Run applicaton from an applet

I am writing applet for the first time so don't know much about it. My applet has only one button which when clicked executes a simple application. The application contains the user interface where users can enter various search string. The application creates an url from the string and the result is shown using 'showDocument()' method. I passed AppletContext to the application to call this method. This works fine when I run it in local machine as all the class files and html file are saved locally.
I want to know if it is ok to execute an application from an applet like this or will it cause problem? I mean when the applet is run from a browser, will it be able to execute the application residing on the server? Or do I have to write all the code in the applet and not use application?

I don't understand your question.
Applet: application with HTML-embedded GUI that is deployed on a server but runs on the client.
Please explain what you mean by "application" and how you call it.
You can package the application classes together with the applet classes in one JAR, so the applet will be able to use them, if that's what you want.

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    Plese help me to get around this.

    You can open the textfile on the servlet and then send the information to the client (applet) as stirngs. The must then applet convert the stirngs into some object or simply display the information in someway. But then the text file that you are opening must be stored in some relevant tomcat directory e.g. on the server. If you want to open a file on the clients computer, you get into signed applets.

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    Your applet must be signed.
    Hope that help,

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    jomon_0012 wrote:
    ..i have a vbscript.. I have a machine that will run Java, but not VBScript. perform doc to pdf convertion. I placed vbs file in jar and tried to execute with getRuntime().execIs the applet trusted?
    Runtime.getRuntime().exec("wscript \"\\doctopdf.vbs\"");1) Use ProcessBuilder for a 1.5+ app.
    2) A file argument with no spaces usually can be included without quote marks.
    No way, it reading from local path. How can i execute vbs file from jar and execute locally??.. Please fix that sticky '?' key.
    ..Is it possible? Or any other way to perform my task?You might expand the script out to the local file system (e.g. to the temp directory) and run it from there. Of course, that would fail on this box, as mentioned earlier.

  • Run application from applet

    is it possible to run an application from an applet? is so how can i go about doing this?

    hey may be the use of Runtime can help u solve ur
    Runtime.exec("Application name");luck,
    jayNope. You should know some basic things before trying to give answers.
    If (unsigned/untrusted) applets could just run any other app, imagine the chaos when someone hits a rogue website containing an applet that executes something like "format c:"
    You want to run an external program on the client's machine from an applet? You can't, thank heavens. You need to rethink your design.

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    I use: win 2000 pro
    J2RE 1.4.0
    thanks in advance for your help
    Mauro Losa

    Thanks for your help but my problem is that i want print the document without display it.
    I think to have find a solution using Java Print Service API (JDK 1.4) but when i run the example the system display this error refered to this instruction
    "PrintService[] pservices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(flavor, aset);":
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: getDefaultPrinterName
    at sun.print.Win32PrintServiceLookup.getDefaultPrinterName(Native Method)
    at sun.print.Win32PrintServiceLookup.getDefaultPrintService(Unknown Source)
    at sun.print.Win32PrintServiceLookup.getPrintServices(Unknown Source)
    at sun.print.Win32PrintServiceLookup.getPrintServices(Unknown Source)
    at javax.print.PrintServiceLookup.getServices(Unknown Source)
    at javax.print.PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(Unknown Source)
    at untitled4.applet1.main(

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    Can anyone help please?

    Right, I sort of tracked down some code that uses getMethods to allow me to invoke a Javascript command. It is not pretty and took a little bit of editing to get to work but it does the job without putting JS stuff into my HTML.
    However it is causing some problems. If I open one of my other applets it will only let me close that window and the previous applets ceases to respond at all. I think this may be because the invoke gets the JSObject which is the window and somehow having more than one applet open in different windows is causing it to get confused and is locking the first window and only responding to the second.
    I have seen a much simpler method that uses:
    import netscape.javascript.*;
    and JSObject to get the window but my compiler complains about the import. Any further suggestions or an example would be welcome as my current solution is a bit limited as you can effectively only have one window open at a time which doesn't suit my needs.
    Many thanks.

