Running mac os 10.4.11 and got a copy of starcraft, do i really need os 9?, running mac os 10.4.11 and got a copy of starcraft, do i really need os 9?

Do i really need a copy of mac os 9 to run the game starcraft on my powerbook g4 laptop running 10.4.11?

Hi, I have it around here somewhee, but didn't find it any fun.
Mny OS9 Games do not run under Classic emulation.

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  • I need help to run this package and i got some error

    create or replace
        prepaidActDevDetails_tab IN prepaidactdvcdetailsobj_sun,
    Input_Parameter_Is_Null EXCEPTION;
    pragma exception_init(Input_Parameter_Is_Null,-2000);
    prepaidAccountDetails prepaidActDevDetails_tab:= prepaidActDevDetails_tab(NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);
    STATUS VARCHAR2(1):='1';
    cust_no VARCHAR(10);
    m_mac_id VARCHAR2(20);
      subscriber_master_Rec subscriber_master%ROWTYPE                 :=NULL;
      flg NUMBER(1);
       IF(Source_Sys_Id IS NULL OR Tracking_Id IS NULL OR ACCOUNT_NO IS NULL OR prepaidAccountDetails.LAST=0) THEN
        RAISE Input_Parameter_Is_Null;
      END IF;
             select cm_cust_no into cust_no from customer_master where cm_cust_id=ACCOUNT_NO and cm_status in('A','P','0');
         FOR i IN prepaidAccountDetails.FIRST .. (prepaidAccountDetails.LAST) LOOP
         IF (prepaidAccountDetails.Account_id is NULL OR prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id is NULL or prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value is NULL) THEN
          RAISE Input_Parameter_Is_Null;
                END IF;
                IF(prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value = 'VDO') THEN
                 IF(prepaidAccountDetails.Channel_Line_Up is NULL) THEN
                  Error_code :='SI002';
                 END IF;
                END IF;
                   select 1 into flg from subscriber_master where pm_phone_no=prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id and pm_status in('P','0','A','B');
                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
                 if(flg=1) then
                  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('NO DATA FOUND');
                 END IF;
                  select md_mac_id into m_mac_id from mac_details where md_mac_id=prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id and md_start_date<=sysdate
                  and md_status='A';
                EXCEPTION when OTHERS then
                  Error_code :='SI004';
              if(STATUS= 1 and prepaidAccountDetails.Status_of_device='1') then
               SELECT PM_SUBS_ACT_NO_SEQ.nextval
               INTO subscriber_master_rec.PM_SUBS_ACT_NO
               FROM dual;
              subscriber_master_Rec.pm_phone_no          :=prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id;
            subscriber_master_Rec.pm_open_date         :=sysdate;
              subscriber_master_rec.pm_status            :='P';
              INSERT INTO subscriber_master VALUES subscriber_master_rec;
            END IF;
         END LOOP;
    i got this error
    Error(73,4): PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Error(73,99): PLS-00302: component 'LAST' must be declared
    Error(87,6): PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Error(87,37): PLS-00302: component 'FIRST' must be declared
    please help to run this package if anyone knows

