Rp-provide-from-last p0002 space pn-begda pn-endda.

Hello Gurus,
I need to know what is the sintax to get a particular person from PNP using
rp-provide-from-last p0002 space pn-begda pn-endda.

Hello Enrique,
Check this code, if the sy-subrc as equal 2, employee is inactive:
*&      Form  check_pernr_exists
*       Check if employee exists
*      -->P_PERNR    Personnel Number
*      <--P_SUBRC    Return code
FORM check_pernr_exists USING p_pernr TYPE any
                        CHANGING p_subrc TYPE sysubrc.
  CLEAR p_subrc.
      beg                     = sy-datum
      pnr                     = p_pernr
*     NAME                    =
*     PERSA                   =
*     BUKRS                   =
*     KOSTL                   =
*     MOLGA                   =
      data_fault              = 1
      person_not_active       = 2
      person_unknown          = 3
      exit_fault              = 4
      pernr_missing           = 5
      date_missing            = 6
      OTHERS                  = 7
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    p_subrc = sy-subrc.
ENDFORM.                    "check_pernr_exists

Similar Messages

  • Problem with 'RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST' and IT0377(GB)

    I have encountered a problem in that we have an interface from SAP to UNIPAY and this interface selects all the paydata from employees and then converts it so that it can be payed via UNIPAY. Now this in itself may sound fairly simple but the problem is the interface is selecting data from IT0377 that has been delimited and still paying the employee which is incorrect. I have debugged the interface and the problem is with 'RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST IT0377' which is still selecting and bringing through the data of the delimited record.
    Has anybody had this problem and if so what was done to correct it ?

