Rtmfp android to android not working

I'm testing a small multiplayer app using rtmfp. The problem is it's not working when testing the app android to android. Only from PC to android device.
After testing a lot I tried using Cirrus. And got it working when I set groupspec.serverChannelEnabled = true. BUT I would prefer not using Cirrus but the rtmfp protocol alone. Here's part of the code:
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatus);
//nc.connect("rtmfp://p2p.rtmfp.net/***keyhere***/"); //use cirrus.
function netStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void{
  // The connection attempt succeeded
                    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                              trace("setup group" );
                    // The NetGroup is successfully constructed and authorized to function.
                    case "NetGroup.Connect.Success":
                              // Do nothing
                              trace("connect success "+nc.nearID.toString());
                    // A new group posting is received
                    // post received
        case "NetGroup.Posting.Notify":
             // post received
                   if (event.info.message.word) {
                      writtenWord= event.info.message.word
                  // routed message received
        case "NetGroup.SendTo.Notify":
           trace("notify received");
                    // user joins?
                    case "NetGroup.Neighbor.Connect":
                                trace("user joined "+ event.info.peerID.toString());
function setupGroup():void {
          // Create a new Group Specifier object
          var groupspec:GroupSpecifier = new GroupSpecifier("testing");
          // Enable posting
          groupspec.postingEnabled = true;
          // Enable routing
    //groupspec.routingEnabled = true;
          groupspec.ipMulticastMemberUpdatesEnabled = true;
   //groupspec.serverChannelEnabled = true //it works with cirrus when I enable this. If not using cirrus it doesn't work even if this is enabled.
  // Causes the associated NetStream or NetGroup to join the specified IP multicast group and listen to the specified UDP port.
          // Constructs a NetGroup on the specified NetConnection object and joins it to the group specified by groupspec.
          group = new NetGroup(nc,groupspec.groupspecWithAuthorizations());
          // Set the NET_STATUS event listener
function post2members():void {
var obj:Object = {};
                                        // Set the peerID to a group address suitable for use with the sendToNearest() method.
                                        obj.sender = group.convertPeerIDToGroupAddress(nc.nearID);
                                        obj.id = new Date().time;
                                        // Sends a message to all members of a group.

I too have the same problem>>>> somebody help us 

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    Hello All,
    I tried to create a small app for my mobile ( android 2.2.1 ) to chat, the app is not working here is the code :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" creationComplete="view1_creationCompleteHandler(event)"
            xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" title="HomeView">
                import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                import flash.net.NetConnection;
                import flash.net.NetGroup;
                import flash.net.GroupSpecifier;
                private var nc:NetConnection;
                private var group:NetGroup;
                protected function view1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    this.title = "P2P Chat App";
                    NativeApplication.nativeApplication.systemIdleMode = SystemIdleMode.KEEP_AWAKE;
                    nc = new NetConnection();
                    nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatus);
                    nc.connect('rtmfp://p2p.rtmfp.net', 'key');
                protected function CloseButClick(event:MouseEvent):void
                protected function netStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
                        case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                        case "NetGroup.Connect.Success":
                            messages.appendText("Room Connected\n");
                        case "NetGroup.Neighbor.Connect":
                            messages.appendText("New Client Connected\n");
                        case "NetGroup.Posting.Notify":
                            messages.appendText(event.info.message.message + "\n");
                private function setupGroup():void
                    var groupspec:GroupSpecifier = new GroupSpecifier("myGroup/group0");
                    groupspec.postingEnabled = true;
                    groupspec.ipMulticastMemberUpdatesEnabled = true;
                    group = new NetGroup(nc, groupspec.groupspecWithAuthorizations());
                    topGroup.enabled = true;
                protected function send_message_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var message:Object = new Object();
                    message.message = user_message.text;
                    user_message.text = "";
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            <s:VerticalLayout gap="5" paddingBottom="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingTop="5"/>
        <s:HGroup width="100%" verticalAlign="middle" enabled="false" id="topGroup">
            <s:TextInput width="100%" id="user_message"/>
            <s:Button label="Send" id="send_message" click="send_message_clickHandler(event)"/>
        <s:TextArea id="messages" width="100%" height="100%" editable="false"/>
        <s:Button label="Close" id="close_but" click="CloseButClick(event)"/>
    and I visited the cc.rtmfp.net and got all greens except the first one : knows public ip address of self

