changes. When you want to save it should ask you to authenticate, and then it can save the file. But you're probably right about being in your admin account.
    Now, please accept my apology for not getting to this sooner but I had a medical thing scheduled and I have not been qualified to do Terminal commands or type coherently for quite some time. I’ve only recently had a clear head so I’m getting to this now. Thank you again this is wonderful.
    You're welcome. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.
    I do have one question though. For future reference for anyone wanting to do this if I want the log to rotate every two weeks instead of every week and save the last seven logs what would be the entries that I would make in the TextWrangler document?
    In that case, I think you'd make the "when" field just a number of hours. In this case, 336 (168 hours per week times 2 weeks):
    # logfilename [owner:group] mode count size when flags [/pid_file] [sig_num]
    /var/log/system.log 640 7 * 168 J
    I haven't tested the two week interval, though, since it's kind of a long time...
    Or, if I wanted to have the log rotate after it reaches 2MB and save the last seven logs what would be the commands to use in the TextWrangler document?
    Just change the "when" field to an asterisk, the "count" field 7, and "size" 2048:
    # logfilename [owner:group] mode count size when flags [/pid_file] [sig_num]
    /var/log/system.log 640 7 2048 * J
    Thank you again for your input it is greatly appreciated!!
    You're welcome. Let me know if any of this doesn't make sense...

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    Oct 17 16:35:07 Arnis-MacBook-Pro.local sharingd[318]: 16:35:07.293 : AirDrop request received
    Oct 17 16:35:07 Arnis-MacBook-Pro.local sharingd[318]: 16:35:07.293 : AirDrop server transaction begin (1)
    Oct 17 16:35:07 Arnis-MacBook-Pro.local sharingd[318]: 16:35:07.301 : AirDrop received transfer request
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    Hi, Matt.
    The specific message you cited
    Dec 8 03:15:06 macname cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    is actually the result of a bug in the periodic command itself. It's harmless, but is is a telltale sign that one of the periodic scripts ran.
    The reason your system.log would appear blank, with only this message, is because the periodic daily or other script ran and rotated the log. Looks like the daily script ran at the appropriate time (03:15) and nothing log-worthy has been reported since.
    Check the archived system.logs: The current System log is the file system.log. Archived system.log files have file names:
    where n is an integer in the range of 0 to 7. The higher the number, the older the log. Both current and archived System logs are located in the /var/log/ directory. You can access these logs in several ways, including the following methods:
    - Launch Console (located in the Applications > Utilities folder), then click the Logs tool on the toolbar, then click the disclosure triangle next to the /var/log entry. Scroll down and you'll find the archived system logs.
    - In Finder, select Go > Go to Folder..., type /var/log/ in the entry field of the resulting sheet, then click Go.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • System Log Not Turning Over

    I use a couple of MacBooks and noticed that the system logs were getting very big (>600MB in one case) and that they had not turned over since March. Since I normally put the laptops to sleep (close them) when done for the day, they were not active for the normal daily maintenance at 00:00. I did note that other logs were turned over when I woke the machines in the morning, but not the system log. The daily log showed it running, but not which logs it processed. I did a repair permissions which found nothing and did a few manual "sudo periodic daily"s to no avail.
    I finally just left the MacBooks awake overnight and sure enough the system logs were turned over. There is something that a manual "sudo periodic daily" does not catch.
    Does anyone know how to force a system log turnover process (other than manually renaming it)? I would not mind setting up a cron job to do that if I knew what to do.

    Roger, Apple changed the way the scripts run. The only way to do this is to do what you did or do what I have done. I schedule my macbook to turn on at 11:55pm in the scheduler. Then I set the machine to not shut down or sleep for thirty minutes. This rotates all the log files. The only problem I now have is that the daily out log file is growing. It is now above 335k and I cannot find out how to reset this log. The system log files are set to accumulate and turn over, over a seven day period. To flush them completely you must run the schedule for eight days straight. Also, do not close the display lid to your macbook when allowing he scripts to run.

  • System Logging Imac

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    One subtlety of syslogd is that it can only write to a file, it can't create it. So make sure that /private/var/log/system.log exists before [re]starting syslogd. If syslogd is running, and you have to create system.log, then:
    sudo killall -HUP syslogd
    will force syslogd to reload and it should be all set.
    If you want to rotate logs, you'd probably be better off if you did:
    sudo periodic daily
    Some logs rotate on a weekly basis.
    The logs in /private/var/log should only be 10 or 20 MB total, so don't swat them too much. If they're significantly bigger, fix the problem that's causing all the messages.

