Rotating Sprite Center Axis

I found an interesting tutorial (link) and created a working model, adapting it as needed.
So far, when I center the container sprite and rotate it, it appears to first rotate from a 0,0 registration point, instead of from its center. I've tried to changet he sprite's registration point, but so far this hasn't worked/helped. Nothing else has worked to fix this rotation problem.
I must be doing something wrong.
Here's the AS3 (to view, add to first frame of new FLA, 1024X768 stage, color black). Rotation segments below are commented as       //ROTATION.:
import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    //import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    //public class bejewelled extends Sprite {
        var gems_array:Array=new Array();
        var aGem:Sprite;
        var selectorBox:Sprite=new Sprite();
        var selectorRow:int=-10;
        var selectorColumn:int=-10;
        var red:uint = 0xFF0000;
        var green:uint = 0xFF00;
        var blue:uint = 0xFF;
        var yellow:uint = 0xFFFF00;
        var cyan:uint = 0xFFFF;
        var magenta:uint = 0xFF00FF;
        var white:uint = 0xFFFFFF;
        var colours_array:Array=new Array(red,green,blue,yellow,cyan,magenta,white);
        var clickPossible:Boolean=false;
        var score_txt:TextField=new TextField();
        var hint_txt:TextField=new TextField();
        var score:uint=0;
        var inaRow:uint=0;
        var match:Boolean = true;
        var gemSize:uint = 96;
        var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
        var rotate:Boolean=false;
        var container:Sprite = new Sprite(); // Create the container sprite
         //var newColorTransform:ColorTransform = exitBtn.transform.colorTransform;
        //newColorTransform.color = 0xff0000;
        //exitBtn.transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;
        function bejewelled() {
            // Game initiation
            format.size = 40;
            format.font = 'Arial';
            // Create and style score text
            score_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            score_txt.defaultTextFormat = format;           
            // Create and style hint text
            hint_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            hint_txt.defaultTextFormat = format;
            // Create Gems in rows and columns
            addChild(container); // Add the container to the display list (stage)
            for (var i:uint=0; i<8; i++) {
                gems_array[i]=new Array();
                for (var j:uint=0; j<8; j++) {
                    do {
                        while (rowLineLength(i,j)>2 || columnLineLength(i,j)>2);
                    aGem=new Sprite();
            //Center the container sprite
            container.width = container.width - 10;
            container.height =  container.height - 10;           
            container.x = (stage.stageWidth-container.width)/2;
            container.y = (stage.stageHeight-container.height)/2;
            // Create and style selector box
            // Listen for user input
        // Every frame...
        function everyFrame(e:Event):void {
            //Assume that gems are not falling
            var gemsAreFalling:Boolean=false;
            // Check each gem for space below it
            for (var i:int=6; i>=0; i--) {
                for (var j:uint=0; j<8; j++) {
                    // If a spot contains a gem, and has an empty space below...
                    if (gems_array[i][j] != -1 && gems_array[i+1][j]==-1) {
                        // Set gems falling
                // If a gem is falling
                if (gemsAreFalling) {
                    // don't allow any more to start falling
            // If no gems are falling
            if (! gemsAreFalling) {
                // Assume no new gems are needed
                var needNewGem:Boolean=false;
                // but check all spaces...
                for (i=7; i>=0; i--) {
                    for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
                        // and if a spot is empty
                        if (gems_array[i][j]==-1) {
                            // now we know we need a new gem
                            // pick a random color for the gem
                            // create the gem
                            aGem=new Sprite();
                            // ID it
                            // position it
                            // show it
                            // stop creating new gems
                    // if a new gem was created, stop checking
                    if (needNewGem) {
                // If no new gems were needed...
                if (! needNewGem) {
                    // assume no more/new lines are on the board
                    var moreLinesAvailable:Boolean=false;
                    // check all gems
                    for (i=7; i>=0; i--) {
                        for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
                            // if a line is found
                            if (rowLineLength(i,j)>2 || columnLineLength(i,j)>2) {
                                // then we know more lines are available
                                // creat a new array, set the gem type of the line, and where it is
                                var lineGems:Array=[i+"_"+j];
                                var gemType:uint=gems_array[i][j];
                                var linePosition:int;
                                // check t's a horizontal line...
                                if (rowLineLength(i,j)>2) {
                                    // if so, find our how long it is and put all the line's gems into the array
                                    while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,i,linePosition-1)) {
                                    while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,i,linePosition+1)) {
                                // check t's a vertical line...
                                if (columnLineLength(i,j)>2) {
                                    // if so, find our how long it is and put all the line's gems into the array
                                    while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,linePosition-1,j)) {
                                    while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,linePosition+1,j)) {
                                // for all gems in the line...
                                for (i=0; i<lineGems.length; i++) {
                                    // remove it from the program
                                    // find where it was in the array
                                    var cd:Array=lineGems[i].split("_");
                                    // set it to an empty gem space
                                    // set the new score
                                    // set the score setter up
                                // if a row was made, stop the loop