    you say that cc.rtmfp.net shows all green except for "knows IP address of self".  is that the case on both computers that you're trying to do P2P between?  are your two computers actually on the same LAN?  if one is on a wired network and the other is on WiFi, they may not be on the same LAN and may be double-NATted.  if your network topology involves double-NAT and the two computers aren't on the same LAN, AND the outer-most NAT doesn't do hairpinning, P2P communication might not be possible in that configuration.
    if you use the sample 1:1 P2P app, VideoPhoneLabs (link below), can you do P2P between the two computers?  how about on the same computer in two browser windows?
    if P2P on one computer works but not between two computers, there is probably a NAT or firewall issue going on.  depending on the results from cc.rtmfp.net on both computers, i might be able to deduce what's going on.

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    Regards Mike

    FormsCentral can be a bit confusing, so I'll try to clarify some things. It allows you to work with two completely different types of forms: web forms and PDF forms. Web forms are HTML forms and are hosted on the FormsCentral server and loaded into and submitted via the user's browser, so web forms do require internet access.
    FormsCentral can also process submissions from PDF forms, and the forms can either originate from Acrobat or the FormsCentral designer, either the desktop app that comes with Acrobat 11 or the browser-based app. The FormsCentral designer allows you to create PDF forms with simple layouts, whereas Acrobat gives you much more flexibility. Designing a PDF form in FormsCentral can be helpful if you want to be able to use the same form for both a web form and a PDF form, allowing to to take advantage of each type at the same time, but you are not limited to PDF forms that are created by the FormsCentral designer.
    Regardless of how the PDF was created, it can be set up to submit the form data to the FormsCentral server, which is done using the same format as a web form. It is done securely using HTTPS. There are certain features that are supported with PDF forms that aren't supported by FormsCentral, but this is usually not a problem. The most significant limitation is the 500 field limitation, so some larger forms aren't possible.
    Once you have a PDF form created in Acrobat, you simply import it into FormsCentral and it gets uploaded to the FormsCentral server, where it is Reader-enabled, a submit button is automatically added, and is then downloaded so you can distribute it by placing it on your web site, sending by email, etc. So unlike web forms, FormsCentral does not host them for you.
    It is possible to use Acrobat to modify the PDF that you download, first by selecting in Acrobat "File > Save a Copy", opening the copy, and making the changes. This is often done to change the submit button (size, location, other properties) of the submit button that gets added. You can then Reader-enable in Acrobat if needed and distribute the form.
    Since it's a normal PDF form that is Reader-enabled, Reader users will be able to open it, fill it in, and save it at any time using Reader for Windows/Mac or Reader for Android/iOS. The latter currently only support submitting via email or to FormsCentral, as opposed to your own web server. Once the user has access to the internet, they can open the form and press the submit button. If the submit is successful, the FormsCentral server returns a response so the user gets some feedback, unlike with email "submits".
    Each submission is automatically stored in the responses table, which you and team members can view at any time. An individual response can be downloaded as a filled-in PDF, or you can download the entire table and import the data into a spreadsheet for further analysis. As mentioned earlier, you can set it up so that you and others can receive an email for each submission, and it can include the form data in the body of the email if wanted.
    Post again if you have any questions, or go to the FormsCentral forum here. The forum is generally very good, but sometimes questions about PDF forms are not answered entirely accurately, so it's sometime helpful to post here too.