  • Total lock-ups with fan running - translate system.log file please!?

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    Here's the system log file for the latest freezes. Can anyone tell me what's going on here??? I really need to get to the root of this problem. Thanks so so much in advance.
    Apr 12 17:32:52 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_Reconnect: connect on /Volumes/Macintosh HD failed 89.
    Apr 12 17:32:52 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Macintosh HD, flags 524288, pid 62
    Apr 12 17:44:46 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Library/Application Support/FLEXnet Publisher/Service/11.03.005/FNPLicensingService: Started\n
    Apr 12 17:44:46 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Library/Application Support/FLEXnet Publisher/Service/11.03.005/FNPLicensingService: This service performs licensing functions on behalf of FLEXnet enabled products.\n
    Apr 12 18:01:06 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer KernelEventAgent[62]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Apr 12 18:01:49 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer KernelEventAgent[62]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Apr 12 18:08:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer diskarbitrationd[69]: SDCopy [1056]:36091 not responding.
    Apr 12 18:16:18 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer KernelEventAgent[62]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Apr 12 18:16:53 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer KernelEventAgent[62]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Apr 12 19:24:12 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer ntpd[191]: time reset -0.650307 s
    Apr 13 01:05:45 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer ntpd[191]: time reset -0.496917 s
    Apr 13 03:15:03 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    Apr 13 07:15:03 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer postfix/postqueue[1778]: warning: Mail system is down -- accessing queue directly
    Apr 13 03:15:03 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
    Apr 13 15:53:53 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer KernelEventAgent[62]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Apr 13 15:53:54 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer KernelEventAgent[62]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Apr 13 22:15:48 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Apr 13 22:15:47 localhost mDNSResponder-108.6 (Jul 19 2007 11: 33:32)[63]: starting
    Apr 13 22:15:48 localhost kernel[0]: vmpagebootstrap: 506550 free pages
    Apr 13 22:15:47 localhost memberd[70]: memberd starting up
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: migtable_maxdispl = 70
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: Added extension "com.firmtek.driver.FTATASil3132E" from archive.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: Added extension "com.firmtek.driver.Sil3112DeviceNub" from archive.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: using 5242 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: AppleKauaiATA shasta-ata features enabled
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: DART enabled
    Apr 13 22:15:47 localhost DirectoryService[75]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.6)
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 52 built-in now active, GUID 001451ff fe1b4c7e; max speed s800.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:48 localhost lookupd[71]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Apr 13 22:15:48 2008
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: USBF: 20.590 OHCI driver: OHCIRootHubPortPower bit not sticking (1). Retrying.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: Extension "" has no kernel dependency.
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSMUparent::clientNotifyData nobody registed for 0x40
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 82827EDF-0263-3B93-BEED-4B114E820B85
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC4PE/ht@0,f2000000/AppleMacRiscHT/pci@9/IOPCI2PCIBridge/k2-sat a-root@C/AppleK2SATARoot/k2-sata@0/AppleK2SATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageD river/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST3320620AS Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/AppleHFS_Untitled1@10
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s10, major 14, minor 12
    Apr 13 22:15:49 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 8451584 to: 11420160 (joffset 0x952000)
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSMU -- shutdown cause = 3
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleSMU::PMU vers = 0x000d00a0, SPU vers = 0x67, SDB vers = 0x01,
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 8 orphaned unlinked files
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 3
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: NVDANV40HAL loaded and registered.
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: PowerMac112ThermalProfile::start 1
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: PowerMac112ThermalProfile::end 1
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: SMUNeo2PlatformPlugin::initThermalProfile - entry
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: SMUNeo2PlatformPlugin::initThermalProfile - calling adjust
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: PowerMac112ThermalProfile::adjustThermalProfile start
