I want to know if it is possible for example to start a chat session between 2 people with FMS RTMP, and after a few seconds, try to connect the 2 peers via RTMFP Stratus.  If the p2p connection fails, RTMP is the host.  Without interuption in the chat session of the 2 peers, everything would happen in the background.

I got one message about my last reply it seems there was a bit of confusion regarding how it was phrased, so i thought i shall try to answer it once more with a bit detailed explaination:
What i meant in above reply was suppose you are connecting to stratus using NetConnection object on rtmfp for example nc1 and at the same time you can make another NetConnection object connecting to FMS i.e. on rtmp e.g. nc2.
So you will have 2 nc objects existing at the same time without effecting each other. You can simultaneously connect/talk to users using these different nc objects.
The point to remember here is that nc1 can't be used with user of nc2 ie. rtmfp can't be used with user connected on rtmp. So suppose your one user has failed to connect to stratus i.e. rtmfp. Other person opposite to him has to be on rtmp connection to talk to this user on rtmp.

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    Nothing. The iTunes Match service does not respect the checked/unchecked state of a song. ALL music is scanned and made available in the cloud.

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    Yes this should be possible..
    You can publish on netconnection rtmp://server-ip/livepkgr a stream say "livestream"
    On ios, you can susbscribe to http://server-ip:8134/hls-live/livepkgr/_definst_/livestream/livestream.m3u8
    On flash, you can subscribe to (Netconnection : rtmp://server-ip/livepkgr streamName: livestream)
    Hope it helps

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    The principle difference is how the protocols communicate over the network. RTMFP is based on User Datagram Protocol (UDP), whereas RTMP is based on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). UDP‐based protocols have some specific advantages over TCP‐based protocols when delivering livestreaming media, such as decreased latency and overhead, and greater tolerance for dropped/missing packets, at the cost of decreased reliability. Unlike RTMP, RTMFP also supports sending data directly from one Adobe Flash Player to another, without going through a server. A server‐side connection will always be required to establish the initial connection between the end‐users and can be used to provide server‐side data execution or gateways into other systems. The user of a Flash Media Server will also be required to authorize network address lookup and NAT traversalservices for the clients to prevent Flash Player from being used in an unmanaged way.
    From wikipedia. RTMFP seems like the logical path for a new application. As for the usage of RTMFP/RTMP outside of Flash, I don't know.


    FMLE is not possible to stream in with secure connection,
    right? FMLE pops up an error about invalid url if trying to use
    e.g. rtmps:// in FMS url.
    Any ideas when this could be enabled?

    Right now FMLE supports only RTMPT and RTMP protocols for

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    Does the RTMPT protocol bypass a client's proxy server and attempt to make a direct connection to the FMS on port 80?  Or does it allow the connection to run through port 80 via the proxy server?
    I wasn't able to find anything in the FMS documentation that explicitly states which method is used by the RTMPT protocol.

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    I have found the problem, the contact application wasn't deployed correctly.

  • RTMP and AS3

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    code on the Flex site, but it throws the following errors on trace:
    Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095:
    flash.net.NetConnection was unable to invoke callback onBWDone.
    error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onBWDone not found on
    flash.net.NetConnection and there is no default value.
    at VideoTest$iinit()
    metadata: duration=570.2330000000001 width=796 height=536
    Can someone please help me fix the above? I've been
    everywhere pretty much but no go. I also posted the question on the
    FMS forum and would gladly delete it from there if I can please get
    an answer here.
    package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
    import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
    import flash.media.Video;
    import flash.net.NetConnection;
    import flash.net.NetStream;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.net.ObjectEncoding;
    public class VideoTest extends Sprite{
    private var videoURL:String = "1";
    private var connection:NetConnection;
    private var stream:NetStream;
    public function VideoTest():void {
    ////NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding =
    connection = new NetConnection();
    connection.objectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
    private function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
    switch (event.info.code)
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
    case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
    trace("Stream not found: " + videoURL);
    private function
    trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
    private function connectStream():void
    var stream:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);
    stream.client = new CustomClient();
    var video:Video = new Video();
    class CustomClient
    public function onMetaData(info:Object):void {
    trace("metadata: duration=" + info.duration + " width=" +
    info.width + " height=" + info.height + " framerate=" +
    public function onCuePoint(info:Object):void {
    trace("cuepoint: time=" + info.time + " name=" + info.name +
    " type=" + info.type);