    this macro will put the last infotype record in the header line of concerned internal table, for the given period (pn-begda and pn-endda on selection screen).
    rp-provide-from-last p0377 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    here in the header of internal table p0377, the last record valid for period pn-begda n pn-endda, will be put after execution of the macro statement.
    i think u r looking the table 1st record in debug mode but u shud not look at 1st record instead of tht see the header line of table and use that header data.
    see my dummy code below -
    *& Report  ZPPL_PREVEMPLOYERS                                          *
    REPORT  ZPPL_PREVEMPLOYERS   message-id rp
                                 line-size 250
                                 line-count 65.
    *Program logic :- This Report is used to Download all the Previous
    * Employer (IT0023) records of the employees
    *& Tables and Infotypes                                                *
    tables: pernr.
    infotypes: 0000,
    *& Constants                                                           *
    constants: c_1(1)       type c               value '1'   ,
               c_3(1)       type c               value '3'   ,
               c_i(1)       type c               value 'I'   ,
               c_x(1)       type c               value 'X'   ,
               c_eq(2)      type c               value 'EQ'  ,
               c_pl03       like p0001-werks     value 'PL03'.
    *& Selection-Screen                                                    *
    parameters: p_file  like rlgrap-filename default 'C:TempABC.xls',
                p_test  as checkbox default c_x               .
    *& Internal tables                                                     *
    * Internal Table for Output
    data: begin of t_output occurs 0    ,
           pernr like pernr-pernr       ,
           nachn like p0002-nachn       ,
           vorna like p0002-vorna       ,
           orgeh_stext like p1000-stext ,
           plans_stext like p1000-stext ,
           begda like p0023-begda       ,
           endda like p0023-endda       ,
           land1 like p0023-land1       ,
           arbgb like p0023-arbgb       ,
           ort01 like p0023-ort01   .
    data: end of t_output           .
    *& Variables                                                           *
    data: o_stext like p1000-stext,
          p_stext like p1000-stext.
    *& Initialization                                                      *
    * Initialize Selection-Screen values
      perform init_selction_screen.
    *& AT Selection-screen                                                 *
    at selection-screen .
    * Check if Test run selected, download file name should be entered
      if p_test is initial.  "
        if p_file is initial.
          message e016 with 'Please enter file name'
                            'specifying complete path'.
    *& Start-of Selection                                                  *
    get pernr.
      clear t_output.
    * Read Infotype 0
      rp-provide-from-last p0000 space pn-begda pn-endda.
      check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
    * Check if employee is active
      check p0000-stat2 in pnpstat2.      "pernr Active
    * Read Infotype 1
      rp-provide-from-last p0001 space pn-begda pn-endda.
      check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
    * check if employee belongs to PL03
      check p0001-werks in pnpwerks.  "belongs to PL03
    * Check if emp belongs to Active Group
      check p0001-persg in pnppersg.
    * Read Infotype 2
      rp-provide-from-last p0002 space pn-begda pn-endda.
      check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
    * Read Org Unit Text.
              OTYPE                   = 'O'
              objid                   = p0001-orgeh
              begda                   = p0001-begda
              endda                   = p0001-endda
              reference_date          = p0001-begda
              object_text             = o_stext
              nothing_found           = 1
              wrong_objecttype        = 2
              missing_costcenter_data = 3
              missing_object_id       = 4
              OTHERS                  = 5.
    *Read Position Text.
              OTYPE                   = 'S'
              objid                   = p0001-plans
              begda                   = p0001-begda
              endda                   = p0001-endda
              reference_date          = p0001-begda
              object_text             = p_stext
              nothing_found           = 1
              wrong_objecttype        = 2
              missing_costcenter_data = 3
              missing_object_id       = 4
              OTHERS                  = 5.
    * Gather all the required information related to the emp
      move: pernr-pernr to t_output-pernr,
            o_stext to t_output-orgeh_stext,
            p_stext to t_output-plans_stext,
            p0002-nachn to t_output-nachn,
            p0002-vorna to t_output-vorna.
    * Gather previous Employee details
      loop at p0023.
        move-corresponding p0023 to t_output.
        append t_output.
    *& End-of Selection                                                    *
      perform print_report.
    * Downlaod the file
      if not t_output[] is initial.
        if p_test eq space.
          perform download_file.
        write: 'No records selected' color col_negative.
    *& Top-of-page                                                         *
    * Print Header
      perform print_header.
    *&      Form  download_file
    * Description :
    FORM download_file .
      DATA: full_file_name    TYPE string,
            z_akt_filesize    TYPE i     .
      full_file_name = p_file.
    *  download table into file on presentation server
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
          filename                = full_file_name
          filetype                = 'DAT'
          NO_AUTH_CHECK           = c_x
          codepage                = '1160'
          FILELENGTH              = z_akt_filesize
          data_tab                = t_output[]
          file_write_error        = 1
          no_batch                = 2
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
          invalid_type            = 4
          no_authority            = 5
          unknown_error           = 6
          header_not_allowed      = 7
          separator_not_allowed   = 8
          filesize_not_allowed    = 9
          header_too_long         = 10
          dp_error_create         = 11
          dp_error_send           = 12
          dp_error_write          = 13
          unknown_dp_error        = 14
          access_denied           = 15
          dp_out_of_memory        = 16
          disk_full               = 17
          dp_timeout              = 18
          file_not_found          = 19
          dataprovider_exception  = 20
          control_flush_error     = 21
          not_supported_by_gui    = 22
          error_no_gui            = 23
          OTHERS                  = 24.
      IF  sy-subrc               NE        0.
        MESSAGE e016 WITH 'Download-Error; RC:' sy-subrc.
    ENDFORM.                    " download_file
    *&      Form  print_report
    FORM print_report .
      data: i       type i,
            w_count type i.
      sort t_output.
    * Print the report
      loop at t_output.
        i = sy-tabix mod 2.
        if i eq 0.
          format color col_normal intensified on.
          format color col_normal intensified off.
        write:/1     t_output-pernr          ,
               10     t_output-vorna(25)     ,
               35    t_output-nachn(25)      ,
               61   t_output-orgeh_stext     ,
               102  t_output-plans_stext     ,
               143  t_output-begda           ,
               154   t_output-endda          ,
               168   t_output-land1          ,
               178   t_output-arbgb(40)      ,
               219   t_output-ort01          ,
               249   space              .
      Describe table t_output lines w_count.
      Skip 2.
      Write:/ 'Total No of Records Downloaded: ' color col_total,
    ENDFORM.                    " print_report
    *&      Form  print_header
    FORM print_header .
      skip 1.
      format Intensified on color col_heading.
      write:/1   'Pers. #'        ,
             10   'Last Name'     ,
             35   'First Name'    ,
             61   'Org Unit'      ,
             102  'Position'      ,
             143  'Beg Date'      ,
            154   'End Date'      ,
            168   'Cntry Key'     ,
            178   'Prev Employer' ,
            219  'City'           ,
            249   space          .
      format intensified off color off.
    ENDFORM.                    " print_header
    *&      Form  init_selction_screen
    FORM init_selction_screen .
      refresh: pnpwerks,
      clear:   pnpwerks,
      pnpwerks-sign   = c_i.
      pnpwerks-option = c_EQ.
      pnpwerks-low    = c_pl03.
      append pnpwerks.
      pnppersg-sign   = c_i.
      pnppersg-option = c_EQ.
      pnppersg-low    = c_1.
      append pnppersg.
      pnpstat2-sign   = c_i.
      pnpstat2-option = c_EQ.
      pnpstat2-low    = c_3.
      append pnpstat2.
    ENDFORM.                    " init_selction_screen