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address 00:14:51:61:ee:78
    Apr 13 22:15:50 localhost kernel[0]: BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address 00:14:51:61:ee:79
    Apr 13 22:15:51 localhost lookupd[86]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Apr 13 22:15:51 2008
    Apr 13 22:15:51 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 21611008 to: 7857152 (joffset 0x952000)
    Apr 13 22:15:51 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 673280 to: 24382976 (joffset 0x952000)
    Apr 13 22:15:51 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 3890176 to: 6294016 (joffset 0x7d01000)
    Apr 13 22:15:51 localhost diskarbitrationd[69]: disk0s10 hfs 82827EDF-0263-3B93-BEED-4B114E820B85 NewestSeagate /
    Apr 13 22:15:52 localhost kernel[0]: NVDA,Display-A: vram [90020000:10000000]
    Apr 13 22:15:52 localhost mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
    Apr 13 22:15:53 localhost kernel[0]: hfs mount: enabling extended security on Maxtor
    Apr 13 22:15:53 localhost diskarbitrationd[69]: disk1s3 hfs 0DBE2113-B1F5-388F-BF70-2E366A095330 Maxtor /Volumes/Maxtor
    Apr 13 22:15:54 localhost kernel[0]: NVDA,Display-B: vram [94000000:08000000]
    Apr 13 22:15:54 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: setting hostname to "Marc-Weinbergs-Computer.local"
    Apr 13 22:15:54 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
    Apr 13 22:15:56 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer diskarbitrationd[69]: disk2s3 hfs 971CABB3-C211-38FC-8E91-6B4F8EA5FA20 B08-09-07 /Volumes/B08-09-07
    Apr 13 22:15:56 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer loginwindow[110]: Login Window Started Security Agent
    Apr 13 22:15:57 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer kernel[0]: AppleBCM5701Ethernet - en1 link active, 1000-Mbit, full duplex, symmetric flow control enabled
    Apr 13 22:15:57 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: AppleTalk startup
    Apr 13 22:15:57 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer TabletDriver[119]: #### GetFrontProcess failed to get front process (-600)
    Apr 13 22:15:59 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: posting notification
    Apr 13 22:16:00 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: posting notification
    Apr 13 22:16:00 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-net work
    Apr 13 22:16:00 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: posting notification
    Apr 13 22:16:01 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer lookupd[123]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Apr 13 22:16:01 2008
    Apr 13 22:16:01 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 2 orphaned unlinked files
    Apr 13 22:16:01 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer diskarbitrationd[69]: disk3s3 hfs CDA8BCC5-0CE4-33E8-A910-4B0952DBC230 FullBU-09-07 /Volumes/FullBU-09-07
    Apr 13 22:16:04 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: target=enable-network: disabled
    Apr 13 22:16:05 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer configd[67]: AppleTalk startup complete
    Apr 13 22:16:09 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer TabletDriver[237]: #### GetFrontProcess failed to get front process (-600)
    Apr 13 22:16:09 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer launchd[241]: com.wacom.wacomtablet: exited with exit code: 253
    Apr 13 22:16:09 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer launchd[241]: com.wacom.wacomtablet: 9 more failures without living at least 60 seconds will cause job removal
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:28 EDT 2008] : ATA device 'ST3320620AS', serial number '6QF0L6LR', reports it is functioning at a temperature of 95.0F (35C) degrees.
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:28 EDT 2008] : Spare blocks for ATA device 'ST3320620AS', serial number '6QF0L6LR', appear to still be available. (Total Available: 36) (Use Attempts: 0)
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:29 EDT 2008] : ATA device 'ST3320620AS', serial number '6QF0LGS4', reports it is functioning at a temperature of 100.4F (38C) degrees.
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:29 EDT 2008] : Spare blocks for ATA device 'ST3320620AS', serial number '6QF0LGS4', appear to still be available. (Total Available: 36) (Use Attempts: 0)
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:29 EDT 2008] : ATA device 'ST3320620AS', serial number '9RV000FC', reports it is functioning at a temperature of 95.0F (35C) degrees.
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:29 EDT 2008] : Spare blocks for ATA device 'ST3320620AS', serial number '9RV000FC', appear to still be available. (Total Available: 36) (Use Attempts: 0)
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:29 EDT 2008] : ATA device 'Maxtor 6B300S0', serial number 'B6211G0H', reports it is functioning at a temperature of 89.6F (32C) degrees.
    Apr 13 22:16:29 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /Applications/ [Sun Apr 13 22:16:29 EDT 2008] : Spare blocks for ATA device 'Maxtor 6B300S0', serial number 'B6211G0H', appear to still be available. (Total Available: 63) (Use Attempts: 0)
    Apr 13 22:16:54 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /System/Library/CoreServices/ _TIFFVSetField: tiff data provider: Invalid tag "Copyright" (not supported by codec).\n
    Apr 13 22:16:54 Marc-Weinbergs-Computer /System/Library/CoreServices/ _TIFFVSetField: tiff data provider: Invalid tag "Copyright" (not supported by codec).\n

