Running OS 9 on Intel IMAC

I recently purchased an I Spy Game for my son and it won't run unless I restart my Intel Imac in OS9. Can I do this?

Thank you. I pulled out the old PC lap top. Guess I'm glad I didn't throw it away. Happy Easter

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    I'm not positive on this but I think I remember, during the keynote speech, the woman that was from the MSBU saying the updates would be available for download at no charge. Might be worth looking at that part of the keynote to be sure. I don't remember the date she said they would be available though.
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    I was wrong. I just watched that part of the keynote again and there will be updates available for download for free but not the universal binaries. My bad.
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    Create a new admin user account, log into it, and see if the problem persists. If so, install (if your profile info is correct and you're running 10.5.0) or reinstall the 10.5.2 COMBO update, repair permissions, and see if that fixes things. If not, then something's corrupt or conflicting in the original account. Report back.

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    well, same situation here, I was about to order a Macbook Pro but then decided to saty with our beloved G platform. the reason is that it will take some time for our Pro Apps to become fully /natively compatible with Intel and I just can't wait that much.
    as for your question about using an iMac with FCP, the answer would be a;
    "Yes" if you're going to work with DV only footage (using an external HD for your captured media is a must). and a
    "No" if you plan to work with HD material in the future. there you've got no choice but a PowerMac G5 with a fast Graphic Card and a special SD/HD card or box to capture the footage.
    résumé: if you're a serious FCP user, go for something expandible, go for a Powermac.

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    Hi DJstylus,
    I'm not a Halo player, but I gather from that Halo is now available as "Universal Binary", so no need for Rosetta, and , presumably, no problem in running it on an Intel iMac.
    (Edit - I've just confirmed this at It may be necessary to purchase the orginal version and then apply the update though. It wasn't altogether clear from the instructions)

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    Microsoft Office 2004 (Word) unable to save files
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    Look, I realize you might have to get your machine working, so this is how you revert back.
    Restore proceedure to pre-Security Update 2012-001 v 1.0 & v 1.1
    #1 Backup your personal data off the machine.
    Backup files off the computer (not to TimeMachine). If you don't have a external drive, get one and connect to the USB/Firewire port and simply drag and drop copy your User folder to the external drive, it will copy all your files. It's best to have two backups of your data off the machine when trying to restore.
    Disconnect all drives now to prevent any mistakes from occuring.
    #2 Reinstall OS X 10.6 from disk
    Get out your 10.6 install disk and make sure it's clean and polished (very soft cloth and a bit of rubbing alcohol, no scratches) If your disk is borked, you'll have to order a new one from Apple with your serial number.
    Hold c boot off the 10.6 disk (wired keyboard, internal optical drive), use Disk Utility First Aid to >Repair Disk  of your internal drive  (do not format or erase!!), Quit DU and simply re-install 10.6.
    Note: Simply reinstalling 10.6 version from disk (without erasing the drive) only replaces 10.6.8 with 10.6.x and bundled Apple programs, won't touch your files (backup anyway)  or most programs, unless they installed a kext file into OS X itself. (only a few on average do this)
    #3 Update to 10.6.8 without Security Update 2012-001 v1.0 or v1.1
    Reboot and log in, update to 10.6.8 via Software Update, but EXCLUDE THE Security Update 2012-001 by checkinig the details and unchecking the blue check box.
    #4 Reinstall any non-working third party programs
    When you reboot, make sure to reinstall any programs that require kext files installed into OS X, you'll know, they won't work when you launch them or hang for some reason as they are missing the part they installed into OS X.
    If for some freakish reason you get gray screen at any time when booting (possible it might occur when you reinstall older programs), hold the shift key down while booting (Safe Mode, disables kext files) and update your installed third party software so it's compatible with 10.6.8.
    That's it really.

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    You cannot officially do this Apple's way as they do not support your computer for Airplay.
    There is a software solution called Airparrot that you may want to demo:
    Some people are pleased with it othes not so much.