    Nope. I have not found a solution to this problem yet. I
    posted a querry in FMS and did receive a reply there but have not
    had the chance to try it yet.
    There are errors in all of th AS3 stuff I've tried.
    Actionscript 3.0 Cookbook from O'Reiley needs a big overhaul. So
    does the Lynda version. Even the Flex 2 things from Total Training
    have unresolved errors in them. Other people are complaining about
    the same things elsewhere, so I know I'm not alone on this one.
    If you find a solution, please do post it here. Would be nice
    if an Adobe Ace would come to the rescue on this video player
    BTW, here is what was suggested by Nerdabilly from the FMS
    forum. Don't know if it will work.
    Try putting an onBWdone handler into the custom client:
    public function onBWDone(info:Object):void{

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    I followed your tutorial step by step and nothing more than 20x ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p27xavIWQA ) .... When I try to run the transmission in Sample Video Player he simply says I'm having a problem with my playback.
    Is there anything else to be done?
    Please know it must be very busy, but my job depends on it working here.
    I am using Windows Server 2012.
    In this tutorial does not say you have to configure any file, only the conf.xml Adone Media Live Encoder.
    Please help me!

    Hello, my name is Silvio Tavares, I'm from Brazil and the company where they work bought the Adobe Flash Media Server 5 to make the transmission of the station for the Website as well as for Android and iOS.
    I followed your tutorial step by step and nothing more than 20x ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p27xavIWQA ) .... When I try to run the transmission in Sample Video Player he simply says I'm having a problem with my playback.
    Is there anything else to be done?
    Please know it must be very busy, but my job depends on it working here.
    I am using Windows Server 2012.
    In this tutorial does not say you have to configure any file, only the conf.xml Adone Media Live Encoder.
    Please help me!

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    Another question regarding video texture. Will be included in future releases support for live playing h264+PCMU on IOS?

    On iOS, you'll need to be playing a HLS stream for h264 to decode when streaming from a remote server.

  • Need a developer to work with me - FMS/Flex/RTMFP/RTMP etc.

    I already own a video chat website that uses strictly Stratus (RTMFP), as you may already know, the connections between the peers are not always stable, as in people don't always connect to each others.
    From my past programmer's opinion, it was because of Stratus, he is sure his coding is good.
    With the release of FMS 4, which includes RTMFP, my plan is to modify my website so it works with FMS 4 Enterprise Edition, which I will be purchasing.
    I want to combine both RTMP and RTMFP in the connections between the peers.
    There are also a lot of improvements to come for my website, which is all about Flex/FMS/php/MySQL.
    If you want to be the first to take part in a project that's going to be very big because of :
    1. The opportunities that FMS 4 offers us;
    2. The motivation I have, and that you should have!
    3. The resources I have to keep growing effectively.
    So, if you are competent with this type of programming project, please reply and contact me

    If this is correct the RTMFP peer introduction services is available only to the Enterprise version, FMIS support RTMFP and IP unicast only, means communication is only betweend Client and FMIS possible but no peer2peer. I'm not a FMS Guru, but I think you can't replace with FMIS the Stratus service for a application as Webcam chat and if you use FMIS for it without Stratus you need to provide the needed bandwith.
    If I have missunderstand I would be happy, this will save for me many bucks :-)

  • FMS RTMFP connection failure

    I am testing an FMS 4.5 server with an application I already have running on FMS 4.0.
    On FMS 4.0, both RTMP and RTMFP connections work fine.
    On FMS 4.5, only RTMP connections work. RTMFP connections get TCP reset responses. This means the FMS application does not receive any notice of the incoming connection.
    This is with the firewall turned off. Both FMS are on public IP addresses, so there are no NAT issues.  Both servers are running Windows 2008R2.
    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this or what might cause this?

    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
    SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    ☞ The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of which is irrelevant to solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    ☞ Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Implementing a fallback mechanism for RMTFP to RTMP

    Hi folks,
    So I've run into several of the oft-discussed NAT problems with an RTMFP app I've written in Flex. (borrowing heavily from the VideoPhone sample) What I'd like to do is write a fallback mechanism for the app to use RTMP if RTMFP fails. Now, both users have registered with stratus, but when I get to the placeCall function, even though it completes successfully for the caller, the callee never actually receives anything.
    Can someone point me in the right direction for discovering if the callee's media stream is actually active? Also, since the callee may have to "allow" flash to access their webcam is there a way of distinguishing between those 3 states? i.e. 1) not connected, no way. 2) just waiting on the callee to click allow and 3) yup, connected.
    I've also read that its possible to start the two connections simultaneously. (both RTMP and RTMFP) In that case presumably you would be sending twice as much data as needed and would cut the RTMP connection once you have detected the active RTMFP stream. Is this the correct approach in general terms?
    Any hints at all would be much appreciated.

    you can use Adobe Media Server (formerly Flash Media Server) for RTMP fallback.  you can run AMS on Amazon Web Services, too.

