Running FL Studio 6 on a MacBook...

Hi, I produce music using FL Studio 6 with Windows XP and since the Macbook has integrated graphics, I was wondering if FL will be slow on the MacBook. I run multiple VST's and effects at a time, which even causes my Athlon 64 3700+ to slow down, and this machine has 1 GB RAM as well as a 128 MB Nvidia 6600LE Graphics Card.
I want to know whether I can settle for a MacBook, or if I'll need to save up more for a MacBook Pro.
Thanx =)

The suggestion that somehow if you use your machine
to make money you have to get a MBP is poppycock.
Thats just people buying into Apple's marketing. With
2ghz Core Duo, the MacBook is an extremely fast
machine and capable of doing anything CPU dependant
as fast as a MBP Pro.
Where is that suggested here? No one said you can't use the MacBook if you want to make money.
I said if you are running professional applications, I recommend the best, which for Mac notebooks, happens to be the MBP. I'm not "buying" into any Apple marketing, I'm "buying" into the fact that the MBP has larger screens available,a superior graphics card with more graphics memory, a faster Core Duo chip available, an ExpressCard 3/4 slot, supports larger external monitors, illuminated keyboard, and a faster FW port; all features that are more geared towards professional use.
Personally, I'm happy with my MacBook-it has the features I need. But I definitely think the MBP has valuable features, and for professional use I think its worth the investment.

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    BrettGoudy wrote:
    ...Is there any way I can install a partition that runs snow leopard on my early 2011 MB pro with what I have (new SSD, New RAM, Current version Lion running, no external drive, lack of original snow leopard disks [I lost them ] and the general 10.6.3 snow leopard boot disks)...
    As the last post suggests, call Apple and order a replacement original disc for about $17.  They will ask you the model and serial numbers.
    Your retail version of Snow Leopard OS 10.6.3 will not work on that Mac as it requires a minimum of OS X 10.6.7 to boot and operate.
    Another alternative is to again borrow another Mac to install your retail Snow Leopard into an external HD or partition, upgrade it to 10.6.8 and then clone it back to a partition on your MBP.

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    Hello Old Toad.... Those sound like great ideas. 
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    Enter your serial number here

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    Yes it will work, but I strongly recommend keeping a copy on a clone of the Mac operating system, in addition to the original 10.6 installer disc that came with the computer.  If you are missing that disc, call AppleCare now before they don't have stock of it since starting in October 2011, Apple no longer supplied prebundled installer discs with MacBook Pros and relied totally on the internet for software installation.  Carbon Copy Cloner or Superduper both do the job to an external hard drive and make it bootable.   You can also run Windows and Mac OS X without rebooting between one and the other using other virtualization options here:
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    If you have only Mac OSX running  you don't need to run any security scan.
    If any major security risk exists Apple offers Security Updates.
    Just don't  install any applications not needed,
    If you run Windows that is a different story.

