Row height at exactly 2mm

Hi Gurus,
I have a long documents that contains numerous long table and there is a blank row that need to be set at exactly 2mm in height, instead of manually putting its row height at exactl 2mm i want to create a script that will make my selected row to transform at  a row height at exactly 2mm. I try the code under but it doesn't work.
var myDocument = app.documents.item(0);
    var myTable = myDocument.stories.item(0).tables.item(0);
    myTable.rows.item(0).height = 2;
Anyone know whats the correct code.
Thanks in advance.

Thats what it says. Thanks for quick help.

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    So I tried .2  and it didn't work.  So I went to Word to manually change it, and it did not work either.  There is a selection box in word, for the table properties, that seems to default to the value "at least".  When I changed this manually to "exactly" in word, no problem with the .2 manually in Word.
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    Edit ****
    You can go into the add table VI and expose the property.  See pic.   However, you have to decide if you want to "upgrade" this VI permanently to expose this property or make a copy with the property exposed.   I haven't messed with the new class reports too much, so not sure of the ins and outs with this.
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                                                          Object        value,
                                                          int           index,
                                                          boolean       isSelected,
                                                          boolean       cellHasFocus)
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            // This is where height of the row is actually changed
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            _table = table;
            _rowHeaderRenderer = new RowHeaderRenderer(_table);
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            this.setCellRenderer                        (_rowHeaderRenderer);
            // TODO: grab this value from the parent view table
            JScrollPane panel = new JScrollPane();
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            this.addMouseListener                        (this);
            this.setModel                                (new DefaultListModel());
            table.getModel().addTableModelListener        (this);
            this.tableChanged                            (new TableModelEvent(_table.getModel()));
        }and as you can see from my mouse dragged event:
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            if(_resizing == true)
                int resizingRowHeight = _rowHeaderRenderer.getRowHeight(_resizingRow);
                _rowHeaderRenderer.setRowHeight(_resizingRow, resizingRowHeight + (e.getPoint().y - _cursorPreviousY));
                _cursorPreviousY = e.getPoint().y;  
        }all I am doing is passing the rowHeaderRenderer the values the currently resizing row should be, which works fine. The values are being changed and are accurate.
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    this.repaint();at the end of that mousedDragged method, but to no avail, neither of them worked.
    Again, I verified that I am passing the correct data in the RowHeaderRenderer.
    So, anyone have any ideas how I should get the image of the RowHeader (JList) to update after calling my MouseDragged event?
    Thank you for your time,

    I was able to fix this some time ago. Here is the solution:
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
              if(_resizing == true)
                   int newHeight = _previousHeight + (e.getPoint().y - _cursorPreviousY);
                   if(newHeight < _minRowHeight)
                        newHeight = _minRowHeight;
                   _rowHeaderRenderer.setRowHeight(_resizingRow, newHeight);
                   _table.setRowHeight(_resizingRow, newHeight);

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    Huh. Maybe I read the OP's posts correctly, I think, but I misread yours. I assumed that, since the thread-opener mentioned row height, that when the OP asked about getting rid of "distribute evenly" that row height was still under discussion. Looks to me like all you can do with cell width/column width is
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    If you want to force it to be a certain height, you should change "At Least" to "Exactly." "At Least" does just what it says it does—it sets a minimum for the row height, but lets the max vary. It should like you want to rows to be "exactly" a certain height, even if it causes text to become overset.
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    Da: Pat Willener 
    Inviato: mercoledì 10 settembre 2014 11:34
    A: Michele Predolin
    Oggetto:  Row height driven by a style
    Row height driven by a style
    created by Pat Willener <>  in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion <>

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    Da: Pat Willener 
    Inviato: mercoledì 10 settembre 2014 11:34
    A: Michele Predolin
    Oggetto:  Row height driven by a style
    Row height driven by a style
    created by Pat Willener <>  in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion <>

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    Message Edited by remenakb on 04-21-2008 12:53 PM
    Brad Remenak
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    Please reply to this thread, my customer is facing the same issue. He does not have issue with the excel and the pdf output but in the rtf output the table heght increases to accomadate the data.He want it to bevave in the same way as the pdf do.