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    Or, you can check if your phone is supported here:
    and then download the app directly from here:
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    I don't have one of these devices so I can't check myself.  Did you change the OS to Linux?

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    Can you help me to solve this, Please?
    thank you very much.

    The device I run from is Android 4.1.  It does work but the screen ratio is wrong.  Not slating BT.  The app is brilliant but want to watch in full 16:9.  I think it's a slight oversite on there part which can be easily fixed.
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    Live screen shot courtesy of the BT Sport App.
    Playing stream before going full screen and preview stream is 16:9
    Playing full screen and ratio is 4:3

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    I am using a Droid Bionic and testing my app on it. It will not go to full screen, regardless of how I am holding the Droid. When publishing, I clicked "Full Screen" and Portrait, Landscape, Auto Orientation, etc. I tried all of the publishing options, yet still there is white screen on the eastern and southern side of the screen.
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    Any ideas?

    I removed:
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    from AS3 and it works better. Now there is even white space on the north and south side of the screen. Clicking "Full Screen" in the publish settings, makes a little more white space, which is weird. It as if now the stage is expanding its height, rather than its height and width due to me using the above code. Still, would like to get rid of that extra white space.
    Edit: It looks like the stage height grew by 60. If I expand the picture by 60, placing it on the stage at 0x and -30y, it fits fine on the bionic. I don't understand why this is happening, and scared that it may be different for each device.

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    I recently got the ICS update for my Razr and my me.com email stopped working. I found this article (http://www.wowtechy.com/how-easily-setup-icloud-email-android-running-ics/ ) and now my me.com email acoount works.
    Hope it helps you.

  • HT4864 My android 3 is not working with iCloud.  I've tried EVERY setting imaginable.  Any new information?

    Today is June 30th and I've transferred my MobileMe to iCloud.  Problems with my email folders appearing in iCloud but not on my computer email. Also, I have an Android 3 and am very happy with this phone.  My problem is I'm no longer receiving my mac/me.com email messages or ICal schedules which I had before set up through my gmail account. I've tried every setting suggested on line on my phone - still coming up with either username/password error messages or smtp connection error.  Ive' tired smtp.me.com and smtp.mail.me.com - neither work.  Please HELP!

    I recently got the ICS update for my Razr and my me.com email stopped working. I found this article (http://www.wowtechy.com/how-easily-setup-icloud-email-android-running-ics/ ) and now my me.com email acoount works.
    Hope it helps you.

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    I reached out to the Kurio Helpdesk and they state that the issue is either with the OS software or AFT. I have removed AFT, rebooted the computer, downloaded it again, all to no avail.
    Any ideas on how to fix this issue?

    This problem could arise if you have installed Kies. What it does is, it installs drivers which is not compatible with android file transfer app.
    Now the solution for this problem is properly uninstall kids from your mac, to do this follow the steps:
    1. Check the security and privacy settings in your system preference whether the settings for "Allow apps download from" to "Anywhere" (to set this first click the lock button on the left of your screen by entering your password, this will enable the option to be changed)
    2. After you are done with the first step open the kies installation file (file that is used to install kies, if you have deleted the file, download it again) open the file there you will find an option "uninstall". Click and follow the instruction.
    3. When you have successfully deleted the app, restart your mac.
    4. Install Android file transfer app if you haven't done it yet.
    5. Connect your android device
    6. BANG! It will work just fine. Hope it helps!!

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    The default captivate output for HTML5 works with audio for iPad, but not for Google Nexus 7 with Android 4.1.
    Using the Nexus 7, my slide audio will not play at first with the console error:
    StAd1 /members/ERISK_content/ERISK_1_1_1/ar/StAd0.mp3 gotStuck @0
    But, if I Pause the project for a while and then play it again, it works fine. The audio will not eventually load if I simply let it play - It needs to be paused before it loads. Does anyone know what is going on?

