Running PowerShell Studio psf file

I am using Sapien PowerShell Studio and created  a form (psf). Is it possible running a native psf on computers without PowerShell Studio or do I need convert it to ps1?

On a more serious note...put this in a file with any name ending in ps1 then open in PowerShell Studio:
#region File Recovery Data (DO NOT MODIFY)
You will have the original file (psf) back.

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    PSF is also an extension for color proof preset/ files in Photoshop.
    However, Photo Studio's PSF files may be opened in Photoshop if you change the extension to .JPG. However, you may be unable to use editing capabilities of the file.
    Do you have a Canon software where Arcsoft's Photostudio came bundled?

  • How to run Powershell script (function) through Windows Task Schduler ??

    Hello All,
    i have Powershell script which is created as a function. I have to give parameters to run the script. And it is working fine. Now i want to run this script through windows task scheduler but it is not working. I dont know how to call powershell function
    through task scheduler.
    From command line i run it like this:
    . c:\script\Get-ServiceStatusReport.ps1
    dir function:get-service*
    Get-ServiceStatusReport -ComputerList C:\script\server.txt -includeService "Exchange","W32Time" -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -SMTPMail
    In windows Task scheduler I am giving this: it runs but i dont receive any output :
    -file ". 'Get-ServiceStatusReport.ps1 -ComputerList C:\script\server.txt -includeService  "Exchange","W32Time" -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -SMTPMail'"
    Please HELP !!!

    Thanks for the reply:
    The script is already saved as Get-ServiceStatusReport.ps1 .
    On powershell it does not run like .\Get-ServiceStatusReport.ps1 (parameter).
    But i have to call it as function:
    Like this:
    Get-ServiceStatusReport -ComputerList C:\script\server.txt -includeService "Exchange","W32Time" -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -SMTPMail
    As you said:
    I tried to run it like this:
    -file "c:\script\Get-ServiceStatusReport.ps1 -ComputerList C:\script\server.txt -includeService  "Exchange","W32Time" -To [email protected] -From [email protected] -SMTPMail'"
    But its not working , on scheduler its giving error: (0xFFFD0000)
    Please HELP !!!
    function Get-ServiceStatusReport
    $script:list = $ComputerList
    $ServiceFileName= "c:\ServiceFileName.htm"
    New-Item -ItemType file $ServiceFilename -Force
    # Function to write the HTML Header to the file
    Function writeHtmlHeader
    $date = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')
    Add-Content $fileName "<html>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<head>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>"
    Add-Content $fileName '<title>Service Status Report </title>'
    add-content $fileName '<STYLE TYPE="text/css">'
    add-content $fileName "<!--"
    add-content $fileName "td {"
    add-content $fileName "font-family: Tahoma;"
    add-content $fileName "font-size: 11px;"
    add-content $fileName "border-top: 1px solid #999999;"
    add-content $fileName "border-right: 1px solid #999999;"
    add-content $fileName "border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;"
    add-content $fileName "border-left: 1px solid #999999;"
    add-content $fileName "padding-top: 0px;"
    add-content $fileName "padding-right: 0px;"
    add-content $fileName "padding-bottom: 0px;"
    add-content $fileName "padding-left: 0px;"
    add-content $fileName "}"
    add-content $fileName "body {"
    add-content $fileName "margin-left: 5px;"
    add-content $fileName "margin-top: 5px;"
    add-content $fileName "margin-right: 0px;"
    add-content $fileName "margin-bottom: 10px;"
    add-content $fileName ""
    add-content $fileName "table {"
    add-content $fileName "border: thin solid #000000;"
    add-content $fileName "}"
    add-content $fileName "-->"
    add-content $fileName "</style>"
    Add-Content $fileName "</head>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<body>"
    add-content $fileName "<table width='100%'>"
    add-content $fileName "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>"
    add-content $fileName "<td colspan='4' height='25' align='center'>"
    add-content $fileName "<font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>Service Stauts Report - $date</strong></font>"
    add-content $fileName "</td>"
    add-content $fileName "</tr>"
    add-content $fileName "</table>"
    # Function to write the HTML Header to the file
    Function writeTableHeader
    Add-Content $fileName "<tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%' align='center'>ServerName</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td width='50%' align='center'>Service Name</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td width='10%' align='center'>status</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "</tr>"
    Function writeHtmlFooter
    Add-Content $fileName "</body>"
    Add-Content $fileName "</html>"
    Function writeDiskInfo
    if( $status -eq "Stopped")
    Add-Content $fileName "<tr>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=left ><b>$servername</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=left ><b>$name</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td bgcolor='#FF0000' align=left ><b>$Status</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "</tr>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<tr>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td >$servername</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td >$name</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "<td >$Status</td>"
    Add-Content $fileName "</tr>"
    writeHtmlHeader $ServiceFileName
    Add-Content $ServiceFileName "<table width='100%'><tbody>"
    Add-Content $ServiceFileName "<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>"
    Add-Content $ServiceFileName "<td width='100%' align='center' colSpan=3><font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='2'><strong> Service Details</strong></font></td>"
    Add-Content $ServiceFileName "</tr>"
    writeTableHeader $ServiceFileName
    #Change value of the following parameter as needed
    #List of programs to exclude
    #$InlcudeArray = $inlcudeService
    Foreach($ServerName in (Get-Content $script:list))
    $service = Get-Service -ComputerName $servername
    if ($Service -ne $NULL)
    foreach ($item in $service)
    Foreach($include in $includeService)
    write-host $inlcude
    if(($item.serviceName).Contains($include) -eq $TRUE)
    Write-Host $item.MachineName $ $item.Status
    writeDiskInfo $ServiceFileName $item.MachineName $ $item.Status
    Add-Content $ServiceFileName "</table>"
    writeHtmlFooter $ServiceFileName
    function Validate-IsEmail ([string]$Email)
    return $Email -match "^(?("")("".+?""@)|(([0-9a-zA-Z]((\.(?!\.))|[-!#\$%&'\*\+/=\?\^`\{\}\|~\w])*)(?<=[0-9a-zA-Z])@))(?(\[)(\[(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\])|(([0-9a-zA-Z][-\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}))$"
    Function sendEmail
    $body = Get-Content $htmlFileName
    $body = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $from, $receipients, $subject, $body
    $body.isBodyhtml = $true
    $smtpServer = $MailServer
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtphost)
    $validfrom= Validate-IsEmail $from
    if($validfrom -eq $TRUE)
    $validTo= Validate-IsEmail $to
    if($validTo -eq $TRUE)
    $smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = $true;
    write-output "Email Sent!!"
    write-output "Invalid entries, Try again!!"
    $date = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy/MM/dd')
    sendEmail -from $From -to $to -subject "Service Status - $Date" -smtphost $SMTPMail -htmlfilename $ServiceFilename

