Rounding in SAP script

What does the below command do?  I can see its roudning the value up from 2.5 to 3.  But I don't get the 12.0?

It means a number of output length 12 without decimal

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    1.In layout just call that variable, where you need like:
    Just see these:
    &symbol(Z)&  Omit Leading Zeros 
    &symbol(S)&  Omit Leading Sign 
    &symbol(<)&  Display Leading Sign to the Left 
    &symbol(>)&  Display Leading Sign to the Right 
    &symbol(C)&  Compress Spaces 
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    If helpful reward with points(Don't forget).

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    Thanks & Regards,

    You dont have to concatenate quotes.
    You can dynamically put any value into a character variable, say,  ht, in your print program.
    Data : ht(10) type c.
    This variable should be within &, in the script. The program takes the value of height without rounding the decimals.

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    /:           IF &T156T-BWART& = '321' OR &T156T-BWART& = '322' OR
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    Hi neha,
    Try to use the '/E' fo rnext line
    /E->Extended line
    Here is a code:
    /: IF &T156T-BWART& = '321' OR &T156T-BWART& = '322' OR
    /E  &T156T-BWART& = '349' OR &T156T-BWART& = '350' OR
    /E  &T156T-BWART& = '312' OR &T156T-BWART& = '326' OR
    /E &T156T-BWART& = '343' OR &T156T-BWART& = '344'.
    /: ELSE
    /: ENDIF.
    Hope this helps you.

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    Hi Pravin Sherkar,
    we can do this in SAP Scripts.
    we need to create two pages, one of landscape and another of potrait.
    now after filling the data at last we need to call the page which is of format landscape using START_FORM  function module.
    You can use condition &PAGE& = &FORMPAGES&.
    Please check this link
    Printing Portrait/Landscape in sapscript
    Re: Landscape and potrait in same layout?
    Best regards,

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    declare a counter
    data : cnt type char 4.
    print :
    cnt = cnt + 1.
    &cnt& &text&
    cnt = cnt + 1. and so on.
    if the data is in an internal table
    loop at internal_table.
    cnt = cnt + 1.
    write form.
    in script -&cnt& &text&
    Edited by: NIKHILKUMAR POOJARI on Nov 17, 2008 11:18 AM

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    if u want print special characters we can use hot codes i.e '  '  (single inverted commas). in between these hot codes insert u r special characters.
    write    '    !@#$%^&*( )  '.
    for the above write statement output is
    output is   !@#$%^&*( )

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    You can make use of standard text...
    create a standard text in SO10 with your company address
    and in the footer window of your script.. use include text and provide the name of the standard text you created in SO10.
    In the text editor... goto insert > text> standard
    You get popup give the name of the text name id and language

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Difference with SMARTFORMS vs. SapScript(SE71)
    The Following are the differences :-
    a) Multiple page formats are possible in smartforms which is not the case in SAPScripts
    b) It is possible to have a smartform without a main window .
    c) Labels cannot be created in smartforms.
    d) Routines can be written in smartforms tool.
    e) Smartforms generates a function module when activated.
    f) Unlike sapscripts (RSTXSCRP), you cannot upload/download Smartform to your local harddisk.
    It was said that it was provided in CRM 3.0 version, but not available in R/3. You can download smartforms into Local PC in a XML format. In the same way you can upload this XML format into Smartform. From the smartform editor itself you can call download option, if you are working in CRM 3.0 environment.
    In R3 also, you can download into XML format. However, it's not sure about uploading. Refer to the program 'SF_XSF_DEMO'.
    In 4.7 Enterprise, other have seen this utlity which is completey missing in 4.6c. There is functionality to downlaod a complete form or only a particular node. (Utilities -> Download form). It will create a XML file and save it in the hard disk.
    For others, if you want to download/upload the Smartforms source, you will need the help from the Basis people. What you can do is to create a Transport and then FTP down to your local harddisk. When you need the Smartform source in another system, you have FTP up the Smartforms file back to the SAP server. Finally, the Basis team, will tp it into your system.
    g) The protect and endprotect command in sapscript doesn't work with smartforms. For example on a invoice: First data of position no 80. is printed on page one, other data of position no 80 is printed on page 2. And there's nothing you can do about it. Actually, there is something you can do about it. By using a folder node and checking the 'protect' checkbox, everything in that folder will be page protected.
    check out this link:
    Reward points if helpful.

