Rounding the corners on an image

Is there a simple way to round the corners on an image?
The way I do it (like on the front page of seems way too complicated...
Sorry if this is a really dumb question!

A really flexible way to approach this is to create a path with the Shape tool (U or Shift-U). In your situation, of course, use the Rounded Rectangle tool as D Fosse already suggested. Or, use any closed path you might want to create, using any other tools.
If you need to, use the Free Transform tool (Ctrl-T / Command-T) and/or the Direct Select tool (A) to position, distort, reshape, scale, etc. This can include tweaking the roundedness of the shape you just created, rounding just certain corners, etc.
Then, with the Direct Select tool (A) active, right-click the image and choose Make Selection.
Then, press Ctrl-J (Command-J) to create a new layer cropped to the contents of the shape.
So the sequence is really simple and easy to remember: Shape, Select, Jerk.
     Make a shape,
     Make the shape into a selection,
     Ctrl-J (Command-J).
Note that after you have made the shape into a selection, it only affects the current view. So you can turn layers on and off in the Layers panel, or move the selection around around, and crop out identically-sized chunks of anything on any layer. The Ctrl-J technique makes this fast and efficient.
Bart Cross's "smoothed marquee" technique is pretty cool, though, if you only need rounded corners. However, be careful not to make the original marquee fit the entire image. The marquee will snap to the outer edges, and then the Smooth option will become unavailable. There has to be a pixel or two outside the marquee to enable all the Select / Modify choices (at least this is true in CS4).