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    1. When creating filters, the <div...> stuff shows up along with the actual column heading, thus confusing some end users
    2. Even when I uncheck the "Use same text for single row view" checkbox and then provide a simple single row view label, the <div> stuff still shows up on the single row view
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    Edited by: DaleB on Jun 18, 2009 8:54 AM
    Edited by: DaleB on Jun 18, 2009 8:54 AM

    Unfortunately we don't have much we can use to do what you would like. I would have said it's impossible until version 4 but you could actually do something similar to what Roel has done. His trick is in the edit button. He changed the edit button to use an "onload" call to a JavaScript process. You could do the same but call a process that goes across the rows and styles each column. Now because you don't have a way to identify the column (can't use the order because the end user could change it) you'll have to write the code to look at the top row first and then style the appropriate column. As far as I can tell, this would be quite difficult and inefficient. Having said that if you need it that bad and would like some help with it, put up an example application on and provide the workspace/username/password and I'll take a look.
    You can reward this reply by marking it as either Helpful or Correct ;-)

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    Hi Ravi,
         In Smartforms , Select the Table and you can adjust the cell hieghts in OUTPUT OPTIONs TAB.
        Reward points if that Helps.

  • Dynamically adjust table row height based on data in column

    Hi all,
    I'm using JDeveloper and have a requirement for a table to adjust the height of its rows depending on the data in the columns. One of the columns in the table is a rich text description field and I have the 'rows' property set to 13. This field could have twenty lines of text/images or just one. The users would like the page to show all twenty lines of text without having to scroll but the table has the same height for all the rows (that I set to 13) and provides a scroll bar when the data exceeds this size. My users do not like to scroll, and want the height of each row to be determined by the data in it. I looked at a few options and also did a search online, but was unable to find anything to fulfill this requirement. Do you know of how I could change the height of each row in the table so that it fits the data that it holds?
    I have an example of my table at: <b>Table with Set Row Height</b>
    As you see, the picture has to be scrolled so that the whole picture is visible. The user requirement is to adjust the row height to show the full picture. Ideally the next two rows would shrink, but that would be a nice to have.
    Thanks in advance for any pointers or help.

    Hi Frank,
    Thank you for replying to my question, I truly appreciate your help.
    I tried to use the autoHeightRows to adjust the height of my rows but was unsuccessful. If I understand the autoHeightRows property correctly, this is used for setting the height of the whole table. If this is incorrect and it can be used for setting the height of individual rows in the table, please correct me. I have the 'Rows' property of the richTextEditor set to 13 and this is the height that I would like to make dynamic based on the data.
    My users requirement is for the height to be big enough for the data in each row of the table (the table has a description column and the height of each row should be determined by the data contained in it). I updated my <u><b>Screen Shot</b></u> to show the desired layout and what is currently being generated though ADF ( .
    I have three rows in the example (in actuality these are around 50) and the text in each row can vary. The users would like to see the full text/image in each row without having to scroll each row. Currently my table is within Panel Box, which is inside a PanelGroupLayout-Scroll which is in a PanelStretchLayout. I tried to put the table by itself with the autoHeightRow modifications you suggested but thsi did not help either. I am using JDeveloper
    Is this possible with an ADF Table? If it is, is the autoHeight property the only one that I am setting incorrectly? If not, is there another component I can use to get the desired functionality? My users are very strict about this requirement and will not accept the application without this.

  • Openoffice 3.2 calc doesn't save row height in xls

    Hi All,
    I have upgraded to ooo 3.2 recently. I work with excels spreadsheets so  I have to save files into xls. Suddenly I realized that Calc doesn't save custom row height, when I open the file all rows are displayed with default height. It worked in the previous version, pacman log: upgraded go-openoffice ( ->
    I searched ooo forums, but didn't find anything.
    in case someone is interested, I have found a kind of work-around. Select sheet, Format / Rows / Optimal height -> increase value at least one step, in my case from 0.0 mm to 0.1 mm, then save. Reopen xls, rows will be displayed with the custom heights. Unfortunately one has to apply this workaround on every singe sheet in the workbook. :-/ No way I would do this with all my workbooks.
    Last edited by siriusb (2010-02-03 09:52:39)

    Workaround with downgrade: If someone successfully downgraded to 3.1.1 it wont start because depends on
    1. Create a script somewhere in your PATH and make it executable:
    LD_PRELOAD=/var/tmp/ soffice -calc "$1"
    2. copy to the directory mentioned in the script (in this case /var/tmp)
    3. in your file manager e.g. nautilus right click on the xls, choose properties / Open with / custom command, and use the script's name.

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