                        // if a line was made, stop making more lines
                        if (moreLinesAvailable) {
                    // if no more lines were available...
                    if (! moreLinesAvailable) {
                                for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
                                    for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
                                        aGem=new Sprite();
                            // allow new moves to be made
                            // remove score multiplier
            // display new score
        // When the user clicks
        function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
            // If a click is allowed
            if (clickPossible) {
                // If the click is within the game area...
                if (mouseX<container.x+gemSize*8 && mouseX>0 && mouseY<container.y+gemSize*8 && mouseY>0) {
                    // Find which row and column were clicked
                    var clickedRow:uint=Math.floor((mouseY-container.y)/gemSize);
                    //var clickedRow:uint=Math.floor(;
                    var clickedColumn:uint=Math.floor((mouseX-container.x)/gemSize);
                    //var clickedColumn:uint=Math.floor(;
                    // Check if the clicked gem is adjacent to the selector
                    // If not...
                    if (!(((clickedRow==selectorRow+1 || clickedRow==selectorRow-1)&&clickedColumn==selectorColumn)||((clickedColumn==selectorColumn+1 || clickedColumn==selectorColumn-1) && clickedRow==selectorRow))) {
                        // Find row and colum the selector should move to
                        // Move it to the chosen position
                        // If hidden, show it.
                    // If it is not next to it...
                    else {
                        // Swap the gems;
                        // If they make a line...
                        if (rowLineLength(selectorRow,selectorColumn)>2 || columnLineLength(selectorRow,selectorColumn)>2||rowLineLength(clickedRow,clickedColumn)>2 || columnLineLength(clickedRow,clickedColumn)>2) {
                            // remove the hint text
                            // dis-allow a new move until cascade has ended (removes glitches)
                            // move and rename the gems
                            match = true;
                            rotate = true;
                        // If not...
                        else {
                            // Switch them back
                            match = false;
                        if (match) {
                            // Move the selector position to default
                            // and hide it
                        else {
                            // Set the selector position
                            // Move the box into position
                            match = false;
                            // If hidden, show it.
                // If the click is outside the game area
                else {
                    // For gems in all rows...
                    for (var i:uint=0; i<8; i++) {
                        // and columns...
                        for (var j:uint=0; j<8; j++) {
                            // if they're not too close to the side...
                            if (i<7) {
                                // swap them horizontally
                                // check if they form a line
                                if ((rowLineLength(i,j)>2||columnLineLength(i,j)>2||rowLineLength(i+1,j)>2||columnLineLength(i+1,j)>2)) {
                                    // if so, name the move made
                                    selectorBox.x = j*gemSize;
                                    selectorBox.y = i*gemSize;
                                    selectorBox.visible = true;
                                    hint_txt.text = (i+1).toString()+","+(j+1).toString()+"->"+(i+2).toString()+","+(j+1).toString();
                                // swap the gems back
                            // then if they're not to close to the bottom...
                            if (j<7) {
                                // swap it vertically
                                // check if it forms a line
                                if ((rowLineLength(i,j)>2||columnLineLength(i,j)>2||rowLineLength(i,j+1)>2||columnLineLength(i,j+1)>2) ) {
                                    // if so, name it
                                    selectorBox.x = j*gemSize;
                                    selectorBox.y = i*gemSize;
                                    selectorBox.visible = true;
                                    hint_txt.text = (i+1).toString()+","+(j+1).toString()+"->"+(i+1).toString()+","+(j+2).toString();
                                // swap the gems back
        //Swap given gems
        function swapGems(fromRow:uint,fromColumn:uint,toRow:uint,toColumn:uint):void {
            //Save the original position
            var originalPosition:uint=gems_array[fromRow][fromColumn];
            //Move original gem to new position
            //move second gem to saved, original gem's position
        //Find out if there us a horizontal line
        function rowLineLength(row:uint,column:uint):uint {
            var gemType:uint=gems_array[row][column];
            var lineLength:uint=1;
            var checkColumn:int=column;
            //check how far left it extends
            while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,row,checkColumn-1)) {
            //check how far right it extends
            while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,row,checkColumn+1)) {
            // return total line length
            return (lineLength);
        //Find out if there us a vertical line
        function columnLineLength(row:uint,column:uint):uint {
            var gemType:uint=gems_array[row][column];
            var lineLength:uint=1;
            var checkRow:int=row;
            //check how low it extends
            while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,checkRow-1,column)) {
            //check how high it extends
            while (sameGemIsHere(gemType,checkRow+1,column)) {
            // return total line length
            return (lineLength);
        function sameGemIsHere(gemType:uint,row:int,column:int):Boolean {
            //Check there are gems in the chosen row
            if (gems_array[row]==null) {
                return false;
            //If there are, check if there is a gem in the chosen slot
            if (gems_array[row][column]==null) {
                return false;
            //If there is, check if it's the same as the chosen gem type
            return gemType==gems_array[row][column];
           function rotateClockwise(a:Array):void {
            var n:int=a.length;
            for (var i:int=0; i<n/2; i++) {
                for (var j:int=i; j<n-i-1; j++) {
                    var tmp:String=a[i][j];
Any help appreciated.