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    I am currently trying to detect the corners in an image using a tecnique called Harruis Corner detector, I am using some code in Matlab to help me do this but it is not working.
    Below I have the code in java and MatLab
    Below is my code in java
    private int[] pixels;
    private int[] grey_scale_image;
    private double[][] greylevels;
    private BufferedImage image;
    private Image result_image;
    private int[] convolvedImage;
    Point[] corners = new Point[100];
    Pixel[][] pixelObjects = new Pixel[256][256];
    int[][][] data;// = new int[][][];
    double[] result223;
    * Constructor for objects of class HarrisCorner
    public HarrisCorner(BufferedImage image) {
    this.image = image;
    int width = image.getWidth();
    int height = image.getHeight();
    pixels = new int[width * height];
    grey_scale_image = new int[pixels.length];
    handlepixels(image, 0, 0, width, height);
    greylevels = new double[width][height];
    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
    greylevels[i][j] = grey_scale_image[j * width + i];
    double[][] kernel = {{-1, 0, 1} , {-1, 0, 1}, {-1, 0, 1}}; // -1 0 1; -1 0 1; -1 0 1 / 3 (look into that)
    // print(kernel);
    double[][] kernel1 = {{-1, -1, -1} , { 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}};
    double[][] smooth_kernel = {{1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1}};
    Matrix Ix = new Matrix(convolution2D(greylevels, width, height, kernel,
    kernel.length, kernel[0].length));
    Matrix Iy = new Matrix(convolution2D(greylevels, width, height, kernel1,
    kernel.length, kernel[0].length));
    System.out.println(Ix.getArray().length + " " + Ix.getArray()[0].length);
    System.out.println(Iy.getArray().length + " " + Iy.getArray()[0].length);
    Matrix Ixy = Ix.times(Iy);
    Matrix Ix2 = Ix.times(Ix);
    Matrix Iy2 = Iy.times(Iy);
    Matrix Ixy2 = Ixy.times(Ixy);
    //compute kernel using guassain smoothing operator guassain_kernel()
    Matrix GIx2 = new Matrix(convolution2D(Ix2.getArray(),
    guassain_kernel(), smooth_kernel.length,
    Matrix GIy2 = new Matrix(convolution2D(Iy2.getArray(),
    guassain_kernel(), smooth_kernel.length,
    Matrix GIxy2 = new Matrix(convolution2D(Ixy2.getArray(),
    smooth_kernel, smooth_kernel.length,
    //c = (GIx2 + GIy2) - 0.04 * (GIx2 .* GIy2 - GIxy2.^2);
    Matrix M = ( ( (Ix2.times(Iy2)).minus(Ixy2.times(Ixy2))).times(0.04));
    //Matrix detM = (Ix2.times(Iy2)).minus(Ixy2.times(Ixy2));
    //Matrix traceM =;
    //Matrix M = detM.minus((traceM.times(traceM)).times(0.04));
    // double[] row2 = M.getRowPackedCopy();
    // Arrays.sort(row2);
    // double theCorner = row2[row2.length-100];
    // System.out.println("theCorner" +theCorner);
    // double[][] responses = M.getArray();
    // for(int i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) {
    // for(int j = 0; j < responses[0].length; j++) {
    // if(responses[i][j] <= theCorner)
    // responses[i][j] = 0;
    //double[][] ww = M.getArray();
    double[][] cr22 = wrapBorder(Iy.getArray());
    //double[][] corner_response = wrapBorder(responses);
    result223 = new double[pixels.length];
    for (int j = 0; j < greylevels[0].length; ++j) {
    for (int i = 0; i < greylevels.length; ++i) {
    if(corner_response[i][j] != 0) {
    //cr22[i][j] =
    result223[j * (greylevels.length) + i] = -1;//((;//cr22[i][j];
    result223[j * (greylevels.length) + i] = cr22[i][j];//greylevels[i][j];
    convolvedImage = doublesToValidPixels(result223);
    for (int i = 0; i < corners.length; i++) {
    int index = row2.length - corners.length + i;
    double pixel = row2[index];
    for(int h = 0; h < 256; h++) {
    for(int w = 0; w < 256; w++) {
    Pixel p = pixelObjects[w][h];
    if(p.getPixel() == pixel) {
    corners[i] = new Point(p.getX(),p.getY());
    //if(i==99) break;
    This is the code in Matlab :
    % % HISTORY
    % 2001 Philip Torr ([email protected], [email protected]) at Microsoft
    % Created.
    % Copyright � Microsoft Corp. 2002
    % REF:     "A combined corner and edge detector", C.G. Harris and M.J. Stephens
    %     Proc. Fourth Alvey Vision Conf., Manchester, pp 147-151, 1988.
    %%to do: we might want to make this so it can either take a threshold or a fixed number of corners...
    % c_coord is the n x 2 x,y position of the corners
    % im is the image as a matrix
    % width is the width of the smoothing function
    % sigma is the smoothing sigma
    % subpixel = 1 for subpixel results (not implemented yet)
    %%%%%bugs fixed Jan 2003
    function [c_coord] = torr_charris(im, ncorners, width, sigma, subpixel)
    if (nargin < 2)
    error('not enough input in charris');
    elseif (nargin ==2)
    width = 3; %default
    sigma = 1;
    if (nargin < 5)
    subpixel = 0;
    mask = [-1 0 1; -1 0 1; -1 0 1] / 3;
    % compute horizontal and vertical gradients
    %%note because of the way Matlab does this Ix and Iy will be 2 rows and columns smaller than im
    Ix = conv2(im, mask, 'valid');
    Iy = conv2(im, mask', 'valid');
    % compute squares amd product
    Ixy = Ix .* Iy;
    Ix2 = Ix.^2;
    Iy2 = Iy.^2;
    Ixy2 = Ixy .^2;
    % smooth them
    gmask = torr_gauss_mask(width, sigma);
    %gim = conv2(im, gmask, 'valid');
    %%note because of the way Matlab does this Ix and Iy will be width*2 rows and columns smaller than Ix2,
    % for a total of (1 + width)*2 smaller than im.
    GIx2 = conv2(Ix2, gmask, 'valid');
    GIy2 = conv2(Iy2, gmask, 'valid');
    GIxy2 = conv2(Ixy2, gmask, 'valid');
    % computer cornerness
    % c = (GIx2 + GIy2) ./ (GIx2 .* GIy2 - GIxy2 + 1.0);
    %%%one problem is that this could be negative for certain images.
    c = (GIx2 + GIy2) - 0.04 * (GIx2 .* GIy2 - GIxy2.^2);
    %c is smaller than before got border of 2 taken off all round
    %compute max value around each pixel
    %cmin = imorph(c, ones(3,3), 'min');
    %assuming that the values in c are all positive,
    %this returns the max value at that pixel if it is a local maximum,
    %otherwise we return an arbitrary negative value
    cmax = torr_max3x3(double(c));
    % if pixel equals max, it is a local max, find index,
    ci3 = find(c == cmax);
    cs3 = c(ci3);
    [cs2,ci2] = sort(cs3); %ci2 2 is an index into ci3 which is an index into c
    %put strongest ncorners corners in a list cs together with indices ci
    l = length(cs2)
    lb = max(1,l-ncorners+1);
    cs = cs2(lb:l);
    ci2s = ci2(lb:l);
    ci = ci3(ci2s);
    corn_thresh = cs(1);
    %row and column of each corner
    [nrows, ncols] = size(c);
    %plus four for border
    % c_row = rem(ci,nrows) +4;
    % c_col = ( ci - c_row )/nrows + 1 +4;
    border = 1 + width;
    c_row = rem(ci,nrows) + border;
    c_col = ( ci - c_row +2)/nrows + 1 + border;
    % %to convert to x,y we need to convert from rows to y
    c_coord = [c_col c_row];
    %see Nister's thesis page 19.
    if subpixel
    disp('subpixel not done yet')
    %display corners....
    %hold on
    %          plot(c_col, c_row, '+');
    %          plot(c_coord(:,1), c_coord(:,2), '+');
    % hold off
    %index runs
    % 1 4
    % 2 5\
    % 3 6
    %ci = ci + 4 * nrows + 4;
    %ci = (nrows + 4) * 4 + 4 + ci;
    %c_patches = [gim(ci - nrows) gim(ci - nrows-1) gim(ci - nrows+1) gim(ci-1) gim(ci) gim(ci+1) gim(ci+nrows) gim(ci+nrows+1) gim(ci+nrows-1)];
    % hold on
    %      imagesc(im);
    %          plot(c_col, c_row, 'sw')
    % hold off
    %      size(im)
    %           size(cp)
    %          imr = im2col(im, [5,5])';
    %          im_corr = imr(ci);
    %      im(c_row(:)-1, c_col(:)-1)
    %          each row is a 3x3 matrix
    %      c_patches = [ im(c_row-1, c_col-1) im(c_row-1, c_col) im(c_row-1, c_col+1) ...
    % im(c_row, c_col-1) im(c_row, c_col) im(c_row, c_col+1) ...
    % im(c_row+1, c_col-1) im(c_row+1, c_col) im(c_row+1, c_col+1) ];
    %c_patches = [im(ci-1) im(ci) im(ci+1)];
    %c_patches = [im(ci)];
    Any help would greatly appreciated

