Run 2 vi at the same time

How do I run 2 or more vi's at the same time, thus allowing me to interact with both without the need to close one.  What I have is one main vi that allows me to manipulate data on a particular plot.  I then what other vi's to pop up and stay open when needed showing the same data but on represented in a different way.  Therefore as I change the data one my main vi I want it to show up simultaneously in the other plot/vis.
any help?

reza_sed wrote:
How do I run 2 or more vi's at the same time, thus allowing me to interact with both without the need to close one.  What I have is one main vi that allows me to manipulate data on a particular plot.  I then what other vi's to pop up and stay open when needed showing the same data but on represented in a different way.  Therefore as I change the data one my main vi I want it to show up simultaneously in the other plot/vis.
any help?
See the two attached vi's.  Download them into a common folder.  Ref1 is the main.  Run it.  It calls Ref2.  Ref 2 will stay open until the stop button on Ref1 is pressed.  While Ref2 is open, change the numeric control on Ref1.  Notice how the data display on Ref2 changes to match the main vi.  You can do this with as many subvi's as you want.  Just pass the numeric and boolean references to each.
This is just a simple example showing the use of control references.  If you need to do other things in your main, you will have to open the subvi's dynamically as smercurio has mentioned.  Search for dynamic launching to learn more about this.
Message Edited by tbob on 05-19-2010 01:30 PM
- tbob
Inventor of the WORM Global
Attachments: ‏8 KB ‏10 KB

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    What exactly are you trying to control?
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    Hi Marc,
    We use a workaround. We have asked our abap developpers to write a small utility report which checks if the job it is part of is already running and aborts the job if it is the case.
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    This post is going to be a little longer, but I have to clarify things out.
    I did not mean to throw any wild accusations, because I did my fair share of RTFM and searching the help. I can tell you that if you put any of these in the help search box:
    non shared
    concurrent <- I guess this one should yeld something
    you won't find anything usefull, the article that comes closest, is this:
    "Sharing of Connections
    By default, each connection in SQL Developer is shared when possible. For example, if you open a table in the Connections navigator and two SQL Worksheets using the same connection, all three panes use one shared connection to the database. In this example, a commit operation in one SQL Worksheet commits across all three panes. If you want a dedicated session, you must duplicate your connection and give it another name. Sessions are shared by name, not connection information, so this new connection will be kept separate from the original."
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    OK, I tried your suggestion, and (sadly) it does not work as I suppose it should.
    Here's what I did:
    - start a new connection, and enter the following code in SQL Worksheet:
    j number;
    for i in 1..1000000
    j := sin(i);
    end LOOP;
    As you can see, it doesn't do much besides holding the connection busy for a while when executed.
    - start a new non-shared connection from the first one using CTRL-SHIFT-N (as you suggested) and put the following statement in the new SQL Worksheet (with "__1" appended to connection name)
    select sysdate from dual;
    - go to the first SQL Worksheet and execute the procedure
    - while the procedure is executing, go to the second SQL Worksheet and hit F9.
    The sysdate is returned as soon as the first SQL Worksheet finishes and not any sooner. It may run in separate session, but the result is not returned before the other session is finished doing what it is doing. I guess the correct behaviour would be to return the sysdate immediately.
    I verified this behaviour repeating it 3 times starting with a new instance of SQL Developer, each time connecting to another schema and spawning the new non-shared session. The database used was Oracle EE on RHEL 4 UPD3.
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    I hope developers get this issue straightened out soon, as I said, I'd love to move away from Toad, but I'll have to wait until they fix this out.
    Is there anything else that can be done to make it behave correctly?
    Kind regards