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    I was able to install v3.3 with Linux installer, but when launching eclipse the "enter serial number" dialog appears, and after about 1 second the JVM dies.
    Any ideas appreciated,
    Henri Karapuu

    NOTE: Workshop Studio isn't supported on Mac OS. Here are some pointers for a workaround (if any):
    - Before proceeding, check if the installation was successful - <Workshop-Studio>Workshop_InstallLog.log
    - Check the following logs for errors/exceptions:
    workspace\.metadata\.plugins\com.m7.nitrox\wstudio.0.log- What version of JDK is configured on your system? You can find this info in .log file (search for java.version & java.vendor)

  • Run PowerShell script from C# writing to input pipe

    I am trying to run a PowerShell script from C# (I have no control over what's in the script). The script may have a prompt like "Press enter to continue". So my goal is:
    1. Get text output from the script (easy, many examples available)
    3. If output contains "Press enter to continue", write a blank line to the running script's pipe to make it finish its job and quit
    4. If output does contain that prompt, just let it exit by itself without sending any input
    Note that commands in this PS script also try to get at script's file path, so I can't read script from file and pass it as text. It has to be executed as a script so it knows where it's located.
    I have done this with .exes and batch files before. All you do in that case is process.StandardInput.WriteLine() which "types" enter into the input stream of script you are trying to control. But this does not work with Power Shell. How do I do this?
    I have tried using PS object model like so:
    using (Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline())
    Command command = new Command(scriptPS, true, true);
       pipeline.Commands[0].MergeMyResults(PipelineResultTypes.Error, PipelineResultTypes.Output);
       Collection<PSObject> psresults = pipeline.Invoke();   //...
    But I get an error because the script prompts:
    "A command that prompts the user failed because the host program or the command type does not support user interaction. Try a host program that supports user interaction, such as the Windows PowerShell Console or Windows PowerShell ISE, and remove prompt-related
    commands from command types that do not support user interaction, such as Windows PowerShell workflows."
    I also tried using Process, and running PowerShell with -File switch to execute the script, then write to StandardInput with C#. I get no errors then, but the input is ignored and doesn't make it to PowerShell.
    Please help!