  • Error in the macro 'rp-provide-from-last'

    Hi, experts!
    Can anyone please help me address an error regarding the macro rp-provide-from last? During activation, this error is returned: "Unable to interpret SPACE. Possible causes: Incorrect spelling or comma error".  The line in question is this: rp-provide-from-last p0000 SPACE pn-begda pn-endda This is the only error standing between me and activation. Please help
    Thanks in advance.

    HI Brent,
    Use this sample example :
    TABLES :pernr.
    INFOTYPES :0000.
    rp-provide-from-last p0000 SPACE pn-begda pn-endda.
    No syntax errors and activated. hope it will be helpful.

  • What is difference between rp-provide-from-last VS rp_provide_all

    Hello All:
        I have the following code:
    rp-provide-from-last p0000 space pn-begda pn-endda. -- I know this statement gets latest record from Infotype 0 for the given period.
    rp_provide_all       p0210 'FED' pn-begda pn-endda.
    Could someone please tell me what exactly the code above does? Rewards assured.

    RP_PROVIDE_ALL does not look like a standard macro. I have checked entries in TRMAC table and it does not return anything for this macro name.
    I believe there must be custom macro created in your program which is used here. Please check the program and see if the declaration is available for RP_PROVIDE_ALL.

  • Query on reading infotype 0001 using the macro rp-provide from last p0001

    Dear Friends,
            I have a question rgarding relating the infotype 0001 when we are using in the program the logical database PNP.
    iam using rp-provide-from-last p0001 space sydatum sydatum
            if pnp-sw-found eq 1.
            append p0001 into i_p0001.
    iam getting a problem in production , in the selection screen iam passing for emloyee subgroup with multiple values option.
    i have passed E,H,S  -> where E means Executive , H means hourly and S means salaried employee...
    one particular scneario is iam having an employee whose
    employee subgroup is C (contactor) and on the selection screen if am passing this personnel no and on the selection screen iam only having in the multiple selection option only E,H,S but not C so this record should  should fail but it is getting success and appending to internal table i_p0001
    which is wrong
    , i mean to say the macro is getting success
    rp-provide-from-last p0001 space sydatum sydatum
    this employee .
    my question is will the macro will not check on the selection screen the employee gropu which we have passed and should i exclusively check
    if p0001-persk in pnppersk ?? or please let me knwo how to check this wrong employee not getting appended to my internal table.
    please let me know

    Hi Madhuri
      The macro rp-provide-from-last p0001 will not fetch data from the database, it simply extracts the last record from the available internal table P0001[]  for the time frame provided(as 3rd and 4th parameters). You can check the definition of the macro from the database table TRMAC, it simply uses the LOOP....ENDLOOP and IF conditions to arrive at the last record and populates the fields pnp-sw-found, pnp-sw-tabix.
        And coming to your problem, please check all the IT0001 records of the EE concerned, it can happen that the EE is attached to different employee subgroups in different time frames and hence the LDB is fetching all the available records of the EE (even if the employee subgroup is not among the one's selected in  the selection screen). If this is the case, I reckon, u've to perform manual check before appending to the internal table.
    Note:  The macro  rp-provide-from-last p0001 space sydatum sydatum will only fetch the valid IT0001record as on date - sy-datum