    now i corrected my package. It working fine. But, how to run this package via procedure. my procedure check below. I give all the details about my package check below.
    ---pkg specification
    create or replace
        prepaidActDevDetails_tab IN prepaidActDeviceDetails_tabobj,
    -----pkg body
    create or replace
       PROCEDURE log_error (ip_code          IN VARCHAR2,
                            ip_message       IN VARCHAR2,
                            ip_description   IN VARCHAR2)
          WHEN OTHERS
       END log_error;
                                STATUS          IN VARCHAR2,
                                TRACKING_ID     IN VARCHAR2,
                                ACCOUNT_ID      IN VARCHAR2,
                                MAC_ID          IN VARCHAR2)
          ws_log_rec   WS_LOG%ROWTYPE := NULL;
          SELECT WS_LOG#REC#ID.NEXTVAL INTO ws_log_rec.rec#id FROM DUAL;
          ws_log_rec.VER#ID := 1;
          ws_log_rec.CRE#TS := SYSDATE;
          ws_log_rec.wl_source := SOURCE_SYS_ID;
          ws_log_rec.wl_status := Status;
          ws_log_rec.wl_tracking_id := tracking_id;
          ws_log_rec.wl_account_id := account_id;
          ws_log_rec.wl_mac_id := mac_id;
          INSERT INTO ws_log
               VALUES ws_log_rec;
          WHEN OTHERS
                                     LOB_VAL IN VARCHAR2, outlet1 IN VARCHAR2, kit_cod IN VARCHAR2,
                                     serial_No IN VARCHAR2, shipperr IN VARCHAR2, estm_recived_date IN date)                                                                
                  Replico_device_info_det_Rec   Replico_device_info_det%ROWTYPE := NULL;
                  REC_ID  NUMBER;
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.REC#ID := REC_ID;                 
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.ACCOUNT_ID := Acc_id;
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.MAC_ID := Mc_Id;               
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.CHANNEL_LINE_UP := channel;
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.LOB_VALUE := LOB_VAL;  
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.OUTLET := outlet1;
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.KIT_CODE := kit_cod;                
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.SERIAL_NUMBER := serial_No;                
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.SHIPPER := shipperr;                
                   Replico_device_info_det_Rec.ESTIMATED_RECIVED_DATE := estm_recived_date;
                  INSERT INTO replico_device_info_det
                        VALUES Replico_device_info_det_Rec;
                          WHEN OTHERS
          SOURCE_SYS_ID              IN     VARCHAR2,
          TRACKING_ID                IN     VARCHAR2,
          ACCOUNT_NO                 IN     VARCHAR2,
          prepaidActDevDetails_tab   IN     prepaidActDeviceDetails_tabobj,
          ERROR_CODE                    OUT VARCHAR2)
          Input_Parameter_Is_Null       EXCEPTION;
          PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (Input_Parameter_Is_Null, -2000);
          prepaidAccountDetails         prepaid_act_dvc_details_obj
                                           := prepaid_act_dvc_details_obj  (NULL,
          STATUS                        VARCHAR2 (1) := '1';
          cust_no                       VARCHAR (10);
          m_mac_id                      VARCHAR2 (20);
          channel_lineup                VARCHAR2 (25);
          LOB_VALUE                     VARCHAR2 (25);
          subscriber_master_Rec         subscriber_master%ROWTYPE := NULL;
        Replico_device_info_det_Rec   Replico_device_info_det%ROWTYPE := NULL;
          flg                           NUMBER (1);
          plan_code                     VARCHAR2(10);
          subs_aact_no                 NUMBER(20);
          m_plan_code1               payment_transaction_history.TH_PLAN_CODE%type;
          m_payment_mode1           payment_transaction_history.TH_PAYMENT_MODE%type;
          pm_phone_no_cur        subscriber_master.pm_phone_no%type;
          pm_status_cur          subscriber_master.pm_status%type;
          pm_user2_cur          subscriber_master.pm_user2%type;
          pm_user9_cur        subscriber_master.pm_user9%type;
          pm_cust_no_cur       subscriber_master.pm_cust_no%type;
          pm_cust_1            subscriber_master.pm_cust_no%type;
          cm_i                 customer_master.cm_status%type;
         CURSOR subs_rec is select pm_cust_no, pm_phone_no, pm_status, pm_user2, pm_user9 from subscriber_master
         where pm_cust_no = cust_no and pm_status= 'S';
          IF (   Source_Sys_Id IS NULL
              OR Tracking_Id IS NULL
              OR ACCOUNT_NO IS NULL
              OR prepaidActDevDetails_tab.LAST = 0)
             RAISE Input_Parameter_Is_Null;