    No man, what kind of answer is that? You should have left it unanswered rather than waste people's time like this. I already seen those links before I posted my question. They address the issue of specifying script parameters, but not
    writing to the input pipe.
    Fortunately I did figure this out by writing a custom script host for PowerShell. Anyone interested can read about this in detail on MSDN (fortunately simple material with samples you can copy paste as I did, so this solution takes little time to implement).
    Implement PSHost interface. Nothing special here, just paste directly from MSDN sample and modify their SetShouldExit function definition to contain just a "return;". Here's the relevant link:
    Implement PSHostUserInterface interface. This is the ticket to solving this problem
    (see below). Here's the MSDN link:
    Implement PSHostRawUserInterface. This may not be required (not sure) but I did anyway. Nearly a direct paste from MSDN:
    So, there are two PSHostUserInterface function implementations that are of particular interest. First is Prompt (read header comment to see why):
    /// <summary>
    /// When script attempts to get user input, we override it and give it input programmatically,
    /// by looking up within promptInput's dictionary<string,string> or lineInput array.
    /// PromptInput dictionary is mapped by input prompt (for example, return "" in response to "Press ENTER to continue")
    /// LineInput is a regular array, and each time the script wants to prompt for input we return the next line in that array;
    /// this works much like piping inputs from a regular text file in DOS command line.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="caption">The caption or title of the prompt.</param>
    /// <param name="message">The text of the prompt.</param>
    /// <param name="descriptions">A collection of FieldDescription objects that
    /// describe each field of the prompt.</param>
    /// <returns>Throws a NotImplementedException exception.</returns>
    public override Dictionary<string, PSObject> Prompt(string caption, string message, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<FieldDescription> descriptions)
    Dictionary<string, PSObject> ret = new Dictionary<string, PSObject>();
    foreach (FieldDescription desc in descriptions)
    if (this.promptInput.Count != 0)
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject(this.promptInput[desc.Name] + "\r\n");
    else if (this.lineInput != null && this.currentLineInput >= 0 && this.currentLineInput < this.lineInput.Length)
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject(this.lineInput[this.currentLineInput++] + "\r\n");
    if (desc.DefaultValue == null)
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject("\r\n");
    ret[desc.Name] = new PSObject(desc.DefaultValue);
    return ret;
    Next is PromptForChoice. Here I opted to always return the default choice, but you could rewrite it to read from somewhere to "simulate" reading from input pipe just like the function above:
    public override int PromptForChoice(string caption, string message, System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<ChoiceDescription> choices, int defaultChoice)
            return defaultChoice;
    Last but not least, here's a ReadLine implementation (again read header comment):
    /// <summary>
    /// If the LineInput is set, "read" the next line from line input string array, incrementing line pointer/// </summary>
    /// <returns>The characters that are entered by the user.</returns>
    public override string ReadLine()
    if (this.lineInput != null && this.currentLineInput >= 0 && this.currentLineInput < this.lineInput.Length)
    return this.lineInput[this.currentLineInput++];
    return Console.ReadLine();
    Both are exposed as properties:
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets the input pipe override
    /// </summary>
    public string Input
    return string.Join("\n", this.lineInput);
    if (value != null)
    this.lineInput = value.Split('\n');
    this.currentLineInput = 0;
    this.lineInput = null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets or sets input pipe override for named prompts
    /// </summary>
    public Dictionary<string, string> PromptInput
    return this.promptInput;
    this.promptInput = value;
    And finally, here's how the whole shebang is used:
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs a powershell script, with input pipe arguments
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="script">Path of the script to execute, or script text</param>
    /// <param name="inline">Whether or not to execute script text directly, or execute script from path</param>
    /// <param name="unrestricted">Whether or not to set unrestricted execution policy</param>
    /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to pass to the script command line</param>
    /// <param name="inputOverride">Input to pass into the script's input pipe</param>
    /// <param name="inputOverrideName">Input to pass into the script's input pipe, to each prompt by label</param>
    /// <returns>Output lines</returns>
    public static string PowerShell(string script, bool inline, bool unrestricted = false, Dictionary<string, string> parameters = null, string inputOverride = null, Dictionary<string, string> inputOverrideByName = null)
    string output = null;
    ScriptHost host = new ScriptHost();
    (host.UI as ScriptHostUserInterface).Input = inputOverride;
    (host.UI as ScriptHostUserInterface).PromptInput = inputOverrideByName;
    using (Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(host))
    if (unrestricted)
    RunspaceInvoke runSpaceInvoker = new RunspaceInvoke(runspace);
    runSpaceInvoker.Invoke("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted");
    using (Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline())
    if (inline)
    Command command = new Command(script, true, true);
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> param in parameters)
    command.Parameters.Add(param.Key, param.Value);
    pipeline.Commands[0].MergeMyResults(PipelineResultTypes.Error, PipelineResultTypes.Output);
    Collection<PSObject> psresults = pipeline.Invoke();
    var sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (PSObject obj in psresults)
    output = sb.ToString();
    return (host.UI as ScriptHostUserInterface).Output + "\r\n" + output;
    As you can see, I also did some magic with the .Output property. That just accumulates lines of text output by the script in every WriteXXX function implemented in your custom PSHostUserInterface. The end result of all this, is that if you have a script
    that has prompts, choices or reads from standard input, you can execute the script within the context of your custom script host written as above, to control precisely what strings are passed to it in response to prompts.

