[ruby] can't require datamapper

Hi, after updating ruby, rubygems and removing/reinstalling all the gems I just can't require datamapper anymore:
root@arch /home/tigre gem -v
root@arch /home/tigre gem list |grep datamapper
datamapper (1.2.0)
root@arch /home/tigre ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]
root@arch /home/tigre irb
irb(main):001:0> require "datamapper"
LoadError: cannot load such file -- datamapper
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require'
from /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require'
from (irb):1
from /usr/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
I can load other gems but not datamapper.
What's going on? This worked flawlessly before updating my system

This says you need to require 'data_mapper' not 'datamapper'.

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    Hi javed
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    I would suggest you to ask the PP user to create production order without Material using transaction CO07.
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    I think a much better approach would be to password protect your User account in the Operating System, and set up another account or accounts for the children. You limit their rights to stop them installing ad-hoc and wrecking the computer. You set up a screensaver with password to lock your account when not at the computer.
    This add-on: https://nic-nac-project.org/~kaosmos/profilepassword-en.html lets you password protect your Thunderbird profile, though it is a weak form of protection. OK for very young children, but older kids will likely see it as a challenge to hack it.
    See these:
    And note "Note: You can password protect the contents of the message pane by setting mail.password_protect_local_cache to true using the configuration editor in conjunction with setting a master password in Thunderbird." listed under "medium methods".
    …but I'm not sure how you'd lock the pane once you'd unlocked it. You'd probably have to close Thunderbird, so it challenges the user when next run.
    As mentioned in the article and the webpage for the add-on, none of these measures guard against your email being stored in plain text and thus visible to anyone browsing the file system. Therefore your best option is to use User Accounts, with logins and passwords, and control access to your own data that way. A user would need admin ("root") privileges to access your data, or be sufficiently knowledgeable to be able to boot with a linux CD or similar.
    Storing your email data on a USB stick that you can take away with you.
    All of the above require some diligence and vigilance on your part, as you must remeber to lock or close Thunderbird, or logout, or remove the USB device before you leave the computer. A password-protected screen saver and separate User Accounts in the OS provide the closest to an automated protection system.

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    Captivate 8.01 on a Mac.
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    Drag&Drop is not a default question slide, although it has some of its functionality like interactive objects and interactive learning interactions have. This is not a bug, there are more differences with the normal question slides: when getting back to a D&D it is automatically reset. It is not included in a Retake or a Review. The score can be included in the total score of a file, just like the score of buttons, click boxes, shape buttons, Text Entry Boxes and interactive interactions can be included in that score. But it is not a normal question slide.
    Drag&Drop tips - Captivate blog

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    Will someone for the love of god with a reasonable mind tell me how the hell nokia and symbian motives this.
    I am so furious!

    If you have an S60 3rd Edition based phone, then use Y-Browser instead (of FExplorer): http://www.drjukka.com/YBrowser.html
    Also, Nokia or Symbian does not require users to sign the installation packages. It is the application developer that it supposed to do it for all users. If they don't, use some other developer's apps.
    Message Edited by petrib on 03-Sep-200702:11 PM

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