          END IF;
             SELECT cm_cust_no
               INTO cust_no
               FROM customer_master
              WHERE cm_cust_id = ACCOUNT_NO AND cm_status IN ('A', 'P', '0');
             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
                ERROR_CODE := 'SI001';
                log_error ('SI001',
                           'No Customer exist with Active or Pre Actiavted');
                INSERT_WS_LOG (Source_Sys_Id,
                STATUS := '0';
             FOR i IN prepaidActDevDetails_tab.FIRST ..
                prepaidAccountDetails := prepaidActDevDetails_tab (i);
                prepaidAccountDetails.Status_of_device := '1';
                IF (   prepaidAccountDetails.Account_id IS NULL
                    OR prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id IS NULL
                    OR prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value IS NULL)
                   RAISE Input_Parameter_Is_Null;
                END IF;
                IF (prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value = 'VIDEO')
                   /* Commented as channel lineup is not coming from the input request */
                   /*IF(prepaidAccountDetails.Channel_Line_Up is NULL) THEN
                    Error_code :='SI002';
                   log_error ('SI002', SQLERRM, 'Channel line up is mandatory for Video');
                   END IF;*/
                   SELECT EC_CHANNEL_LINEUP
                     INTO channel_lineup
                     FROM ELIGIBLE_CUSTOMER
                    WHERE EC_CUSTOMER_NO = cust_no;
                END IF;
                   SELECT 1
                     INTO flg
                     FROM subscriber_master
                    WHERE     pm_phone_no = prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id
                          AND pm_status IN ('P', '0', 'A', 'B');
                   WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND
                      flg := 0;
                IF (flg = 1)
                   ERROR_CODE := 'SI003';
                   log_error ('SI003',
                              'Customer Already Exist with given Mac Id');
                   INSERT_WS_LOG (Source_Sys_Id,
                   STATUS := 0;
                   prepaidAccountDetails.Status_of_device := '0';
                END IF;
                   SELECT md_mac_id
                     INTO m_mac_id
                     FROM mac_details
                    WHERE     md_mac_id = prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id
                          AND md_start_date <= SYSDATE
                          AND md_status = 'A';
                   WHEN OTHERS
                      ERROR_CODE := 'SI004';
                      log_error ('SI004', SQLERRM, 'Invalid Mac Id');
                      INSERT_WS_LOG (Source_Sys_Id,
                      STATUS := 0;
                      prepaidAccountDetails.Status_of_device := '0';
                 select pm_cust_no into pm_cust_1 from subscriber_master where pm_cust_no = cust_no;
                IF (STATUS = 1 AND prepaidAccountDetails.Status_of_device = '1')
                     SELECT DECODE (prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value,
                                  'HSD', 'HSD',
                                  'VIDEO', 'VDO')
                     INTO LOB_VALUE
                     FROM DUAL;
            OPEN subs_rec;
            FETCH subs_rec into pm_cust_no_cur, pm_phone_no_cur, pm_status_cur, pm_user2_cur, pm_user9_cur;
              IF subs_rec%FOUND THEN
                  ( pm_cust_1 = pm_cust_no_cur and pm_user2_cur= LOB_VALUE and pm_user9_cur = prepaidAccountDetails.outlet and pm_status_cur = 'S')
                        update subscriber_master set pm_phone_no = prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id, pm_status = 'P', pm_name = prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id
                        where pm_cust_no = pm_cust_no_cur and pm_user9 = prepaidAccountDetails.outlet;
                         select cm_status into cm_i from customer_master where cm_cust_no = pm_cust_no_cur;
                            IF( cm_i = '0')
                                update customer_master set cm_status = 'P' where cm_cust_no = pm_cust_no_cur;
                             END IF;
                             REPLICO_DEV_INFO( prepaidAccountDetails.Account_id, prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id,channel_lineup,
                                               prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value, prepaidAccountDetails.outlet, prepaidAccountDetails.kit_code,
                                               prepaidAccountDetails.serial_Number, prepaidAccountDetails.shipper,prepaidAccountDetails.estimated_recived_date);