  • Difference  Between Provide and RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST  in ABAP-HR

    what is the Difference Between Provide and RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST  IN hR. IF I want to retrieve data in BETTWEEN BEGDA AND ENDDA. what these 2 ill return.
       Both ill return the LAtest record. plz  let me know what ill happen.
      With Regards,
       Venkata Suresh K

    PROVIDE is like a loop statement and it reads records between BEGDA and ENDDA. There is a lot to it, you can read doc...
    RP-PROVIDE-.. _> This is like read table.
    It is similar to : Sort itab descending. read itab index 1.
    If you want data between BEGDA and ENDDA and you have 2 internal tables, you can use PROVIDE. Otherwise, you can use a normal LOOP statement. Provide is helpful if you want to get data from more than 1 table.
    For eg: Infotype 0000 has 2 records from 1.1.2000 to 1.1.2006, and 2.1.2006 to 31.12.9999, and Infotype 0185 has 1 record from 1.1.2005 to 31.12.9999.
    If you use a provide BETWEEN BEGDA and endda in this case, it will run through the loop 3 times with these dates :
    1.1.2000 to 31.12.2004.
    1.1.2005 to 1.1.2006
    2.1.2006 to 31.12.9999
    If a record is not there in one of the internal tables during the date, there is a PNNNN_VALID flag which is filled up (4.6c) and in mySAP onwards, you have explicit valid flags.
    Hope it helps. Please reward points if helpful.


    Can anyone tell me the difference between RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST and RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST?  Both the macros are same difference is with underscore(_) and hiphen(-).  Both are working fine for the functionality without any difference.  Then why there are two macros for a single functionality?

    Just providing the links are considered as link farming ( which are against the rules of the forums ), the links would be removed for the following reasons:
    1) If a link is provided( not many ) , then you must point out the explanation in it
    2) If the links were easily searchable by the OP
    3) If the links just direct you to sap documentation
    4) If the reply consists only bunch of link references.
    I think the 3rd & 4th point made your post to be deleted.
    There are no links which states the differences between these two Macro's. Mod's are doing their right job, please join them and make this forum clean


    I have encountered a problem in that we have an interface from SAP to UNIPAY and this interface selects all the paydata from employees and then converts it so that it can be payed via UNIPAY. Now this in itself may sound fairly simple but the problem is the interface is selecting data from IT0377 that has been delimited and still paying the employee which is incorrect. I have debugged the interface and the problem is with 'RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST IT0377' which is still selecting and bringing through the data of the delimited record.
    Has anybody had this problem and if so what was done to correct it ?

                 Did you check The format, apparently , is DD.MM.YYYY.?
    <b>Reward points</b>

  • Rp_provide_from_last p2001 space pn-begda pn-endda

    Hi Guru's,
    I  am  using  PNP as LDB and after ,
    My  requirement  is to  fetch  the records from p2001 for a specific time period mentioned in the selection screen.
    Code :
    Get  Perner.
    rp_provide_from_last p2001 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    the output   of the above is  giving  all  the data from  P2001 irrespective of the dates (Pn-begda & pn-endda.)
    But  i want  the data with in the dates (Pn-begda & pn-endda.).
    Plz suggest.

      PROVIDE * FROM P2001
      BETWEEN Pnpbegda AND Pnpendda.
       write: p2001-pernr,p2001-begda.
    use this code..........
    vamshidhar .
    Edited by: vamshi naini on Apr 23, 2008 2:06 PM

  • Rp_provide_from_last infotype subtype pn-begda pn-endda.

    Hi All,
    Is there a way to find out if a subtype exists before using this macro. If a subtype does not exist then it crashes.
    rp_provide_from_last infotype subtype pn-begda pn-endda.