  • How to writing an image from my applet to my apache webserver

    hi everyone,
    i have a big problem, writing an image from my applet to my apache
    webserver. i tried three way's of writing that file. every way was
    described in forums to solve this problem, but non of them worked and
    i don't know why. i'll give you the code of my writing-methods and
    describe, what happen when i test them, in order someone of you can
    give me an usefull tip, where the problem is.
    as inputparameter i give my method a new URL referring to
    http://localhost/test.jpg (this is the same directory, where my applet
    is loaded from, so i should have reading and writing permission,
    havn't i? while i'm developing, my applet runs on the same pc as my
    webserver, just in case you're wondering about localhost) and a
    selfmade BufferedImage (i already testet if it is not null and shows
    the correct things ... all ok).
    1. try:
    private void writeImageToServer(URL fileURL,BufferedImage img){
    try {
    URLConnection urlConnection = fileURL.openConnection();
    OutputStream urlout = urlConnection.getOutputStream();
    BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(urlout);
    out.close(); // i also tried without this line -> same result
    // additionally a question: do i need
    catch( IOException e ){
    test.jpg doesn't appear in the webroot. but some very strange messages
    in the error.log of my apacheserver:
    [Tue Jun 08 11:40:22 2004] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: c:/programme/apache
    [Tue Jun 08 11:40:22 2004] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: c:/programme/apache
    [Tue Jun 08 11:40:22 2004] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: c:/programme/apache
    [Tue Jun 08 11:40:22 2004] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: c:/programme/apache
    [Tue Jun 08 11:40:22 2004] [error] [client] File does not
    exist: c:/programme/apache
    i cannot explain this lines to myself, because my apache should have
    nothing to do with java. all my javacode is executed on the client
    side in the browser. do this messages mean i have to add the ImageIO
    package from the sdk to my jar-applet. the jre, used by my iexplorer,
    doesn't contain this files in the meta-inf/services directory of
    rt.jar, but that's version 1.4.2_03, the same as my sdk, and the
    rt.jar contains the corresponding classfiles at javax.imageio.spi. so
    i'm realy confused by this messages.
    2. try:
    private void writeImageToServer(URL fileURL,BufferedImage img){
    try {
    URLConnection urlConnection = fileURL.openConnection();
    OutputStream urlout = urlConnection.getOutputStream();
    BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(urlout);
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
    out.close(); // same comments as above
    catch( IOException e ){
    nothing. no error-messages in the error.log, no exceptions in the
    java-console and no test.jpg in the webroot. i searched my whole
    harddrives for it: nothing. isn't this the way, the JPEGImageEncoder
    3. try:
    private void writeImageToServer(URL fileURL,BufferedImage img){
    try {
    File file = new File(fileURL.toString);
    BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
    out.close(); // same comments as above
    catch( Exception e ){
    the SecurityManager denies this action with "access denied" while
    calling createNewFile(). well, this way was dedicated to run from an
    application, not from an applet. i'd have to sign my applet to get the
    rights to do this, or i can edit java.policy on my client, what i
    don't want, because i cannot do this on every client, the applet will
    run, when i'm finished with it. this brings me to the question: does
    anybody know's how to sign my applet and give it full access to the
    harddrive and the webserver without paying 400$ to VeriSign for a
    commercial CA? i want to do this by myself, without paying anything
    and without giving a lot of information to another company.
    i would realy appreciate, if someone could give me a hint where i am
    wrong or how to do this correct.
    thank you very much
    [email protected]

    You hold several misconceptions. The first is that an applet can write to a server without help from the server. That will never work on a real server (though it might work in testing, if the server is on the same PC as the applet). Applets cannot get a File object that points to any place on the server.
    If you write a servlet designed for accepting image uploads, the applet can communicate back to that servlet and feed it the bytes of the image. There are other technologies that can replace the servlet, of course (PHP, ASP..) but I mention that because you say you are running Apache - and that is very Java oriented.
    For more help on servlets, try the [Web Tier APIs - Java Servlet|] forum.