                        ( pm_cust_1 = pm_cust_no_cur and pm_user2_cur= LOB_VALUE and pm_user9_cur = null and pm_status_cur = 'S')
                             update subscriber_master set pm_phone_no = prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id, pm_status = 'P', pm_name = prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id, pm_user9 = prepaidAccountDetails.outlet
                             where pm_cust_no = pm_cust_no_cur and pm_user9 = NULL;
                             update customer_master set cm_status = 'P' where cm_cust_no = pm_cust_no_cur;
                             REPLICO_DEV_INFO( prepaidAccountDetails.Account_id, prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id,channel_lineup,
                                               prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value, prepaidAccountDetails.outlet, prepaidAccountDetails.kit_code,
                                               prepaidAccountDetails.serial_Number, prepaidAccountDetails.shipper,prepaidAccountDetails.estimated_recived_date);
                    END IF;
                 ELSIF subs_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
                       SELECT PM_SUBS_ACT_NO_SEQ.NEXTVAL
                       INTO subs_aact_no
                       FROM DUAL;
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_SUBS_ACT_NO := subs_aact_no;
                       subscriber_master_Rec.pm_phone_no :=
                       subscriber_master_Rec.pm_open_date := SYSDATE;
                       subscriber_master_rec.pm_status := 'P';
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_CUST_LVL_YN := 'S';
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_EQUP_CODE := LOB_VALUE;
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_HOME_AREA := 'HOM';
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_USG_CODE := 'USG';
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_NO_TYPE := 'S';
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_TCG_CODE := 'DEF';
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_APLN_DATE := SYSDATE;
                       subscriber_master_Rec.PM_NAME := prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id;
                       subscriber_master_Rec.PM_STAFF_id := '16';
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_USER2 := LOB_VALUE;
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_USER3 := channel_lineup;
                       subscriber_master_rec.pm_cust_no := cust_no;
                       subscriber_master_rec.PM_USER8 := 'Y';
                       INSERT INTO subscriber_master
                       VALUES subscriber_master_rec;
                       REPLICO_DEV_INFO( prepaidAccountDetails.Account_id, prepaidAccountDetails.Mac_Id,channel_lineup,
                                         prepaidAccountDetails.LOB_value, prepaidAccountDetails.outlet, prepaidAccountDetails.kit_code,
                                         prepaidAccountDetails.serial_Number, prepaidAccountDetails.shipper,prepaidAccountDetails.estimated_recived_date);
             END IF;
             END LOOP;
             CLOSE subs_rec;
                   INTO m_plan_code1,m_payment_mode1
                   WHERE TH_CUSTOMER_NO = cust_no
                   AND TH_LOB = LOB_VALUE
                   AND TH_SUBSCRIBER_NO IS NULL;
                   IF(LOB_VALUE = 'HSD') THEN
                    IF(m_plan_code1 = 'SIKI') THEN
                          plan_code := 'SIKI';
                      plan_code := 'KIT';
                    END IF;
                    IF(m_plan_code1 = 'SIKT') THEN
                             plan_code := 'SIKT';
                          plan_code := 'TV';
                    END IF;
                   END IF;               
                          UPDATE PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_HISTORY SET TH_SUBSCRIBER_NO = subs_aact_no, th_writeback_status = 'Y' WHERE TH_CUSTOMER_NO = cust_no AND TH_PLAN_CODE = plan_code;
                END IF;
             END LOOP;
    --- type object
    create or replace
    TYPE   prepaid_act_dvc_details_obj--prepaidAccountDeviceDetailsObj
    AS     OBJECT ( Account_id VARCHAR2 ( 25 )
           , Mac_Id VARCHAR2 ( 25 )
           , Channel_Line_Up VARCHAR2 ( 25 )
           , LOB_value VARCHAR2 ( 25 )
           , Status_of_device VARCHAR2 ( 25 )
            , outlet VARCHAR2(25)
            , kit_code VARCHAR2(25)
            , serial_Number VARCHAR2(25)
            , shipper VARCHAR2(25)
            , estimated_recived_date date )
    create or replace
    TYPE prepaidActDeviceDetails_tabobj as table of prepaid_act_dvc_details_obj
    ---- i need to run this package via separate procedure. but i don't know how to pass the variable. because the passing argument contain object tab variable. please help me.. give me suggestion or procedure to run this pkg.

