Roxio & synching docs

I use Docs to Go on my curve 8300. I'm having trouble getting documents to update on my berry. If I make a change on the document on my desktop and have Roxio "watching" the folder, what do I need to do to get the changes to show up on the berry?
Time stands still, those of us smart enough ride through it rather than rush through it.

if you read the Media Manager documentation, you will see that DOC are not supported by the Media Manager. only music and videos.
You can simply use Windows Explorer :
HOWTO : use your blackberry as a USB device
The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    Correct -- a different account would have to start over regarding apps.

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    thanks for the suggestions. i continued to dig around a bit and came across two ways to solve my problem that work for me. The approaches use Apple sofware, Preview and ColorSynch. The file sizes are reduce dramatically however the photo quality is also reduced. It would be nice if Apple could allow some choices on the degree of file size reduction -- in both options the file size reduction and resultant photo quality decline are fixed. Here is the summary of my finding and how to steps to use either approach. THe ColorSynch approach may be a bit superior.
    Two easy ways to reduce the file size of a MS Word .doc with photos.
    Original photo in iPhoto = 3 MB, Inserted in 1 page MS word .doc = 34.8 MB
    1. Word .doc = 34.8 MB - First step is to convert to a PDF document
    2. PDF format = 31.7 MB
    3. PDF reduced file size via Preview = 82KB see instructions below
    4. PDF reduced file via Color Synch = 181KB see instructions below
    To compress a PDF file via Preview:
    O. Convert Word doc to PDF via preview if possible - note .docx not required
    1. Open Preview, in your Applications folder.
    2. Choose File > Open, select the PDF file to compress, and then click Open.
    3. Choose File > Save As, choose Reduce File Size from the Quartz Filter pop-up menu, and choose a name and location for the new PDF file.
    4. Click Save. The file size was reduced fro 34MB to 81KB
    The compressed images will appear to be of lower quality when you view or print them.
    To compress a PDF file via Color Synch
    1. Save your document as a regular PDF file,
    2. Then use Spotlight to find an application called ColorSync Utility and drag it to dock
    3. Drag the PDF file onto the icon in the dock and new color synch doc will appear,
    4. Then select "Reduce File Size" from the Filter dropd own button at the bottom left corner of the screen.
    5. Save the file, and the size of
    6. The PDF file should have decreased. 34MB to 181KB
    The compressed images will appear to be of lower quality when you view or print them
    Based on OS 10.6.6 on a 2009 24" iMac.
    Good luck. I saw one report that at one time the ColorSynch approach could be tailored but that feature was removed in 10.6 Too bad, with tailoring, Color Synch would be good solution for most folks.

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    I tried Canon but their software only works with their wireless printers, which doesn't help me.
    I didn't realise Printopia works just from a Mac.... in which case I might as well carry on doing what I'm doing now... emailing or synching docs through iTunes and print from the Mac.
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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    It looks like you haven't got them on iCloud. On your Mac, open Pages and drag the Word documents to the iCloud window

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    UM Go Blue wrote:
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    Sounds like you just updated your IOS.  Check the iTunes settings and confirm that nothing was changed:

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    Try saving any documents that you can and then deleting them from each device where possible. Go to System preferences> iCloud> manage and delete any iWork documents that you see there. Then go to each device and turn off iCloud documents & data syncing on each.
    Once everything has been removed, you can then re-enable document & data syncing on each device. Add back a couple of documents (do not add any documents that used the same name as any documents previously) and see how it goes. Once it appears to be working correctly, you can then add back all your documents.
    Whilst it won't help you recover documents that have already become corrupt, can I suggest you get into the habit of backing up your documents in the cloud regularly.

  • Hot Synch Error - Tungsten E2 Docs to Go Applicatio​n

    HotSync operation started for Joyce on 11/10/08 22:09:05
    Expense - sync configured to Do Nothing
    OK Quick Install
    Outlook Notes
    - Do Nothing
    OK Outlook Notes
    OK Media
    Documents To Go Message(s)
    Error accessing Documents To Go user information.
    You must first open the Documents To Go desktop application, select the appropriate handheld user, and synchronize again.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

    ComputerWiz wrote:
    Thanks for pasting your hot sync log - it makes it easier to help you out now.
    Open the Palm Desktop program. Click on Start > Programs/All Programs > Palm One > Palm Desktop.
    Locate the Documents/Documents To Go icon on the left side and click on it. You will be prompted to go through some initial setup steps to set up the Docs To Go. After you go through those steps, close the Palm Desktop program and try to sync again.
    Now it should work without any errors.
    Post relates to: None
    Locate the Documents/Documents To Go icon on the left side.  There is no Documents to Go in palmdesktop application.  But is is working on Tungsten E2.  I'm unable to backup or hotsynch this application.  Error on desktop log:
    Documents To Go Message(s)
    Error accessing Documents To Go user information.
    You must first open the Documents To Go desktop application, select the appropriate handheld user, and synchronize again.
    I have explained this error to cygnusX1 and this person said contact b/c it's their software that came with the handheldand this forum doesn't fix applications from 3rd party.
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2
    Post relates to: Tungsten E2

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    This is Methane again. Please insert this simple clarification of above. Sentence 7 of above at end should read: browse on the second or third SITE etc. I. HOPE THIS MAKES IT CLEARER. THANKS.

  • AHonest to God synching of Pages and Keynote Docs.

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    Maybe I did not make myself clear or you did not read my problem. I know how to transfer documents in the clunky antiquated manner presently available. In outline form the points:
    1. if anyone knows of or has used an app that will
    a. see I have a document on my iPad that is newer than the version on my computer of that document and vice versa and ask which version I want to save after clearly identifying the dates and times when they were changed;
    b. I am assuming the document name and extension remain the same.
    2. It is extremely confusing to look at the iTunes thing an try and remember,
    a. "Did I update that document on my iPad last or on the computer?"
    b. iTunes does not recognize which version is earlier so if you go to move a document to iTunes from the iPad,it just asks if you want to replace it.
    3. I would be happy if I had to put them in the same folder on my computer so the task would be simpler.
    4. If such a synch of information is possible as we do with calendars and address books and the like, surely this is.

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    Hello John,
    I think the most simple way is to create a delivery first in SBO. After you have created all your deliveries you can use the Document Genaration Wizard to create all your invoices. After that you can use the option Document Printing to print all the invoices.
    This way you only have to enter all the information once and the information (delivery) will be synchronized with Webtools.

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    That happened to me. I rebooted and now my docs are back again.

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    I've gotten this 4403 error before, and somehow resolved it without knowing how.
    THIS TIME, however, I  tried turning off the synch on my Documents-To-Go, and that fixed things.
    Checking on other discussions on the internet regarding this "Protocol Error: Too many files. (4403)", I'm seeing a pattern of Documents-To-Go when resident apps are listed, which seems to tentatively confirm my conclusion. The obvious implication here is that one or more versions of Docs-To-Go have a conflict with something in one or more versions of the Palm OS, and/or other 3rd party apps.
    I've be interested in whether this works in other users' experiences.
    Mike H

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    See if this user-tip for syncing to a new computer helps :
    If you have music from other sources on your phone (e.g. copied from CDs) and you don't have them on a backup, then there are some program listed half-way down this page which might be able to copy them back :

Maybe you are looking for

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