RS485 connection to ESPEC climate control chamber

Hello all,
I'm having some difficulties setting up and RS485 link with a climate control chamber from ESPEC. 
It is an ARL-0680 climate chamber. The climate chamber has two male DB9 connectors on the outside, apparently used for linking multiple RS485 chambers together. 
The pinout of the DB9 RS485 intrerface connector is: 
1:   SD+   Transmission data (A)   Connected
2:   SD-   Transmission data (B)   Connected
3:   RD+   Reception data (A)   Connected
4:   RD-   Reception data (B)   Connected
5:   GND   Ground   Connected
6:   GND   Ground   Connected
7:   NC    (Not connected)   Not connected
8:   NC    (Not connected)   Not connected
9:   NC    (Not connected)   Not connected
I have bought a NI USB-485 interface cable. This cable also has a male DB9 interface but the pinout is different. 
1:   GND
2:   CTS+ (HSI+)
3:   RTS+ (HSO+)
4:   RXD+
5:   RXD-
6:   CTS- (HSI-)
7:   RTS- (HSO-)
8:   TXD+
9:   TXD-
So - the pinouts do not match and I see different signal names on both interfaces.
Am I correct in assuming that I should only make the following connections:
NI USB485   to   ESPEC climate chamber
   1                       5, 6
   2                       not connected
   3                       not connected
   4                       3
   5                       4
   6                       not connected
   7                       not connected
   8                       1
   9                       2
Are there some special things I need to do in SW to get this setup to work? I'm using LabVIEW as my programming language to try and control the climate chamber. 
I'm especially not sure how I need to set up the transceiver mode to get everything working...
In the ESPEC documentation I could find that the communication system used is "Synchronized modulation (four-wire, half duplexing)".
Thanks a million for all your helpful feedback!
Go to Solution.

Thank you for your reply.
The USB to RS485 converter datasheet states the following:
I think that being able to communicate in full-duplex it must support 4-wire RS485.
I've read about that sometimes the + and minus are revered. Thinking on that I've tried the 4 different combinations. None of them worked
The combinations are:
TXD -        RD -
TXD +       RD +
GND        GND 
RXD -       SD -
RXD+       SD +
TXD -        RD +
TXD +       RD -
GND        GND 
RXD -       SD +
RXD+       SD -
TXD -        SD -
TXD +       SD +
GND        GND 
RXD -       RD -
RXD+       RD +
TXD -        SD +
TXD +       SD -
GND        GND 
RXD -       RD +
RXD+       RD -
I also tried to debug the USB to RS485 converter with a null modem cable, first with the converter only and then with the cable I've assembled also. I was able to see echo on hyperterminal and I've noticed that TXD- transitions from Low to High (idle line state is low) and TXD+ transitions from High to Low (idle line state is high).
I'm not sure if I need the termination resistors, since there aren't any references about this in both datasheets (converter and thermal chamber).
I don't have any more ideas about this problem. I really would appreciate any help with this.
Thank you

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    1. Your VI does not respond because your formula node is trapped in an infinite loop and cannot exit if you're out of the deadband. Replace the words "while" with "if" (or similar) and you might be getting somewhere. Sorry, I don't have DAQ installed, but what determines the loop rate?
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    Most likely, all code segments should run synchronized, so delete all the inner loops. They serve no purpose. All yon need is the big outer loop as in the first code.
    There are many ways to directly observe what is going on. For example you could run the VI in execution highlighting mode while watching the diagram.
    Clearly, you need to become more familiar with LabVIEW basics. Maybe do a tutorial? Right now you might think that dataflow is a hindrance while in fact it is one of the most powerful advantages of dataflow programming. You simply need to be familiar with its logic.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    2. if its defined check the RTF template is present or not.
    3.Check your code in Appengine whether you have mentioned the Report Definition and template name,

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    Thanks friends !

    Thanks for your message Mr. Barrera !
    I´m installed in other desktop and this hosts file have only this line above and this connection have success... its strange... localhost
    So, I´ll try your solution in other desktop too with SP3... But my mind still said with me "SP3... Try uninstall this before... and then install SOA Suite... you have a success!!" I´m jocking, but i try this too and post a final saga.... ;-)
    PS.: I´m brazilian, sorry but i don´t write english similar a north american guy.
    Thanks !
    Edited by: JohnnyBeGood on Feb 4, 2009 11:44 AM

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    private Int64 id;
    private string code;
    private string naam;
    public Int64 Id
    get { return; }
    set { = value; }
    public string Code
    get { return this.code; }
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    throw new ApplicationException("Code is een verplicht veld");
    this.code = value;
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    Thanks so much for your time and help in this!

    Anyone with the same issue?
    have a great day

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