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    I can get an outline of the picture with the rounded corners showing but it never removes the sharp corners from outside the rounded rectangle.
    When I save the picture as a copy in .PNG , then call it back up there are still sharp corners shown as a background>
    I can't believe Adobe could make this simple thing so darned confusing!
    Adobe makes good software but there ease of use is horrible.
    Can someone please give me step by step how to do this?
    Been at it for 4 hours.
    Thanks Mitch (mad1015)

    You can use the Rounded Rectangle tool.
    1. Select the rounded rectangle tool and draw a rectangle, then move the rectangle layer
       below your picture.
    2. Make the picture layer active and go to Layer>Create Clipping Mask.
    3. Make the shape layer active and select the move tool to adjust the size of the rectangle.
    4. Go to File>Save for Web and select png 24 and check Transparency.
    In step 1 set the radius of the rouned corners in the tool options bar.
    Message was edited by: MTSTUNER

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    You can round the corners of a rectangle or square as you
    draw it by setting the curvature of the corners in the Rectangle
    tool Options panel.
    Set this value before drawing the rectangle.
    To draw a rectangle with rounded corners:
    1 Double-click the Rectangle tool to open the Rectangle tool
    Options panel.
    2 Enter a value in the Corner text box.
    3 Hold down the mouse button and drag to draw a rectangle.
    Note: You cannot round the corners of an existing rectangle.
    The problem is, that the Rectangle tool options panel doesn't
    open!! is this a bug? or am i just missing something really
    obvious?? help!! has anyone else run into this?

    oy vey. never mind - i found it. it's so obvious that i want
    to cry. the problem was the inspector was already open and off
    underneath something that I couldn't immediately see. what a
    doofus. sorry for taking up space.