  • LCCS + RTMFP ports and IP addresses/host names

    Hey guys,
    Where could I get the ports + IP addresses that we must have open in order to use RTMFP + LCCS services ?
    I've found:
    http://forums.adobe.com/thread/583118 which seems to be related due to talking about RTMFP ports
    http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers - port 1935 that you've registered with IANA
    http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/164/tn_16499.html - FMS using1935
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flashmediaserver/configadmin/WSdb9a8c2ed4c02d261d76cb3412a40a4 90be-8000.html - some more info on ports
    http://allthingsadobeconnect.blogspot.com/2011/02/what-is-list-of-ip-addresses-for.html One of your partmers listed the IP addresses/host names, which is another piece of info I'm searching
    http://learn.adobe.com/wiki/display/lccs/LiveCycle+Collaboration+Service - nothing here ? :/
    Is there an official doc for this type of info or can some validate the following:
    1) Must have ports 80 (RTMP), 443 (RTMPS) and 1935 (RTMFP - tcp+udp); however, once the application connects on port 1935 it will be redirected to any port between 19350-65535.
    2) The fms*.na*.acrobat.com ip address are always going to be in the: subnet subnet
    Alex G.

    Sorry, I thought I replied to this the other day. Not sure of what happen of my post.
    Anyway, this is the list of ports used by FMS in LCCS:
    - tcp 443 for rtmps (rtmp over SSL)
    - udp 1935 for rtmfp
    - udp 19350-19400 (I need to check the upper bound) : FMS listen on udp 1935 for the incoming connection and then redirects the request to one of those (not sure of the fine details for this, but we had to configure our firewall to have these inbound ports open).
    So in order to succesfully connect to LCCS via RTMFP you need to allow UDP traffic and outbound connections to 1935 and 19350-up.
    You also want tcp 443 open (that you should already have) to access the web services and downgrade to rtmps for recording and/or if a client requires it.
    Let us know if these information are sufficient or if you need more details. Since we are relying on FMS the best place to look for documentation would be the reference documentation for FMS 4.x. Here is a link that explains the server-side configuration for RTFMP support. The client should have the same set of ports open (outbound instead of inbound):
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flashmediaserver/configadmin/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d119f2925 e64-7fd2.html
    This other link explain how to configure a TURN proxy if you want to limit the access to outbound UDP to only the Flash clients:
    http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/rtmfp_cirrus_app.html (see the "firewall traversal" section)

  • When to use AMF and when to use RTMP??

    Hello can someone explain the difference??
    I am using all the defaults for the configurations files
    (remoting and datamanagement) and my app works perfectly on
    development mode where everything is on localhost, but when we try
    it on pre-production it keeps throwing an error saying that it
    couldn't connect to the RTMP channel. The only thing that changes
    between these two modes is that on development i access everything
    on localhost and on pre-production we point to another server.
    I am totally clueless why this is happening, i am bit
    confused why data-management uses RTMP and why remoting uses AMF,
    so if anyone could explain it to me it would be great.

    There's no special reason why one uses RTMP vs. AMF. Data
    management service can also use AMF and Remoting can also use RTMP.
    The only real requiement is that Data management service needs to
    be able to receive updates from the FDS/LCDS server. This can be
    achieved by using a channel that is capable of receiving pushed
    updates from the server (eg. RTMP) or a channel that is capable of
    polling for updates on the server (i.e. AMF-polling). Therefore,
    when you use AMF with Data management service, you need to have
    polling enabled with a polling interval.
    In terms of why AMF works but RTMP doesn't is that AMF
    channel uses AMF format over the HTTP protocol whereas RTMP channel
    uses simple TCP socket (and not HTTP). Therefore in some
    environments, RTMP will be blocked by the firewalls but AMF won't
    since it's like regular HTTP traffic. In this case, you can use AMF
    polling instead or use RTMPT which is new in LCDS 2.5.

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