    Check the View  V_T591A  - Subtype Characteristics.
    It will have all Subtypes maintained in your sytem  for infotype.
    Additionally if you want to Use the Macro for an Infotype without Subtype, Pass SPACE instead of Subtype.
    Hope this helps.
    Vinodh Balakrishnan
    Edited by: Vinodh Balakrishnan on Jan 15, 2008 3:19 PM

  • HR - PNPbegda/PNPendda ......PN-begda/PN-endda

    I am going through some of the sample codes on internet. While querying on any infotype table I find that  begin date/ end date on selection screen is referred as PNPbegda/PNPendda some times and PN-begda/PN-endda some times. Is there any some reason for this? what is the difference between use of these in two different ways?

    pnpbegda and pnpendda refer to the date fields on the selection screen.
    when you use macros like RP_PROVIDE_FROM_FRST and
    RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST you can see the pn-begda and pn-endda.
    That means during the program pnpbegda and pnpendda are
    assigned to pn-begda and pn-endda.
    Ex: RP_PROVIDE_FROM_FRST p0001 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    you can change pn- begda and pn-endda values.
    Ex: pn-begda = '20080101'.
          pn-endda = '20081231'.
    Ex: RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST p0001 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    you can directly use the dates even.
    EX:RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST p0001 space '20080101' '20081231'.
    For better understanding go through the programs

  • Lost notes after my iPad didn't back up for 2 weeks due to lack of space in the iCloud, bought extra space today and no notes from last 2 weeks, any help is greatly appreciated.

    Lost notes from last 2 weeks, coincides with when I began receiving iCloud notification that iPhone 5 and iPad 2 could not be backed up due to limited space.  Purchased additional space on iCloud today and still no notes.

    A possible cause is a problem with the file places.sqlite that stores the bookmarks and the history.
    You can also try to repair the places database with this extension:

  • When i open my itunes of recent edition , i am getting error as  "itunes.exe has been set to run in compatabiltity mode " Though i reinstalled it several times from last days ,the problem is not solved. Please provide the solution asap.

    When i open my itunes of recent edition 12.0, i am getting error as "itunes.exe has been set to run in compatabiltity mode " Though i reinstalled it several times from last days ,the problem is not solved. Please provide the solution asap.

    Try iTunes for Windows: How to turn off Compatibility Mode.

  • Flash Player Update disables "restore all windows from last session" in Safari on Mac

    I am on Mac OS 10.9.5, using safari 7.1.2.  Adobe Flash Player Update loses all safari windows when after update the installer automatically opens safari and just opens flash player website; the "restore all windows from last session" is grayed out in history. The "reopen last closed window" is also grayed out. It has been happening ever since and happened again when I just installed Flash Player ver
    For all other normal working situation I can close safari and reopen and see that I can "restore all windows from last session" and there is no problem.  But on flash Player install (set on manual install), the problem is annoying and costs me a lot of time to restore one by one from history.  I do not think this is a Mac or a Safari issue, but will update to Mac Yosemite help if Adobe Flash Player is updated differently in that setup?
    Please help.

    Update: I called adobe flash player technical support phone number 1 877-587-1877.  They want $59 (warranty only 6 months) to fix this problem as they use a third party to solve this issue; they themselves provide no support.  Or buy the paid version.  They insist it is my network issue which I absolutely can not believe.
    It is adobe Flash player update that forces reopening of safari and wracks the safari losing all windows from last session. That is not my network.  Adobe does not have a proper safari compatible flash player update.
    Besides, this is a known problem at Adobe and they are not fixing it and want money to fix it one person at a time!  They also shared that 25% to 30% of the installations have this problem... wow!! and they still will not fix it in a general update!  I wonder if safari has a plug in update that can fix this?

  • Firefox 25.0.1 Warn when closing multiple tabs (on) conflicts with "show windows und tabs from last time" (on); need both, but only one or the other works.