  • SAP SCRIPT code problem

    - Heading for trans. w/out sp.G/L indicators (item sorting method 2)-
    Transactions without special G/L indicators
    - Heading for trans. with sp.G/L indicators (item sorting method 2)-
    - Heading for open item list of line items -
    <K>Invoice No,,Reference.,,Inv.Date,,                   Due date,,,,
    - Line items    Customer open items -
    FORM get_date tables
            int_cond structure itcsy
            outt_cond structure itcsy.
    tables : bseg.
    data : w_belnr type ITCSY-value.
    DATA due_date TYPE rfpos-faedt.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        outt_cond-value = S_itab11.
        MODIFY outt_cond INDEX sy-tabix.
    shkzg zfbdt zbd1t zbd2t zbd3t rebzg
    FROM bseg
    *bukrs = bukrs AND
    belnr = int_cond-value.
    *AND vbeln = belnr.
    i_zfbdt = bseg-zfbdt
    i_zbd1t = bseg-zbd1t
    i_zbd2t = bseg-zbd2t
    i_zbd3t = bseg-zbd3t
    i_shkzg = bseg-shkzg
    i_rebzg = bseg-rebzg
    I_KOART = 'D'
    e_faedt = due_date.
    outt_cond-value = due_date.
    MODIFY outt_cond INDEX sy-tabix.
    Now the problem is that,it is int_cond-value is always picking up the first invoice number.
    and the net due date is always same for all invoices..?
    should I loop in the sap script or in the form..?

    Solved my self.
    just placing the perform and endform in 530

  • Use of IF statement in SAP Scripts

    Can u tell me how to use IF statement in SAP Scripts.
    The problem is
    if &sy-tabix& eq '1'
    this sy-tabix is not working

    i think sy-tabix will not work here....
    do like this..
    data : vtabix type i.
    loop at itab.
    vtabix = sy-tabix.
    write_form...for the text element..
    in form layout
    /: if &vtabix(c)& eq 1
    shiba dutta

  • Internal table in sap script

    Hello All ,
    I  have got a internal table with tracking numbers and I want to print all the numbers in that internal table on sap script.
    Please advise.
    Moderator message:  please search for available information before asking.
    locked by: Thomas Zloch on Sep 13, 2010 1:09 PM

    You can create a sub-routine and pass all the table entries in variables and then you can print them.

  • In sap scripts how to display the driver program

        I Want to know the sap scripts How to display the output to driver program

    Go to NACE Transaction.
    Select application for ex: if sales V1.
    Click on output types.
    Select the output type for ex : BA00
    Double click on Processing routines.
    There you can find the Driver Program name and Script/smart form name.
    Reward if useful.

  • In SAP Scripts How to write the fields 90  Degrees to regular format

    Hi ,
    I am working with SAP Scripts . Sometimes you may want to print text vertically.
    I have got a requiremnt in which there we have to write some data which is to be written 90 degres to regular output.
    please let me know if there is any printer setting for that .

    Dear friend,
    For printing the text verticaly you need to made a
    print controle at printer level.
    select a command and in that you have to go in tab general
    and in front of :Include Printer Control: give the z print controle.
    in my company basis people had made one print controle
    YOU have to use this command two times between
    the text .
    first command will move the printer at 90 degree and then
    write the text and second will move back to horizental.
    I dont know how this ZR090 can be made.
    rest wht i have written is very true and currently working.
    hope this will solve your problem.
    rewards are expected.
    Thanks and Regards
    vivek kumar srivastava

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    Hi Srinivas,
       The order in which the windows are triggered is determined by the print program.
    The print program will call the WRITE_FORM function modules which will trigger the windiw that is passed to it.
    You can see the example print program:
    The fm WRITE_FORM is called multiple times, and different windows get triggered as and when the control comes to the Function module.
    And regarding your second question, in general you cannot run the print programs as stand alone(most cases) as the would not have and executable code outside the form-endform .So, to test the script, you must run the transaction after your activate the script debugging.

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