  • My ITunes got corrupted and I kept getting a message when updating iTunes64msi missing so I uninstalled all files and I thought I removed all registry values but  when reinstalling I get an older version is installed and cannot be removed. I need a soluti

    My ITunes got corrupted and I kept getting a message when updating iTunes64msi missing so I uninstalled all files and I thought I removed all registry values but  when reinstalling I get an older version is installed and cannot be removed. I need a solution.

    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any Bonjour entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • I'm relatively new to Mac and want to try and get the most out of the new MacBook Air.   My wife and I have been sharing the same Apple ID. We both have iPhones - she has a 5 and I've got a 4S.   We only have one copy of iTunes and we have been sharing t

    I'm relatively new to Mac and want to try and get the most out of the new MacBook Air.
    My wife and I have been sharing the same Apple ID. We both have iPhones - she has a 5 and I've got a 4S.
    We only have one copy of iTunes and we have been sharing the account. (She doesn't really use the computer for anything beyond writing the odd weekend assignment.)
    Would I be better off setting her up with her own and making her as a separate user on the computer? Would this require much work?
    In recent times with updates, we have a few problems with the duplication of texts and that sort of thing. Both of our texts are stored on the computer and that sort of thing. Also, sometimes texts I send her are sent through to me  from her, if that makes any sense.
    Anyway, I don't really want to overly complicate matters when it comes to accounts etc, but I wanted to know if a fresh Apple ID would be the best thing or even a new user?
    Any tips etc would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks in advance
    I have this question too (0) Reply

    Your question is almost too much a personal one, begging the question "do we (husband and wife) feel comfy sharing one account on the Mac"   maybe thats why nobody answered you.
    It doesnt complicate anything, but it adds steps for switching accounts on the Mac/ purchases etc. of course
    since your question is mostly personal, ..I wont answer THAT part of it, but creating a new account is easy.....messing with switching back and forth is also a personal preference 'issue' as well.   I prefer to keep things simple, and yours,  I dont know.......

  • Hi, I got my Mac in 2009 with photoshop elements on it - it's recently been wiped, however before the process we put Photoshpp onto a hard drive, we then copied it back over and it no longer works, I'm getting error code 150:30 and I'm being asked for a p

    Hi, I got my Mac in 2009 with photoshop elements on it - it's recently been wiped, however before the process we put Photoshop onto a hard drive, we then copied it back over and it no longer works, I'm getting error code 150:30 and I'm being asked for a password... any ideas how to get it working again?

    You can never, never migrate an installed copy of PSE. It's just too complex and you can't get to all the bits and bobs.
    First you will have to download and run this:
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    which will not seem to do anything, but is necessary to break the links within PSE so that you can pitch the bits manually. Then you will have to go around, not only to applications, but also to your username>library>preferences and most importantly to the library at the top level of your hard drive>application support>adobe, and remove everything you can find. Spotlight will not help with this kind of search, so don't try that.
    Then you can install PSE from scratch.

  • How can I transfer my photos and songs from my old computer to my ipad? (Old computer running on 10.4 and not compatible with the last itunes needed by ipad)

    Hi guys,
    I got an ipad 2 running on iOS6 and I'ld like to put my photos and songs from my old computer (mac Osx 10.4.11) to my ipad. The trouble is that Ipad needs itunes 10.6.3 at least and that my computer can't receive this version as it is running on 10.4.11.
    Would anyone have a solution to that problem?

    For photos: You can use a USB flash drive & the camera connection kit.
    Plug the USB flash drive into your computer & create a new folder titled DCIM. Then put your movie/photo files into the folder. The files must have a filename with exactly 8 characters long (no spaces) plus the file extension (i.e.,; DSCN0164.jpg).
    Now plug the flash drive into the iPad using the camera connection kit. Open the Photos app, the movie/photo files should appear & you can import. (You can not export using the camera connection kit.)
    Secrets of the iPad Camera Connection Kit ection-kit/
     Cheers, Tom

  • When I try to install iTunes 10.5, it says, "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.  A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor."  I have Windows XP and I need help.