OK, way too much code. By default, everything will rotate from top left. If you want to change that you need to change the positions of the content within the container, not the container itself.
For example if you do something like this:
var a:Sprite = new Sprite(); //container
a.x = 100; a.y = 100;
var b:MovieClip = new car(); //clip from library
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, up);
function up(e:Event):void
          a.rotation += 1;
The car added to the container will rotate about it's top left point... because that's where the container rotates about. To fix, move the car so the containers top/left is at the car's center like so:
var a:Sprite = new Sprite();
a.x = 100; a.y = 100;
var b:MovieClip = new car();
b.x -= b.width / 2;
b.y -= b.height / 2;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, up);
function up(e:Event):void
          a.rotation += 1;
You'll notice all that changed is moving the car 1/2 it's width and height.

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    You are so brief, this is the best I can tell you:
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    in fact the best thing would be to get used to quaternions. I suppose some Java3D tutorials discribe it quite well.
    If you really want to use rotation on axis you have two solutions :
    create 2 Transform3D and apply the result
    Transform3D t3dx = new Transform3D();
    t3dx.setRotation(new AxisAngle4f(1f,0f,0f,(xangle)));
    Transform3D t3dy = new Transform3D();
    t3dy.setRotation(new AxisAngle4f(0f,1f,0f,(yangle)));
    (hum, at least i suppose it would work ;)
    or you can do that too :
    Transform3D t3dx = new Transform3D();
    t3d.setRotation(new AxisAngle4f(1f,yangle/xangle,0f,(xangle)));
    (in this case xangle must be != 0)
    I'm not really sure it will work so please tell me if it works. I've tried to help you twice today so you can send me some bucks to the folowing address :
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    c ya

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    in fact the axis used in the RotationInterpolator is the one which is on the y axis in the local coordinates system obtained after the Transform3D is performed
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    I am pretty sure I know what you are talking about.
    //Create the Object
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    Transform3D tr = new Transform3D();
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    objectname.rotation = 360;
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    var sp:Sprite = new Sprite();
    sp.x = -sp.width/2;
    sp.y = -sp.height/2;
    var p:Sprite = new Sprite();
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    MouseRotate mouseRotate = new MouseRotate();
    mouseRotate.setTransformGroup( sectionTransform );
    mouseRotate.setSchedulingBounds( new BoundingSphere() );
    mouseRotate.setFactor( 0, 0.3 );
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    You might want to consider creating your own behaviour. It depends on your implementation, but if you have a Transform group above the object, you can get the transform and get the rotation values from that transform. It will take a bit of math, but here's a primer to get you started...
    so if you calculate the angle around a particular axis from that transform and it is "greater" than the limit, then you can just set the transform's rotation angle to the limit by reconstructing a new transform and placing that transform in the transform group.
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  • AffineTransform rotate+resize+center

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    What is needed to make the following code work?
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class RotateAndResize extends JFrame
         public static Image image;
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
              //A photo (in landscape format) which need to be rotated 90 degress (to portrait format)
              File thumbFile = new File("C:\\...\\P1080309.jpg");
              image =;
              RotateAndResize frame = new RotateAndResize();
         public void update ( Graphics g )
         public void paint(Graphics in)
              Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) in;
              int w = getWidth();
              int h = getHeight();
              int imgWidth = image.getWidth(null);
              int imgHeight = image.getHeight(null);
              g.setColor (new Color(0,0,0));
              g.fillRect (0,0,w,h);
              //switch due to rotation
              int tmp = imgHeight;
              imgHeight = imgWidth;
              imgWidth = tmp;               
              double scale = Math.min((double)w/imgWidth, (double)h/imgHeight);
              AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale);
              at.quadrantRotate(1); //90
              g.setTransform ( at );
                             ,w/2 - imgWidth / 2 //center
                             ,h/2 - imgHeight / 2 //center