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    On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 04:46:57 +0000 (UTC), "yuytjtdh"
    <[email protected]> wrote:
    >I want to download a trial version of the CS3 and run it,
    at the same time, as
    >my existing Dreamweaver 8 on my G5 Mac running 10.4.10.
    (It is NOT an Intel
    You can have several versions of Dw on your system ( I have
    Dw2004 up
    to CS4 beta ) but you can only have one running at a time on
    standard machine.
    >There is a 30 day trial and this way, in the downtime
    between projects, I
    >can test out and use the CS3 version and make sure it is
    stable on my system,
    >learn to use it a bit, set it up the way I would want it,
    but always be able to
    >cut back to 8 in a pinch if I have mission critical work
    that must get done. I
    >know 8 like the back of my hand and know nothing about
    CS3 version, so I like
    >the safety net of being able to run them both.
    > Any issues with this? Is it possible? Will it break
    anything - like with my
    >stable and running CS2 apps and Acrobat 7?
    CS3 is rather stricter about code - so depending on how well
    your code
    validates - it may complain if there are any problems.
    Bear in mind that CS4 may be released sometime in the next
    few months
    - there is no public info when that will be - so maybe better
    to wait
    for that.

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    One piece of the puzzle you left out is the DAQ card being used in the host computer. 
    Without looking at some specifics on the SCXI cards/connectors you are using, I will comment you must be careful when you are using an 1180 feedthrough module.  Keep in mind, the SCXI chassis is Signal Conditioning -- it's nothing without the DAQ. 
    I would recommend you back up a few steps, simplify the setup and test each input channel from MAX -- making sure you aren't overlapping channels between the 1180 to the DAQ and the SCXI chassis.  Remember, most data from the SCXI chassis comes in on a single channel of the DAQ through the 1349.
    Hope this might help. 

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    What should I am doing wrong?

    Yes, these are two different applications with different names.
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    Also, is there a wi-fi transceiver that detects and uses unused bandwidth on neighbors' Internet connections? My house picks up 7 neighbors' wi-fi transceivers. If we're all on the same cable service it wouldn't matter if I transferred bandwidth to a neighbor's service. But if some houses have DSL and some have cable, then the DSL users could get extra speed in the mornings when the cable is fast. The cable users would get extra speed in the evening when cable is slower than DSL. Everybody wins.
    G5 dual 1.8GHz; 12 PowerBook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    no problems.
    There is a priority order when multiple networking interfaces are available.
    Ethernet is higher than Airport in the order.
    If both ethernet and Airport interfaces are connected to the network, then ethernet becomes the primary networking interface.
    If nothing is plugged into the ethernet port, then Airport will get control.

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    I have installed Windows 2008 Enterprise edition. Updated all patched from windows updated. Add the Hyper-V role and installed Windows 2003 in one Virtual Machine and Windows 2008 in another. After the first VM installation itself i had the problem as the below error was coming ibn.
    I has to shutdown the Windows 2003 to install Windows 2008.
    Now i can only run 1 OS at a time. Shut down 1 to start the other
    [Window Title]
    Hyper-V Manager
    [Main Instruction]
    An error occurred while attempting to change the state of virtual machine New Virtual Machine.
    'New Virtual Machine' failed to start.
    Microsoft Emulated IDE Controller (Instance ID {83F8638B-8DCA-4152-9EDA-2CA8B33039B4}): Failed to power on with Error 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'
    Failed to open attachment 'E:'. Error: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'
    [Expanded Information]
    'New Virtual Machine' failed to start. (Virtual machine 418ACD0E-5FBA-4053-AFDD-1EDA51694EF5)
    'New Virtual Machine' Microsoft Emulated IDE Controller (Instance ID {83F8638B-8DCA-4152-9EDA-2CA8B33039B4}): Failed to power on with Error 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.' (0x80070020). (Virtual machine 418ACD0E-5FBA-4053-AFDD-1EDA51694EF5)
    'New Virtual Machine': Failed to open attachment 'E:'. Error: 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.' (0x80070020). (Virtual machine 418ACD0E-5FBA-4053-AFDD-1EDA51694EF5)
    Hide details  [Close]
    Any help is of great use.

    I have both the vm's created in different drives. E drive is my DVD drive....
    I renamed them,Reinstalled OS, Created a new set of vm's after the first i get the error
    It works fine if i stop 1 vm and install the other or stop 1 and start the other...Running both at the same time is the problem

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