    5, it says, "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.  A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor."  I have Windows XP and I need help.

    After reading all these posts, one by one did not resolve my problem until I got the very end.  Regardless of what step would resolve your problem, these are the steps I would recomment to everyone for a what seems to be a safe and fool-proof upgrade to iTunes 10.5.
    1. Stand alone upgrade to the latest Quicktime version
    2. Go to control panel and "change" then select repair to the following applications in the order specified by the post on Oct 27. (Notice I skipped Quicktime because it had been upgrade manually,and Bonjour did not have a "repair" option)
    iTunes; Apple Software Update: Mobile Device Support; Apple Applications Support
    Some of these applications may not appear if they do not apply to your configuration (no iPhone, or no iPad, or other apple devices).
    Once all updated, I did not need to restart nor launch any applications, I simply went straight into the 10.5 upgrade, and where it normally got stuck, this time the installation continued for a while longer until it completed successfully.
    Great work everyone who contributed!  Thank you very much!

  • My Macbook Pro has a black screen when running in Bootcamp Windows 7. Since I updated the mac side my windows side now starts up with completely black screen - no prompt, nothing, Cap keys still light up as does mouse and DVD drive seems to run.

    My Macbook Pro has a black screen when running in Bootcamp Windows 7. Since I updated the mac side my windows side now starts up with completely black screen - no prompt, nothing, Cap keys still light up as does mouse and DVD drive seems to run.
    Will not show up in safe mode, will not show when started from Windows 7 DVD.
    I suspect the Mac update wiped out my PC video drivers but can not think of a way to re-install?
    Can see the PC volume from Mac side with files.
    I've looked at all the online solutions so far and have tried most of them without success. Please help!
    2009 Macbook Pro, 3.06 GHz Intel 2 core, Max 10.6.8.
      Model Name:          MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro5,2
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          3.06 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          1
      Total Number Of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache:          6 MB
      Memory:          4 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.07 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MBP52.008E.B05
      SMC Version (system):          1.42f4
      Serial Number (system):          7302300GANE
      Hardware UUID:          B2D4B4B4-CD92-5C7A-BDC2-527D30DD8DF3
      Sudden Motion Sensor:
      State:          Enabled

    For anyone else who finds their way here like I did, this link did it for me: ead-if-you-39-re-having-black-screen-and-or-flickering-/
    Specifically, the posts by Dunsany and valkyr did the trick.  I booted in safe mode, uninstalled and deleted the Nvidia driver, disabled automatic driver installation, and restarted normally.  I then manually downloaded and installed the previous Nvidia driver for my graphics card (which at the time of this writing was 335.23, rather than the latest which was 337.88), and everything is now bueno!
    Two hiccoughs along the way: First, when I tried to uninstall the Nvidia driver the first time, when I restarted I got the login screen (which was a good sign), but it quickly went black again.  I powered down, restarted in safe mode again, and repeated the uninstallation process, and it worked the second time.  Second, when I started the manual install of the 335.23 driver, the computer played a sound similar to the one for disconnecting a USB device, and the screen went black.  I'd seen a lot about trying to increase the brightness (though it hadn't worked up to this point; but if you haven't tried it yet, might as well); I tried it, and it worked! So far I'm back up and running. [/fingers crossed]
    Hope this helps someone else!

  • Hi.have a g5 mac,dual core 2.3 unit.i bought it with no hard drive.have got hard drive,formatted for mac.i am trying to load osx.i get a grey screen with a small box in the centre with 2 character faces,and then grey apple with loading icon

    hi.have a g5 mac,dual core 2.3 unit.i bought it with no hard drive.have got hard drive,formatted for mac.i am trying to load osx.i get a grey screen with a small box in the centre with 2 character faces,and then grey apple with loading icon spinning.nothing is loading tho.