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    Contact Apple (call AppleCare) and for a nominal fee the discs will be replaced.  You can do that or purchase Snow Leopard (still availble from Apple for $20) and do an erase and install of OS X making the machine like a new machine.

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    I have an Intel iMac running OSX 10.6.8. I would like to use Final Cut Pro 10.1. I know I need OSX 10.9 for this. Can I run both 10.6.8 and 10.9 on the iMac ? I do not want to convert completely to 10.9 because of my existing software. Thanks for any help

    It would depend on how old your IMac is, how mush memory you have, it it can be upgraded by OWC, etc. I have a 2006 Macbook Pro and would NOT put Mavericks on it or espeacially FCP 10.1.1 on it because the most memory it can have is 4 GB. You need at least 8 GB to work with Final Cut Pro 10.1.1. IMHO.
      I would try to find a copy of Final Cut Express perhaps.
      Does this answer your question?

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    how do you upgrade OS X 10.4.11 tiger to a higher version of operating system such as OS X 10.5.6 as have tried running the upgrade disc on imac 5,1 with intel processor but only get message saying this cannot be installed with no further explanation ?

    Retail Leopard disc looks like this;
    (The disc itself has the same logo). If the one you've got is grey it simply won't work.
    Given the retail and second hand prices of Leopard (usually some on Amazon MP), you'll probably find it cheaper to go directly to Snow Leopard, although there could be software updates and printer driver problems that could nullify the difference.

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    Although a lot of you have already posted on this subject, I just wanted to get a clarification, please. I just got a new intel iMac and I would like to transfer all my files from my iMac G5 (10.4.11). Should I just use the Migration Assistant and that's it? Will the two OS conflict with each other? And also, is it possible to continue to use 10.4.11 on my new iMac?
    Thank you very much! I hope Ms. Miriam reads this one. She seems to be very knowledgeable!

    Not Miriam, but...
    You can use Migration Assistant to go from a Tiger Mac to a Leopard Mac. You will be running the Migration Assistant utility on the new iMac. You might employ FireWire Target Disk Mode (on the old iMac) as part of the process, to connect the two Macs.
    A new iMac has one FireWire 800 port and no FireWire 400 port (which is the type on the iMac G5). So you will need to get a 9-pin (800) to 6-pin (400) adapter, or a cable that has an 800 end and a 400 end (if you want to use the FireWire method for connection). They are available here
    You can also use a wired or wireless network connection between the two Macs, to do the data transfer.
    And also, is it possible to continue to use 10.4.11 on my new iMac?
    No. Macs can generally run the OS that came with it, or LATER (up to hardware limitations), but not earlier. So if the new iMac had 10.5.6 pre-installed, it cannot run any earlier version of Mac OS X.

  • My intel imac is running very slow

    I have a 20" intel imac and recently it has started to run very slow. It takes ages to start up and once started it takes forever to start any application. i have tried various software to clean it up but still no better. When starting it in safe mode it seems to be a lot better. Any ideas what to do next. i have over 150gb left so space is not an issue. HELP.

    Hi Mathew
    {quote}I have a 20" intel imac and recently it has started to run very slow. It takes ages to start up and once started it takes forever to start any application. {quote}
    Have you ran Repair Permissions from Disk Utility?
    Use this ☞ [How to repair disk permissions| -in-os-x> article to assist you!
    {quote} i have tried various software to clean it up but still no better. {quote}
    You don't say what software you have tried?
    I also use ☞ [Onyx|] it allows me to run the system maintenance options like repair permissions, run the periodic scripts and optimize the OS X.