    First and foremost:
    1. Always create and show Swing components on the EDT using SwingUtilities (or EventQueue) #invokeLater.
    2. Never draw to a JFrame, it's a top level container and is meant to hold other components. Do custom painting in a JCompoent or JPanel subclass. See [the Tutorial|].
    3. Your GUI is not a special type of JFrame and should not subclass JFrame. Always prefer composition over inheritance.
    Is this an exercise to use AffineTransform? I usually find it easier to work with the Graphics2D API.import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Graphics2D;
    import java.awt.Image;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    public class LandscapeToPortrait {
       Image image;
       public static void main(String[] args) {
          SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
                new LandscapeToPortrait().makeUI();
       public void makeUI() {
          try {
             // change the filename to your image file
             image = File(
             // scale to screen size, landscape mode
             image = image.getScaledInstance(800, 600, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
          } catch (IOException ex) {
          JPanel panel = new JPanel() {
             protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                if (image != null) {
                   int imageWidth = image.getWidth(null);
                   int imageHeight = image.getHeight(null);
                   int panelWidth = getWidth();
                   int panelHeight = getHeight();
                   double scale = (double) panelHeight / imageWidth;
                   Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
                   // translate to the center of the panel
                   g2.translate(panelWidth / 2, panelHeight / 2);
                   // rotate 90°
                   g2.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
                   // translate to the point where the top-right of the
                   // image should paint.  Remember that when rotated 90°,
                   // +x -> +y and +y -> -x
                   // [0,5]            [0,0]
                   //   +----------------+
                   //   |                |
                   //   |                |
                   //   |                |
                   //   |                |
                   //   |                |
                   //   |                |
                   //   |                |
                   //   +----------------+
                   // [5,5]             [5,0]
                   // Also remember that the image will be scaled when painted
                   g2.translate(-panelHeight / 2, -imageHeight * scale / 2);
                   // apply the scale
                   g2.scale(scale, scale);
                   g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
          panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));
          JFrame frame = new JFrame();

  • Constrain To Sprite doesn't like rotating sprites...

    I have a bunch of movable sprites that I'd like to constrain
    to a box
    (basically just the whole stage). Problem is that they also
    have the
    ability to rotate, only at 90 degree intervals, though.
    They're relatively
    rectangular shapes (puzzle pieces). But when you rotate them
    with the
    Constrain to Sprite behavior on them, their aspect ratio gets
    all screwed
    up, and then sometimes they start moving on their own until
    they hit an
    edge, quite odd behavior. Is there a way to make this
    behavior work with
    sprites that can be rotated without these glitches? Or is
    there a better
    alternative? I tried writing my own contstrain script, which
    worked except
    that you could still drag the sprites off the edge, they'd
    just keep
    bouncing back and forth until you released the mouse button.
    Also not good

    Are you dragging these sprites around or are you moving them
    in some
    other way?
    If you are dragging the sprites around then you can use
    sprite(X).within(Y) to keep your sprites from leaving the
    stage area.
    1. Make a borderless empty toolbox shape sprite that is
    slightly smaller
    than the whole stage. Make is sprite 1.
    2. constrain each sprite to that sprite.
    3. use a simple behavior like this to control the moving of
    each sprite:
    property thisSprite
    property animateMe
    on beginSprite me
    thisSprite = me.spriteNum
    animateMe = false
    sprite(thisSprite).constraint = 1
    on mouseDown me
    animateMe = true
    on mouseUp me
    animateMe = false
    on exitFrame me
    if animateMe then
    sprite(thisSprite).loc = the mouseLoc
    end if
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

  • Transform combination for rotation about arbitrary axis

    I have read through many of the postings about rotations around axes other than ones going through the origin, and they list various solutions. I tried using the method where an object is translated to the origin, rotated, and then translated back to its original position.
    When using this method, does each translation and rotation need to be in a separate TransformGroup, or can one TransformGroup use three Transform3D objects multiplied together to reach the same result?
    Thanks for any additional info anyone can provide.

    You can use only one TransformGroup with the combined transformation. However if you change something you have to recalculate the overal transformation again. Thus you have to store the translation and rotation values. If you use seperate TransformGroups Java3D is calculating the overal transformation for you. In this case: if the capability bits which allow changes to the Trasnformation are NOT set and the scene graph is compiled, then j3d will internally hold only the combined transformation, so you don't loose any performance.

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