    I see 10.6.3 in your profile---is tthat what you are trying to load? If so, it won't work. No PowerPC Mac like your G5 can run a Mac OS version higher than 10.5.8

  • Hello after updating to the new iTunes i got a box saying that i needed a new version of Apple Mobile Device Support and ihat i should uninstall iTunes and Apple Mobile Device Support then install iTunes again.  I have been unable to uninstall itunes

    Hello- after updating to the new iTunes i got a box saying that i needed a new version of Apple Mobile Device Support and ihat i should uninstall iTunes and Apple Mobile Device Support then install iTunes again.  Problem is I have been unable to uninstall itunes, can't find the installation files .msi.  I'm using Windows XP. 

    Problem is I have been unable to uninstall itunes, can't find the installation files .msi.
    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • I recently got a MacBook Air and want to transfer my itunes library over from my PC to my Mac.

    My family has 1 computer where everyone but me syncs all their devices, I had a PC and had my own library but all on one account. I recently got a MacBook Air and want to get my library from my PC onto my Mac. I tried getting it from icloud but instead I got everyones music all together and none of my playlists where there. How to In get my library onto my Mac without adding the entire icloud library?

    iTunes: How to move [or copy] your music [library] to a new computer [or another drive] - - a somewhat bewildering and not always easily understandable set of options.
    Quick answer if you use iTunes' default preferences settings:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its subfolders and files) intact to the other drive.  Open iTunes and immediately hold down the Option (alt) key (shift on Windows), then guide it to the new location of the iTunes Library.itl file in the moved iTunes folder.
    For the record there's this reference for iTunes 11 but it really doesn't strike me as having the specifics you need. iTunes 11 for Mac: Move your library to another computer -

  • Need lightroom 4.4 asmac is 10.6.8 and not compatible with anything higher. Does this come with the creative cloud? Would really like a disc but that doesn't seem to happen anymore. Currently have cs4 and d7100 hence need 4.4 to open raw Any idea

    need lightroom 4.4 asmac is 10.6.8 and not compatible with anything higher. Does this come with the creative cloud? Would really like a disc but that doesn't seem to happen anymore. Currently have cs4 and d7100 hence need 4.4 to open raw Any ideas? Is this now customer service or does adobe have a customer service team . Site not user friendly. Thanks

    Graham Giles wrote:
    Have you seen this type of problem before? I think it could be a serious issue for anyone in a similar position.
    No; but then, I've not had occasion to use TDM. I've been using firerwire drives for over 10 years, both FW400 and FW800, with no issues except a bit of instability using a B&W G3 machine.
    TDM should be safe. Using cautious, manual copying of files from the Target machine to the Host machine should not result in unexpected loss of files or damage to the Target drive's directories. It should behave exactly the same as if it were an external (to the Host) firewire drive.
    •  I don't suppose there is anything I can do to 'put back' lost items from a separate Time Machine drive which has an up to date backup on it.
    There is probably a way to do that - seems to me that's one of the reasons for a Time Machine volume.
    On the other hand, if the Time Machine volume is rigidly linked to the now-absent OS on the original drive, there may be no way to effectively access the files in the TM archive.
    I know that using a cloned drive would work well in this instance.
    I have no experience with Time Machine, so perhaps someone who has will chime in with suggestions.
    With the machine in TDM with the other machine, have you tried running Disk Utility to see if you can effect repairs to the drive?

  • How do i run an external monitor with my macbook and change settings so that when i close the lid the signal to the monitor is not lost and i can continue using the mac with a mouse and a wireless keyboard?

    How do i run an external monitor with my macbook and change settings so that when i close the lid the signal to the monitor is not lost and i can continue using the mac with a mouse and a wireless keyboard?

    No, nothing will prevent the computer from going to sleep when you close its display except third-party hacks that are designed to do exactly that. I strongly advise against using any of those, as they may interfere with successful entry into clamshell mode (and they carry other downside risks as well). Just wait until the computer is asleep (with its sleep light pulsing), then press any key on the keyboard. It sounds as though your setup is working as it's designed to do.

