Run speedgrade without NVIDIA

Is it possible tun speedgrade on the latest macbook pro's 15" without NVIDIA?

Oh, you'll love this ... it depends!
And that's really the best I can do, partly because I'm totally PC, and largely ... I've know of people running fine on the newer MacBook Pro's with again, newer AMD cards in them. And ... some who've not been pleased. I guess ... it's probably download & try it to see ...

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    Message was edited by: kookahunter

    Try downloading this video to see if it plays properly.
    If the video that you have downloaded plays properly, then I would think that the issue is related to your Internet service.
    If the video that you have downloaded plays poorly, then I would contact Apple to try to have it exchanged or serviced.
    Does the video hang when you watch the live stream at the following URL? You may need Adobe Flash player to view this site.
    Message was edited by: LukeD

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    First delete the payment run output by the following :
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    Best Regards,

    Dear All,
    Thanks a lot for your response to this thread.
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    Best Regards,

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    use them to create the tables during deployment. I tried
    putting a <persistent-types> block in system.prefs so that
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    -action refresh -outfile <sql-file> <jdo-file>
    Any idea?

    Yan Or <[email protected]> writes:
    Is it possible to run SchemaTool without a database?
    I want to generate the SQLs during the build process and
    use them to create the tables during deployment. I tried
    putting a <persistent-types> block in system.prefs so that
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    -action refresh -outfile <sql-file> <jdo-file>
    Any idea?Yan,
    Currently, we always connect to the datastore to retrieve a list of
    existing tables and columns so that we know what modifications need to
    be made. Being able to create complete SQL scripts with no DB connection
    would be useful. I've added it as a feature enhancement to our bug
    tracking database:
    In the mean time, you can create the appropriate SQL by creating a blank
    schema in the target data store and executing the schematool against it
    using the '-outfile' option.
    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

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    This has nothing to do with JSF.

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