  • How do I update a file in an Applet's JAR file from the Applet code

    Here's my problem.
    My applet is using a serializable history data in which I am storing in the applet's JAR file. When I run the applet, I read the file with "getResourceAsStream()" and run my program with that hist data. When my applet is closed, I need to update this file from my Applet's code and I dumfounded about how to do that.
    Is there any way to update a file in the Applet's JAR file through the Java Applet code? (i.e. OutputStream?).
    Would appreciate any advice people have.

    Just place a copy of the file on the local hard disk and update that. When you start the Applet you try to read from the hard disk. If the file exists then no problem otherwise copy it from the jar to the hard disk.

  • Security exception when trying to call a DLL from an applet

    Hi all,
    I really hope someone out there can help me. I'm trying to call a windows DLL from an applet but always get some error when the call to the DLL comes. If I run it on the command line (calling a dummy main function that only calls the dll) I don't get any error. However, with the, I get an ExceptionInitialiserError. When running it in a browser, I seem to get any of three errors, the above, securityAccessControlException (as I was expecting) and even NoClassDefFoundError.
    I realise of course that this has to do with the permissions in effect but nothing seems to happen when I change the policy file, so I have to feeling that I'm chaning the wrong file. The one I'm using is the one the JRE entry in the registry is pointing to, Java Runtime Environment->CurrentVersion...
    I even tried giving everything in the applet's directory AllPermission.
    So what I'm wondering is this. Is there any way to check if your policies are actually working and when you update the files, what do you need to do to make the changes take effect?
    Best regards,

    I have the same problem. Have you solved your problem, if so please let me know what the solution is.
    Einar �rn

  • Calling a WebService from Java Applet

    Hi all,
    In my application I have 3 projects:
    1. server - for all the business logic.
    2. view - for web app.
    3. swing - for applet.
    In the view project I wrote a WS, and I want to call it from my applet. So I created a WS using the Jdev ( wizard in the view project (I tested it and it worked fine), and in the swing project I created a proxy for this WS, tested it and it worked fine. Then I created a JAR containing the swing project with the WS proxy classes, opened the Applet and find out that I have some classes missing, so I started adding all the relevant Jars and ended with a ~13MB JAR containing all the swing project jars that in the class path for a simple Applet.
    I know that I'm missing something but I dont know what. Do I really need all those Jars. Is there a simple way to call to a WS via Applet?
    This is the list of all the Jars:
    By the way at the end of all this annoying process I got the next exception:
    [failed to localize] typemapping.nested.exception.initialization(javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Unable to create SOAP Factory: Provider com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.SOAPFactory1_1Impl not found)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at client.base.connectivity.ClientRequestAgent.runWS(
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
         at Source)

    Try this:
    1. open the webService data controll in the Data Controls section and drag the method from the webService onto the method call activity in your task flow. This will overwrite the current method property (the one which pints to your bean, make a copy of this entry if you can't reproduce it by hand). This too will create an entry in the pageDef of the method call activity.
    2. reenter (or paste) the original value in the method property, so that it again points to your bean. The entry in the pageDef will remain!
    3. now in the bean method you can access the method via its binding like you access any other method from the binding:
    // get the binding container
    BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
    // get an Action or MethodAction
    OperationBinding method = bindings.getOperationBinding("YourMethodActionNAME");
    if (method == null)
    // handle method not found error...
    // if there are parameters to set...
    Map paramsMap = method.getParamsMap();
    paramsMap.put("param","value")  ;    
    // execute the method
    List errors = method.getErrors();
    if (!errors.isEmpty())
       // handle errors here errors is a list of exceptions!
    // no error resume normal workTimo

  • How to delete a loaded DLL from an applet

    I succesfully wrote some code that extracts a Windows DLL from the applet jar to a temporary file and loads the extracted DLL (using a System.load call).
    Now I want to remove the DLL after the applet is closed. I tried to use the shutdown hook functionality of the java.lang.Runtime object, but this doesn't seem to work for an applet.
    Anyone any ideas about how to tackle this? Note that I'm not interested in installing the DLL's in for example the windows/system32 directory. To prevent any potential DLL versioning troubles I just want to use the DLL's as a temp file and remove them afterwards.