    The machine seems to be having trouble with loading certain drivers, but, as this isn't a crash log, and doesn't show the "hang-up" or freeze, it's hard to tell.
    Noted possibilities are:
    -Microsoft keyboard (possible USB power problem)
    -firmtek driver (from archive) questionable due to the "archive" annotation
    -Wacom tablet driver, causing system problems
    Running in Safe mode without freezes would help to determine if one of these drivers is the problem.
    Other possibilities are outdated drivers, or simply a need to reinstall the OS.
    If unnecessary, removing the driver(s) would be a good idea.
    External USB and Firewire devices are all suspect, should all be disconnected, revert to Apple keyboard, and test system performance. Adding one device at a time, and testing each will be necessary to clear each device.
    I have experienced system trouble when a Wacom tablet was not connected, but the driver was left installed.
    Disabling the driver from Startup items may be necessary to test without the Wacom tablet connected.

  • SAP System Log on issue using Crystal Reports:

    Hi All,
    I have installed Crystal reports, Business Explorer and Business Objects XI  Integration. But when I tried to create a new report using SAP Table, Cluster or Functional, I couldn't able to select SAP System since it shows SAP System Log on selection was blank.
    Note: I have undergone the following trials:
             1) All the trials are done after connecting to the Internal Vpn.
             2) Re-installed the Crystal reports, Business Explorer and Business Objects XI. But result was the same.
             3) Compared all the setting parameters with another System which works fine.
             4) Only difference seems to be that I am using Win Vista and other one is Win XP OS.
             5) Tried in the net for Win Vista specific patches or software to run the crystal report but couldn't helped.
    Did any one come across similar experience or is there any idea why it could be? Thank you in advance.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Sujith Kumar Naithalath on Jun 22, 2009 8:29 PM
    Edited by: Sujith Kumar Naithalath on Jun 22, 2009 8:30 PM

    Hi Don,
    Thank you very much for your reply. I was wondering from where we could download XI R2 ( 11.5 ) SP 2. I have tried downloading Software Forces .rpt Inspector 3 Professional suite (for CR XI R2) . But this doesn't seems to be the right one. Also I have cheked in sdn Crysal Report 2008 download ( ). But no luck. Thanks again.
    Best Regards,

  • Snow Leopard 10.6.2 can't run '' (with system log)