  • Run site studio site out side WCC

    We have a requirement where I would like to run Site Studio site built in WCC using Site studio designer out side WCC on a tomcat container. Is it possible? Can I just publish the site.xml file to the container and drop some of the Site studio jars in tomcat lib and run the site. Has any one done this?

    It is not possible - if nothing else, it'd definitely violate the licensing policy.
    What you can do, however (if you still pay the license!), is exposing the Site Studio for External Application (SSXA) - see, and for more details. It is, however, certified only with Weblogic and Websphere. Also, SSXA projects are not the same as Site Studio Designer ones, so you might have to port your application first (it uses a lot of shared concepts, though).

  • Run Powershell as Daemon

    Hi guys!
    Today i'm going mad!
    Is it possible to run powershell script as a daemon?
    I have some confused ideas so it's better if i tell you what's in my mind:
    I need to create a message (something like keep attention) if someone open some files with particular extensions from a folder into fileserver.
    I think: maybe powershell can read directly from fileserver what kind of files are open and who open those files!
    But I can't run script one time only, i need to keep script running.
    Ok, maybe scheduling i can resolve the last thing but please tell me if the underlined things are possible please!

    Hi A,
    I find this function which can help you get the open files and the user on file server:
    function get-openfiles{
    $collection = @()
    foreach ($computer in $computername){
    $netfile = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer/LanmanServer"
    $netfile.Invoke("Resources") | foreach {
    $collection += New-Object PsObject -Property @{
    Id = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", ‘GetProperty’, $null, $_, $null)
    itemPath = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Path", ‘GetProperty’, $null, $_, $null)
    UserName = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("User", ‘GetProperty’, $null, $_, $null)
    LockCount = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("LockCount", ‘GetProperty’, $null, $_, $null)
    Server = $computer
    if ($verbose){write-warning $error[0]}
    Return $collection
    Refer to:
    Viewing open files on a file server from powershell.
    And if you want to send message to remote server, you can try the cmd "msg /server:servernamehere * /v msggoeshere".
    If there is anything else regarding this issue, please feel free to post back.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang

  • How Do I Use DVD Studio Pro Files In iDVD?

    I had somebody create a DVD for me using DVD Studio Pro. (This was a compilation of many different videos.) It turned out great.
    I now want to make a DVD of one of those videos on my own using iDVD '08.
    I have the raw video/audio files. But, my problem is the raw files that were used for the DVD Studio Pro project are separated into one video file and one audio file. I don't know how I can get them both into iDVD. I was told that I have to recombine these two files into one file. But, how do I do this and still maintain the best quality?
    (I am not a video expert by any means, but I can tell you that the video file is a ".mpeg" and the audio file is an ".ac3". When looking at the .mpeg file in the finder it lists its Kind as "MPEG Movie" and when looking at the .ac3 file in the finder it lists its Kind as "Unix Executable File".)
    (I'm using iDVD 7.0.1 - I do have Quicktime Pro - I do not have the Quicktime MPEG-2 Playback component - I do not have DVD Studio Pro)
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Q: How Do I Use DVD Studio Pro Files In iDVD?
    A: You don't, essentially.
    DVDSP is apple's top end app and it is intended to be used with FCP > Compressor > DVDSP. All of these are pro apps.
    i-Apps are consumer apps all of which are QT based. With that in mind ....
    now that doesn't mean you can't use FCP > iDvd. You can. But you have to do it in a way that iDvd will read all the files (meaning you must think in terms of QuickTime and export in this way). So when you export your QT File / Movie from FCP over to iDvd, it will look something like this hopefully regardless of the raw image & audio files you have already compiled which unfortunately will NOT work with i-Apps BUT will work with apple's pro apps which is the intended workflow / direction of said files in the first place.
    Btw ... if your QT movie has chapter markers then please use the following settings so iDvd can read these markers. (if on the other hand you were looking to export this file to DVDSP; then you would choose DVDSP Markers.
    Let me know if the above helps. If not, just come on back.