    I succesfully wrote some code that extracts a Windows
    DLL from the applet jar to a temporary file and loads
    the extracted DLL (using a System.load call).Once you loaded a DLL into JVM you cannot unload it.
    Now I want to remove the DLL after the applet is
    closed. I tried to use the shutdown hook
    functionality of the java.lang.Runtime object, but
    this doesn't seem to work for an applet.This is b/c the applet is running in the browser JVM and this isn't shutdown when an applet is closed.
    Anyone any ideas about how to tackle this? Note that
    I'm not interested in installing the DLL's in for
    example the windows/system32 directory. To prevent
    any potential DLL versioning troubles I just want to
    use the DLL's as a temp file and remove them
    afterwards.Maybe you can add to the DLL name as a suffix its version number.

  • Calling EJB from an applet in 9iAS Release 2?

    In 9iAS Release 1 it is not so easy to call an EJB from an applet. First the applet needs special privileges and then the applet starts only once. The cause of problem is the implementation of ormi.
    Will 9iAS Rel. 2 support Applets calling EJBs?

    I am also trying to make an applet client for an EJB deployed to OC4J.
    I modified the java2.policy file as you suggested, but when I tried to run my applet, I
    got the following error:
    java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission tunneling.shortcut read)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.System.getProperty(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Boolean.getBoolean(Unknown Source)
         at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory.<clinit>(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.naming.internal.VersionHelper12.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(Unknown Source)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(Unknown Source)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(Unknown Source)
         at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at its.fnd.ejb.EJBHomeFinder.getHomeObject(Unknown Source)
         at its.fnd.flight.ejb.EJBFlightFactory.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at its.fnd.flight.FlightFactory.<init>(
         at EJBApplet.jbInit(
         at EJBApplet.init(
         at Source)
         at Source)
    I am using OC4J (stand-alone) version on Solaris 7 and Microsoft Internet Explorer
    5.0 with the java 1.3.1 plug-in.
    Here is the applet code that I use to lookup the EJB home interface:
    Properties props = new Properties();
    Context ctxt = new InitialContext(props);
    Object homeObj = ctxt.lookup("my_bean");
    MyBeanHome home = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(homeObj, MyBeanHome.class);
    The HTML page with the <applet> tag is a static HTML page that is part of OC4J's default
    web application. The applet class file is located in a subdirectory of the default-web-app
    directory. Here is the HTML page...
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    HTML Test Page
    <object classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" width="580" height="450" name="EJBApplet" align="middle" alt="Loading EJBApplet ...">
    <param name="java_code" value="EJBApplet">
    <param name="java_codebase" value="/tests">
    <param name="java_archive" value="xerces.jar,ejb.jar,oc4j.jar,jaas.jar"/>
    <param name="java_type" value="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3">
    <param name="java_scriptable" value="true">
    <table cellpadding="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" width="580" height="450">
    This is a place for an APPLET.<br>Your browser doesn't support the correct applet java plug-in.<br><br>You can install the correct plug-in from here.<br><a target='_blank' onClick='javascript:self.window.close()' href="/classes/3rdparty/j2re-win-plug-in.exe">Click here to install plug-in.</a><br><br>Or if you have an Internet connection you can install the correct plug-in from here.<br><a target='_blank' onClick='javascript:self.window.close()' href="">Click here to install plug-in from Internet.</a><br><br>You can call your System Administrator for assistance.</td></tr>
    I have searched the Internet, and the documentation, and tried several, different things,
    but I can't get it to work.
    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