    Hello everyone, English is not my mother tongue so may not be exactly correct, sorry about that.
    I have a MacBook White (13-inch, Mid 2009) that isn't unibody, and was running Leopard 10.5.
    I am the only one that will use the Mac and my user account is as the 'admin'.
    When I was using 10.5, I could open the ''.
    But few days ago, I did a clean installation of 10.6.2 Snow Leopard from the USD$29 disc.
    After that I installed the iLife '09 (the gray disc bundled with the MacBook),
    and I cloned the drive to my ext. FireWire HD immediately after the installation of SL and iLife'09 by using the CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner).
    After that, of course, I was going to install the apps I need, and update the software.
    _But the problem appears:_
    When I try to open the '', the X11 icon begins jumping on the Dock, but nothing happens.
    Jumping and jumping... finally, it doesn't jump any more, with just the X11 icon on the dock.
    What's more, there is no white dot under the icon, which means the app isn't running at the moment.
    I right-clicked the icon, it shows me 'application not responding'.
    So, I open the *Activity Monitor*, and I can see there are two apps related to X11 are running:
    (1) X11
    (2) X11.bin
    Please see below for the system log (around 1min. log, starting with the time when I open the X11)
    Feb 20 15:56:30 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook main(): argc=2
    Feb 20 15:56:30 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook argv[0] = /Applications/Utilities/
    Feb 20 15:56:30 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook argv[1] = -psn0208947
    Feb 20 15:56:30 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook Waiting for startup parameters via Mach IPC.
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28308: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28308: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook defaults28334: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28308: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.28308
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28308: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 288: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28308: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 289: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    Feb 20 15:56:33 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook (org.x.startx): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    Feb 20 15:56:34 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:56:36 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Done
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28441: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28441: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook defaults28467: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28441: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.28441
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28441: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 288: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28441: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 289: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook (org.x.startx): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    Feb 20 15:56:44 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:56:46 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Done
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28574: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28574: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook defaults28602: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28574: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.28574
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28574: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 288: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28574: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 289: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook (org.x.startx): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    Feb 20 15:56:54 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:56:56 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Done
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28708: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28708: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook defaults28734: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28708: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.28708
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28708: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 288: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28708: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 289: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook (org.x.startx): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    Feb 20 15:57:04 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:57:06 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Done
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28841: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28841: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook defaults28869: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28841: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.28841
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28841: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 288: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28841: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 289: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook (org.x.startx): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    Feb 20 15:57:14 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:57:16 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Done
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28974: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28974: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook defaults29000: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28974: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.28974
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28974: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 288: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx28974: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 289: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    Feb 20 15:57:24 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook (org.x.startx): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    Feb 20 15:57:25 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 15:57:27 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Done
    It seems that the processes are repeating themselves,
    so I decide to end them in the *Activity Monitor*.
    For 'X11', I have to force quit.
    For 'X11.bin', 'quit' is enough.
    But after that, it seems that the processes are stilling running:
    Feb 20 16:03:11 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx33510: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.33510
    Feb 20 16:03:11 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx33510: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 288: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
    Feb 20 16:03:11 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx33510: /usr/X11/bin/startx: eval: line 289: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    Feb 20 16:03:11 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook (org.x.startx): Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    Feb 20 16:03:11 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 16:03:13 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Done
    Feb 20 16:03:21 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx33643: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 16:03:21 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx33643: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Feb 20 16:03:21 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.privileged_startx206: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Feb 20 16:03:21 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook defaults33669: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Feb 20 16:03:21 (my user name)-(my user name)-MacBook org.x.startx33643: xauth: creating new authority file /Volumes/(my user name)'s Home/Users/(my user name)/.serverauth.33643
    As I've said, I have a clone of 10.6.2 on my ext. FireWire HD.
    So I've tried to boot the MacBook with the key 'option' pressed in order to boot from the clone.
    What surprises me is that I can open the X11 without any problem.
    And I've tried to open a new user account to test.
    Even if the account isn't 'admin', the X11 can be opened too.
    What this phenomenon tells me is that maybe there is an app(s) that I installed will make the X11 not open.
    I've Googled the problem and tried the following methods:
    (1) Reinstall the X11 from the Snow Leopard disc.
    (2) Log in as the 'root' user, go to *System Preferences* to create a temporary account (e.g. named 'test') so that I can delete my current account (e.g. named 'User') (I copied the UUID and pasted it into TextEdit, saving it on my different partition of ext. FireWire HD.). Then I open a new account with the same username (named 'User') and paste the UUID I previously saved to the newly created account (named 'User'), and then redirect the home folder path to the original home folder (the account named 'User' that I deleted).
    (3) Create an account for testing (e.g. named 'test'), set it as admin. Then log in as the 'root' user, to use 'ditto' command in Terminal to copy my home folder to the account named 'test'. After that, I make the account for testing (account name 'test') have the permission to read and write the files by pressing 'command + I' the home folder, and then set the user 'test' having the permission to read and write and apply this to all the enclosed folder.
    NONE of the above has worked.
    So what can I do in order to make my work again?
    Thanks in advance!!

    etresoft wrote:
    But you have it running in the other account. With X11 problems, this is as easy as it gets.
    I hope this problem can be solved soon...
    Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure you are going to have to use the Terminal.
    I see, thanks for the info.! (I am new to the Mac since 2009 )
    The only one that would cause any problem by being removed is ".Trash". You don't have any of the other files that Bob is talking about. It would be annoying for any heavy Terminal user to lose those dot files, but perfectly safe.
    There is no need to even attempt to backup anything in /tmp.
    Thanks for the info.!
    Try this. In System Preferences, select Sharing and enable "Remote Login". Login to that Standard user who can run X11 with no problem. Then, just as a test, run "ssh <mainuser>@localhost". Verify that you are in the home directory of the user with the X11 problems. Don't do anything yet. Just type 'exit' to logout.
    Reboot your machine. Login as the Standard User. Run "ssh <mainuser>@localhost" again. This time, run the "rm .<somefile>" on all those dot files (except for .Trash and maybe .CFUserEncoding). This time they should all stay deleted. Follow Bob's advice too and do "rm Library/Preferences/org.x.X11.plist". Type "cd /tmp" and delete everything you can find in there. You can't do any damage there. Type "exit" to quit the ssh session.
    Now logout of the standard user and log back in to your primary user and try it again.
    I am now at the standard account called 'test' and browse this web page using Safari through Wi-Fi.
    4 things:
    With the '.fontconfig', I can't delete it from the Terminal:
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:~ Michael$ rm .fontconfig+
    _+rm: .fontconfig: is a directory+_
    (At this moment, I Googled the 'rm' command and found these web pages:
    That's why I try the 'rmdir' and 'sudo rm'.
    But NONE of these command helps)
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:~ Michael$ rmdir .fontconfig+
    _+rmdir: .fontconfig: Directory not empty+_
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:~ Michael$ sudo rm .fontconfig+
    +WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss+
    +or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your+
    +typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.+
    +To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.+
    +Sorry, try again.+
    _+rm: .fontconfig: is a directory+_
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:~ Michael$ sudo rm .fontconfig+
    _+rm: .fontconfig: is a directory+_
    For the '/tmp':
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:~ Michael$ cd /tmp+
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:tmp Michael$ cd /+
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:/ Michael$ sudo rm -rf /tmp+
    +Michael-Leungs-MacBook:/ Michael$ +
    So, for the steps you provided, I can follow all the steps except the one '.fontconfig'
    Hope the information I provided above can help you to help me!
    Thank you etresoft!