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    Exploring this some more today I found a lot of cool picture frame effects you can apply to an object in the object inspector. Under Stroke, chose Picture Frame from the drop-down menu that says line. You can set the color & choose from several different picture frame styles.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class RoundingImages extends JPanel {
        BufferedImage image;
        RoundingImages(BufferedImage src) {
            image = roundCorners(src, 50);
        private BufferedImage roundCorners(BufferedImage src, int r) {
            int w = src.getWidth();
            int h = src.getHeight();
            int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB;
            BufferedImage dst = new BufferedImage(w, h, type);
            Graphics2D g2 = dst.createGraphics();
            RoundRectangle2D r2 = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(0,0,w,h,r,r);
            g2.drawImage(src, 0, 0, this);
            return dst;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            int x = (getWidth() - image.getWidth())/2;
            int y = (getHeight() - image.getHeight())/2;
            g.drawImage(image, x, y, this);
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            String path = "images/cougar.jpg";
            BufferedImage image = File(path));
            RoundingImages test = new RoundingImages(image);
            JFrame f = new JFrame();

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    there are still some Applications that I Have that need Updating but Apple Mac App Store has not Appoved them yet??
    Hi Byron,
    There is a new safety feature  where the third party apps need to be approved by the app store to make sure they're ok. But, you can get around that by hitting the Control key while launching the app - you'll get a menu where you can choose for it to open. That overrides the new feature. Or, you can also go into the Security & Privacy Pane > General in System Preferences and choose "anywhere" instead of approved developers and then you can download anything.

  • When Importing Images, How Do I Remove The White Space Around The Corners?

    When Importing Images, How Do I Remove The White Space Around
    The Corners?

    u may use magic wand (and magic wand setting) from Lasson
    Tool to select and delete that white space, but u must break a part
    to the picture first.

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    Obviously, I want the corners to disappear completely (not just be white corners), for screenprinting.
    I am new to PS.
    Thank you

    Image files have a rectangular Canvas size. Some Image file formats support transparency like .PGN.  Support color profiles and 8 and 16bit color.  It easy to create a Photoshop document without a background layer or one that visibility is turned off and save a png with transparent areas. Here I opened a RAW file as as smart object. Added a white layer mask laid our two vertical guides at 10% and 90% Use the polygon lasso to selected the four corner at the guides lines at a 45 degree angle and filled the selection with black to mask off the corners.

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    Try Startup in Safe Mode.
    Start up in Safe Mode.

  • How to round picture corners

    I love Adobe Photoshop Elements. I have gotten Version 10 lately and I have to say, Adobe does not make certain tasks easy.
    All I need is to have my pictures either cropped with rounded corners, or to have the pictures with rounded corners without the background showing. Is this at all possible?
    I found an explanation regarding this for PSE 9.0 but when I try it (Layer > Create Clipping Mask), this is grayed out and I cannot use it.
    Please help!

    Use the Rounded Rectangle tool.  You can first specify the radius for the corners.
    Double-click on your Background layer to change it to a normal layer.
    Use the Rounded Rectangle tool to create a shape layer.
    In the Layers panel, move that shape layer beneath the image layer.
    With the image layer selected, use Layer...Create Clipping Mask (Ctrl+G).
    The layers look like this:
    The final result (using Save For Web as a PNG-24 file):

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    Shouldn't be a problem to do it in Photoshop or Flash. Since you couldn't do it in PS, I'm guessing that there is more to it than you are making obvious here.
    But in Flash you would import it, make it into a movieclip or graphic. Then apply a tint from the color effect portion of the properties panel.

