Row Merging Issue

I have a requirement from a customer that i'm having trouble building.
The customer has a basic template with a table and some conditional formatting.
However, one of the columns data merges over a few rows.
Basically, the data is identical on each of those rows, so the cells are merged vertically.
I have seen an example of this scenario (see link).
However i cant see any downloads/explanations on how to build this
Can anyone help?
(Note: Im not looking to merge across but down)

I'm currently trying to create a proof of concept for the customer using emp name and surname and department (trying to merge department). I've emailed you the XML and the template output i need to build

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    Many thanks,

    Hi Nishka,
    Thanks for your response, I think I should have made myself a bit clearer in my original question, I can make a template to display the information as your answer suggests however it looks horrible! Word draws it as literally a table in a table complete with headers and gaps around them.
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    SELECT table_name,
           Round(( blocks * 8 ) / 1024 / 1024, 2)
           "Physical Size (GB)",
           Round(( num_rows * avg_row_len / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ), 2)
           "Actual Size (GB)",
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    WHERE  owner = 'SYSADM'
           AND ( Round(( blocks * 8 ) / 1024, 2) - Round(
                     ( num_rows * avg_row_len / 1024 / 1024 )
                                                       , 2) ) > 20
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    Here's something I threw together rq. The script is in the change event for the checkbox in the table. (Of course, you'll have to modify it to suit the names of your fields.)
    var rows = xfa.resolveNodes("tblAmounts.Row1[*]");
    var subtotal=0;
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    *793199 ,*
    The "Row Height" issue is a common problem. Some things that affect my row height are:
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    Row Height*
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    Good luck and let me know how it turns out.

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    This is a common usage for Workspace Manager, so since you already have a working solution you should not have any issues when using workspaces that exist for a long period of time. In terms of the actual performance, it would be dependent on the number of rows being merged, the total size of the base table among other things, etc and so I will not be able to exactly qualify the difference between your two cases.
    You can merge and refresh unrelated workspace simultaneously. However, if you are merging and refreshing the same workspace or its parent at the same time, locks will needed to be taken to guarantee the validity of the data. If you are running into locking issues, you may be able to use the row_level_locking system parameter, depending on your exact situation.
    Without changing the value of this system parameter(default is false/off), a MergeWorkspace will acquire exclusive locks on the parent and child workspaces, while a RefreshWorkspace will also acquire an exclusive lock on the parent and a shared lock on the child. After setting row_level_locking to true, the child workspace locks will remain the same, but the parent workspace lock for either MergeWorkspace or RefreshWorkspace will become a shared lock along with the necessary row locks needed by the Merge operation.
    Hope this helps.

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    What I get sometimes is this...
    123 Sample Street
    Sample Town
    Sample County
    Sample Postcode
    Mr AB Sample
    123 Sample Street
    Sample Town
    Sample Postcode
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    I just don't understand it, and it's frustrating me immensely.
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    Anyone who has ever experienced something similar and perhaps found a solution, please help!!!!!
    Best Regards

    RikRamsay14 - thank you for your response, the issue regarding blanks isn't really the concern here, I'm aware of this issue, and the remove blank lines works where this is only one blank field, if there's two blank fields then it only seems to remove one. But I can happily work around this by just shifting all my data across. The data source is fine and is not the problem.
    Peter Spier - Many thanks for your reply Peter, I thought you might be on to something with this, so I tried opening it from scratch and merging instantly without the use of any previewing, at first I thought it had worked, but when I got further down the merge results I spotted the same problem, field headers appearing where content should be.  These instances are not even where the data cell is blank, it just decides not to display the content, but to display the field header instead, it's inconsistent too so it's really hard to analyse to find a pattern.
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    Thanks for all your help guys.

  • Cells merge issue when extracting webi report in excel format

    Hi Experts,
    We have some WEBI reports in BO XI 3.1.
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    Tried both the option but no success.
    Is there any other way to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance,

    We managed to find the workaround for this merge cell issue.
    Sharing it might be helpful for someone.
    - Align the report name and other block in report in such a way that the ends are in line with the end point of any column. The only limitation is that when applying pivot to the excel output we neet to click on any of the ccolumn so that excel identify the data set.
    - Second workaround is to break the webi document in two parts report1 will contain the report name and the block to show the prompt values selected by the user where as report2 will contain the table withactual data. The only limitation with this workaround is that when exporting the repot output to excel we will get two tabs in the excel sheet one containing the prompt values and secont tab containing the actual data.