  • I am getting a warning need more space on my disk. I have checked the Console and there have been 4000 thousand messages in my system log in the last 2 days. I have emptied as many files as possible.

    I am getting a warning on opening my mac saying I need more space as my setup disk is full.  I have emptied many files as well as my Trash.  I am planning to get an external drive for my photos, but it has been suggested that I check Console and under the system log the following message (of which they say 4000 messages have been logged in 2 days) '06/06/2014 16:08:23.341 dynamic_pager: Need more space on the disk to enable swapping'.  This is a copy of one of the items.  It is from the system log.  I really do not think I have enough files to warrant this warning, with the exception of photos.  My storage shows 143 MB free out of 120.47. Thanks for any help.

    First off, no MacBook Air can run 10.3 or earlier.
    Secondly, are you sure you only have 143MB of storage free?  That's seriously low.  With MacBook Airs of 120 GB hard drives, or even 140 GB which is often the case when it says out of 120, you shouldn't allow your free space to go down below 20 GB.  MB is 1024 fold less than a GB.  So if you really have 143MB free on a MacBook Air, you are long past the minimum space you should be keeping it at, and need to start clearing a lot of space now*:
    I'm asking this thread be moved to the MacBook Air forum,a as we can't say for certain what you have when you post in the 10.3 or earlier forum.

  • Regarding mountain lion server: clients experience intermittent service connections. the server system log has the following error- Client handshake failed (6):113: Server not accepting client connections (any ideas???)

    regarding mountain lion server: clients experience intermittent service connections. the server system log has the following error- Client handshake failed (6):113: Server not accepting client connections. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - thank you

    Hi Jason
    I was getting the same behavior after Apple support had me delete some plist files to get Airplay going. I was also getting the following error:
    the error occurred while processing a command of type 'writesettings' in the plug-in 'server vpn'
    I went into ~/Library/Preferences/ and /Library/Preferences/ and deleted every plist contating the word server. I had to re-set up my server (meaning walk through some intial steps) but all of my settings were still there after that and everything started working again.
    Just a thought, obviously try at your own risk but it worked for me.

  • Snow Leopard 10.6.2 takes a long time to run '' (with system log)

