Running Applescript runtime apps in Lion

I have just installed Lion. I have several Applescripts that I use for some automated actions an dcreated using Applescript Editor. In Snow Leopard I saved these as runtime app files and put them in my dock. When I installed Lion I noticed a banned symbol through the dock icons and, not surprisingly, got an error mesage when I tried to run them.
To fix the problem I opened the original Applescript file with the Applescript Editor then saved them as runtime apps. I got no compile errors in this process and all the apps are now working in Lion.
A similar problem will likely occur with APP files created with Automator. That will not be as easy to fix as the source code is not usually available.
The only remaining difficulty for me was getting rid of the banned symbol in the app's icon. I found that I had to:
make a copy of the original app (actually located on another Mac - Lion had changed all the icons on my Macbook)
change its file suffix from .app to .txt (so Lion would not change the icon without asking).
Get Info on the renamed file,
cmd-C on its icon
Get Info on the recompiled App file
cmd-v on its icon
So before upgrading to Lion, one tip is to make sure you have copies of your original Applescript source files and copies of their .APP files but with the suffix changed to, say, .TXT.

I have just installed Lion. I have several Applescripts that I use for some automated actions an dcreated using Applescript Editor. In Snow Leopard I saved these as runtime app files and put them in my dock. When I installed Lion I noticed a banned symbol through the dock icons and, not surprisingly, got an error mesage when I tried to run them.
To fix the problem I opened the original Applescript file with the Applescript Editor then saved them as runtime apps. I got no compile errors in this process and all the apps are now working in Lion.
A similar problem will likely occur with APP files created with Automator. That will not be as easy to fix as the source code is not usually available.
The only remaining difficulty for me was getting rid of the banned symbol in the app's icon. I found that I had to:
make a copy of the original app (actually located on another Mac - Lion had changed all the icons on my Macbook)
change its file suffix from .app to .txt (so Lion would not change the icon without asking).
Get Info on the renamed file,
cmd-C on its icon
Get Info on the recompiled App file
cmd-v on its icon
So before upgrading to Lion, one tip is to make sure you have copies of your original Applescript source files and copies of their .APP files but with the suffix changed to, say, .TXT.

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    Thanks William for the tip.
    Thanks Shaun for marking the reply as the solution.

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