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    A good cheat if you are not sure, is to find and download an image with the appropriate oerspective, and use that as a guide.   I usually do it by eye, start the Free Transform process, and hold down the Ctrl (Cmd) key while dragging corners, and release thwe Ctrl key if I want to resize.  This lets you do it all in one operation with minimum loss of quality, but it certainly helps to make the layer a Smart Object. 
    Actually, thinking about it, definitely make it a SO.  With a normal layer if you need to tweak the transform, the corner handles remain square to the image, and difficult to drag into place.  With an SO the corners will still be at the corners of the object regardless of its shape and orintation.
    But Chuck's idea of using Vanising Point is best if you have the information there in the image to shape the perspective to.
    Check this tutorial by the king of Photoshop for illustration, Steve Caplin
    and this one
    One of these days I'll take out a V2B subscription long enough to watch the whole of this course.

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    here you go, your symbols must be the first and second in the symbols panel. Top/Left symbol must be the first in the Symbols panel. The other symbol must be the second in the panel
    #target Illustrator
    // = addRegistrationSymbols.jsx;
    //  script.description = adds custom registration marks (saved as symbols) to each corner of the active arboard;
    //  script.required = 2 symbols. Top/Left symbol must be the first in the Symbols panel. The other symbol must be the second in the panel
    //  script.parent = carlos canto // 10/30/14;
    //  script.elegant = false;
    // reference
    // usage: your symbols must be the first and second in the symbols panel.
    if (app.documents.length > 0) {
      var idoc = app.activeDocument;
        var margins = 0;
        var bounds = idoc.artboards[idoc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex()].artboardRect;
        var ableft = bounds[0]+margins;
        var abtop = bounds[1]-margins;
        var abright = bounds[2]-margins;
        var abbottom = bounds[3]+margins;
        var twoDots = idoc.symbols[0];
        var twoDotsInstance = idoc.symbolItems.add(twoDots);
        twoDotsInstance.position = [ableft, abtop];
        var oneDot = idoc.symbols[1];
        var oneDotInstance = idoc.symbolItems.add(oneDot);
        var h = oneDotInstance.height;
        var w = oneDotInstance.width;
        oneDotInstance.position = [abright-w, abtop];
        var dup = oneDotInstance.duplicate ();
        dup.position = [abright-w, abbottom+h];
        var dup2 = oneDotInstance.duplicate ();
        dup2.position = [ableft, abbottom+h];
    else {
        alert ("there are no open documents");

  • How do I round some corners of a shape and leave other corners unrounded ?

    Hello All;
    Could someone tell me how to round some corners of a illustration and leave some corners unrounded ? If I use Effect - Stylize - Round Corners, it works beautifully but it rounds all corners, even the ones I don't want rounded. See attached illustration. I do not want the four corners emclosed in the circle rounded.
    Anyone know how to do this (easily, I hope) ?

    That's a good one. What you can do is:
    Make two rounded rectangles with the dimensions you require, and stack them on top of each other.
    Go to the align palette and click the icon that centers the objects vertically.
    From your attached illustration, it seems you want to avoid rounding the line segment in the middle top and bottom of each rectangle, so try this:
    With the pen P tool, put the point of the pen on the first of (4)four anchor points you are going to add and click.
    Now do the same thing for the other three anchor points.
    You have now added two anchor points to each rounded rectangle
    With the Direct Selection A tool, Shift/click on both of the furthest right anchor points you just created, and hold shift while clicking the corner radiuses that connect with those points on the right side of the illustration. You should have a total of six points highlighted altogether.
    Now with your keyboard cursor controls, click the arrow down key as many times as you need to get the angle of the line segment that you were trying not to round.
    If there is another way to do it, I'd like to know, but that should work. The corner rediuses you've moved change somewhat, you can adjust them if need be.
    Using the grid and snap to point in the View section of the menu bar will help you align the added anchor points nicely.
    Sounds like a lot, but I recreated your drawing the way you wanted in about 30 seconds.
    Hope this helps.
    Tim Dunbar

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