    Hello everyone, English is not my mother tongue so may not be exactly correct, sorry about that.
    I have a MacBook White (13-inch, Mid 2009) that isn't unibody, and was running Leopard 10.5.
    I did a clean installation and now Snow Leopard 10.6.2, with iLife, iWork, and many many apps.
    I am the only one who will use the Mac and my user account is as the 'admin'.
    I previously had a problem concerning X11 too:
    *What I've done:*
    (1) rename my HD to 'Michaels_Home' under 'Get Info' from Finder (I can't rename in Disk Utility though)
    (2) press return (enter)
    (3) change my home folder path to the '/Volumes/Michaels_Home/Users/Michael' ( ml)
    (4) restart
    (5) log in and open X11
    (6) problem solved!!
    *BUT NOW* I have a problem after:
    (1) log in as the root user, and use command +ditto -V xyz xyz+ to copy my home folder from '/Volumes/Michaels_Home/Users/Michael' to '/Users>Michael'
    (2) change my home folder path to the '/Users/Michael' ( ml)
    (3) use the Mac OS X Snow Leopard USD$29 disc to boot my Mac up
    (4) delete the 'Michaels_Home' partition (I had 3 partitions: (1) Macintosh HD (2) Michaels_Home (3) Windows XP Professional)
    (5) resize the 'Macintosh HD' partition
    (6) boot from Macintosh HD
    (7) find that there's a problem about X11
    _The problem:_
    it takes a *long time* for X11 to start.
    When I try to open the '', the X11 icon begins jumping on the Dock, but nothing happens.
    Jumping and jumping... finally, it doesn't jump any more, with just the X11 icon on the dock.
    What's more, there is no white dot under the icon, which means the app isn't running at the moment.
    I right-clicked the icon, it shows me 'application not responding'.
    So, I open the *Activity Monitor*, and I can see there are 3 apps related to X11 are running:
    (1) X11
    (2) X11.bin
    (3) xauth
    *At the moment now, if you would wait for about 1.5 min., X11 will open.*
    Please see below for the system log (from 'FREEZING' to 'WORKING')
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: main(): argc=2
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[0] = /Applications/Utilities/
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[1] = -psn0139298
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Waiting for startup parameters via Mach IPC.
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 org.x.privileged_startx[344]: font_cache: Scanning system font directories to generate X11 font caches
    Mar 1 00:42:10 n219073058253 defaults[370]: \nThe domain/default pair of (org.x.X11, dpi) does not exist
    Mar 1 00:42:12 n219073058253 org.x.privileged_startx[344]: font_cache: Updating FC cache
    Mar 1 00:42:13 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: font_cache: Done
    Mar 1 00:42:14 n219073058253 org.x.privileged_startx[344]: font_cache: Done
    Mar 1 00:42:31 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: xauth: timeout in locking authority file /Users/Michael/.serverauth.335
    Mar 1 00:42:51 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: xauth: timeout in locking authority file /Users/Michael/.Xauthority
    Mar 1 00:43:31: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Mar 1 00:43:31 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: xauth: timeout in locking authority file /Users/Michael/.Xauthority
    Mar 1 00:43:51: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Listening on socket for fd handoff: (4) /var/tmp/tmp.0.9OYerf
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Thread created for handoff. Returning success to tell caller to connect and push the fd.
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Received new $DISPLAY fd: 6 ... sleeping to allow xinitrc to catchup.
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: dostart_x11server(): argc=6
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[0] = /usr/X11/bin/X
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[1] =
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[2] = -nolisten
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[3] = tcp
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[4] = -auth
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[5] = /Users/Michael/.serverauth.335
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: Xquartz: Handoff connection established (try 1 of 5) on fd 6, "/var/tmp/tmp.0.9OYerf". Sending message.
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: Xquartz: Message sent. Closing handoff fd.
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Xquartz starting:
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: X.Org X Server 1.4.2-apple45
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Build Date: 20090705
    Mar 1 00:43:51 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: (EE) XKB: Couldn't open rules file /usr/X11/share/X11/xkb/rules/base
    Mar 1 00:43:54: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Mar 1 00:43:54 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Handing off fd to server thread via DarwinListenOnOpenFD(6)
    Mar 1 00:43:54 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: DarwinListenOnOpenFD: 6
    Mar 1 00:43:54 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Calling ListenOnOpenFD() for new fd: 6
    Mar 1 00:43:54 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Launching /usr/X11/bin/xterm:
    Mar 1 00:43:54 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[0] = /bin/sh
    Mar 1 00:43:54 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[1] = -c
    Mar 1 00:43:54 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: argv[2] = /usr/X11/bin/xterm
    I quit the X11:
    Mar 1 00:45:45 n219073058253 [0x0-0x22022].org.x.X11[327]: Quitting Xquartz...
    Mar 1 00:45:45 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: /usr/X11/bin/xinit: connection to X server lost.
    Mar 1 00:45:45 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: waiting for X server to shut down
    AFTER quitting X11, I can see something related X11 is stilling running:
    Mar 1 00:46:06 n219073058253 org.x.startx[335]: xauth: timeout in locking authority file /Users/Michael/.Xauthority
    So what actually causes this problem?
    Thanks in advance!

    It turns out that there's something wrong about permissions.
    Here's the fix:
    (1) log in as the +root user+
    (2) type +chown -R Michael:staff ~Michael+
    (3) log out the +root user+
    (4) log in your account
    (5) done!
    Hope this thread will help those who encounter the same problem as me!

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