  • Writing new HTML to a page from an applet using LiveConnect, 1.3.1 Plug-i

    Has anyone been able to successfully replace a page with an applet with the dynamically generated HTML from an applet using LiveConnect and Plugin 1.3.1 in Netscape 6.2 or IE?
    The following works fine without plugin or with 1.4.0 beta3 plugin.
    Here is the code that I use without plugin:
    JSObject windowObject = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    JSObject documentObject = (JSObject) windowObject.getMember("document");"close",null);"open",null);
    String anArray1[] = {null};
    anArray1[0] ="some HTML here";"write", anArray1);"close",null);
    Here is the code that I use with 1.4.0 plugin:
    JSObject windowObject = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    JSObject documentObject = (JSObject) windowObject.getMember("document");
    String anArray1[] = {null};
    anArray1[0] ="some HTML here";"write", anArray1);
    When I try to use anyone of the above using plugin 1.3.1, the browser either hangs or plugin generates runtime error. What is the correct way of writing to a document object? Or what is the way that works for 1.3.1 plugin?

    I am doing this in my applet to replace the page containing the applet with the new content. I tested that extensively with Netscape 4.7 and IE 5.5+. Definitely works if you are using Java Plug-In 1.3.1_02. Does not work well in Netscape 6.2.
        protected void setPageContent(final String newContent) {
            final JSObject window = JSObject.getWindow(this);
            final JSObject document = (JSObject) window.getMember("document");
            new Thread( new Runnable() {
                            public void run() {
                      "clear", null);
                      "write", new String[]{newContent});
                                try {
                                    "close", null);
                                   } catch (JSException ignored) {
                        } ).start();

  • To access a sequence.nextval from Infobus applet

    I have Infobus Dataform applet which displays the columns of the
    table - timesheets which has a column "line_item" which has to
    get it's value from a database sequence.
    So I followed the approach followed in the Acme - sample
    Which the row added event of the RowsetInfo -
    The following code was added with my Rowset and sequence used.
    void ACME_MEMBERSIter_rowAdded(RowChangeEvent e) throws
    RowsetAccess rsa = e.getDataItem();
    DbAccess dba = rsa.getDb();
    RowsetAccess seq = null;
    seq = (RowsetAccess)dba.executeRetrieval(
    "select acme_member_id_seq.nextval as
    \"new_id\" from dual",
    ImmediateAccess nv = null;
    ImmediateAccess column_id = null;
    nv = (ImmediateAccess)seq.getColumnItem("new_id");
    column_id = (ImmediateAccess)rsa.getColumnItem
    This does not work when I run it from Jdeveloper I have debugged
    it an umpteen times and still no clue.
    The statement
    "select acme_member_id_seq.nextval as
    \"new_id\" from dual",
    Please help.

    Hi Shachar,
    When SEQUENCE_SETUP/RESETUP is called, I need to modify the arbitrary data.
    Arbitrary data can be accessed in 2 ways (as per my knowledge)
    1. GetNewStreamValue() & SetStreamValue() (for this I need AEGP_EffectRef which will be NULL for the new effect when it comes to SEQUENCE_SETUP/RESETUP).
    2. If PF_ParamDef* params is not NULL then,
         PF_Handle                arbH        = params[PARAM_ID]->u.arb_d.value;
        CG_ArbData                *arbP;
        arbP    = reinterpret_cast<CG_ArbData*>(PF_LOCK_HANDLE(arbH));
    In the first way, when SEQUENCE_SETUP/RESETUP is called AEGP_EffectRef is NULL, so I cannot use it.
    In the second way, when SEQUENCE_SETUP/RESETUP is called  PF_ParamDef* params is NULL, so I cannot use it.
    Any ideas?

Maybe you are looking for