  • I cannot change song order on playlist with highlight and drag. I have turned off shuffle and highlighted the far left column( up/down arrow) of playlist. My mac pro is running 10.5.8  and am using itunes 10.4.

    I cannot change song order on playlists (old or new) with highlight and drag. I have turned off shuffle and highlighted the far left column (up/down arrow) of playlist. My mac pro is running 10.5.8  and am using itunes 10.4. I can't drag and drop "music" to "playlist" but can right click and get the option to "add to playlist." No such option for moving song within playlist, only the up and down arrow which moves song from top to bottom list, so if it is #4 from top it will move to #4 from bottom. Stupid I know. I spent over an hour with Apple support, reinstalled itunes, restarted and rebooted computer. Networked with my laptop which is running 10.6.8 and itunes 10.4 and it can drag and drop. The final Apple support solution was to reinstall my operating system. I would prefer not to. Any other ideas?

    After looking at other people's posts, I think it's official: there is a bug. Itunes support said I should not have lost the drag/drop tool and I haven't on the laptop that is running itunes 10.4 and operating system 10.6.8. I chatted with someboby who lost both his drag/drop and side scroll and what we have in common is a wacom tablet for a mouse. My laptop is a wireless mouse. I reinstalled whatever updated driver that wacom has out there, shut the system down for night, hoping for magic, but alas none to be had. So if I want to change song order, I network the laptop and desktop, share the screen on the laptop, drag and drop to my heart's content and curse Apple for making me work this hard to find the tool that was once at my fingertips. Apple also let me know that if I want to share songs in household that the hundreds on songs that were purchased for .99 need to be repurchased for another .30. Maybe Apple is holding my drag/drop tool captive til I pay up the money or Maybe the next update will fix the problem, I for one give up for now.

  • I tried to update iTunes yesterday.  The update failed.  Now when I try to open iTunes it says that the version isn't localized and needs to be run in English.  It has never been in another language.

    I attempted to update iTunes yesterday.  The update failed.  iTunes now won't open and displays an error message that the program isn't localized and needs to be run in the English version.  I'm in the US and the computer and program has never been used in another language.  I tried reinstalling the full download for the new version and that failed as well.  I logged out; shut down; restarted; retried the update; etc.  Still no luck and the same message.  Thoughts?

    Solving MSVCR80 issue and Windows iTunes install issues.
    Thanks to user turingtest2 for this solution.
    Solving MSVCR80 issue and Windows iTunes install issues.
    If the above doesn’t do the trick entirely, then use the instructions in the following as it applies to the version of Windows you are using:
    HT1925: Removing and Reinstalling iTunes for Windows XP
    HT1923: Removing and reinstalling iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
    You may be required to boot into safe mode to complete the folder deletion process.

  • My 2008 Mac Pro running Lion will not play HDV1080i60 footage in FCP 7. When I open the sequence settings, all HDV codecs are hdv1, hdv2, hdv3, and so forth. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

    My 2006 - 2008 Mac Pro running Lion will not play HDV 1080i60 footage in FCP 7. When I open the sequence settings, all HDV codecs are hdv1, hdv2, hdv3, and so forth. However, when I open the project on my other Mac Pro running Snow Leopard and FCP 6, the footage works fine as it does on my newer Imac running Mavericks and FCP 7. I have tried a Quicktime update on the Mac Pro that the footage doesn't work on but it says that I already have the newest version of Quicktime installed. I have also tried reinstalling the Final Cut Pro Studio twice, still no fix. I'm completely out of solutions and need to be able to edit HDV footage on this machine. Any help would be great. Thanks.

    there was a recent software update that seemed to screw HDV up.  Do some searching here over the last month or 2 and you'll find a bunch of posts and some possible solutions.
    Worst case scenario, do as Shane suggests.  But might I suggest you take a look at the user tips section of the forum.  there are some great tips on how to prevent these sorts of problems by cloning your startup drive, etc.

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