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    That's a feature I have not used, but could not replicate.
    It seems for that feature, you have set up a merge doc with the fields on the Master Page? (preferred method) and created the merged document, edited the data source, gone to the Data Merge Panel and selected Update Content in Data Fields? That generated a log of updated records on my machine with the new data.
    More info needed on your process.

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    Ok, more info:
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    Don't know what that means or how to fix it.
    Any thoughts?

  • Account merging issues

    So I merged my account to my windows ID (hotmail) when I got windows 8.1 and installed it. I merged my account because the default skype that comes with 8.1 forced me to do so, not upset about that, just a fact. The issue at hand is now that I'm trying to use it again because it works better on my home connection, it's telling me I need to merge my account again. Which I can't do because it's already merged and not allowing me to login, are there any quick fixes for this? I'm sorry if this has been posted before, to be honest I didn't look very hard and I'm just kind of frustrated and hoping someone can give me a link or quick answer. I need to use it for my job and can't do so because of this. The Downloaded client doesn't work very well on my home connection which wasn't an issue until today. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Update: I have found the cause of this strange behaviour.
    The problem was the relationship between Account/Parent Account using S_ORG_EXT.PAR_OU_ID
    Looking at the Siebel log file I saw the same SQL statements was issued thousands of times (with the same variables bound) and it showed up that Account A had Account B as it's parent account, while Account B had Account A as it's parent account. During the merge process Siebel seems to do some checks where in this case it runs into an infinite loop which explains the open cursors reaching the max value after a while.
    Siebel seems to throw an error when trying to create such an invalid structure through the UI (circular loop detected - invalid hierarchy structure) but it seems somehow the relationship came into the system (EIM?).
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  • Result Row value Issue

    Hi All,
    I have created a query which has multiple selection & formula in it. One of my formula is not working properly.
    Description of the issue:
    Key figure is "no. of Shipment"
    A calculated key figure "Total no of Shipment" is capturing the result row value of "No of Shipment".
    But some time it doesn't work as expected. I don't know why.
    For example if I select a week range then it dosen't work. I have used the "Total no of Shipment" in no. of other calculated key figure for calculation.
    Meaning for %On-Time = (On-Time A%Total no of Shipment)
    Below query is filter by fiscal week =Result
    Plant|FiscalWeek|NoofShipments|Totalnoof Shipments|%OnTm 
    =====       ======   =========  ==========    ========
    A  |        Result  |     98    |    78    |       104.10 %     
    Here  "Total no. of Shipment" should be 98 but is not able  to pick up the Result value  & it getting 78...I don't know from where it get the number.                                                    
    Please let me know if any body has faced similar case or is there any OSS note to fix the issue.

    Hi Rishi,
    I tried as per you're suggestion. It didn't work.
    See my key figure is "No.Of Shipment"  & formula is
    "Total no. of Shipment" = SUMCT (No.Of Shipment)
    So whenever the result row of "No.Of Shipment" changes then "Total no. of Shipment" should pick up the value.
    Please let me know if you have any other solution.

  • Row lock issue when doubleclicking field

    hi all,
    i hav this confusing scenario on my oracle forms 6i.
    i have this field that can be enabled trough onmouse double click (with set item propert, update_allowed) that allows user 1 to update current data.
    when user 2 opens the same page where that field is located, and tries to edit that certain field, i encounter an error stating that user 2 could not access the field.
    my database returns a row lock contention.
    is there anyway that 2 users could be able to edit transactions simultaneously?
    thanks in advance