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    Apple Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 10
    Apple Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 17
    Apple Java 2013-005
    I would suggest you upgrade your computer's OS minimally to Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
    Upgrading to Snow Leopard
    You can purchase Snow Leopard through the Apple Store: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - Apple Store (U.S.). The price is $19.99 plus tax. You will be sent physical media by mail after placing your order.
    After you install Snow Leopard you will have to download and install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 to update Snow Leopard to 10.6.8 and give you access to the App Store. Access to the App Store enables you to download Mountain Lion if your computer meets the requirements.
         Snow Leopard General Requirements
           1. Mac computer with an Intel processor
           2. 1GB of memory
           3. 5GB of available disk space
           4. DVD drive for installation
           5. Some features require a compatible Internet service provider;
               fees may apply.
           6. Some features require Apple’s iCloud services; fees and
               terms apply.
    Upgrading from Snow Leopard to Lion or Mountain Lion
    You can upgrade to Mountain Lion from Lion or directly from Snow Leopard. Mountain Lion can be downloaded from the Mac App Store for $19.99.
    If you sign into the App Store and try to purchase Mountain Lion but the App Store says your computer is not compatible then you may still be able to upgrade to Lion per the following information.
    A. Upgrading to Mountain Lion
    To upgrade to Mountain Lion you must have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or Lion installed. Purchase and download Mountain Lion from the App Store. Sign in using your Apple ID. Mountain Lion is $19.99 plus tax. The file is quite large, over 4 GBs, so allow some time to download. It would be preferable to use Ethernet because it is nearly four times faster than wireless.
         OS X Mountain Lion - System Requirements
           Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Mountain Lion
             1. iMac (Mid 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 7,1 or later
             2. MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 5,1 or later
             3. MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             4. MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 2,1 or later
             5. Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             6. Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
             7. Xserve (Early 2009) - Model Identifier 3,1 or later
    To find the model identifier open System Profiler in the Utilities folder. It's displayed in the panel on the right.
         Are my applications compatible?
             See App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps.
         For a complete How-To introduction from Apple see Upgrade to OS X Mountain Lion.
    B. Upgrading to Lion
    If your computer does not meet the requirements to install Mountain Lion, it may still meet the requirements to install Lion.
    You can purchase Lion by contacting Customer Service: Contacting Apple for support and service - this includes international calling numbers. The cost is $19.99 (as it was before) plus tax.  It's a download. You will get an email containing a redemption code that you then use at the Mac App Store to download Lion. Save a copy of that installer to your Downloads folder because the installer deletes itself at the end of the installation.
         Lion System Requirements
           1. Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7,
               or Xeon processor
           2. 2GB of memory
           3. OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
           4. 7GB of available space
           5. Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.

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    I updated to OS X Mavericks and now trying to run Logic Pro X on a MacBook Pro mid-2009, using an M-Audio Axiom 49 and an M-Audio Fast Track Pro... Logic keeps telling me that Mac OS X MIDI Services are not available... How do I solve this problem?

    I just checked to see if the update to OS X Yosemite 10.10.1 solved any of the issues outlined in my previous post, and to my dismay, nothing has changed -- all of the previous problems persist.
    My iMac (8) -- it's renamed itself eight times since the recent troubleshoot with the Apple tech rep -- shows up as a shared device in Finder on my MacBook Pro, but when I click on it, I cannot establish a connection using "Connect As".  So I've attempted to connect using the menu "Go/Connect to Server...", using both (alternately) the iMac's name and IP address, to no avail.  I get a message which reads: "There was a problem connecting to the server 'Peter's iMac (8)'. This server may not exist or it is unavailable at this time.  Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection, and then try again."
    Here's what I know:
    The server -- Peter's iMac (8) does exist;
    The server -- Peter's iMac (8) is available at this time;
    The server name -- Peter's iMac (8) -- is correct, as specified in the system sharing preferences;
    The server IP address is correct, as specified in the system sharing preferences;
    The network connection is active when I attempt to connect.
    I'm convinced the problems stem directly from the OS X Yosemite update.  None of this was ever remotely an issue in the previous OS X's -- any of them.  This is maddening!  What can be done?  Apple?? Anyone???

  • I'm running iTunes 10.5 on my Macbook Pro and software 4.1 on my 2g iPod touch and having problems getting photo's to sync. Same error iPod can't be synced req'd file can't be found. Tried deleting the photo cache, restoring the iPod etc but to no avail.

    I'm running iTunes 10.5 on my Macbook Pro and software 4.1 on my 2g iPod touch and having problems getting photo's to sync. Same error, "iPod can't be synced req'd file can't be found". Tried deleting the photo cache, restoring the iPod etc but to no avail.

    Try here:
    iTunes: Unable to sync photos
    Usually deleting the iPod Photo Cache Folder works. Note that if you sync via the folder method, make sure you dlete all the ifolders since :
    The iPod Photo Cache stores the photos that are optimized for display on your iPod, iPad, or iPhone. The location of this folder depends on the syncing options you select. In iTunes, if you change the selection in the “Sync Photos From” pop-up menu, a new iPod Photo Cache folder will be created (and the previous folder will remain).

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