  • Macromedia Flash MX Professional 2004 not running on Intel iMac

    SIGH. This is added to the enormous list of problems I've had with my new Intel iMac.
    I'm a pro user and am confused as to why Dreamweaver MX will run but I can't get Flash MX 2004 Professional to run. It starts up, loads fonts and what not, shows a blank timeline for the new document as it should and as soon as the GUI for Flash comes up ka-boom it crashes.
    Then I get the general "unexpectedly quit" notification.
    Anyone else having this problem? Is Rosetta a synonym for Lucifer?
    This is what the error says if it's of any use to anyone:
    Date/Time: 2006-03-11 16:21:34.878 -0600
    OS Version: 10.4.5 (Build 8G1454)
    Report Version: 4
    Command: Flash
    Path: /Applications/Macromedia Flash MX 2004/Flash MX 2004/Contents/MacOS/Flash
    Parent: WindowServer [58]
    Rosetta: Yes
    Version: 2004 (7.0)
    PID: 14038
    Thread: 0
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000028
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 LaunchCFMApp 0xb808087b 0xb8000000 + 526459
    1 LaunchCFMApp 0xb807b09e 0xb8000000 + 503966
    2 LaunchCFMApp 0xb808f402 0xb8000000 + 586754
    3 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80e46ca spinlockwrapper + 5140
    Thread 1:
    0 LaunchCFMApp 0xb81f2a9b strchr + 72
    1 LaunchCFMApp 0xb818e1da pthreadcondwait + 3114
    2 LaunchCFMApp 0xb812a660 catchexception_raise_stateidentity + 320
    3 LaunchCFMApp 0xb8129b8a CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 174048
    4 LaunchCFMApp 0xb8129a81 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 173783
    5 LaunchCFMApp 0xb812a75e catchexception_raise_stateidentity + 574
    6 LaunchCFMApp 0xb81c3bbc pthread_create + 1124
    Thread 2:
    0 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80f7eeb spinlockwrapper + 85045
    1 LaunchCFMApp 0xb8122a64 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 145082
    2 LaunchCFMApp 0xb8125515 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 156011
    3 LaunchCFMApp 0xb809a2e6 0xb8000000 + 631526
    Thread 3:
    0 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80f7eeb spinlockwrapper + 85045
    1 LaunchCFMApp 0xb8122a64 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 145082
    2 LaunchCFMApp 0xb8125515 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 156011
    3 LaunchCFMApp 0xb809a2e6 0xb8000000 + 631526
    Thread 4:
    0 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80f8030 spinlockwrapper + 85370
    1 LaunchCFMApp 0xb810bc0d CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 51299
    2 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80818b6 0xb8000000 + 530614
    3 LaunchCFMApp 0xb807b09e 0xb8000000 + 503966
    4 LaunchCFMApp 0xb808f402 0xb8000000 + 586754
    5 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80e46ca spinlockwrapper + 5140
    Thread 5:
    0 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80f7d28 spinlockwrapper + 84594
    1 LaunchCFMApp 0xb8110e54 CallPPCFunctionAtAddressInt + 72362
    2 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80818b6 0xb8000000 + 530614
    3 LaunchCFMApp 0xb807b09e 0xb8000000 + 503966
    4 LaunchCFMApp 0xb808f402 0xb8000000 + 586754
    5 LaunchCFMApp 0xb80e46ca spinlockwrapper + 5140
    Thread 0 crashed with i386 Thread State:
    eax: 0x00000003 ebx: 0xb807ae10 ecx:0x00000028 edx: 0x00000000
    edi: 0x82010f80 esi: 0x00000028 ebp:0xb7fffa08 esp: 0xb7fffa00
    ss: 0x0000002f efl: 0x00010246 eip:0xb808087b cs: 0x00000027
    ds: 0x0000002f es: 0x0000002f fs:0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037
    Binary Images Description:
    0x1000 - 0x2fff LaunchCFMApp /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Support/LaunchCFMApp

    I'm on a Mac and don't had this problem. But I do watch for
    video issues on this site and haven't seen this – I might
    have missed a few, but most Flash users are on Windows so I think
    it would be common if it were something wrong with Flash in
    Then again, what do I know? Because the more I'm thinking
    about it the more I think I might have had this problem. But I
    really can't remember. And sorry to say the solution was to not use
    the import function to edit my videos.
    You also might want to just see if it is the format of the
    file you are importing. Perhaps a different source will work
    better? I'm just grasping at straws here.
    If you have many of these to do and a budget I suggest
    getting a third party tool like Squeeze. Otherwise if you have some
    third party editor you might want to use that.
    Good luck!

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