    oradba11 wrote:
    I am wokring on oracle rac 2 node nistances on AIX.
    We have one table having multiple rows defilning jobs will be done by users ...the functionatily is that ..when even one user will pick on row (job) , one update
    statement will issue and it will update status column to 1 which menas job is allocatated , this means now this should not allocate to any other user ..
    but we are facing issue that once any user will pick that job , in applicatoin log files we can see that row gets lock and updates the status to 1 . but then also
    users connecting to other or some time same instance will get that job...means multiple users can pick same job .. even after already picked by other user ..
    Is this can be issue with rac configuration ... like when ever one user updates a row will be in cache of one instance and when other user trys to again update
    2nd instance does not have that information and allows user connected to that instace to pick that delay in block tranfer or cache fusion..
    is this can be issue with rac or it is purely application issue...
    any idea...In principle this is not possible - it's either an application error or a fundamental and catastrophic Oracle bug that people would have made a huge fuss about years ago (and I don't recall hearing such a fuss).
    Jonathan Lewis

  • Table section with 3 header rows pagination issue

    Hi experts.
    I have a table section pagination issue. In my case the table section combines 3 header rows.
    Down bellow the series of screenshots I hope they describe my example well (click on screenshots to enlarge).
    1) The data context
    2) Layout elements
    Here is my issue (table header output at the end of the page but there is no data row):
    As you can see on the first page there is no more place for a data row but the header still exists.
    if I set keep with next flag on the pagination tab for all header rows the result will be:
    Is it possible somehow to fix it?
    I would like to have the header row output on the page only if a data row exists bellow the header, the footer should only output if a data row exists above.
    Here is PDF output: tMDdjZS00Yzc3LWIyNTgtODUzZWRhY2MwYjMx&hl=en_US tZGQ2MS00MDQ3LTgyMWUtZTg4YmEwYWRmMWQ4&hl=en_US

    The solutions is easy. You´d better create the corresponding DDIC objects hierarchy in the backend and then use the form to PRINT the prepared data ONLY. I mean:
    In your backend:
    in a row there is a dataset (table) and a optional dataset (table) == DDIC structure with two "fields" of type "table" = row A
    use this "row" to create the "outer" table == DDIC table type with row A
    Then you can just drag and drop this structure in your adobe form and will have do difficult with formatting.
    Regards Otto

  • Unattend.xml parsing/merging issue with SCVMM 2012 R2

    Hi all
    I have a problem with a new install of SCVMM 2012 R2. I have created templates for 2008 R2, 2012 and 2012 R2. I have an issue with the unattend.xml losing some of its configuration when the 2012 and 2012 R2 templates are built, this issue however doesn't
    occur on a 2008 R2 template build.
    I have generated unattend.xml files for all 3 OS's using System Image Manager in the latest AIK using the original install.wim from each OS media.
    In the unattend.xml file I have specified language settings, and a few other bits but the issue I have is when I configure autologon with local admin and password. I specify a logon count of 1, I also specify a GUIRunOnce command in SCVMM and not the answerfile.
    The problem is the resulting merged unattend.xml has a logon count of 999 and no GUIRunOnce command. I have tried different variations where I specify GUIRunOnce in the xml and not SCVMM, applying the autologon to the Template or Guest OS profile and
    all end with the resulting xml with logon count of 999 and no GUIRunOnce. If I remove the autologon part then GUIRunOnce gets parsed and works correctly.
    As mentioned this only happens with Server 2012 and 2012 R2, 2008 R2 works correctly.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Kevin
    I am struggling with the same thing during bare metal installs of Hyper-V hosts. In my case I have managed to narrow it down to the language settings in the oobe pass. If I include them, parsing of the unattend file halts (without an explicit error anywhere)
    and the host fails to join the domain. Could you try to leave out the language settings in oobe pass and see if it then completes as expected? Would be interesting to see if it actually is the same issue with a slightly different flavour :)
    EDIT: Got a bit further now with the new release of WS2012 R2. All the testing I've done has been with the 05182 build. Stumbled across KB2913316 which stated that a new build (31419) was released december 11th. Allthough the KB does not directly apply to our
    issue I thought I'd give it a go, so I went about building a new vhdx-image. Low and behold - the first test went smoothly applying all the settings in the unattend file! I'm going to continue testing to make sure the successful run wasn't just a fluke.

Maybe you are looking for

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