    Using Firefox 25.0.1 on Windows 7 Home Premium
    I've poured through support forums for Mozilla Firefox searching for a fix to my initial problem of the "Warn when closing multiple tabs" pop up not popping up when I have it selected.
    Went through About:Config, making sure warnings for tabs und closing, und showing on quit, und quitting, etc. were all set to true, which were "possible" fixes for the issue I was having, there are like five or six things set to true for warnings/quitting/etc. No avail. They are all set to true.
    Then I stumbled across one that suggested a conflict with the "Warn When Closing Multiple Tabs" und the "Show Windows und Tabs from last time".
    I use both features. However, I found if I want the warning pop up for closing multiple tabs, I have to have "show homepage" or "show blank page" selected instead of "Show windows und tabs from last time" selected. (Tools>Options>General>Start Up>When Firefox Starts:) The problem with this is, yes, I get my warning pop up, BUT, I don't get my tabs from my last session.
    The warning in settings (Tools>Options>Tabs>Warn Me When Closing Multiple Tabs) is checked.
    To have my tabs restored from last session, I simply select it for "when firefox starts". Bam, I have my tabs that were open from the last time I quit. Und again, full circle, I don't have my warning pop up.
    There were also suggestions of the warning on close for tabs is conflicting with add-ons.
    However, I don't have many. Und I have yet to test them to see if they interfere. These are according to my Add Ons tab when I check it myself.
    1. Avast WebRep (disabled)
    2. HP Smart Web Printing (disabled)
    1. Adobe Acrobat
    2. Google Update
    3. iTunes Application Detector
    4. Java (TM) Platform SE 7 U45
    5. Shockwave Flash
    6. Shockwave For Director
    7. Silverlight Plug-In
    8. VLC Web Plugin
    9. Windows Live Photo Gallery
    10. Java Deployment Toolkit (disabled)
    Note: The Details Firefox provides says I have these for Plugins
    * Shockwave Flash 11.9 r900
    * Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version
    * Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.45.2 for Mozilla browsers
    * Google Update
    * Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 11.0.05
    * VLC media player Web Plugin 2.1.0
    * 5.1.20913.0
    * iTunes Detector Plug-in
    * NPWLPG
    Unsure of what the "5.1.20913.0" und the "NPWLPG" plugins are, but they don't appear to me under Add Ons.
    Und as usual, I'm assuming the solution lies within About:Config, I will show here now what I have set to True.
    browser.tabs.warnOnClose - True
    browser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs - True
    browser.tabs.warnOnOpen - True
    browser.warnOnQuit - True
    browser.showQuitWarning - True
    As aforementioned:
    The seemingly only issue is the conflict between Show Windows/Tabs From Last Time und the Warn On Quit pop up. Und again, I need/want both of them. More so the tabs from the last session, but I really really really really really want the warning.
    So, if anyone knows a work around, preferably without having to download anything to fix this, I would be extremely grateful.

    You mention a second subject.
    ''I'm probably going to downgrade to another version of firefox that was suggested to me since I'm also having issues with shockwave flash causing firefox to hang und ultimately needs to be force closed otherwise having to have flash disabled to use firefox.''
    <u>Downgrading Firefox </u><br />
    Flash is notorious for causing Firefox problems. I suggest you start a new thread about that. If at all possible you should try to avoid downgrading to an unsecure & unsupported version of Firefox. it will increase risks to your system and Personal data. (There are methods of mitigating the risks, using a virtual machine or operating within a secure intranet for instance)
    *(Do Not) [[Install an older version of Firefox]]
    <u>Try Flash with Protected Mode Off</u><br/>
    Worth a try as it takes minimal effort & often solves Flash Problems whilst allowing current and more secure FlashPlayer to be used. See
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Flash#Flash_Player_11.3_Protected_Mode_-_Windows
    * http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1018071#TemporaryWorkaround
    If you wish to pursue these subjects further I note you have already started a thread you may as well continue the discussion in that thread, but also post back here so we can follow both.
    * ''Firefox is having "Script" issues (Not Responding) und possibly Flash issues?'' [/questions/978181]
    ** try ensuring you close down Firefox using the menu, that may even help with Flash problems.
    <u>Your experience in submitting troubleshooting information on the forum</u><br />
    (This is out of curiosity, but with the intention of pressing for changes if forum faults are discovered.)
    There are yet more changes to this forum underway. Mozilla recently tried to improve the experience for first time users of the forum and a troubleshooting app option was included in the workflow to try to encourage users to submit full troubleshooting information.
    I would be interested to know what you thought
    I sometimes wonder if users are not trying to use that, or whether forum users run into problems in using it. At one point I wondered whether there was a problem if too much data was included but never actually proved that conjecture.
    Assuming you are using the forum, and not merely replying by email look towards the top in the right hand margin for clickable buttons
    * Question Details -V- More System Details -> [Additional System Details]
    You will note that includes only partial information. There are no changed prefs or extensions listed. Compare for instance the information in this thread [/questions/978130] with full information.
    I believe your mystery plugins are Windows related
    * NPWLPG relates usually to Windows Live Photo Gallery
    * 5.1.20913.0 will be Silverlight

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