    Go take a look at this page with your Android browser:
    If this page shows your browser does not support the <audio> tag, Audio() object, or MP3 then you are currently sunk and this issue is NOT Adobe or Captivate's fault.
    HTML5 is quite frankly a nightmare to support at the moment because everyone seems to somehow expect it to be as good or better than Flash SWF output, even though the browsers across this new landscape are a dogs breakfast of incompatibilities.
    Bottom line: If you are planning to try and use HTML5 output from Captivate, TEST, TEST, TEST, TEST, in ALL browsers used by your target audience BEFORE you promise anybody anything.
    UPDATE: Here's another good link for testing purposes:

  • Dial Pad Auto-complete feature in Android 4.3 not working.

    I've been using Xperia devices for quite a long time and I just got myself the new Z1. I've updated it to Jelly Bean 4.3 OTA using Update Centre on the phone. According to the release there is an improved Dial pad auto-complete feature but I can't seem to see it work like it used to on my previous Xperia devices. The numbers I type in only shows up names of people whose phone number have the typed in numbers. But with my previous Xperia devices I could type in '323' and get 'Dad' as suggestion. Has this feature been removed from the new update?
    Hope you guys can help me find a solution to that without having to install third-party apps.
    Sony Xperia Z1
    Android 4.3 Jelly Bean

    I would love to have a solution to that too, seeing the 4.3 update for my Xperia V has the same crippling issue. It's no longer possible to type in "letters" into the dialer and find corresponding names, and as an inferior option there is no dial auto-complete option anywhere either.

  • Firefox for Android: search/address not working

    I just put firefox on my new phone and I found that the search/address bar almost always considers one word searches to be an address, see pic: http://i.imgur.com/1dpIH2L.png (very annoying by the way)
    is there any way to make it properly recognize one word entries as searches, or change it so that it only functions as a search bar?
    And instead of making a 2nd post, is there any way to disable address autocomplete? I can deal with it if not but I just find it distracting.

    What version of Firefox for Android are you using?

  • Adobe AIR for Android as3 codes not working for this one project

    I'm trying to use Accelerometer in my flash game, which works for every other project I'm working on, but for some reason on this one project if I try using it I get errors, using the same code i've used before, such as this. 
    1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Accelerometer.
    1180: Call to a possibly undefined method Accelerometer. 
    This is a fairly old file, not that old, so are there files I need to add to it to get it to work, or settings I need to change? This is very frustrating, I don't know what the problem possibly could be. Can anybody help me?

    The error message is indicating it cannot find the class.  Make sure you are importing it:
         import flash.sensors.Accelerometer;

  • AIR 3.3 + CameraUI + Android 4.1 not working

    Whats the catch here...
    Using Nexus S with Android 4.1
    Air 3.30.3650 and CameraUI from same AIR SDK (in FP cs6)...
    getting a error: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="ioError" errorID=2038]
    Also testing Tour de flex, CameraUI wont appear there either.
    Any ideas ?

    No one , anyone ?
    EDIT: Also tested with air 3.4b (runtime and sdk) but those wont trigger cameraui either...
    Bug reported: https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3306444

  • Adobe air 3.6 for android video camera not work!

    1. air 3.6
    2. andorid 4.1
    3. sumsung note2
    var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
    var video:Video = new Video();
        video.smoothing = true;
        video.width = videoDisplay.width;
        video.height = videoDisplay.height;
    video camera ok!,but when device rotate,video turn to black
    air 3.7 beta , video is black anyway
    air 3.5 also has a bug , someone mention before
    air version < 3.5,seems work fine
    anyone met this problem ,has any solution,please help me ,thanks!

    Could you please open a new bug report on this over at bugbase.adobe.com?  When adding the bug, please include sample code or an application so we can quickly test this out internally.  If you'd like to keep this private, feel free to email the attachment to me directly ([email protected]). 
    Once added, please post back with the URL so that others affected can add their comments and votes.

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