Round away from zero

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE     Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - ProductionI have been tasked to write a function to round away from zero
I would like it to be the same as oracle round
  round(n , integer ) the following exceptions if no value is given for the second parameter (integer) a default of 2 is used
because this is typically for pennies
the other exception is that it rounds away from 0 as in round_away_from_zero(2.351) = 2.36 and round_away_from_zero(2.32,1) = 2.4
I am close but do not quite have it.
create or replace function round_away_from_zero   (v_n number, v_integer pls_integer default 2) return number as
     case mod(v_n,.1*(v_integer - 1)) when 0 then
       return trunc(v_n,v_integer);
      return trunc(v_n,v_integer)+ power(.1,v_integer);
      end case;
end; here are my current incorrect results
with t as ( select 1.231 nbr from dual union
                select 1.101   from dual union
                select 1.600 from dual union
                select 1.423 from dual union
                select .30 from dual union
                select .9 from dual union
                select 1.0001 from dual union
                select 10 from dual
select nbr,  round_away_from_zero(nbr,0),  round_away_from_zero(nbr,1), round_away_from_zero(nbr,2)
from t;
0.3     0     0.4     0.3
0.9     0     1     0.9
1.0001     2     1.1     1.01
1.101     2     1.2     1.11
1.231     2     1.3     1.24
1.423     2     1.5     1.43
1.6     1     1.7     1.6
10     10     10.1     10here are my expected resulst
0.3     1     0.3     0.3
0.9     1     0.9     0.9
1.0001     2     1.1     1.01
1.101     2     1.2     1.11
1.231     2     1.3     1.24
1.423     2     1.5     1.43
1.6     2     1.7     1.6
10     10     10     10

Carlovski's solution is great for numbers greater than or equal to 0.
If you want negative numbers to round away from 0, you can do something like this:
,       SIGN (nbr) * CEIL ( ABS (nbr)
                           * POWER (10, :v_integer)
             / POWER (10, :v_integer)     AS round_away
FROM    t;Output, with some negative numbers, and :v_integer = 1:
       -10        -10
      -1.6       -1.6
    -1.423       -1.5
    -1.231       -1.3
    -1.101       -1.2
   -1.0001       -1.1
       -.9        -.9
       -.3        -.3

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    iOS: Unable to send or receive email
    Can’t Send Emails on iPad – Troubleshooting Steps
    iPad Mail
    Try a Reset - iPad How-Tos
    Or this - Delete the account in Mail and then set it up again.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Security updates are essential on any and all software, specially your browser. Mozilla is working to streamline the updating process as much as possible, but you shouldn't neglect your own security for a few seconds of "wasted" time.
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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
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