  • New mac mini and imac vs powermac G5 running FCP studio

    I want to compare running the FCP suite on the new max minis and imacs that came out today vs what I am currently using:
    Currently I am running FCP Studio on a Powermac G5 dual 2GHz with one gig of ram. I believe the frontside bus is 1GHz. I believe the stock video card isan ATI Radeon 9600 Pro (AGP 8X Pro) video card with 64 MB of DDR SDRAM.
    With this being said, is it safe to assume that the new entry level mac mini would surpass my G5 in terms of performnce in both video (NVIDIA GeForce 9400M with128MB or 256MB of shared DDR3) memory processing (intel core2 duo 2GHz)?
    If not would the two low end Imacs (using NVIDIA GeForce 9400M with 256MB of shared DDR3 memory) and processing power handle FCP studio better than my current powermac G5 setup listed above?
    I am wondering because I spoke to a apple sales person who transfered me to a system engineer that said I'd have a slow time rendering video on FCP with the mac minis as well as the 2 low end imacs. This may be but Im wondering if it is still better than what I am using
    I appreciate your opinions, but please only answer if you really know,

    For FCP/FCS I would not save on anything but will get the max what my budget allow. You will be always doing more and the workflow in FCS will entice you to open almost all apps in FCS concurrently to make use of the advanced features. I think that the new iMac are powerful enough to handle FCS, but once again, the extra dollars will save you alot of pain. FCS is a pro app and is not to be underestimated. Good luck.

  • Upgraded to OSX 10.8.2 and now I can't run any downloaded dmg files.

    Upgraded to OSX 10.8.2 and now I can't run any downloaded dmg files. Says "the Following disk images couldn't be opened". and then say's there "isn't enough disk space" I'm pretty sure it has something to do with apps that are not approved by the app store. How can I turn it off?

    Select your hard drive in the Finder and choose File -> Get Info. What is the available space?

  • When downloading is complete, I can not see, run, nor access the file; it only appears in the "Downloads" window (and not the specified folder) and the only options permitted are to delete it, or to go to the download web site; what's blocking it?

    My PC's OS is 'MS Windows Vista Home Premium'. As my initil question states: When downloading, after the download completes, I can not see, run, nor access the file in it's designated folder. The download only appears in the "Downloads" window and the only "Right Click" options permitted are to "Remove From List", "Select All", & "Copy Download Link" I also can not double click to run it. What's blocking it?
    I have a similar problem when accessing .zip files that are attachments to my emails. Here, however, I can place the file in a designated folder, however, the .zip file and it's compressed content files are file-typed as "FireFox Document" and I get permissions errors when running an unzip tool.
    Why are my download files being quarantined ??? Is there a security setting option I need to change???
    To get around this, I'm using IE to download and install these files, but switching back & forth between FireFox & IE is a real pain.

    It's your anti-virus not working correctly while scanning. You can turn off the option to scan in Firefox's '''about:config''' by filtering for '''''' and double-clicking that line to change the value to '''false'''

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    I am seeking some favor all of experienced gurus, i.e.
    How can I run a a class file on the Apache server?
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    Please advise...

    cross posted

  • How can I run a SQL script file...

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    Is there some way I can set a "Working folder" in SQL Plus??

    You can create an environment variable called "SQLPATH" which is a list of directories that SQL*Plus will search for your .SQL
    I would like to use another directory than the oracle/bin...
    How can I do this ??
    U can do this by this way:
    Save odm_script.sql file to the default Oracle
    directory i.e. Oracle-Home/bin and Run following command
    through SQL Plus.
    I hope this will resolve ur problem.
    Omer Saeed Khan.

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    ...unleashed the power, explore and share ideas on power supply testing
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    Hi cmdrb,
    to run an executable you use SystemExec function.
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    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
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  • CS5 Hangs on Package

    Hello, I have started to have this problem since recently upgrading to CS5.  7.0.4 on OSX 10.6.7.  Never had an issue with CS4 and packaging.  It is exactly as listed in other posts in this forum, at the end of the package, it hangs, CPU goes to 100%

  • "Quicktime Conversion" quality drop

    Weird problem. When I "export as QT movie" the video in the Canvas retains it's quality and sharpness. However, when I "export as QT conversion" the quality takes a hit as soon as the export window opens up. Why should this matter? I need to export m

  • Pheedo is on every site I try to open and am not able to open any news sites. Why?

    when I click on a site such as any news site the address bar starts out https:// This copied from a site I tried to open. Just had my computer cleared of all virus.